
12 de marzo de 2019

PLEASE SHARE3.12.19 A brief message for all

Blue Wolf:


A brief message for all. I have not heard from either HSBC or WF indicating that they will impose a limit on the amount of Zim currency that can be exchanged, nor have I heard of any elimination of 6 zeros or anything around those lines.

Nor have I heard that the bank has declared that it will create some kind of maximum limit on the amount of money that will be deposited in a certain account.

Honestly, sometimes I wonder where these people come from this type of propaganda and why the intentions of limiting or paralyzing this blessing inspire God.

Let me tell you something, friend, God will not let that happen and, honestly, you and those who sent you should resign while they are ahead.

On the concept of where we are in this current time frame. I can say that we are about to receive a GO message in a short time (minutes, hours, days) because there is nothing that obstructs or delays this or anything.

The rates will be satisfactory for all involved and the things related to the exchange will be those agreed with the two banks elected or elected for this important RV event.

All the things that are expected of Iraq have been covered 100%, canceled in the Gazette and accepted by all the governments involved, so, please, do not create any other history of delays or what is not, it is enough.

The voice in charge of granting the banks the GO permission to open the envelopes containing the 800 number.

Everyone agrees that we are finally heading to the end of this wonderful and blessed journey, so be tolerant and let this flow. because everything will be over very soon.

The PLAN has had many obstacles for the rich money and the corrupt individuals of the government, but in agreement with the responsible ones that have been delimited.

The system for this exchange has been tested and APPROVED 100% safe and without failures at all.

I want to wish you all well when you receive your 800 number, but promise God and yourselves that you will do good for your brothers and sisters.

Be loved, be safe, be prosperous, be at peace, make changes and continue with them no matter what, help your country, rebuild where necessary, be responsible, put God first in everything you do and live life crazy for you to deserve it.

God bless, Na'mastes, Bluwolf "When I receive this, I do not think of myself because I am not greedy or move by vanity.

My thoughts are with my generation and my children and grandchildren are there.

My heart is with the People of Puerto Rico and the world, with the Caribbean islands and their people and with the needy of the United States and the world.

By helping the above, I will inspire the gods to do their job to protect and repair our Earth and its inhabitants.

Be blessed, kneel before the Lord and just say the following: "Lord, I ask you to bless my journey in his name, my success in every adventure in his Name and that his Angels and Archangels are with us to protect us. path

May it inspire help everywhere so that my eyesight falls and that help is imposed forever as the flow of water from an endless river, in the name of Jesus that I declare. Amen "❤❤❤

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