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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta CONSCIOUS. Mostrar todas las entradas

19 de agosto de 2019

Inevitable Changes From Dark To Light

The expansion of consciousness is never ending because the Universe keeps experiencing and expresses itself into matter and form, to gather information before turning into non-matter this is what this game is all about. Return to light, non-matter, going full circle. EVOLUTION!
We never stop growing and expanding and it gets easier the higher our vibration, because we are losing our fear frequency. Meaning, the highs get higher and the lows become less frequent and lose their power over us. Our current system has to go into chaos in order to rebuild to a higher frequency of existence, tear down the old to build the new. It’s a Universal Law and the basis of every evolutionary process. A rigid structure cannot sustain itself forever.
Just like the Awakening process many are going thru now meaning the cellular restructuring of our physical bodies and the reprogramming of our cellular memory thru DNA activation, thru these higher frequencies. It’s purpose is to get you ready for the higher dimensions, the 5th dimensional frequencies. We are becoming our higher multi-dimensional self.
So many are fighting these higher frequencies which are forcing many to question their belief system, but it will happen to everyone whether you fight it or not. It’s inevitable…it’s just up to you how painful you make it on yourself. It’s like you’re an organism full of cancerous cells that are being healed. Don’t fight it! Once humanity heals itself, the system will follow…no doubt about it.
That’s what all this global chaos is all about. Remember, change only happens from within. Light workers are strategically placed all over the world to create a ripple effect, changing the frequency of humanity and the planet as a whole. We are entering the final cleansing stage of the New Dawn (New Earth) so is it any wonder why the Pleiadians call us “The Bringers of the Dawn?”
We are getting rid of our 3D programming and no one said it was going to be easy. We are going in and out consciousness from 3D to 5D sometimes in seconds. This is all part of our recalibration process. Revelations of the old system of control by the global elite will be a “massive trigger” for humanity in our Awakening process. These revelations will be very dark and ugly but necessary. We are in the beginning stages of what it means to be non-human. Buckle up!

20 de mayo de 2019

"Why isn't anything happening?"

I started to tense up. 

"Of all the people, as a spiritual teacher and channel, I should be able to make Galactic Contact..." I thought to myself. Self doubt began to creep in...

It was the year 2010 and I was sitting on a rock on Mount Shasta, trying to call in my Galactic Family of Light. 

Just the week before,  I was unloading groceries, when I heard a male voice in my head say “Asara, look up!”

Right above me, about a mile over my head was a starship. 

It was completely silent.

I was unable to move and kept looking at the silver looking round ship above me.

"I have got to get more sleep. I'm seeing things already..." I thought to myself.

But it was undeniable what I felt in that moment.

There was such a profound love coming from it. 

After a few moments, it took off and flew towards the mountain.

The next morning a friend of mine, who also lives in Mt. Shasta called me and said "Asara, did you see the starship above your house? Wasn't it amazing?!"

"Oh, so it wasn't a dream!" I was relieved and  excited at the same time.

I realized that what happened the night before meant something significant.

In the weeks after my encounter, I was trying to re-create this starship experience to make more contact with my Galactic family intentionally and on purpose to receive wisdom, information, clarity, healing and so forth.

I had so many questions for my Galactic Family of Light... 

But, no matter what I tried, nothing happened. 

I saw all the amazing YouTube videos of starships and I wondered why others were able to see them and I couldn't.

I searched, meditated, asked and pleaded with the Galactic Beings of Light.

I tried everything.

Then, one day, as I was meditating, I was guided through a Galactic Initiation.

It felt like an intense release of all the heavy energies, beliefs and programing about Galactic Contact that I had carried with me for so long.

All of a sudden, I felt so much lighter and so much more connected with love and the entire cosmos.  

I felt that all blockages I had about connecting with Galactic Beings of Light where cleared.

Throughout this process, I could feel the presence of the Angels, Ascended Masters, Adama of Telos and most importantly, my Galactic Family of Light with me. 

It was as if they were carrying me through this.

Shortly after, I received a download of processes in my meditations to make more tangible Galactic Contact, invite real starships to show up in the sky and receive profound wisdom and healing from my Galactic family of light.

With their loving guidiance, I was able to further step into my Divine Purpose and to assist people from all over the world to begin their Galactic Contact experience and for them to share their light with more ease and joy.

Most importantly, it allowed me to assist others to experience their Galactic Initiation, which also opened their connection with the Angels, Ascended Masters and Adama of Telos.

