, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f8c47fec0942fa0 Misteri1963 : Galactic Federation of Light, light frame



Galactic Federation of Light, light frame

If you post this on other sites please add this note. Thank you.
Hello everyone. Over the past 11 days I have been trying to solve my problems mailing lists, to no avail. My nerves are shot be on the phone to my server and trying to figure things out on my computer. Drained to the core! Sorry, no doubt, some people do not want these messages to bring light out there, and I would like to send me to the funny farm! LOL ... (As you may recall, I went through all this again in March!)
Full time beginning rehearsals on Monday. The universe always gives me a professional show than a year ... (that's all I ask / need). Therefore, there will be no pipes until the end of September this is the only way I have to let people know.
After the show is running, I'll be looking at a new bulk email server and I'm very lucky to have had a lady from the US offer to sponsor me for one year subscription. I choose to find one based in Australia. Less complicated ... it expected.
OK. Well done, if you are in my newsletter and I found this! I would be very grateful if emails could be kept to a minimum or sent without an answer ... during my 'playtime'!
So for now you goodbye, and Cheerho course ... unless something major happens and I am called to duty!
Thanks to everyone who publishes these channels on other sites and social networks. Every little bit helps the planet.
Sending so much love and Golden Rays
G. Flower
And here is the lastest pipeline.
Hello my friends. No doubt in my mind, the less light are doing their best to drive me crazy! And it's working! Again, I can not send my newsletter to inform people that a new conversation with us is published. I will not go into it here, but I guess it is a wonderful proof that what you have to say is the truth and is trying to be canceled. Therefore, let the battle 'of! Could you talk to us about how to connect more consciously with energy boxes that spoke last week?
Welcome to you dear flower and although we are aware of the 'delicate web' you reside within at this stage, we are also aware of their strength of Light and are still able to maintain their high vibration in order to 'tune' with we. Thank you.
These higher energy levels that filtered through his own sweet way ... ... we would say have a life. We both say they are not scheduled, however, even more, which are wireless smart energy they know exactly what to do and where 'deposit' themselves.  You, in human form, however, as its 'SoulHighSelf' also knows how to connect with them simply 'address them ' as his friends. Because in fact, each incision is one that is part of the agreed plan.
Incision? Bit of a strange word to use?
We are using the term to mean the infusion / cut through.
Yes.  I understand you. It's what I thought. Assuming also that I AM THE LIGHT. I am Love. I AM mantra is a very powerful way to connect with them.
Is it so. For encoding power within those words it is like a magnet for them.
The higher you as an individual ... Each one of you ... you have allowed to wake the 'right place' it is within these 'spheres' to meet.
However. Suddenly it changed the word boxes 'spheres'. Yesterday I met a loved one 'exceptionally' clued friends (Masters meant?) And they said the boxes were actually spheres. Lady association had 'seen them' when 'be somewhere'.
Is it so. Spheres of a magnitude that can not be understood enough.
... regarding my own curiosity ... Why is not the term 'spheres' used before?
We are now. When they mentioned moons ago, 'cajas' was more appropriate for metaphor and then, from our last conversation / communication ... ... respect ... we brought the matter to the term as in the past ... 'Level 1 2 and 3 boxes. There is only so much we can 'fit' within our time together!
That was fun and I can tell you also have fun while carrying this through. I know my friends will be glad that you have confirmed this. Suddenly I feel very emotional (far from unusual at the time!)
Flower dear, dear souls who touch base with us through these communications and individual communications Alma-Love ... ARE THESE TIMES '' very emotional!
Not only are releasing the old way of thinking ... / ... Being themselves and on behalf of others ... well ... you attune / mix ... with these higher energies that they are offering a vibration highest of Love itself.
As your being ... tune / adjust ... at these levels, then their souls are recognizing that they are coming ... contact / contact ... and put your heart into ... ' overwhelm / overload '... in a good way ... and yet, because of all the crumbling of all ... everything feels like you're all wrapped up in one.
What is ... I do not know if I'm Arthur or Martha!
This is an indication of what we're understood ... scrambled / upsidedownness. This requires not only take place in a ... universal / global level ... ... However, in / within ... an individual, too.
