
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Europe corruption. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Europe corruption. Mostrar todas las entradas

14 de noviembre de 2017

why there must be resistance to a European superstate?Catalonia is aware and that's why punish

by  Julian Rose May 2016 13
d the Website  ChangingCourseForLife

Julian Rose is a pioneer of organic farming in the UK, a writer, international activist and president of the International Coalition to Protect the Polish landscape.
He is the author of two acclaimed books: Changing lifetime and in defense of life.

Catalonia is aware and that's why punish

The European Union is a super-state, a centralized trading bloc, whose conceptual origins in the Third Reich of Hitler's Nazi Germany. The concept of 'global trading blocs' and was well established under Hitler's regime, but its origins go back further: to the British Royal Society.

Post colonial ambitions were incubated British Empire around the desire to form a series of global business empires whose leadership would essentially elitist and corporate, with banks especially at the helm.

Here is the origin of the concept of "free trade".

A pattern of trade that is anything but "free" due to the fact that it is designed to prevent any country to stop any other country to resist the importation of products that have no need or no desire:
ie GMO corn and soybeans, beef raised using growth hormones or cheap products produced in mass stores that undermine the country's ability to block trade their own items homemade quality.
The  "free" trade  is controlled by the  World Trade Organization , another autocratic institution from top to bottom, whose board is composed of the CEOs of large multinational and transnational corporations in the world, with a unique interest in  the profits  and  power  .

A distinctive feature of the dream (nightmare) capitalist neo-conservative and neoliberal, who is dying a painful death, even as I write. 

Greens, including political faction unknowingly or unthinkingly (or both) keeps one foot firmly in the door of such regimes, they seem to ignore the forces that drive the corporate agenda ruling the planet Earth.

Perhaps because his arm campaign is obsessed with finding ways to promote completely meaningless drawer multiple uses of "sustainable development" or discussing the effects of 'climate change' or naively favoring ' Agenda 21 ' to exercise depopulation in the field.

Just does not seem to matter to most international environmental organizations.

This could be because these organizations have already been living out of the pocket of corporate bag for at least two or three decades. Probably they heard the phrase "do not bite the hand that feeds you" and agreed that winning the war against global destruction is best done intimate with the very forces that are complicit in the destruction process.

This can be easily achieved by offering a small green turn as fair exchange for being funded to beautify other corporate agendas so insufferable.

Consumers supposedly 'aware' are no better:
"A Big Mac and a Starbucks coffee free trade, please. Oh, and add a pinch of ultra heated organic milk homogenised please".
I wonder if some savior green consumption has never heard or read anything about the founding fathers.

They were people who understood something about human-scale communities, and the inherent values ​​local and regional production and consumption of quality products produced on a relatively small scale by committed individuals.

The European Union is the largest trading bloc in the world and is run by an executive of unelected technocrats, power hungry, sitting in the offices of the European Commission.

Its existence was planned and executed at the meeting 1955 Rome ' Club Bilderberg ', a secret society of elitists despots, whose function is to set the agenda for a centralized super-state - and ultimately the world - in which the most powerful oligarchs retain 100% control over the evolution of society.

The European Common Market was established in 1958, three years after this meeting Bilderberg.

His co-founder  Jean Monet in a 1954 letter to a friend, pleaded no absolute disgrace that the goal was to create a "federal Europe". 

But to do so covertly, it would seem as if the ambition was to initiate a process of economic harmonization between nation-states of Europe. 

So here we are in 2016, and some are still trying not realize that 75% of the rules and regulations of the United Kingdom have their origins in Brussels and the rulebook of the EU itself is  a Leviathan of 172,000 pages that nobody has read from beginning to end.

Oh yes, the lawyers know where to look for the legal definition of "a cabbage" and other such vital pieces of information.

They and only they know where to unearth the right phrase in the various treaties that resulted from procedures "democratic" vote (read procedures "fixed" vote), which wrapped us all in this vast and ugly colossus in the past five or six decades.

It was during the same period after World War II that the entities known as,
...They were created.

All these are just a part of a mega power structure whose ambition is to manage the planet for their own ends, leaving anywhere and all voices composed of a self-sufficient, independent company and formed by people with values ​​still based honorable traditions of equity, social cohesion and real justice. A model of society that should be stamped on all cards telefonadas of the Greens.

The European Union is an important way to pass the dream  
George Bush  publicly declared a " New World Order" and a "World Government ".

EU ultimately serves the interests of  Monsanto  and Pfizer in the world, but it seems to be listening and acting on behalf of the people of its constituent countries.

This applies to  all  the 'trading blocks', not only the European Union.

We know that this is a farce:
  • facade draw us to put aside any feelings of sympathy that could last hold onto our cultural traditions
  • the autonomy of the nation state in which we were born
  • the right to choose a representative from our region to rest in a national parliamentary institution on which we have at least "some" Control
Either that, or capitulation to the "full spectrum dominance" under the global corporate,
  • TTIP  (or  TPP  for the Pacific)
  • CETA
  • TLC
There is a way out of this - and is called the ' power to the people ' ...

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