All your meditations and activations you have received so far, have let you to this moment in time. 

This is the moment, where you can ask yourself:

"Do I want to want to take my spiritual journey further?"

"Am I ready to remove anything blocking me from connecting with my Galactic Family of Light and all Beings of Light?"

If your heart says yes, then click below for more information:

We are holding the vision of the New Earth with you and from our 
vantage point it is glorious. 

We are with you, every step of the way.

You are loved beyond measure.

We are with you... always. We love you.

We are you. Namaste."


Thank you, Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light!

Cmdr Ashian: The quest of the ages is at an end, these are the moments before the summit is reached

13 de enero de 2019

Tips for meditating in life

• When you get sick, instead of hating that evil, consider it your teacher.

• In the place where you live, always consecrate a place to the sacred.

• Always finish what you started.

• Do what you are doing your best.

• Do not chase yourself to anything that eventually destroys you.

• Develop your generosity without witnesses.

• Order what you have messed up.

• Learn to receive, appreciate each gift.

• Do not lie or steal, if you do you lie and steal from yourself.

• Make work plans and complete them.

• Do not take up too much space.

• Do not appropriate anything or anyone.

• Deal equally.

• Do not sell yourself.

• Respect the contracts you have signed.

• Be punctual.

• Do not envy the assets or successes of others.

• Never threaten.

• Make your promises.

• In a discussion, put yourself in the place of the other.

• Admit that someone surpasses you.

• Overcome your fears, each of them is a desire that is camouflaged.

• Help the other to help himself.

• Transform your pride into dignity.

• Transform your anger into creativity.

• Transform your greed into respect for beauty.

• Transform your hate into charity.

• Do not praise yourself or insult yourself.

• Treat what does not belong to you as if it belonged to you.

• Do not contract debts, acquire and pay immediately.

• If you offend someone, ask for forgiveness.

• If you have offended publicly, excuse yourself in public.

• Do not keep useless objects.

• Do not give accounts to anyone, be your own judge.

• Never define yourself because of what you have.

• Never talk about yourself without granting yourself the possibility to change.

• Accept that nothing is yours.

• If you decide to work for others, do it with pleasure.

• If you hesitate between doing and not doing, take a risk and do it.

• Live from a money earned by yourself.

• Do not boast of love adventures.

• Get to distribute.

• Help your neighbor without making him dependent.

• If you are meditating and a nuisance arrives, put that discomfort aside or meditate with you ...

Greetings and blessings for you ... Coty

© misteri1963 this publication can be reproduced freely provided that it respects its integrity and mentions the author, the translator and the URL as the source and the copyright notice.