Back to the 'sphere of' if you can ... because I feel are important.
You can say that ... there is nothing more important. Imagine seven vast spheres.
I'm sure it's the number of my friend saw. In days of old I questioned myself about this coming through now, because my brain receives information yesterday from my friend. No longer. I'm all growed now!
Imagine ... two lines of three one below. Tune through breathing and 'I AM' mantra / chant / connection and feel can be taken to the Sphere that suits you and stay there for meditation.
Keep in mind. This is for the improvement of Light. It is a way to connect and yet, not that you are actually entering this sphere, literally, since it is not possible to do it. It would be too much for your soul to do so. However, it certainly is a 'tool' to help you connect with them. You can say that is a version adapted for your ... Being 'use' ... during this transition period.
I'm right in thinking ... no matter what ... we could not get into these areas because of the enormity of their energetic vibration?
Right. However, to work in connection with them is a very powerful thing to do.
OK. Therefore, this may be a meaningless question, however, where exactly are these spheres?
They are circling the planet.
All of them?
A difficult question to answer. The best we can say is 'presence' is known that the outer layers of the planet, however, that phase in and out ... the release of 'levels' of Light Energy as and when appropriate.
Therefore, they are actually 'visible to the eye' one should be going that way?
Going through there, one would have to be of a particular vibration to begin with You can say yes ... that are visible to those who can see them!
I understand you. Fair enough. And it is obvious that they are very involved with what is happening at this time on our planet? Silly question!
However, one can answer. Yes, indeed. They have been 'watching' for millions of years 'time'. They are an intelligence that can evaluate everything that is happening.
Wait, when you say everything that is happening, do you mean literally? As in who is the president of each country? Who is unreliable? Who it is not? You know what I mean? As in a way that 'we' are shown?
Flowerless. Not this way. They operate on an energetic level. They evaluate the energy of your planet ... not only as a whole, however, 'sections as well. 
Whoa! Warped I just suddenly a feeling of higher energy ... and ... now!
These spheres are of love.
A love that defines love to know your truth ... to feel its truth.
Its purpose is to prevent your PLANET fall further.
HIS DESIRE ... that mission ... to raise their planet in a higher place ...   with your help.
These spheres are friends.
These spheres are part of God's plan to bring bright SENTIMIENTOS to exercise their Beings.
FEELINGS you know ... YET, have long forgotten.
These spheres are on your side.
You come from these areas.
WOAH! Wait a Tootin Pickin 'seconds. WE COME these areas ?????????
You can say that was his method of delivery.
However, you said you could not be in them fully because they are too strong (Or something.)
Too strong for you now. However, when humanity as a new beginning ... new race / ... arrived, the 'welfare state' was certainly capable of being ... it / part of it / in it.
Will we be created?
No. saying they were his ticket to the stars, to his planet.
Seriously! This is such an inopportune moment to talk about this drip ... as I am unable to connect with you for a while after this communication ... we will all stay! What you say makes me feel as if these areas were kind of ... how shall I say ...?
We'll try. What are you feeding through flower it is that ... these energy spheres were carriers across dimensions "and then release the energy of humanity ... the existence of mankind ... on / in / within a level ... that 'aspects' of your Higher Soulself could be deposited in creating.
Blowing brains !!
And yet, not what another level entirely understand what?
Yes, and yet, as I say, I must be off-hire for a while ... how can 'put it in a small box and wrap it'?
In saying that we want.
That tells you that you already know all this.
Mentioning that not all stops along as it should and in the month that is not available to chat with us ... we are very close to each of you ... both in thought and spirit. Allowing us to lift until the consciousness of understanding that are much more than once accepted well being.
Join our energy on display ... / ... meditation ... areas that have been created to connect with you.
Thank you so much guys. I hope next time and yet eager to feed my soul, fill it with my passion of being on stage. Whether for a short time only! I LOVE. In gratitude. In loving service. I AM!
The audio of this channeling is posted below shortly.
My next event is in Hawaii! HURRAH!  

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