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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Messages. Mostrar todas las entradas

14 de marzo de 2020

Ascension Report: White Hats In Full Control

Dearest brothers and sisters,

Greetings of the most high….We come forward now in this moment of your time and indeed many of us are deeply aware that these times are absolutely unprecedented.

In these powerful times that we are in – we are all bearing witness to what could accurately be called the “Changing of the Guard” by this we are referring to the timeline that marks the end of the age of Darkness Kali-yuga and the opening dawn of the golden age that which is known as the Satya Yuga.

Indeed we have arrived at the time in the Cosmic clock whereby it is 11:59 and we are about to truly and absolutely enter into eternal and abiding peace, abundance, happiness, health, community and eternal well-being for all of us forever.

We are approaching the great shift of the ages whereby all of the gold that was stolen by the royal family’s and the Vatican and Chinese globalists is now on the verge of being returned back to humanity,  and here we are speaking about absolutely utterly unimaginable amounts of gold.

There is so much for us to speak about in this sacred writing. As we have arrived at this precipice it is so important that we come together in our global Ascension groups during these times, to assist the forces of light who are doing mother father God’s greatest work-  particularly the White hat military who are having to experience the most horrific and horrendous crimes, as all of our world, our inner world (underground bases) and outer worlds are truly being taken over by the great great forces of light that are known as the white hats and also as the alliance, and are working in absolute accordance with God’s Golden plan for humanity.

We are the universal and global ground crew starseeds who are part of the white hat Alliance and who have returned back in full warrior mode to assist in this great truth and hold our vibration stable in the knowing, Remembrance and recognition of our true heritage as mother-father God’s Direct offspring, which makes us automatically of the highest and holiest royal bloodline.

Remembrance means there is no more Veil, and finally, the child self is allowed to be free and play again.

A strong aspect of this message is to remind all of us to Hold Steady to our stabilized vibration of peace and calm and Deep Deep trust in the great glory of God.

Since the beginning of me Jen sharing these ascension reports they have always come through as channelled messages from my white wolf team, but I am being strongly guided today to reach out as myself Jen in this sacred message to say thank you to all of the brothers and sisters who are open to receive this truth that comes from the living heart of love.

I am sharing a great deal about what is currently transpiring on my Facebook profile page and I invite You To me please come and follow me there if you wish to keep updated with the powerful military Intel that I am receiving in real-time from high-level insiders.

Brothers and sisters, it cannot be stressed enough the importance of remaining stable and calm at this time as many of your family members will possibly be going into fear it is imperative that you stay light and smiling and happy and knowing that a great plan is unfolding right now which the general public has not been privy to. and this is largely due to the fact that the mainstream media has been controlled by opposing forces to the white hats / The Alliance/ Forces of light, and so, therefore, we have been 100% dependent on independent digital Warriors also known as Anons who have had the Stealth, diligence and profound intelligence to put together and in fact decode this great changing of the guard or military takeover that is occurring at the highest galactic and universal levels right now.

Brothers and Sisters, Please know we are absolutely and completely supported by the highest galactic beings in creation. The time whereby Darkness has ruled over this earth is complete. The timeline has collapsed there is no more fuel in the tank ..the forces of light have been victorious there was no other plan God does not need a plan B, as plan A has always been – victory to the light and victory to the light is where We Stand right now as a collective Risen humanity.

There is a continuous reminder Everywhere at the moment of the importance of starseeds coming together in their large Ascension groups at these times in order to support the forces of light and What they are doing, and the job that they are doing, and therefore it is an absolute privilege to invite you to the next global ceremony that will be taking place at the time of equinox on the 19th of March 2020.

In this transmission, we are being guided to send a huge wave of ground crew powerfully encoded strength and support to all of the forces of light who are having to experience such horrendous things for the sake of the liberation of humanity. We are also being very strongly guided to anchor the timeline of the new Earth whereby we are living in our eco Communities, growing our organic vegetables living with our temple spaces where we honour the Divine in every second of our existence -whereby are we have access to the highest advanced technologies that have been available to all of our galactic brethren for aeons, technologies that will instantly heal all of our imbalances and ailments, that will recreate amputated limbs and indeed cure all diseases in a matter of minutes. These technologies are currently available but have been kept hidden from humanity by the forces that never ever had humanity’s highest interests at heart. But this timeline is over and your birthright is being restored back to you dear ones.