21 de noviembre de 2018

Beacons of Light November 2018: Reset

energy update

Greetings from Home,
I’m Elrah of rhythmic service. I’ve come to join you today to take you on a journey and tell you a little bit about the next several months ahead on planet Earth. The first four months of 2019 are going to be huge for all of humanity, because you have an opportunity to layout the general direction for the next 20 years. Now, does that mean that you can’t change things after re-setting the course? Yes, dear ones, you can change things at any time you like. You can shift a lot of energy, for you’re on the planet to free choice. Yet there are openings and energetic time frames that are superior for making some of these changes that you’ve always wanted to make. Now, I will tell you what is happening from the larger aspect of things. You’re probably all wondering what is going on in this world, especially what has happened to your politics and governments.
Many of these energies are in a very big shift right now, as if somebody took the rug out from under you and shook everything up a bit too much. Well, that had to happen in order to take these next steps. Keep in mind, dear ones, it isn’t about fixing everything. It’s about mastering everything that comes into your field. You’ve got more things than you can probably juggle at one time. But you’re doing better with it than you think. You’re here to make a difference and you’ve already made a huge one. Dear ones, the first four months of 2019 will be critical for a lot of you, and you’ll have a lot of personal things changing.
2019 Side Roads
Some of you will have doors open, others will have doors closed a bit. For the most part, you will have an opportunity to step into an entirely new realm, a whole new way of thinking in a new energy. It will be much more to your liking, and in greater harmony with you. Now, dear ones, you’re still here at the end times when there’s likely to be a lot of challenges on your planet. However, it doesn’t always mean that you must be right in the midst of it. There are places you can be, opportunities you can put yourself into, and boundaries that you can set for what you will take into your world and what you won’t. All of those are not only possible but very definable, especially right now. So that’s why we’d like you to be thinking about what your role will be stepping into 2019.
What will it feel like for you to step in fully awakened with all your creative abilities? Well, it’s quite an interesting process. We can’t imagine all the things that you’ve created out of your boredom. It is time to look ahead and start to see the larger picture. Between now until late April 2019, doors will open that will set the momentum for the next 20 years. It’s a great time to get creative and set that dream into motion.
“Am I really doing what I came here to do?” Well, there might be a few adjustments that you can make in the coming months to align yourself for this period in early 2019. It will be very critical for a lot of people to set their energy for what is to come. You have a lot of changes going on, but re-member you can change your path at any time. It’s very simple. What do you want to be a part of? How do you want to help? Where do you want to be in 15 years? That’s really what it’s going to amount to and it’s quite fascinating. Some of you are thinking the water is going to rise. We tell you this: things will take place on planet Earth, and while some events are expected others are not. Changes will become more intense, so we are asking you to think about where you wish to be as these changes advance.
The reality is that you have come in with a unique part of the puzzle. Yes, you will be called into service at some point; you may know it, or you may not. Between now and the first four months of 2019 is the perfect time to re-position yourself. It may be moving to a new location, or it may be starting that business that you have wanted to. Perhaps it will be writing that book you wanted to write. This is the time to re-position yourself for the next phase of the game. Yes, some of you will want to go to the mountains and protect yourselves. Others will end up putting themselves right in the middle of the change, as this is where their puzzle piece fits best. Many of you will want to be there in the right place and time, because you have contracts that will start unfolding. You may have the opportunity to help someone and you may not even realize it. But perhaps that person may have played some very critical points in your present life and in previous lifetimes. You will have many opportunities for people to come to you for things. It maybe a completion for you, although something you’re not familiar with at all. Over time as this comes to you, you’ll have opportunities to clear things both forward and backward.
Spiral Time
You are now in spiral time, which is quite a bit different than what you are used to. It will take some time for people to fully understand the concepts. Dear ones, you can see much more of your past within your future right now. Most of the collective is looking at the past, for they haven’t learned to look in the future yet. Now we’re going to show you that one, too. We are going to have you working with that one quickly, because it is coming for all of humanity. Now that you’ve moved into spiral time you may have noticed the changes. You’ll feel it first on the outside edges of consciousness and over time you will tune it into your core vibration.
Over the next couple of months if you have the positioning that you need to put yourself in that place, we ask you to start doing it. It’s time to make those moves, grasp your reality and start using it. Just a few moments ago that the Keeper was answering a question about depression on your planet and he was talking about getting tools in place. One of them that he mentioned was cleaning out the garage. We hope he heard that himself! Whatever is needed to grasp your reality, to set up your surroundings and to support who you really are. That’s going to be very important during these times. These next few months especially will happen quickly and be rather critical. Some of you will find out you have gifts that you may not have known about.
The Next E Wave Is on the Way
Some of you have specific contracts to fulfil, things that you’re going to do in ways that you can work with other people. But I tell you, dear ones, you’re all quite magic! The timing is perfect for a lot of your awakening currently. Many members of the family of E are in their infancy right now. Because so many are babies right now, you don’t feel all their support. Trust that they are here, and you will feel the connection whether you have children or not. You’ll feel that base support shifting. Instead of fighting and arguing to take this side or that, you can start coming back together as humans who have only pretended to be separate.
Seeing Your Lives with Contrast
It is very difficult to see you from here, almost as if you can only see one side of a person at a time. That’s a natural pull out of the polarity of the third dimension. As you start pulling things away, people take hold of them saying, “No, I don’t need that now.” Or “I want that instead, that’s how I live my life.” Yes, you have some very interesting things that have taken place. You’ve loaned your money to your political systems and now they’ve nearly taken control. We’ll see how well you can pull that power back and make your voice heard. We also tell you that it’s part of the changes that are taking place everywhere. Don’t feel depressed if you don’t get your way with something, and trust that your voices will be heard in a different way.
Feeling Lost?
Don’t feel discouraged if you don’t see exactly where you’re supposed to go. That has all started to shift, as you will see over the next several months. The veil will move aside for just a moment. Then you’ll be able to catch a glimpse of where you’re supposed to be, and you’ll re-member what you had in mind when you came here, because you’ve all come with very specific purpose.
Although the energy moves in your way, sometimes you have a contract to work with that energy, to change and shift it to anchor it somewhere. So, look for those opportunities that are coming. We’re so proud of you. You’ve come at just the right time. You simply must grasp what it is you’re doing, then ask for that next piece and walk through it. You’re the masters of the game board, dear ones, you are awakening from the dream.
It’s with the greatest of honour that we greet you in this way. We ask you to treat each other with respect. Of course, nurture one another at every opportunity. You can play with rhythm a bit, too. It’s going to be fun! Enjoy the journey and play well together.
I am Elrah of rhythmic service.
The Group.
» Source » Channel: Steve Rother

