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Anna Von Reitz -- Replies to World Leaders | Emergency Powers? | Judas Iscariot

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Replies to World Leaders

Source: Paul Stramer | By Anna Von Reitz

1. I hear you talking among yourselves and the chief argument against doing what I have told you to do is --- "But we won't be in power anymore!"

Please submit a brief 2-3 page letter telling me exactly what you have done that is beneficial to humanity and why you should be in control of anything --- even a cat box?

2. The "FBI" is owned and operated (along with the "BLM") by a foreign corporation merely calling itself "THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES".

Do I really have to say more?

Locate the Board Members of "THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES" and you will have the parties responsible for the murder and ambush of LaVoy Finicum and also the witch hunt "investigation" into Candidate and now -President Donald Trump.

They are obviously and unarguably criminals who need to be hunted down, arrested, and punished.
No big mysteries here.

Go get 'em.

Anna Maria Riezinger
c/o Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652


Anna Von Reitz -- Kill the IRS? It's Already Dead | As Regards Martial Law

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Kill the IRS? It's Already Dead

Source: Paul Stramer | By Anna Von Reitz

Ever heard of a "dead man walking" -- well, that's the IRS. Not only has it been gutted and most of its work force laid off, but it has no contract and no real purpose.

As the Grace Report revealed in 1980, all the money collected by the IRS didn't even pay the interest on the National Debt of the Territorial United States. That wasn't the point.

We were misled into assuming that our tax dollars were paying for public services, but that paradigm went out in the 1930's. No, actually, the only function of all the tax payments extorted out of the majority of Americans was to act as a "valve" to control the money supply and moderate the growth of inflation.

Inflation continued to act as a merciless silent tax and to gnaw away at the value of the U.S. fiat domestic currency, but those annual collections slowed the process down to the Frog Boiling Temperature preferred by the banks, who naturally wanted to milk the embezzlement and racketeering and keep "the Natives" from figuring it all out as long as possible.

Haven't you all noticed that the Federal Reserve building in NYC is all boarded up and how many of the IRS Offices have closed their doors? Their mail is being forwarded. They can't find enough Americans who will work for them anymore. All the "agents" have false names, but now the false names are things like: "Amber Gouderaineroneff" and "Malcolm Flackenbuster" and they tend to have foreign accents.

They are scurrying around, head down, eyes scanning the periphery and quickly glancing behind. They can feel the flames licking at their boot heels. They know the jig is up. Even the dumbest among them has heard the word and seen the pink slips.

Well, what's the use of collecting up the I.O.U.'s when the Federal Reserve System is bankrupt? Force of habit?

Still trying to claim that there is some kind of a war on somewhere, as a justification for not ending The Victory Tax that should have ended --- no questions asked --- in 1945?

Reminds me of my Uncle Jesse Myrick on my Father's side of the family staring dolefully at the clock:

"Damn!" he'd say sadly, "it's only four o'clock and I would love a cold beer......"

He'd drum his fingers on the table, glance around to see where his wife was, give me a sidelong look and say in a stage whisper, "Oh, well, it must be five o'clock somewhere!" --and begin making himself a Red Beer.

They, the members of Congress, have cause to know that the government isn't funded with tax dollars.

They know that except for Slush, there hasn't been a rational excuse to continue collecting taxes since the Federal Reserve bankrupted the trademarked Federal Reserve System in 2009, but they've kept up the fraud and racketeering just the same.

It's all been business as usual. Until now, when the Municipal Government has been left unfunded and without a contract for cause.

Shame on them and shame on us for letting the members of the US CONGRESS and their Agents get away with defrauding and harassing and plundering us for the better part of a hundred years.

Let's finish it and be wise enough not to accept their "offer" to establish a 17% sales tax, either. Such proposals should be taken in light of what they already owe us.


American Intelligence Media: Corporate Warlord Corruption


JUNE 10, 2018 | 2:45 PM

Source: Aim 4 Truth | By ANONYMOUS PATRIOTS 

Several weeks ago, we posted this blockbuster piece on corporations. If you haven’t read it yet, you might take a look before we continue our lessons on the corporate warlords.


Corporations make a tremendous amount of money by scamming us, screwing us, stealing from us, killing us, poisoning us, destroying our environment, and endless other heinous crimes. If we had a working democracy, our representative republic would stop this corporate crime immediately and resort American constitutional rights to We the People instead of condoning blatant war tactics used by corporations that are protected by courts that treat them as if they are higher than American citizens.