Therefore it is my greatest honour to invite you, my brother and sister, to come and join this global community to activate all of our grid points in deep Love and sacred Union as the Powerful ground crew- come forward in support for all of our brothers and sisters on the Frontline – all of the dear white hats who are now cleaning up this beautiful beautiful earth that mother Father God created for all her children.

Please see below for full details to book onto the transmission and please know that you do not have to be on the live call to receive the power of the transmission it is just as powerful to tune in at any point afterwards as this frequency will be anchored in the zero point field which is the moment of the Eternal Now.

This is also a sacred opportunity to support myself as a warrior of light and the endless hours I put in serving God through serving my brothers and sisters and diligently sharing all of the Intel that I am sent as it comes, and is a wonderful way for you to support me knowing that the work that I do online is truly the work that I do full-time for God.

Thank you so much for listening to this sacred message brothers and sisters it feels so powerful to share this as myself, Jen. I will send a prayer out now from my deepest heart for you to know the eternal peace that your soul resides in, That you will remember that you are under no obligation to carry around your story and in every moment your higher self invites you to put that burden down. To relax, to be empty, to be present. It is always simply your choice which is creating your reality moment-to-moment for you are a powerful creator and whatever you choose is what you will experience so choose to put down the burden of your story.

Everybody has a story, nobody is special. We are all equally revered by our holy parents, This is your sign from the universe for you to stop identifying with the victim narrative that you have been carrying for your lifetime. This program that has been enforced- brutally enforced onto all of us by this archonic society that we as brave light Warriors choose to incarnate into at this time of the great shift.

This one thing will liberate you for eternity but remember you must always practice diligence in your Awakening and there there are no moments off and every moment your eGo is desperate to strike and that every moment we must be diligent like the Tiger awaiting that moment  2 pounce upon that unwanted negative vibrational visitor that we call thoughts

I really cannot stress this enough brothers and sisters but it is absolutely imperative that we break all records and have as many souls as possible coming forward for the equinox transmission. the white hats the alliance need us the ground crew to step forward and send a wave of Extraordinary profound and highly auspicious support to them at this time.

in Love and Eternal Light Jen.

13 de marzo de 2020

Nice bit of information coronavirus

Nice bit of information:
Coronavirus infection does not cause nasal mucus or cough with constipation, but dry and rough cough, so it is the simplest to distinguish.
The virus does not resist heat and dies if exposed to temperatures higher than 26-27 degrees, so it must be consumed abundantly during the day hot beverages with infusions, brous or simply hot water, these hot liquids neutralize the virus and are easy to ingest.
Avoid taking gel water or glaze.
I'll warm up the sun. Contagiousness is much more common in small, dark spaces than outside, which is why professionals have to be extremely careful, even with special equipment.
The coronavirus has a large size (diameter 400-500 nanometres) so that anything that can stop it does not fit into the daily life of special masks.
If an infected person sternum before us, three meters away, the virus will be caught on the ground and prevented from falling on us.
When the virus is found on metallic surfaces, it survives for about 12 hours, but when it touches metallic surfaces such as transport, postage, household appliances, transport passages, etc., the hands must be rented and disinfected with alcoholic gel.
The virus can live even if it steals the tissues between 6 and 12 hours, the common detergents can exterminate them, the elements that cannot be rented daily are recommended to expose them to the Sun and the virus will die.
As it is manifested:
The virus is first installed in the glue, causing inflammation and a feeling of dryness. This symptom can last between 3 and 4 days.
The virus travels through the humidity present in the airways, down to the traffic and into the lungs causing pneumonia for about 5 or 6 days
Pneumonia is manifested with high fever and difficulty in breathing, it does not accompany the classic refred but can have a sense of illness. In this case, it is necessary to go back immediately.
How to avoid the contagion.
The transmission of viruses commonly occurs through direct contact with televisions, fabrics or materials on which the virus is present: Renting your hands is fundamental.
The virus survives our hands for only 10 minutes, but during this time many things can be sucked, scrubbed, touched, - to give an example - and this allows the virus to enter your body. So for our good and everyone's good, we warm up our hands a lot and disinfect them.
They can be gargled with disinfectant solutions that eliminate or minimize the amount of virus that can enter the ball, thus eliminating it from the trachea and lungs.
Disinfect the PC keyboard and mouse, as well as the steering wheel of the car
We have to take care of ourselves by our own and others.
The new coronavirus may not give signs of infection for many days, although it is not possible to know if a person is infected. But when a fever or cough occurs and the person goes to the hospital, the lungs are 50% fibrotic, and it is very late!
The experts from Taiwan suggest doing a simple check every morning:
Take a deep breath and hold your breath for 10 seconds. If it is achieved, without coughing, without difficulty and/or feeling of oppression etc., it shows that there is no fibrosis in the lungs, indicating the absence of infection. In these critical times, this control must be carried out every morning in an environment with pure air
These are serious and excellent Japanese metgeconsells that are working on COVID-19. We have to make sure that our mouths and balls are always moist, drier, and that we get a water balloon every 15 minutes WHY? As long as the virus enters through the mouth with water or other liquids, it will pass through the esophagus directly into the stomach, where the gastric acids will destroy the virus. If it is not regularly watered down, the virus can pass into the trachea and from there into the lungs.
Share this information with your family, friends and acquaintances out of solidarity and civic sentiment.