16 de noviembre de 2018

Goddess of Creation: Clearing Past Lives Through Your Divinity

light spiral gate eraoflight
Your soul is your I AM presence. Your soul is your like with God/ Goddess. Your soul is impacted by the many past lives you have experienced. Therefore your soul is YOU; the good, the bad, everything.
During this channel, the Goddess spoke briefly about how people can access their past lives through the Akashic records or through their divinity. She worked this time with the divinity because it is directly about you, it is giving you a clear image of who you are. As each past life cleared that was holding you back, there was a greater amount of white light that was added to your soul. Your soul is already immense and filled with light. This gives you a chance to experience to create greater flow and strengthen the bond.
We cleared past lives just in general and then one about relationships. We also linked w with a part of the soul that can teach you in your life now. So too it gave you a chance to practice being in the light of your divinity as you perceive life and situations.
Nama Sika; Venia Benya I AM the one, I AM the whole
I greet you, beloved family. I reach out from my heart to yours. I reach out, sending you love, light, energy, joy, compassion; whatever it is that you may need in your life in this now moment I send you from my heart to yours.
Indeed there is a huge transformation that is taking place both out within the universe and here upon the earth. This transformation continues to be about the ascension process. It is also about you the individual on your personal journey, you the individual as part of the human race, you the individual that is that tiny piece to the massive puzzle that is represented by the interactions of those upon the earth, the angelic realm, the light beings and all the many individuals both upon the earth and out in the universe.
There is a relationship that takes place where there’s an easy flow of energy. This energy that comes from I the Goddess and God energy; that comes from the angels and the light beings is here with the clear intention that each one of you have access to this. It is yours; it is in support of you. May you always know that you are loved, you are never alone, this is for you.
As you ground yourself, I invite you to take a deep breath in where you breathe into your nose; feel that breath of energy and light as it moves into your head. It goes into your heart center and then send it down into the earth. As you send this energy into the earth you may feel it as it moves in and out in different directions.
When you work consistently with grounding your human form by sending your consciousness in such a way, it is as if there is a pattern or there is a space that allows you to anchor in and it is created for you and by you with your repeated connections. You allow that energy of Gaia and that grounding light to move back up to that column of light that you have created. It comes back up into your heart center and you feel yourself anchoring here upon the earth. You then send it further up. It goes up through your energy bodies, it goes out through the top of your head and you have that sense of connecting to your higher self.
Here within your higher self you have access to look at your life from that higher perspective. It is a place where perhaps you come together and create in your everyday life looking at potentials. It is that blend with your divinity and you the human. If there is excess energy or things that have not worked for you still taking up space within your higher self, ~whew~ clear it out.
As you clear out the energy of your higher self it allows you even more awareness for you to be able to discern. You then allow your consciousness to go even further, it streams upward, it connects within that space of your divinity. It may be something you see, it may be something you feel, howsoever you perceive this connection allow your focus to merge fully.
Your divinity is your alignment with you. You as the many, many lifetimes; you as God source, you as the absolute loving, accepting, balanced essence of yourself. As you feel this energy of your divinity filling you up, I invite you as your consciousness to look out and feel my embrace. As I merge with you, you recognize how I as the Goddess amplify all of who you are as the human and as your soul, allowing our energies to blend fully.
As our energies merge you may feel us moving into the space of the All That Is. Take a moment and just feel what this space is for you.
Each of you have had many, many lifetimes upon the earth. These past lifetimes are recorded in several different ways. You are very aware of the Akashic records having used them many times in the past.
Let me rephrase that. We in these teleconferences have worked with the Akashic records, in addition it is something very commonly spoken about by people, energy workers, channelers, mediums, different people.
The Akashic records are actually a blending of many different experiences. Each of you have multiple lifetimes that are recorded in your Akashic record. However, there are also lifetimes that are communal so to speak; where multiple different people have lived that similar lifetime each from their perspective.
Another way of looking at past lives is from within your divinity. One of the things that is so essential about your divinity is that it is you as your soul, as the source of all that you are and that soul is made up from the different lifetimes that you have had. Some of these lifetimes are things that are now holding you back. Some of these lifetimes are giving you the tools that you need to succeed in this life.
