
20 de marzo de 2020

Ten days of darkness explained

Més opcions
Sent to me by a good friend last night. Spot-on assessment. There are millions of us who’ve been studying Q’s cryptic posts for the last 2 1/2 years. I’m 99.9% convinced that #TheStorm is here.
“Ten days of darkness explained:
So ready for the REAL juicy stuff? Trump said yesterday Americans should not gather in groups of more than ten for the next 15 days! Holy SMOKES! There are families with more people than that. That's basically voluntary medical martial law. There is no way that doesn't hurt the economy. Trump and the repubs know this and are going to ask for an insane $850 billion relief package from Congress. Pelosi will undoubtedly hinder that. The current package is being held up because Pelosi inserted 87 pages of additional material hoping no one would read it, but they are.
The other thing Trump did is say the virus would linger until July or August. That's just not true based on what we are seeing in China. Following that model we should be completely fine by May. His statement caused the Dow to drop a full 3000 points. I have no idea why he said that, but back to the 15 day voluntary quarantine. That is a response FAR out of proportion to the situation.
The virus is already well contained, fewer than 100 US deaths. 100 people die every day from car wrecks. But notice when the 15 days are up. April 1, and the travel ban is set to end 10 days later on April 10. 4-10-20. Trump's initials, DJT, something referenced by Q. That's ten days.
This gets to my topic title. Ten days of darkness. Before I get into that, Q has said MANY times that we "have more than you know". I've always assumed that, but his posts can be so cryptic to the point of unreadable, but it looks like he told us what was going to happen NOW about three years ago. Q has mentioned "ten days of darkness" several times with an anon asking when those days would come. Q actually responded saying "shutdown". This is VERY meaningful, but I am sure a bit blurry so let me back track. Two and a half years ago Q posted, "Dark. Darkness. Learn double meanings. SHUTDOWN." He just told us what that means. Darkness. Not literal. In the military sense when communications are completely down. In other words no communication. A month before this he posted this, and this blows me away. "Ten days. Darkness. Scare tactics [MSM]. D's failing. R's walk away/removed. SA-->US-->Asia-->EU"! Clear as mud, right?
Here's the summary. What Q is saying above is there will be ten days of darkness. The anons think that means there will be no social media, no TV, no radio, possibly no internet. NO ONE will know what is happening. The military will shut it all down. That's when the real operations take place out of sight from the media, from everyone. Keep in mind, the National Guard has been activated now in 22 states and counting, the military just recalled vets, and every branch of the military posted on the same day the green light images saying they are ready to take on the enemy. What enemy? Trump has brokered peace in Afghanistan and brought back half our troops. Same with Syria. They are ready for something. What does the last part ( “SA-->US-->Asia-->EU” ) mean? It means Saudi Arabia first, then the US, Asia and the EU. Do you remember last week, the brother of the king of Saudi Arabia attempted a coup? Since then, over 298 high ranking Saudi officials have been arrested with aid from the US. Saudi Arabia first.
Well that puts the US next, and look at the window.. Two weeks from now. Q has said a dozen times light comes from the dark or “dark to light” and many variants on it, but the message is constant. Darkness first. Look at his post. MSM pushing scare tactics, dems failing. That is NOW! The anons also claim the coronavirus that was ***manufactured*** was also later neutralized by the white hats who removed two inserted HIV gain of function genes, rendering the virus harmless. The media is pushing this as if it was the original deep state virus. But Q said panic is essential, and why would that be? To cover their tracks, but here's the more important point. Panic keeps us at home. Trump just said not go gather in groups of more than 10? Is he kidding? Nope, it is for our protection, but not from the virus. It's a protection from FALSE FLAGS. Look at what he's done. According to the anons, once the arrests take place, and the white hats make their move, the deep state's self defense will be mass false flags.
How do you stop this? You make sure no one is in school so no school shootings. No one is at a theater so no theater bombs, etc. In other words, there is NO chance for mass casualties. This is BRILLIANT if true. I mean this is the stuff of movies. How do you protect the entire country? Just like this. Genius.
Q has also said “PANIC in DC”, which means Patriots Are Now In Control in DC.
By the way, people have asked what are the white hats. In the old western movies, the good guys ALWAYS wore white hats, and the bad guys black hats, hence the white hats are the good guys. The anons also provided a ton of other information. If you look at a map of the large quarantine centers set up around the US, they coincide with where the majority of the sealed indictments have been filed. Some aside tidbits that I found fascinating: The very first day Q ever posted, Trump made a tweet in which the letter Q is posted in caps as a stand alone letter. It's the only time he did this in 2017. Additionally, the anons did research and found the lab in China is partially owned, by, yes, George Soros. Not a coincidence. XBox Live was shut down, and why that matters is Q has said the deep state communicates to each other through XBox live, and these take downs are presumptively to interfere with their communications.
This all sounds crazy, and none of us can imagine ten days of darkness. Who on Earth knows what they will do during that time, but it's all just conspiracy and crazy, right? We have some proof. A top White House staff tweeted out that Evergreen's coronavirus is in critical condition. Evergreen is the Secret Service name for Hillary Clinton. Is that a message that the deep state CV-19 has been a failure?
Then we have this, and there is no mistaking this. ***HUGE***. Trump tweeted a video out about how to handle the coronavirus, and at the 21 second point at the top in the title a Q appears in bold followed a second later by +. Q+, Trump. Someone MADE that video clip meaning that was inserted on purpose for us to notice. Q has gone dark but is still speaking to us, CRAZY times you all.”

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