
8 de diciembre de 2019

Dissolving Chaos, Confusion, Conflict and Negativity by Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael

Channeled through Natalie Glasson - Original source: Sacred School of Omna 
Following a pipeline Collective Soul Group for Earth Ascension Upgrade Workshop by Archangel Michael. Audio recording of the workshop can be downloaded from the Holy Tent School Omna in '  Recordings of the workshop  '.
Greetings, I am Archangel Michael, I come with grace, love and the truth of the Creator who wishes to awaken within you the same thing. I am known as an Archangel Protection, Will / Power Divine and the Divine Plan. You can use my help to protect you , it is to keep your energy field and as the light of the Creator. You can call me to wake up and support your experience of the Divine Will and Power of the Creator, I will support you in your truth and be an expression of the Creator. I, Archangel Michael, help you to receive and enact the Divine Plan of the Creator in every moment of your existence on Earth. In doing so, you will improve your confidence in yourself, your presence on Earth and the Creator. With confidence you become a shocking and powerful expression of the Creator on Earth,  inspire and awaken others to be the same. I, Archangel Michael, I present to support you in the true identity of the Creator you are.
Many are experiencing chaos, confusion, conflict and negativity at this time on Earth, either within their own beings, among people or the world. These four energies seem to go on and publicize their presence. Take a moment to recognize if you are experiencing chaos, confusion, conflict or negativity within your being with others and are recognized in the world around you. Try to understand how it is impacting your being, you yourself and your relationship with the Creator. You may be able to recognize the limitations, control and suffering that is causing his whole being. Chaos, confusion, conflict and negativity are projected into the consciousness of humanity. Even those who are awake and aware of the presence of the Creator within them may find that the energies projected by those who wish to gain control are shocking for loved. The energy projected by those who do not understand the light and want to dampen the divine mind emerging within many on Earth can create a powerful shift when they are approached with divine consciousness. Power turns any trace of chaos, confusion, conflict or negativity within you, what you can rise to your consciousness. Therefore, you have the opportunity to release it and choose a new incarnation vibration to strengthen your divine truth. The energy projected by those who do not understand the light and want to dampen the divine mind emerging within many on Earth can create a powerful shift when they are approached with divine consciousness. Power turns any trace of chaos, confusion, conflict or negativity within you, what you can rise to your consciousness. Therefore, you have the opportunity to release it and choose a new incarnation vibration to strengthen your divine truth. The energy projected by those who do not understand the light and want to dampen the divine mind emerging within many on Earth can create a powerful shift when they are approached with divine consciousness. Power turns any trace of chaos, confusion, conflict or negativity within you, what you can rise to your consciousness. Therefore, you have the opportunity to release it and choose a new incarnation vibration to strengthen your divine truth.
I Archangel Michael, I invite you to notice the presence of chaos, confusion, conflict or negativity within your being, with others or on Earth. Do not look, as this will attract even more simply observe without judgment or fear. The energy of chaos, confusion, conflict or negativity required to become a new vibration of light to serve you and all.
Imagine if 50% of the population will focus on transforming the energies of chaos, confusion, conflict or negativity in new vibrations of light, a wave of healing so powerful that it would impact all begin. Imagine if you focus on transforming any chaos, confusion, conflict or negativity within you and experienced in their daily lives. Imagine the liberation and created the powerful beacon of light in which you would become. Truly you go out in your divine presence, because the chaos, confusion, conflict and negativity no longer have control over you. Transformarías instantly energies.
Transforming the chaos, confusion, conflict and negativity
 I, Archangel Michael, I want to share with you some tools to help you transform chaos, confusion, conflict and negativity within your being, your life and the world. I want to share with you energy vibrations to which they may appeal, following its internal guidance on what would serve their purpose and create the transformation required. You may want to use this method:
  1. Recognize the presence of chaos, confusion, conflict or negativity. What is this? Where is this  What are you creating? (No matter if you can not answer these questions, the simple recognition of the presence of one or more of these energies is sufficient).
  2. "I'm ready, willing and open to free and transform the energies that do not serve / in this relationship / the world to embody the Creator."
  3. Let yourself be guided to one or more of the vibration energy, I, Archangel Michael, I want to share with you. Each vibration energy is a tool and technique, frequency energy that can turn to be anchored and activated. It will create a healing, liberation and transformation. It is not necessary to indicate the transformation or the result you want to create. The release of chaos, confusion, conflict and negativity is the result we want and amplification of light.
  4. Once you have chosen the appropriate frequency energy that provided; It is important to invoke the incarnation. 'Archangel Michael, I invoke your presence and divine energies so that you come near me. Now I want to activate and anchor the Archangel Michael ...  (indicate how often) to create liberation, transformation and magnificent light on ....... (describe the situation, either within you, with others or the world). Thank you.
  5. Stay in meditation while receiving energy. I, Archangel Michael, I can guide him or inspire him what should be achieved or how the energies work. Enjoy and trust the process.
You can achieve this practice as often as you feel guided and increasingly recognize the presence of chaos, confusion, conflict or negativity.
Here are my transformation frequencies gift you now:
  1. Mental strands of Divine Awakening of the Archangel Michael
  2. Archangel Michael's Rainbow Light Healing
  3. The imprint of the awakening of clarity and purity of the Archangel Michael
  4. Codes and sounds of angelic peace of Archangel Michael
  5. Repair and repair of the etheric body of the Archangel Michael
  6. Healing Team Michael the archangel
  7. The subconscious mind cleaning of the Archangel Michael and the divine manifestation
  8. Divine Harmony Archangel Michael, Stability and Serenity
  9. Divine Reconciliation and Forgiveness Archangel Michael
  10. Archangel Michael Celo of divine life
  11. The tranquility of the Archangel Michael and I am Codes
I am present with you service


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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...