Corporations get rich from corruption, bribery, buying elections, buying legislators, purchasing government subsidies, tax breaks, handouts and bailouts while they are protected by many layers of courts, judges and lawyers.

Corporations use a portion of the money they are accumulating from not paying proper taxes to pay-off legislators, regulators, inspectors — Senior Executive Service members — to keep the bureaucracy from stopping the corporation from doing what is illegal or unethical. This is simply the price of doing business – political pay-offs.

Corporations, through lobbyists, pay-off career federal employees to stop the rest of the government from doing anything about the corruption, as the Senior Executive Service members avert their eyes from the scene of the crime that they created. Meanwhile, corporations spend more of those tax-free dollars on marketing, propaganda, PR, trickery and loads of subliminal programming to make everyone look the other way.

The cycle of corporate crime continues as corporate dynasties have developed that rival European monarchs who rule from their well-padded economic fortresses, often hiding behind the scenes and stashing their stolen loot one of the many Commonwealth off-shore havens. As We the People become poorer, corporations grow richer and their crimes grow more evil and pervasive. As the cycle continues and strengthens each year, corporations become more ensconced in their power and the corrupt streams of power that reach into our government at all levels.

Corporations carry out some of the most horrific human rights abuses of modern times, but it is increasingly difficult to hold them to account. Economic globalization and the rise of transnational corporate power have created a favorable climate for corporate human rights abusers, which are governed principally by the codes of supply and demand and show genuine loyalty only to their stockholders.

When corporations act like criminals, we have the right and the power to stop them, holding leaders and multinational corporations alike to the accords they have signed and the laws of the land.

All we really have to do to beat this vicious cycle of corporate corruption is remember that the first three words of the U. S. Constitution are “We the People.” We the Peoplehave unalienable rights in America, not corporations. We the People have U. S. Constitutional rights, not corporations. We the People own America and its resources, not corporations. We the People elect those who make the laws, not corporations.

After fighting a revolution to end exploitation by the British monarchy, the church, and corporations, America’s founders retained a healthy fear of corporate power and wisely limited corporations exclusively to a business role. Corporations were forbidden from attempting to influence elections, public policy, and other realms of civic society.

Initially, the privilege of incorporation was granted selectively to enable activities that benefited the public, such as construction of roads or canals. Enabling shareholders to profit was seen as a means to that end.

In our current situation, America simply needs to go back to the original foundations of corporate structure that kept corporations from acting like sovereign monarchs and were kept in check by state legislatures, not the current federal systems that are supported by “superior” federal courts. A better checks and balance system of corporations would produce a tremendous amount of taxes that are now flowing out of America at a rate that is staggering. Some say over 50% of America’s wealth leaves each year through off-shore corporations and their tax-havens.

Corporations want the rights of a “person” without any of the responsibilities. This simply must end. Corporations act as criminals far below the nature of a “person” and thus have shown the world their true nature; an immoral nature that acts with impunity, lawlessness, and with a superiority (royalty) that act as if they are “above” a person when, in fact, corporation are “less than a person.”

The “old rules” for corporations will work quite well as a new standard by which all American corporations should abide. Foreign corporations will have to abide by the same rules and make sure to pay taxes and be held responsible for all applicable laws that We the People are held accountable for as an American citizen.

Read More:


open letter to the Director of the United States Department of State

Sent to the disclosure of the operation

to: Director of United States Department of State Seattle Passport Agency Second Letter November 8, 2017 first letter of Oct. 21, 2017 and attached. 


Notifying the agent is a warning to the director and others. I am not legal and this is my best. 

A response to a statement from his department dated 10/31/2017 response trick or treaters that does not provide due process. 

Be careful. It is on record in the Federal District Court in Portland, Oregon I am an American and a National Oregonian. A nonUS citizen. Without refuting in the record it stands as a fact. 

Thanks for returning my birth certificate. I was born in Nevada, I am currently a resident of Oregon, who was denied the passport of a citizen who is not a US citizen. UU. I deny that there is any evidence to justify withholding my passport ... which issues passports; assumes the obligation to comply with the law, not tomention a nationality law dated 14 years after my birth in Nevada. Your word art is de facto expos. I was a US citizen during my hitch in the US Navy. UU. 3 years, 11 months and 28 days. I loved. That was a temporary situation. I also requested and obtained an American passport - citizen and used it for many years. In Europe and the Americas, he has expired. Even I said in court RONALD CHARLES VROOMAN, are you a citizen of the United States? Yes, Your Honor. 

