
8 de mayo de 2019

Apolo message on May 5, 2019: "It's time to end the reign of terror

Straight from the heart - May 7, 2019  through Valerie Donner  Dear staff Ground: Here's a message of Apollo on May 5 , 2019: "It's time to end the reign of terror. Is complete. It does. You begin to see the walls of horror fall apart. None of the darkness will last. It will be completely destroyed. No survival for people who take advantage of others. It will be a completely new way of living on earth. You can really live a wonderful and perfect life. Joy and abundance are available to all. Be firm and ready for a big change. We are with you."

Much has changed in the last month. On April 5th we enter a new timeline and a new reality accordingly. Life and matter on earth felt it They celebrated the launch of the old timeline that was not working. Have you noticed how much has happened since the first week of April? First, Julian Assange was arrested. He is the guardian of many truths and information that could open some secrets that could change the planet forever.Then there was the fire at Notre Dame, the Mueller Report, numerous global false flags with shootings and fear - based events designed to keep humanity in terror.

Everything is moving quickly. There seems to be a council working with the land that has a list of certain events that must occur one after another to make way for the new. The dark are not used to losing and are desperately doing stupid events highlighting their plans and visibility. Kabbalah is being dismantled. The third dimension is imploding and are part of the microcosm of the macrocosm. Aluna Joy, who works with the Mayans and others, is one of my favorite writers on current events. On April 29, she wrote about: "2 Realities of time that we are moving in the middle":

"As you reveal this window, there will be an overwhelming change through their nervous / electric / magnetic systems. Be careful to stay away from stress and drama. Do not overreact to the dismantling of the old world. Just breathe. Step back from your heart and think before reacting. This process will be assisted by solar and magnetic activity and global events that shake the collective consciousness in the coming months. " This will also alter the Earth's core because it is mostly iron, which contains the old memory. Your life can be challenged in many ways, as the material world is a short, or you have to deal with some physical health problems, which may have braking ".

"There is a divine balance, collective, sustained and orchestrated by higher realms and humanity simultaneously. All sentient life have the opportunity to evolve into this new timeline. All sentient life will engage and represent their part at the right time. Not a moment to judge anyone for their choices or life prospects ".." Since December 21, 2012, Earth and humanity have been in the process of awakening Paloma. We entered another huge portal equinox (20 March 2019). we call these points rack power. once the rack clicks on another level, there is no turning back. you are now deep in the process of drawing the blinds. it's time these ready. DOVE wake is when all sentient life is aligned with the energies of pure creation. This could be seen as pure love, total awareness, or waking consciousness kundalini rising. This will manifest as view and create without any fragment of doubt or self-denial. This is already playing on the world stage. This is a realignment of the Earth "

"No date for the big event. Get caught not following a prediction of solid linear time. These predictions are created from an old reality that no longer works properly. I'm sure you've noticed this ... If you see a linear date, will miss spherical know the reality that is emerging in front of you at this time... These dates can make you feel that there is hope, or will be a final time when everything will change and be saved .... this is a monumental change within you and a total reboot of your memory and programming of ancient DNA. Bailarás between linear and spherical time for some time simultaneously. Yes, you will feel weird and a little out of control. (More soon in timelines bending).

Do your best to stay in a state of love, self - acceptance, patience, empathy and compassion for all humanity. Do not judge the process of anyone or belief system.Everyone is doing their part, even if it is very different from your way. " " This is the beginning of final separation. First you must be painfully aware of your differences, and also the difference between actual reality and what you want other things. most expectations were based on past vibrations that have evolved radically. Eventually, you will reach full acceptance and will have to love all your differences. the last stage, and its ultimate goal is to assimilate and not see differences at all. "

This new timeline feels different from the previous one.Not only everything is moving faster, but we are also discovering able to manifest quickly. The fifth dimension is about manifesting energies. It should be easier to manifest and life should begin to flow more easily. We need to be in the flow, because that's how it goes now. It makes our planning is difficult, so we have to be flexible. Our hearts are opening and an increasing number of people are waking up and responding to the energies and higher consciousness.

Ascension is part of the realization of our domain and how powerful they really are. While we are ascending, descending and we are also bringing other aspects of ourselves. This means that we will remember and we will use the many gifts and abilities that were dormant during our experience in the third dimension. We have the power to change the world and we are doing exactly that.

Some people are hypersensitive and need more rest.Please listen to your body and meets their needs. The animals are also becoming more sensitive. (My cat has been a little cranky lately). I am aware of what you eat.This transition period may seem a bit strange. We are being recalibrated and our systems are being updated.This is a special transition. We will come from our hearts and connect us to much higher levels. We connect with our families of souls and open the way to be with the Galacticos. We can not return to the old world. It's finished. We become as new when co-create.We will experience magic and miracles. Begin to realize how things are moving in your favor.

Posted by Everth THENANSHED, 1st Officer of the Galactic Federation of Free Planets. Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved. You can copy and distribute this article provided you do not modify in any way the content remains complete, the author receives credit and the URL is included in https: //misteri1963.blogspot. com and copyright notice

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...