12 de marzo de 2020

Countering Frequency Manipulation

Countering Frequency Manipulation



You have finally cleared Mercury Retrograde season. There is much to celebrate as the erratic and anxiety laden energy of this past month begins to dissipate and resolve. An opportunity to enjoy the birthing of the Age of Aquarius is here to taste test for awhile. I hope that it serves you well. :)
Frequency manipulation is common practice these days. As is the understanding that all is frequency. This includes thoughts. As frequency manipulation becomes more advanced, there comes a growing need to be able to protect the frequencies that are our thoughts.
So much of what we have thought of as science fiction has rapidly become our current reality. The idea of artificial intelligence reading and measuring the frequency of our thoughts may have seemed preposterous to many. We have watched examples of this in mainstream cinema and television. Though now many of us have tangible evidence of this exact experience happening. There is a growing realization that artificial intelligence applications are extracting thought form frequencies and using them to target personalized advertising. I have experienced this a few times now. I have thought of something only to find it appear in my social media feed, or web browser advertisements as soon as I access those platforms.
Considering that we have already accepted that this is a current A.I. upgrade being implemented in the mainstream, how do we counter it? How do we outsmart the machines? These counter measures are now imperative to implement if we want to maintain some level of privacy within our own mind. Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot offers a spy skill called white snow. When interacting with potential thought monitoring technology, such as customs clearance procedures, one can clear their mind and focus on white snow. This offers no pertinent information to the A.I. that is targeting the thought forms.
Screen Shot 2020-03-05 at 3.21.30 PM
Another method she speaks of is offering illogical thoughts. Artists are more adept at this process. Thinking streams of abstract and illogical thoughts offer no useful information to the A.I. technologies. Exercising etheric force fields is also a necessary practice that many of us have been implementing for years. I am currently in Los Angeles. When I walk by the massive Scientology compounds, that span a block or more, I implement an energetic force field. I take care to protect my head and crown chakra. I can feel and sense the monitoring and energetic imposition moving towards my crown chakra.
These tools are important protection mechanisms that are best suited as daily techniques. By far the most important practice is the ability to shift out of mental space and into heart intelligence. Accessing the internal core processor of the heart offers the most resilient and reliable protection to the anti life artificial intelligence. The heart has the ability to engage and communicate with the mind in a way that does not expose thought forms to intruding technologies. This is a practice that requires exactly that.. Practice! Our hearts have built in protection mechanisms that supersede both our minds and the programs of the machines. Nature knows best.
Manipulating frequencies is a part of everyday life. If we understand how to use this to our advantage we can level up. We can protect ourselves and counter incoming invasive technologies. Our lives do not need to be coerced and sold to us through the exploitation of our own thoughts. Implementing consciousness and awareness will always assist us to command our energetic space

10 de marzo de 2020

Adama of Telos: The Magnetic Event

tour guide for humanity and companion to all those who set out to let go of the transient and put on the robe of immortality.
Beloved human being in God’s hand,
even a long journey comes to an end, and there comes a point when all the profound experiences have been lived through.
Everything on Upper Earth is brought to a finish. The planet is getting closer to the light, and humanity is getting closer to God.
Many however – actually most – remain insusceptible to the miracle that is happening right now.
It is the miracle of growing consciousness happening in more and more people now – and yet, most people don’t pick up on it, are unable to realize it – to be aware of the “reality” of it. So these people hold on to their old robes and continue to wander about their old paths.
We from the realms of Inner Earth observe this with vigilance and deep love. We bow to all human beings, provide help and support, so that as many as possible become capable of turning around and redirecting their lives. Because the day that brings those big changes is close – very close.
What am I talking about in this transmission?

