
20 de mayo de 2019

"Why isn't anything happening?"

I started to tense up. 

"Of all the people, as a spiritual teacher and channel, I should be able to make Galactic Contact..." I thought to myself. Self doubt began to creep in...

It was the year 2010 and I was sitting on a rock on Mount Shasta, trying to call in my Galactic Family of Light. 

Just the week before,  I was unloading groceries, when I heard a male voice in my head say “Asara, look up!”

Right above me, about a mile over my head was a starship. 

It was completely silent.

I was unable to move and kept looking at the silver looking round ship above me.

"I have got to get more sleep. I'm seeing things already..." I thought to myself.

But it was undeniable what I felt in that moment.

There was such a profound love coming from it. 

After a few moments, it took off and flew towards the mountain.

The next morning a friend of mine, who also lives in Mt. Shasta called me and said "Asara, did you see the starship above your house? Wasn't it amazing?!"

"Oh, so it wasn't a dream!" I was relieved and  excited at the same time.

I realized that what happened the night before meant something significant.

In the weeks after my encounter, I was trying to re-create this starship experience to make more contact with my Galactic family intentionally and on purpose to receive wisdom, information, clarity, healing and so forth.

I had so many questions for my Galactic Family of Light... 

But, no matter what I tried, nothing happened. 

I saw all the amazing YouTube videos of starships and I wondered why others were able to see them and I couldn't.

I searched, meditated, asked and pleaded with the Galactic Beings of Light.

I tried everything.

Then, one day, as I was meditating, I was guided through a Galactic Initiation.

It felt like an intense release of all the heavy energies, beliefs and programing about Galactic Contact that I had carried with me for so long.

All of a sudden, I felt so much lighter and so much more connected with love and the entire cosmos.  

I felt that all blockages I had about connecting with Galactic Beings of Light where cleared.

Throughout this process, I could feel the presence of the Angels, Ascended Masters, Adama of Telos and most importantly, my Galactic Family of Light with me. 

It was as if they were carrying me through this.

Shortly after, I received a download of processes in my meditations to make more tangible Galactic Contact, invite real starships to show up in the sky and receive profound wisdom and healing from my Galactic family of light.

With their loving guidiance, I was able to further step into my Divine Purpose and to assist people from all over the world to begin their Galactic Contact experience and for them to share their light with more ease and joy.

Most importantly, it allowed me to assist others to experience their Galactic Initiation, which also opened their connection with the Angels, Ascended Masters and Adama of Telos.

All your meditations and activations you have received so far, have let you to this moment in time. 

This is the moment, where you can ask yourself:

"Do I want to want to take my spiritual journey further?"

"Am I ready to remove anything blocking me from connecting with my Galactic Family of Light and all Beings of Light?"

If your heart says yes, then click below for more information:

We are holding the vision of the New Earth with you and from our 
vantage point it is glorious. 

We are with you, every step of the way.

You are loved beyond measure.

We are with you... always. We love you.

We are you. Namaste."


Thank you, Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light!

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...