What about my right to emigrate? 

I discovered the fraud and took me to all the bastards to court. Portland court can not provide a court of Article III. I moved my cases to DC district court. A minion or his robot sent me an unsigned letter addressed to me and I received itI've disproved. You can not disconnect the hood. 
US citizens [citizens of the District of Columbia] residing in one of the states of the union, classified as franchises owned by the federal government as a "single entity" Wheeling Steel Corp. v Fox, 298 US193, 80 L ED 1143 , 56 S.Ct. 773 

fulfill his constitutional oath and give me a passport as Oregonian, a national state lineages born with the Revolution, as a direct descendant of a father and son who fought for New York. Bloodline landed in America 1664; of the various states  
you can also declare evidence of the cause due to deny due process. I deny that I have such evidence. 

It has 21 days from the date of this letter to respond with a passport. With full faith and credit. This is an enumerated responsibility. 

Should you choose to ignore my lawsuit? I get your name and will become a defendant in a lawsuit for violation of due process 18 USC 3571. This willrequire the same action against known chain of command and public to include the Secretary. Clearfield doctrine. 

POTUS: Donald J. Trump, the President of the United States of America, President of the United States, Inc., holder of the office of President, I decreed sovereign. While that is true, I am also a beneficiary of the founding documents. A man in Oregon who wants a valid passport required by the State Department for any of the people in one of several states. In our Constitutional Republic. 

You lead again with a false or fourteenth fourteenth amendment was rejected by me on 21 October. Not provide any evidence that there is a fourteenth. You are in danger of default of denial and demand proof. I read in the congressional record that never happened. I am not a person; If I do business person, you would not need a passport. I mentioned in the preamble; I'm not a ship, not a US citizen / USA Inc; not one person; I have declared my good faith, known as one of the people.
There is no statute will prevail over the Constitution and the rulings of the Supreme Court only for those lower in the corporate governance ... I'm an Oregonian, Oregon is one of several states; the US State Department. UU. It provides Oregonians their passports. Dating legislation after 1861 and that is the color of law, a fiction that I denied before. 

Starting the letter of 21 October. 

The situation is becoming a riddle. I demand a national passport in the US state as required by the Constitution of the United States and confirmed by SCOTUS. I am not a US; Citizen of the United States 14th Amendment privileges. I have rights and if the State Department continues to violate due process, seek a remedy in DC between corporate governance corrupt employee there. Not everyone is corrupt. 

Refuse the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of / for the United States of America. There is no evidence that it is valid. Everyone involved with the 14th are dead. 14 legislative intent has passed. Day 14 was written after 1861 and there is no evidence that there is a legal 14 °. It is color of law, legal fiction. 

List of events:  

During the previous administration tried to get a passport as a US citizen. He had a request from the State Department specifically covering US citizens. UU.No Americans. I said that the state would not accept the form or get my money. 

I called a few months ago and spent hours talking on the phone twice. I talked to several people. A supervisor named Stephanie (sp) told me to do anything but sign the form and return it with as much information as I had. I did, I received a phone call from the Seattle office; He refused to give his name. Do not make corrections and return the form. A letter is following. 

I called back to DC State and just told me to cross out the words do not apply where I sign. I did and I again submit the form. 

Today I received two of these letters I received before. Dated October 10 and over 12. 

Had someone competent and confident and able to fulfill its obligation to Oregonian on earth with its declared state presented two courts of record and on the public record, demanding a passport national for a non - US citizen, have that person contact me 
If that person does not have available within 21 days of today, October 21, 2017, will be violated my due process and legal remedy is required. 18 USC 3571 states that the violation of due process is 250K per violation.

For your information: Ronald Charles Vrooman Attorneys Private - General of the United States Congress 42 USC1988 and 18 USC1510 and 18 USC 1512 and be known as "One of the People" also "Criminal Investigative Qualified" and "Witness Federal" and affidavit not adjusted. Not been identified and purified. I am the administrator of the private membership association called RONALD CHARLES VROOMAN. 

Without the state of Oregon, not Washington County, Oregon in the United States of America founding documents around 1819 through 1860-61. 


by: Ron Vrooman for the Oversight Committee Beaverton  
they lost when killed LaVoy  
Bundy and other absolved the fight continues

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