Realignment of the axis of the earth

The axis of the earth is being realigned, meaning that it is repositioned in relation to the central sun. This will cause further shifts of the earth’s axis. What it takes for that to happen is a “magnetic event”, a force that will bring about this rather big shift that is due now.
For eons, in every galaxy, this is caused by a “traveling” planet. It occurs because the planet gets very close to or even touches planet earth. The force unleashed by that sets everything we have been waiting for all this time in motion.
This is a process that, at interfaces in time, keeps repeating itself whenever planets enter into a higher dimension. So don’t be afraid!
In fact, the truth is that all human beings who are internally ready will be at the right place when that day comes. Because even when mountains sink and seas rise, the possibilities for protection are endless.
So rest assured that this shift is neither the end of your life nor the end of all life on earth – to the contrary, it is the beginning of the new era.
It is important that you stay fully centered. Everybody is taken care of, and please be aware:
Every individual has chosen a different experience, and every individual has their personal way of getting closer to their own mastery.

Letting God rule and his angels operate

So don’t ever be afraid! Because when the sky opens, it opens for you and for all those who are prepared to leave everything behind. Your work on Upper earth will be done, because at that point you should let God rule and his angels operate.
Those are the days we have long prepared for in Agartha. That’s when our presence on Upper Earth will become evident to you – you will recognize us and you will be recognized.
Great twists and miracles will be bestowed upon you, because nobody who is facing the light and has longingly been striving for salvation will be forgotten.
During the time of purgation and modification you will be taken care of – both physically and metaphysically – if it is your mission to remain on Upper Earth as a human being after the shifts have happened. In an all-encompassing way, everything and everyone is provided for. So don’t ever worry!
What needs to be done now is prepare you by expanding your consciousness.
Day by day, keep weaving the new robe of light – weave until it is finished.

Endless journey

Seeing the obvious, perceiving the obscure, giving yourself over to the all-embracing divine spirit – humbly – which means digging courageously for what operates inside you and what’s outside of you.
This journey knows no end, because what’s earthly perishes in an instant, while the spirit that is immanent in everything, is immortal and everlasting.
We are here for you when you need us the most. Count on it, and count on your own strength, your own courage and your capability for awareness and realization. Then everything is ready for the day that is about to come, the day that the earth is touched by the magnetic field of the “travelling” planet in order to be lifted into a new position in relation to the center of all being.
During this time you are carried and guided by God’s messengers.
Today you are invited to become light, so that when the day comes you can be carried.
» Source » Channel: Jahn J Kassl


5 de febrero de 2020

Operation Outreach | By Rinus Verhagen, Contributor

February 5, 2020

Operation Outreach | By Rinus Verhagen, Collaborator

read the image has already seen the story and enjoy the show as high as possible solution rate.

How State of the Union have you heard?

How State of the Union have seen!

Have you heard what was not said?

Have you seen the reaction of not being delivered?!

Anyone who expected to hear a direct announcement of the RV will be disappointed by law.

GESARA who he thought would be proclaimed also feel disappointed.

What we saw was the starting shot for action now to come.

Donald J Trump subsequently ordered General Milley, who was not wearing clothes parade, but the active combat team ready for action.

The including photos tells why and how, and who is responsible.

On February 3, another group of US Marines arrived in Antwerp, to reinforce the troops for an exercise that will take place throughout Europe.

US Army arrives in Antwerp for large - scale military exercise

- February 3, 2020
- • 11u46
- Source: Belgian

BELGAONTHESPOT The arrival of the first military vehicles.

ANTWERPEN Monday morning the first boat was moored in the port of Antwerp by a US military exercise in Europe. In the coming months thousands of vehicles and soldiers will pass through a temporary military zone in the port.

