
19 de marzo de 2019

The lies of the media: Disinformation

His Gabi 
12 hours · 

The world is waking up to the fact that throughout our life has lied to us. From where we come from , where we are headed, it 's all a big lie. But the lie we have been living is about to stop. Protocols of Zion are the Plan for Operation-control-One World Government of the deep state. Protocol 12 states; "In our official statements, always we use an opposite opinion, and continuously make every effort to look honest and cooperative. The words of a statesman not have to correspond to their actions. " It is advisable to take fifteen minutes of your time to read the Protocols. Do not just read them, study them and explaining in detail what is happening in the world today and why. "

Print media truths half, lie, manufactured facts or contradict themselves . Reassure public opinion on political issues, persuade and confuseWe triumph over our opponents, who do not own the press and can not fully express their views. Journalists shall be bound by professional secrecy. No journalist betray this secret. To practice journalism must have a dark past and the fear of being exposed. " Protocols further explain the objective world domination is achieved through thought control public by monitoring what you hear and creating new conflicts or restoring old relationships through hunger, poverty and the spread of pests and diseases, seducing and diverting attention of young people . "With the help of these methods and more,weaken countries to be forced to givecontrol over the world"; At least this is their way of thinking; His goal.

Controls the narratives of economy and trade and you control economy and trade. Controls the narrative on politics and government and you control policy and governance. This control mechanism is used by controllers to channel power to the elite, thus turning society into a giant energy farm for the elite class.

 Thus, the media serve selfish purposes; often without thinking unjustly and falsely. Most of the public has no idea of the fact on which side the press. "We must keep the media firmly under our control. No message can reach audiences beyond our consent. " So, in other words,

Do not rely on mainstream media to explain the socio - political processes that shape our world with real precision and certainly not without infusing it into their own insidious agendas. The society is composed of narratives; Identity, language, etiquette, social roles, opinions, ideology, religion, ethnicity, philosophy, agendas, rules, laws, money, economy, jobs, hierarchies, politics, government. All are purely mental constructions that do not exist anywhere outside the mental noise in our heads.

Journalists enthusiasts learn more advancing in their careers to advancing narratives that favor the establishment on which the plutocrats who own large media companies have built their kingdoms.Manipulating narratives groups. The master manipulators are the kings of the modern corporate world. They have learned the secret that all governments have known since the dawn of civilization: who controls the narrative that a society believes, is the driver of that society. And that's exactly what President Trump and his team are doing now.

The mainstream media may be more widespread because they are better funded, but although they have the power of money, we have the power of many. And we have the facts on our side. We need to unite in our fight against disinformation machine and there are many ways that everyone can help. Remember, mainstream media were not made in one day. It goes back to hundreds of years ago. The media have always been part of their tactics. Fast forward to today; Note that government intelligence seized control of the media since 1948 and probably even earlier.

The media for the government and its control system are very important. It is your most valuable tool. They may reject any thought or argument that does not serve their agenda . That the news media is all about. All innocent and honest news can be neglected. - The Team Trump has said from the beginning that the Cabal media will be the last to fall. People are witnessing the changing media clique in real time. 

How to protect against brainwashing

Here are three simple things you can do to read the news from the media and instantly know what to do with the story and how to categorize the story in your mind, rather than believing it blindly, just because I saw on television or he read one of the mainstream media such as newspapers, magazines, or on a website . Think of this as an exercise of mental freedom. Watch the news through the eyes of history. Does it fit with what is known of historical events? Or it is that those who enforce the narratives of mainstream media ask you to create a sequence of events or a narrative that does not add up logically?

An example; the mainstream media reported a new war on terrorism, but historically speaking, it is widely known that the war against terrorism amounts to a massive loss of liberties, massive increases of state power and control over us, the people, while that there is no evidence that the alleged terrorist was arrested.So why accept this major news media? Watch the news in light of the stated objectives of the Nation;on a boat, no one would come to the sea without a compass and a map. So why blindly believe the news media so massive it is, without evaluating where this story is going?

