
8 de diciembre de 2019

A Saul Message:*@To awaken is to know who You are

As a large part of humanity – those who are aware that they are on a spiritual path leading to their awakening – waits expectantly for the awakening to happen, much is occurring worldwide that is very unsettling for nearly everyone, and very painful for those who are living in war zones or in areas in which the planet herself or the weather is causing damage and disruption on a large scale. This is all in preparation for the awakening, because much negativity – resentment, hatred, bitterness, anger, and negative judgment – that humanity has been clinging to, has to be seen, acknowledged, and released in order for you to awaken.
Those strongly held feelings and opinions most definitely affect not only those who live in areas where they are endemic, intensifying them, but also people all across the world, and the planet herself. Therefore it is essential that you all open your hearts, even more fully than you already have done, to allow Love to flow through you far more freely to those who are living in fear and thereby shutting It out of their lives. Your intent to share and extend your Love to all on Earth, regardless of the apparent differences between you – whether of race, color, or ethnicity, of religious or political beliefs, or any other differences – is the most effective thing you can do to assist in the awakening process.
Your awakening is inevitable, because it is God’s Will. And, because it is God’s Will, it is also your will, because You and He are One, always, eternally, in an infinite state of joy! You have never left that state, but the vast majority of humans focus their attention on the myriad distractions with which it seems that the illusion, the dream/nightmare state is continuously presenting you. It is a very noisy and disturbing environment, and while you focus your attention there it is practically impossible for you to be aware of or access the field of Love in which your eternal existence is forever playing out in supreme happiness. Some of you have had moments when you very briefly experienced that Love, when you actually felt It, and It mightily changed your perception of life permanently. Fear then fell away, leaving you in a state of peace and acceptance, knowing that you are indeed beautiful sentient immortal beings, infinitely and eternally loved by God.
You are all, every sentient being on Earth, Love incarnate in form. Love is the infinite and eternal flow of energy that is the life force within those forms. That is, You are the Love that expresses Itself through each and every form. While in form your memory of your divine nature is forgotten, and the life paths that you have each individually established for yourselves, and which you are following in every moment, were specifically designed for you, before you incarnated, to lead you back to remembrance of who you truly are, namely One with Source, Mother/Father/God, LOVE. And, of course, there is nothing other than This!
To awaken is to know who You are, and in knowing who You are great joy arises because You are then instantly aware that you are eternally alive in this wondrous state that no words and no poet can ever express. It is a state that has to be experienced by each of you individually, and as it arises in your awareness You instantly know that You are One, that there is no separation, that there is only Love, God, Source without end, limitation, or boundaries of any kind whatever.
Life as a human is rather like living in a maze or a labyrinth from which there appears to be no exit except through death! And this is very disturbing, exasperating, frightening, and depressing, so people seek distraction through a variety of hobbies, sporting activities, and easily accessed non-activities such as watching movies, or aimlessly scanning social media posts in the hope of finding an exciting drama in which to engage. Anything to avoid being alone with themselves, because most people have a deeply ingrained sense of unworthiness, of not being good enough, or not as good as . . . a family member, a friend, or someone of public note. Being alone with one’s self, aware of one’s self is very uncomfortable because then the ego judges and condemns the self for all its perceived failings and inadequacies.
However, you are ALL perfect divine beings! You were created perfect, because what God creates can only be perfect, and that state never changes!
Nevertheless, because for the most part you identify with your bodies, which age, get sick, and die, the idea that you are perfect not only fails to resonate with you, it cannot resonate with you, because death – which for bodies is inevitable – is what you fear the most. And of course your egos powerfully encourage you to identify with your bodies and, therefore, with them. Your egos thrive on your sense of separation because you then turn to them for advice and guidance, and what they offer you is always negatively judgmental of your bodies and their senses, and appears to be true because you are forever finding fault with your bodies, and it therefore seems that that fault finding is valid! In a way it is valid because your bodies are vehicles of limitation, they were chosen by you to provide the experience of limitation . . . but you are not your bodies! You are immense beings, far vaster than the universe in which your bodies are experiencing themselves as small and insignificant time limited forms in flesh.
However, while you are in form, your bodies provide you with the experiences you chose to place on your human life paths before you incarnated, experiences that you chose for the lessons with which they would present you. And those lessons always occur at precisely the right moment, although frequently they are not recognized as lessons, and may even be seen as calamities or catastrophes because they are not aligned with your egoic desires.
As most of you are very well aware, meditation is highly recommended by all the major religions, by spiritual teachers everywhere, and also by those in the spiritual realms who speak to you (like this one) through channeled messages. The reason for this is because it establishes you in a relaxed state in which your egos are relatively quiet, almost peaceful, thus allowing you to listen to and hear the guidance that your spiritual support team offers you when you call on them for advice. Some of you refer to that guidance as ‘intuition,’ but what you choose to call it is totally unimportant, what is important is that you listen for it, hear it, and avail of its help in your daily lives.
Meditation has also been scientifically proven – in the last few decades – to be of great value in helping to keep your bodies healthy as it dissolves excessive levels of stress, and strengthens your immune systems. So, as I keep reminding you in the messages that I offer you, you need to make a meditative practice an essential part of your day . . . every day! It is so easy to find yourselves overcome with massive ‘to do lists,’ and then your egos suggest that missing your practice just this once is OK, and that anyhow you can make up for it tomorrow. Obviously neglecting to meditate occasionally will not harm you, but it will weaken your practice and make it less effective.
I recommend it, because meditation is the key to maintaining your peace as you go about your daily lives, and one of the best ways to practice is to settle yourselves quietly, where you will not be disturbed by others or by social media devices, and then choose to go within, to that holy inner sanctuary that you all have within you. While you relax in that holy space set the intent to open your hearts fully so that Love may enter to embrace you. It is always with you, because You and It are One, and when you invite It in It will embrace you, intensifying your sense of peace. Therefore, it is an excellent way to start your day. And while you are in a meditative state any doubts you may have about your existence as eternal, beloved, and perfect children of God will soften. These doubts are an aspect of being human, of being limited, of being less than, and they are invalid, but your egos do not want you to let go of them, because, when you do, they lose their power over you, as you find yourselves increasingly at peace, and increasingly aware of the truth that you are indeed a perfect and beloved child of God.
With so very much love, Saul.

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