Europe Defender 20 'is the largest US exercise in Europe in 25 years. Eighteen member states participating in NATO military deployment, representing a total of 37,000 soldiers and 20,000 pieces of equipment. These are sent to different European ports, including Antwerp.

The first ship moored at Antwerp Euroterminal in Beveren on Monday morning. British Eddystone London provides some 200 pieces of material, including 150 vehicles. The coordinates of the Belgian Army, among other things, the refueling of vehicles.

During the next four months, a military zone will be created in the terminal, ranging in size from 20,000 to 125,000 square meters. 5 American and 2 British ships delivered 3,000 vehicles there. Antwerp, 6,000 soldiers also passed through.

Poland and Germany

The final destination of the material and soldiers will be training grounds in Germany and Poland. From Antwerp 185 km have to be covered in the Belgian roads. According to the Belgian army, the inconvenience to the port and traffic will be limited, because the trips are made between 9 pm and 5:00 a.m., through a total of 140 columns. The exercise will last until mid-May.

The deep state and Cabal be eliminated throughout Europe, globalism is death.

It has always been said that the arrests must begin before the RV for Levels 4 start.

In the background, payments are already underway in Reno, Zurich and Honkong.

Today the fifth or tomorrow on February 6 , 2020, we expect our contact numbers or website are available for an appointment.

This will require a lot of security requires a lot of manpower, to ensure Redeem, which will undergo the transition across Europe to support GESARA.

The moral degradation of the world will stop now, young people wrong confused, by the false policy, Soros, and Satan at the Vatican will be expelled from power if my thoughts are right.

Before the State of the Union started, J Donald Trump would have released the RV / GCR, I will not go into detail about this not betray the source.

It is no exaggeration to say that the elimination of traitors in the police, the EU and the Vatican is of biblical proportions.

Much will disappear from the scene, this is not a declaration of war on people, but the release of Kabbalah from its own ranks, and their vassals who have oppressed people.

Not get in the way of the army, but ask how you can help eliminate Rutte, Merkel and Macron Bilderberg mafia and officials.

This will be the stock market crash that will put the Fed and ECB out of combat and the gold standard will come into force.

Trump has said that the State of the Union what their ambitions are to renew overdue maintenance of the entire infrastructure in the US Space Force, better agricultural projects, the wall along the border to renew the learning system, so that knowledge without more left - wing propaganda to keep people stupid.

New techniques to come, everything will have to be paid, and this is not possible with a bankrupt government it has a mountain of debt Fiat that can never be paid, simply because this money does not exist in the system of fiat money.

The petrodollar has been replaced by the digital USN, which is covered by gold, to pay for prosperity that has been proclaimed.

With that bankers and politicians night, what we observe in trading on Wall Street, because the shares purchased with fake money Fiat will clearly have to fall in value when the news was disclosed, to put the arrests of the NWO Elite.

So those who were disappointed with the best speech ever, take your time to look again, because it was three mixed speeches, one speech, two in body language, Trump, and Pelosie, with fellow losers.

A sliding power that Nancy had misunderstood nervous during the delivery of the deed of the State of the Union, where Trump considered unworthy of a word or hand.

With this, Trump returns power to the people, of all layers and backgrounds.

It does so without a salary, or personal enrichment and Democrats have been and are used to.

The harder the Democrats went against Trump, stronger than they did, because that was the plan, and the shot would go around the world.

The harder the Democrats went against Trump, stronger than they did, because that was the plan, and the shot would go around the world.