The government and the control system are focused on implementing its new world order. They have admitted and have stated publicly and have written many articles describing this. They have launched illegal wars, and have passed decisions and laws consistent with these objectives stated publicly of wanting tocontrol the world. 

Create the seriousness of these clearly stated objectives of the deep state and then consider all the events of the mass media in the light of these clearly stated objectives. Then try to see how the book fits the goals. People really believe in the direction of the world and the news is a coincidence without any connection between them. What is not true.

A people are brainwashed to think that simple and easy patterns we observe are all about This theory of magical coincidence of life and the news is the signing of a state of brainwashing and a symptom that should be avoided at all costs . 

Try to understand what the media are not telling. Watch the news from theinside out, critically analyzing the news of the mass media. Focus on what you are not saying .

The mainstream media have admitted that their stories are controlled by the government. They're not even hiding this fact. Critically it depends on people walking through the process and convince yourself why not blindly believe the news media .

I break hypnosis through the media These three tips will help you overcome the hypnosis of the media and reach the other side, also known as reality 

1-It is changing the way people think and build their thinking with common sense in light of the known historical events and objectives set, instead of being absorbed by the powerful professional deep state propaganda .

 2-You may think that propaganda will not come to you, but these tricks and these media propaganda techniques have proven to work very subtly.

3-It has been found that convince even the smartest throughout history people and deceive you if you're not smart and look carefully with a vigilant mind . 

The above techniques are simple methods that can apply to become more intelligent, instead of a zombie brain dead absorbing increasingly lies and propaganda media with each passing day. Note that literally while you sleep at night, they are developing new stories for the next day. This is to protect your mind and thoughts of the outside world of deception and lies . Solidly grounded in truth and mental reasoning, free of counterfeits and deceptions.

Eventually, you'll notice, as they are secured firmly in truth and reason, that the traditional media are not even as good to shape their lies and deceit. You begin to see the comedy and the surreal nature of the whole circus known as the major news media. You will also see the wide disconnect with the media reality of truth and reason. Once you see it this way, you'll notice that you are completely free of lies in the media dominant government - controlled media. And that will be a good reason to celebrate enormously .

As an example; Wake ISIS news is not much. ISIS is a new experiment false terror intelligence agencies have financed and armed to keep their long-term plans. The stated objectives are clear and easy to understand.

mental stability

You understand these simple techniques to help you shape your mental discernment before listening to the media last minute on the latest news, it will give you a mental stability that can not imagine. Only becomes aware to choose it By acting on these synchronicities, the so - called meaningful coincidences: act on the movements that inspire us to act through listening toyour inner voice that comes from your inner being; your inner knowledge. Discernment is possible to pay attention to these basic instinctual feelings and intuitions.

Awareness means that comes from the heart, to contact and enter into a state of intuitive knowledge. Therefore, in contrast to Internet access, consciousness allows us to access our "internal network ". Detaching the mind control programming . Choose become conscious means separate from the mind control programming; escape the effects of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, conceived and built by the deep state prison.

Choose consciousness puts us on a path that has been denied us as a race since ancient times. Not many people know this , but they need to raise their heads above the cozy fortifications and have the courage and conviction to express their inner thoughts intuitive about right and wrong. Been released from the mental programming and the imposition of others, multidimensional consciousness, escaping dualist confinements of matter, energy and space-time, makes everything possible. The foundations of physical liberty. In fact, there are only two kinds of people on earth and no more. Those who want to control and oppress and those who want to stay alone and be free . Life really is that simple.

Once we see the simplicity of all this, you can be sure we will begin to test the "true freedom";mental freedom, which is similar to spiritual freedom, which is where true freedom really begins . The drivers know their armory is much weaker, weaker and more vulnerable than theyhave us believe. They have simply created a false reality to live, built on air and false words. Remember, the foundation of physical liberty is the freedom that we tend to regard as the only kind of freedom. On the contrary, before you can be truly free, you must be mentally and spiritually free. Are you taking steps towards the latter? Or are you vulnerable to slavery with every waking day?

We invite you to share your thoughts below. The Final Wake-Up Call 

Blessings His Gabi

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