, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f8c47fec0942fa0 Misteri1963 : The 5G Agenda pro-illuminati



The 5G Agenda pro-illuminati

Reminder: To the thieves. You are also indirect criminals. You will eventually get caught for theft and attempt of murder Hi!(The raw-food Cult + Other Lizards) Fear is the biggest killer, not stress! The 5G Agenda is a hoax promoting fear. It’s a pro-illuminati tactic, a black-magick spell. Great Spirit is in Power. People like David Wolfe and David Icke, are major pro-genocide supporters. David Wolfe and Icke are VALIDATING the evil game they are NOT AGAINST it. They are very desperate people in support of the Illuminati New World Order. They are using basic reverse psychology and AI weapons to hide who they really are: LOW VIBRATION REPTILIANS. These reptilians can breed perversely off of fear. It’s not (5G) they are pissed about, it’s (5D). They are trying to dismantle the 5-DIMENSIONAL Ascension, and it’s impossible. LIGHT ETS can deactivate this emf radiation when necessary. There’s a greater plan involved here, and any mass disruption like this is Evil. 5G IS a mark of the 5D dimension Ascension, it's a communication program that exceeds other technology allowing more energy to flow. It's one thing to promote health-fortifying products that can change lives, it’s another to make big huge elaborate scares, and to top it all off use AI weapons to push this 5G into actually doing what they say through black magic. Of course there are poisons in this world, but this type of Illuminati Program hyper-promoting the "tortures" of 5G is discrediting the power of Great Spirit, creating false worship towards an Atheistic, “we are all going to fry” world. BOTTOM LINE REPTILIANS HELP IN ORDER TO HURT 10Xs MORE. THEY ARE THE ULTIMATE THEFTS and CRIMINALS.

These little creatures have built an entire “health” Summit to Hypnotize people into the dangers of 5G, EMF radiation. Great Spirit is on board and going along with it, laughing. 5G cannot hold enough power to hurt anyone, these people are claiming it is. Wolfe and Icke are NOT HELPING people they are creating big Fear Propaganda Programs, creating placebos and AI hypnotic spells to threaten and harm people’s lives. LOL OMG: “5G Mobile Phone and Internet Transmitters are being set up all around us—all over the Western world. None of us will escape exposure to 5G.“~david wolfe. Is this the apocalypse? NO, IT’S END TIMES AND YOU ALREADY LOST SATANIST. Get OFF your FALSE high horse. LOL No No, WOLFE wants to make money off of 5G for one, because that helps feed his parasitic-bug reptilian humanoid self. Wolfe has infiltrated into the health industry for fraudulent purposes. He is a reptilian humanoid, he attempts to KILL PEOPLE INDIRECTLY. He mass-programs his followers into thinking there life is threatened and that they kind of suck at life health-wise, and threatens people with self-help comments minimizing their power and sucking off their life-force. HE HAS NO POWER: HE LIVES OFF OF OTHER PEOPLE’S ENERGY BODIES. HE ALSO USES AI technology that actually does threaten and damage to varying degrees.

WOLFE AND ICKE have promoted a holistic case ONLY because they don’t think anyone is going to live long enough to see the light of day of the GOLDEN AGE on EARTH. I have known satanic people that tell it to my face, this world is ENDING before you die, “No worth having children, Alyssa”. They want this Planet to deactive, and destruct, DAVID PARTNERED WITH MONSANTO HIMSELF WITH HIS FIRST COMPANY, THAT IS NO ERROR.
No matter what these reptilians are doing, BOTH DAVIDS are now chorded and they are being ultimately used as Deprogrammers, they have lost (even though Great Spirit is easing the blow for them) Giving them time to transition as either transmutating or being controlled by the light, and reflect on their Loss. They can no longer be held as False Power-Handlers. Keep trying Mr. 5-G, we’re 5D. Lemurians are #1.

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