All Sheldan Nidle PAO posts on Facebook Down and over the top of Mina ****

1 de febrero de 2020

The momentary choice you made to experience separation is about to be reversed

Audio Player

  Saul Audio Blog for Monday January 27th
Humanity is riding the wave towards its moment of awakening and this is very close now.  Let go of your doubts and anxieties because all is well.  Your awakening, as you have been told so often, is inevitable!  It seems to you that you have been waiting a very long time for this magnificent event, but in truth it has been but a moment, an instant.  Separation from Source never occurred, it could not occur because there is nowhere to separate to, there is only Source the infinite field of Love in which all that is created has its eternal existence in peace and joy.
However, for a moment, for a tiny instant, you imagined separation, and because you are imbued with the infinite power of Source, what you imagined seemed to come into existence, and it seems that you are trapped, ensnared, and immobilized within a vast Universe of physicality, of form.  It is completely unreal, even though to you it seems very solid, because in form you are always in contact with other objects in form – from the ground beneath your feet to everything with which you interact during your daily lives.
Life appears to be very physical as your bodies interact with other physical bodies and objects.  BUT, if you pay close attention to your feelings, to your sensations of consciousness or awareness, it becomes quite clear that you are not your bodies.  There is within you a knowing that you can depart from where your body is physically – for instance while sitting, walking, working, driving a car – in any moment your mind can be somewhere far removed from the space in which your body is present.  You are not your body but you move it and manipulate it, or parts of it, by intending to do so.
Who is it then, that sets that intent?  It’s the sense of awareness in your field of consciousness through which you know that you exist – your ability to imagine – and it is that which makes the decision to act on what you imagined.
In truth you are far freer than you think you are, but you choose to be limited by your bodies.  Over recent decades many people have been able to make their bodies faster and stronger, both physically and mentally, through various kinds of training, and the results of this can be seen in the new records being set in athletic and academic contests all over the world.  Nevertheless, bodies are limiting because you intended them to be, but you yourselves are not limited except in so far as you believe yourselves to be.  And because humanity generally believes itself to be limited, restrained, restricted, that is what people generally experience.
To awaken is to let go of and discard limitations, and in so doing to set yourselves completely free from all limits or restraints.  Your true state is one of absolute and complete freedom, and deeply buried memories of this are what drive you to push boundaries, to seek more from life than seems possible to humans in form.  Many reach a level of freedom that is far advanced from what their parents experienced, and they are then often happy to settle for that higher level of freedom.  Others believe that they can never achieve the level of freedom their parents experienced, and settle unhappily at that lower level.  A few believe that they should not be limited at all, and spend their lives pushing the boundaries of human abilities and freedoms to ever higher levels.  Your individual beliefs set your limitations for you, and those beliefs are strongly influenced by the collective beliefs of the culture and society in which you are living.
Now is the time to release those invalid and limiting beliefs, beliefs that anchor you in the past, in past memories of limitation – “I can’t possibly do that, what would people think?” “I could never learn how to do that now, I’m too set in my ways.” “The way I’m living my life is working for me, so why risk changing it?” – that appear to offer safety and security.  Limiting beliefs are like veils or screens that prevent you from seeing the enormous possibilities that life offers you because, out of fear, you refuse to question them by opening those veils and screens and looking beyond them.
Fixed and unquestioned beliefs are self-imposed limits that further add to the basic limitations that are a major aspect of being in form as humans.  These are most easily seen in others – who support religious persuasions, economic views, philosophies, or political convictions different from your own – whereas they are often extremely difficult to see in oneself.  That egoic and fearful need to be right, with which so many are infected, has led humanity into vicious conflicts overthe eons, conflicts that cause endless pain and suffering for vast numbers of people, and which never lead to resolution of the issues that appear to have led to the conflicts in the first place.
Experience is gained when mistakes or errors are made and the reason for them is investigated and understood, and there are numerous situations occurring daily in which this happens.  One of the lessons that is learned over and over again is that humans do make mistakes and errors.  Learning what caused them, and then taking steps to prevent their re-occurrence, leads to wisdom.  Unfortunately, mainly out of fear, defective or dishonest judgments are often offered in attempts to fault others for errors that occur, in order to shift blame from those responsible to those others, so that they themselves can avoid being shamed and punished.
In recent decades much progress has been made in understanding the reasons for human error, and new laws and guidelines have been introduced to reduce and, where possible, prevent errors from occurring.  However, when mistakes are made, those responsible – often people who are at the senior management levels of the organization involved – are almost invariably filled with fear and horror, and will engage in almost any kind of subterfuge to avoid being held responsible.
The way forward is to change the way mistakes are dealt with, so that those responsible can file truthful reports about what has occurred in the knowledge that they will be lovingly assisted in dealing with the sense of horror and guilt that arises within them as a result of their mistake, and thus helping enormously in the prevention of further occurrences of a similar nature.
Obviously, if criminal negligence or criminal intent is found to be the cause of the event, those responsible must be called to account, then, after a full investigation has been carried out, they must be given the loving support necessary to enable them to change the misguided beliefs that led them to behave as they did.
Remember, you are all – and there are absolutely no exceptions – beloved children of God, perfect, just as you were created.  The momentary choice you made to experience separation is about to be reversed so that you awaken.  Until then it is essential that you daily set the intent to be only loving in your thoughts, words, and actions.  When you do that your intention affects all of humanity, and all of humanity is then mightily assisted in moving away from fear, judgment, and blame, and into a loving mindset from which to interact lovingly and respectfully with each other just as God does.  This is an essential step on your path to awakening, and it is the way in which Mother/Father/God, Source, Love, always interact and engage with all of creation.  It is how you will experience life when you awaken, and thus eternal joy will embrace and envelop you.
With so very much love, Saul.

