
7 de mayo de 2019

Why is it so important to be more aware of your galactic lineage?


The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light:

"We are here now.

We love you.

We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.

Dear Ones, You are coming from a long line of Galactic Civilizations of Light. 

Some of you are going directly back to the Pleiadian and before that, the Lyran Civilization of Light.

Some of you have experienced life times with other Galactic Civilizations of Light such as the Andromedans, Sirians, Arcturians, Alpha Centauri and so forth...

Why is it so important to become more aware of your Galactic lineage?

The reason why you are in the place now to find out more about it is, that your Ascension process includes the unification of all your aspects. 

By that we mean your Angelic, Ascended Master, Telosian, Galactic and other aspect of all Realms of Light. 

You are now coming into wholeness. 

Also, you have learned many things during these other life times and realities that will assist you in your ascension. 

You have learned about unconditional love, sovereignty, oneness, creating realities, Source and your own soul in all your Galactic and other life times. 

Now is the time to take the best of these experiences and wisdom to enter the higher dimensions. 

You know innately that your journey is upward into these higher worlds.

It is a moment by moment journey through realities, which you are reinforcing with your thoughts, emotions and actions.

It is helpful to re-connect with the different Galactic Civilizations of Light from your other life times to receive assistance, wisdom and healing for this process.

They are your family from the higher realms...

We invite you to begin to make this request in your heart.
We are holding the vision of the New Earth with you and from our 
vantage point it is glorious. 

We are with you, every step of the way.

You are loved beyond measure.

We are with you... always. We love you.

We are you. Namaste."


Thank you, Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light!

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