
29 de enero de 2020

Energy Update; Fulfilling Your Divine Mission for Mother and Father Creator


 Whereas the Divine Feminine has been Empowered to levels upon anything ever known in Human written history, further access and enhancement to Their Power goes as such;

 In eradicating any energetic remnants of Patriarchal Suppression, old boundaries and protective measures MUST come down and be eliminated from You action and state of Being. Any form of defense once required by You will BECOME a hindrance and separation from Your Absolute Prowess unless Mastered in this NOW. The old way of feeling You must protect Yourself by boundaries and other defensive modes are derived from the fear aspects and is a lower-dimensional fear response. ABSOLUTE DIVINE PROWESS COMES WITH THE ABSENT OF FEAR/NEGATIVE. You are the Co-Creators of this NOW and going forward that Creates the Heaven on Earth scenario, in the least, and as a POWERFUL CO-CREATOR, One must NOT be contaminated with any lower-dimensional states, like fear and negativity. You are reminded that fear comes in many forms, from impatience to being annoyed, to worry, etc, as well as the lack of Trust, which is doubt. You MUST BELIEVE in Yourself and Your Divine Connection to ALL THAT IS, WHICH INCLUDES MOTHER/FATHER CREATOR. You MUST Trust this fully, even if You may not fully see this yet, for the trick to get there to Your Absolute Power, is through TRUST AND YOUR FULL SURRENDER TO YOUR DIVINE MISSION, THE DIVINE PLAN, AND YOUR DIRECT CONNECTION TO CREATOR.

 The FREE EXPRESSION of the Divine Masculine MUST BE ACCEPTED BY YOU THE DIVINE FEMININE, to allow Them to rise in tangent with You. If You were to continue to expect of Them, YOU WOULD BE CONDITIONING THEM BY YOUR EXPECTATIONS, WHICH IS A FORM OF SUPPRESSION. For the high levels of power that some of You have obtained, Your actions have a DIRECT IMPACT UPON THE COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS WHICH INCLUDES THE UNAWAKENED MASSES. You increase Your Co-Creator abilities by letting go of the old ways and embracing the free confident Divine Flow of You, You NO LONGER need to control things in Your existence here manually, You are ABLE TO CONTROL situations Higher, BY NOT CONTROLLING THEM( some exceptions do apply in Higher Divine Cases), by feeling You must control something now, is from a place of mistrust of Your Divine Path and full surrender that will loop You until it becomes unbearable and then You blatantly see that the direction is to be toward TRUST AND FOLLOWING THE DIVINE PLAN/ROUTE TO YOUR POWER, in the least.

 ALTHOUGH THIS MISSIVE IS DIVINE FEMININE ORIENTED, IT IS GENERIC WITH THIS LEVEL FOR MASCULINE AND FEMININE ALIKE. The Divine Masculine MUST PLAY THE ROLE OF THEIR FREE EXPRESSION TOWARDS THE FEMININE. You ALL are the PROTOTYPES FOR THE NEW REALITY, the timeline is Your Creation, Create the HARMONIOUS RELATIONSHIPS AND INTEGRATE THEM INTO THIS TIMELINE FOR YOURSELVES AND ALL OF HUMANITY. To conceal emotion or restrict expression, is a fear-based act and it must go, it begins with You, is reflected within Your Partner, and ripples out to the Masses, changing EVERYTHING.

Love and Light


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