29 de enero de 2020

Energy Update; Fulfilling Your Divine Mission for Mother and Father Creator


 Whereas the Divine Feminine has been Empowered to levels upon anything ever known in Human written history, further access and enhancement to Their Power goes as such;

 In eradicating any energetic remnants of Patriarchal Suppression, old boundaries and protective measures MUST come down and be eliminated from You action and state of Being. Any form of defense once required by You will BECOME a hindrance and separation from Your Absolute Prowess unless Mastered in this NOW. The old way of feeling You must protect Yourself by boundaries and other defensive modes are derived from the fear aspects and is a lower-dimensional fear response. ABSOLUTE DIVINE PROWESS COMES WITH THE ABSENT OF FEAR/NEGATIVE. You are the Co-Creators of this NOW and going forward that Creates the Heaven on Earth scenario, in the least, and as a POWERFUL CO-CREATOR, One must NOT be contaminated with any lower-dimensional states, like fear and negativity. You are reminded that fear comes in many forms, from impatience to being annoyed, to worry, etc, as well as the lack of Trust, which is doubt. You MUST BELIEVE in Yourself and Your Divine Connection to ALL THAT IS, WHICH INCLUDES MOTHER/FATHER CREATOR. You MUST Trust this fully, even if You may not fully see this yet, for the trick to get there to Your Absolute Power, is through TRUST AND YOUR FULL SURRENDER TO YOUR DIVINE MISSION, THE DIVINE PLAN, AND YOUR DIRECT CONNECTION TO CREATOR.

 The FREE EXPRESSION of the Divine Masculine MUST BE ACCEPTED BY YOU THE DIVINE FEMININE, to allow Them to rise in tangent with You. If You were to continue to expect of Them, YOU WOULD BE CONDITIONING THEM BY YOUR EXPECTATIONS, WHICH IS A FORM OF SUPPRESSION. For the high levels of power that some of You have obtained, Your actions have a DIRECT IMPACT UPON THE COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS WHICH INCLUDES THE UNAWAKENED MASSES. You increase Your Co-Creator abilities by letting go of the old ways and embracing the free confident Divine Flow of You, You NO LONGER need to control things in Your existence here manually, You are ABLE TO CONTROL situations Higher, BY NOT CONTROLLING THEM( some exceptions do apply in Higher Divine Cases), by feeling You must control something now, is from a place of mistrust of Your Divine Path and full surrender that will loop You until it becomes unbearable and then You blatantly see that the direction is to be toward TRUST AND FOLLOWING THE DIVINE PLAN/ROUTE TO YOUR POWER, in the least.

 ALTHOUGH THIS MISSIVE IS DIVINE FEMININE ORIENTED, IT IS GENERIC WITH THIS LEVEL FOR MASCULINE AND FEMININE ALIKE. The Divine Masculine MUST PLAY THE ROLE OF THEIR FREE EXPRESSION TOWARDS THE FEMININE. You ALL are the PROTOTYPES FOR THE NEW REALITY, the timeline is Your Creation, Create the HARMONIOUS RELATIONSHIPS AND INTEGRATE THEM INTO THIS TIMELINE FOR YOURSELVES AND ALL OF HUMANITY. To conceal emotion or restrict expression, is a fear-based act and it must go, it begins with You, is reflected within Your Partner, and ripples out to the Masses, changing EVERYTHING.