Through the ascension process you have the ability to work with your divinity, where whatever it is that you connect to it is completely your own. As you transition these lifetimes that no longer serve you it allows your divinity to become much more cohesive. You may have a different perspective however one way of describing this is that you as your divinity are a brilliant white light, within that light are multiple segments like pieces of the puzzle that have created the whole. Some of those segments are less bright than others. Some of them might be completely blank as in not representing light or reflecting light. Most everyone has multiple different experiences that make up their I AM Presence.
I invite you to have a sense of just allowing your consciousness to relax. As you relax consider for a moment if there is anything from a past life that no longer serves you, either in that lifetime or right now, allow that to come up for you.
As you take in whatever this may be, some have a sense of seeing pictures, some intuitively know what happened in the lifetime. If there’s something that’s going on in your lifetime right now that might be impacted from this past lifetime ask to know what that link is for you.
As you consider what that may be, ask to know what lesson was important for you to know from this.As you consider this past life, ask to know, whatever it is that you may need to know on a conscious level.
When you work with a past life in this way it can sometimes make you very anxious, it can sometimes bring up emotions that are challenging. Therefore as you align with whatever that life is, as you acknowledge for yourself, whatever was meant for you to know, then let everything come together; just bring it up, bring it up, bring it up ~whew~ and clear it out.
As you clear out that past life, have a sense of just cleaning off your aura. Have a sense of looking and perhaps multiple lifetimes were affected by that one, therefore as you clear from your consciousness and into your divinity, take a look at it again as if you are just cleaning out this energy and now as you consider your divinity take a moment and take in what it feels like.
For some, this may feel a little more abstract, for others it may be more specific. As with anything in energy work is your intention that is the primary way in which you align with whatever the clearing may be.
Open up your consciousness and ask to know, is there another past lifetime that is holding you back? As you consider this lifetime ask to know, is there a person in your current lifetime of relationships that is also affected or impacted by this past life?
If you would like to understand more then ask for greater clarity so that you may understand more fully what that lifetime was for you. As you consider relationships, is there with these perhaps one or two individuals a link to multiple experiences between you and that person. If so, understand where the foundation was created and then have a sense of just pulling up those roots from whatever that foundation is ~whew~ and clear them up; as you pull those roots out from your divinity, immediately the white light of your soul moves into those spaces filling in the places with greater balance, love, light, source, energy.
As you consider relationships, perhaps there is no distinct alignment with your past life, however, if there’s something in your current reality, about the relationships, that’s no longer serving you bring that energy together as if you are pulling it up calling it down from whatever it is being your thoughts and beliefs, pulling it up from any emotions, bring it up, bring it up, bring it up ~whew~ and clear that out.
It may be that the relationships remain within your life, however, let go of that old energy, let go of that perception or the experiences that are painful to you ~whew~ let it go. And with your inner eyes I invite you to have that sense of taking on or opening up to your divinity even though there might not have been a specific link to past lives simply clearing out relationships that no longer serve you, be it conscious or unconscious in any form. Observe the way your divinity continues to expand.
Let us turn this around now. Consider something in your life that you have been seeking to know or understand.
As your divinity it may be you have the answer from another life experience or it may be a bridge to something else. Therefore, when you consider whatever it is that you bring up into your consciousness invite your divinity to show you the answers. It may be something you see; you may feel it, sense it.
If there is something within you that is struggling, perhaps feeling less than or not enough invite your divinity to just shine the light upon your consciousness. Allow it to just beam into you the unconditional love, the acceptance, the knowledge, the answers and be open to receive howsoever it may come to you in this now moment as if your divinity just beams a light towards you; embrace it.
You may actually feel it in the consciousness with which we communicate, and it will also just immediately flow down into your human experience. As you allow that to strengthen as you allow that energy to be expressed as you, you can send it into a situation.
We have spoken before about the importance of disconnecting from low vibration. Low vibration are perhaps people, perhaps experiences that hold you down when you are in their presence. It may be a situation that just simply is discordant with you as your intrinsic self and therefore you send out a particular vibration, the situation brings in a different vibration and there’s that feeling that is disconnected and you might struggle or you might be pulled into a situation that no longer supports you.
As you are here in this presence, as you disconnect from whatever that situation may be you can then as we are doing in this now moment, look at that situation through the eyes, the senses of you as your soul.
I invite you to do this without any form of control. You need not tell anybody anything, you need not make anybody else’s choice for them, this is strictly about you observing a situation, allowing the light of your divinity to illuminate all that is within that situation.