Love and Light


25 de enero de 2020

Mike Quinsey: Disruption and Upheaval

Mike Quinsey Message Disruption and Upheaval

24th January 2020. Mike Quinsey

You have only to learn of the pending world changes to realise that something big is taking place, as unlike seasonal changes there is disruption and upheaval of a measure never quite seen in your recent times. Mother Earth is almost shouting at you that preparations must go ahead to make ready for even greater changes that are coming with the Event. The longer Mankind takes to recognise the necessity of the changes, the more difficult it will become to handle them and avoid traumatic events that will inevitably follow. By anticipating what is needed in readiness for the future a path can be followed that will prepare the way with the least effect upon the people. A worldwide decision must be made to join forces and share the responsibility for ensuring that progress is made with the least damage to the Earth itself.

The energies for change are being felt everywhere and although the outcome is not generally known people sense that something big is coming. Many already have some knowledge of the Event but it is not known precisely when it will occur. However, there is a feeling that Mankind needs to address the potential happenings so as to minimize the damage to man and beast alike. We are not fear mongering but the potential for change is becoming more obvious with climate change already taking its toll. When you take these warnings seriously we in turn will do our best to guide you, but the onus is upon you to take the first steps, because even in these present times your freewill is foremost and honoured.

The emphasis is now upon peaceful actions and the use of your wealth to strengthen the hands of those who are leading the way. Listen to what they have to say and give them the support they need in whatever form it takes. There is no reason to continue investing money in dead ventures, and instead use it to pave the way to a far better world that is coming. The pace of change is quickening and people will look for the major powers to come together and lead the way in worldwide peaceful action. You will ignore it at your peril but we hope that a “Wake-up” call will stir many into action that will put Humanity on to a path that anticipates what is needed. The demands on your resources will gradually become greater, and more fresh water will be needed to prevent catastrophes in areas where it is already becoming short. You should perhaps be looking at treating seawater to make it into drinking water, but not by your present costly desalination methods, when more efficient and far cheaper methods are known.

It will be difficult to convince “big business” they too must change to assist Humanity to get through the coming period, as no one will be exempt from the effects associated with it. However, with goodwill and a sensible approach to the problems that arise, the least damage will be experienced. For our part we will as always try to energize those organisations and people who are in a position to directly help you in times when you are in need. Clearly there are ways of calculating your needs in advance and in some instances saving for a “rainy day”. After all, you now have the technologies to anticipate your requirements, regardless of what form they may take. You are at the crossroads of change, and one way leads to chaos, whilst the other one leads to success. It may not come easily but with determination and goodwill, in truth there is nothing that you cannot achieve.

Obviously the effects of change will differ from one country to another and even one town to another, so you will have to look for the signs of activity that affects you and take action accordingly. Weather prediction is well advanced so you should be able to prepare for unusual times and take steps to make sure you are prepared. Food supplies are always going to be vulnerable and a small back up to cover for shortages would be wise.

You may have noticed that small communities seem to cope better in times of need and this may become the normal in years to come. In fact you have so many potential changes ahead you may decide that small is beautiful anyway. There are no rules that can be laid down to cover the unexpected, but common sense should prevail. After all most of you have gone through difficult periods already, and even wars, and know how to anticipate your needs and provide for them.

Never lose sight of the fact that there are galactic entities of vast experience that oversee your evolution. They know the plan for Human, and their presence ensures that you are protected and given every opportunity to gain success. They have the authority to take steps where necessary to ensure that as far as possible you do keep to the plan, to ensure progress and not allow it to stagnate, or worse to cease. Therefore when life seems haphazard and pointless realise that there is still a plan operating and you will return to it at the earliest possible time. Each one of you has many Guides, and some are especially selected for the wisdom and knowledge they have. So you are not alone in your quest for spiritual progress so take note of those promptings you get when you are in your quiet moments such as meditation.

Do not allow the negativity around you to influence your life as you have a plan, even if you are personally unaware of it, and events in your life are pre-arranged so that you get every opportunity to evolve. Understand that every time you fail to reach a level that leads you to ascension the same opportunities will come up again, but that will extend the number of years you remain at the lower vibrating level. Progress is lifting your vibrations and maintaining them at a higher level, when ascension becomes automatic, and that is your goal. You will gain the most wonderful life and freedom from the negativity that is presently around you.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same internal connection with God.

In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey

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