When people speak of God working this is one of the ways in which God works with you and for you.
Be in this experience. Be in this now moment. Be yourself as source.
I speak frequently about your potential to empower yourself as the human in this lifetime. Empower to me is about you being in the vibration of love and source which is your divinity. As that vibration works with you, within you and through you it strengthens your sense of self, it strengthens that knowledge that you are infinite, it fills in the spaces in your energy that feel disconnected, therefore, sending a flow of love, of light and then energy through everything. Feel what this is. Accept it as you; you as soul, you as source, you the human.
It is powerful. It can transform anything upon the earth and it has transformed. Throughout the millennia people will tap into this energy, allowing it to strengthen them, clear obstacles and illuminate potentials. I invite you to just bask in that energy for a moment.
If you would like to create something that becomes and immediate link, perhaps a symbol, a sound, a word, create something in this now moment that you can use in your daily life that will bring you back into this now moment.
And again another wave of love, a wave of the strength and the balance and the power that is you as your divinity flows through you and it goes into any situation in which you may find yourself.
With the greater clarity that you just found within your alignment, you may choose to go back and look at any other past lives. You may choose to look at your divinity with the intention of understanding whatever you may need to know.
You take in a deep breath and you know that you are loved, that you are balanced and that you have access to anything you may need in your life.
Have a sense of recognizing that this alignment with your soul will always be there and available to you. Therefore, each of you as your consciousness and as your soul, I invite to come back as a group. Some of you have gone to many different vibrations within the All That Is. Some of you are continuing to work with your past lives.
I invite you to come back and create a circle that not only amplifies you as your divinity it is also going to bring up more of you as the human. As this circle is created you may see that hologram of the earth that comes up. As this hologram comes up within the group you recognize that there are many angels and light beings that are also a part of this group.
The hologram itself seems to spin or rotate and as it does so everyone sends in that greater clarity about their divinity, that greater clarity of having cleared out the past lives and that greater balance that comes from that intrinsic alignment within you. All of that is sent into this hologram, the hologram then moves out into the universe and it moves down into the earth.
As it moves down into the earth it moves through the magnetic grid, it moves through the energies of the earth. As you clear the collective consciousness you are infusing all of that immense white light and all of that immense light of your divinity letting it filter and move through clearing out the collective consciousness, clearing out all those past lives that were released this evening and that essence of the hologram goes down into the center of the earth.
As you connect within the earth it merges with those crystals and then it comes up and out from the earth. It clears those old connections; it clears the lower vibrational energies allowing for more of the high vibrational balance and divine to come up through the earth itself.
Each one of you through that connection you have to Gaia receives all that you did this evening. It moves into you, it comes up into your energy bodies and up into your heart center, anchoring you and allowing you as the human to continue to integrate these energies. So too, it clears the collective consciousness moving up through the grass, the water, the trees, moving up into every person, be they conscious or unconscious that are in this space to integrate this journey.
As you allow for that integration and that grounding to take place within you, you also bring back the rest of your consciousness. As you do so you have that sense of all that took place in the All That Is manifesting both clearing and amplifying in your divinity and it comes back down through that stream of consciousness that is you, moving through your higher self, moving down into you as the human and some of it will even stream around the outside of you.
As It Clears Your Energy, It Anchors within you.
Take a moment that you may integrate the transformation of all that you’ve cleared out and released and all that you are now open and receiving in a much more conscious way.
As you work with your divinity, allowing for that flow to go from your human reality into the soul plane into the All That Is and letting that, it’s almost like it’s a flow that moves between all the levels of consciousness. You will begin to recognize that you can release anything, be it past life, be it energy imprints, no matter what it is you can clear out and release anything at all that is holding you back so that you are here in the presence of that which fully supports you, of that which is the expression of the love for you as source.
You are amazing. You are the reflection of God source in this specific person. Know that you always have the support of I the Goddess, the angels, the light beings. We are all here to help you see yourself as we see you and that is a fully connected and balanced individual that reflects the love and the light of their divinity in all that they do.
Beloved family I am always with you.
» Source » Channel: Shelly Dressel


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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...