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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Messages. Mostrar todas las entradas

3 de febrero de 2021




((Nous sommes dans une sorte de "salle d'attente"))



Abandonez les vieux schémas d'analyse sociale de ce courant de vie, nous sommes en train de laisser derrière nous, une infime étape de notre existence multidimensionnelle.

Nous  sommes venus ici que pour nous réveiller, pour comprendre que tout est bien plus grand, magique, puissant et surtout mental que ce qu'ils voulaient nous faire croire.

Nous sommes venus pour laisser la matière derrière, pour laisser la mort derrière, pour laisser le temps et toutes les limitations physiques derrière nous, nous en sommes venus à comprendre le futur, un futur déjà conçu et dans uun but clair ..., également écrit.

Nous venons du Futur pour réparer quelques lignes de temps, nous nous retrouvons dans ce merveilleux endroit pour jouer, pour détecter les astuces et les raisons de cette rencontre ... et surtout, nous en sommes venus à comprendre ce que signifie être "Parfait en cohésion social", libérant ainsi ces erreurs et activant la Fréquence qui rendra possible et garantira la pérennité de La Nouvelle Super-Civilisation Galactique, la "FRATERNITÉ UNIVERSELLE" si spéciale.

Pour ce «Doctorat en cohésion», des programmes, des scripts, des actes, des familles ou des groupes ont été créés, et le plus interessant, les Emotions!.

L'intelligence émotionnelle est la seule intelligence nécessaire pour transcender cette matrice ou programmation, et donc l'éveil. Comprendre que tout est un simple Espace / Temps, pour pouvoir corriger les erreurs du passé, causées par des races animales sans autre don que l'instinct et la survie.

L'activation de l'Esprit rationnel et la formation d'une plus grande intelligence à la Cellule, ainsi qu'une Programmation Cosmique Supérieure appelée Cristal ou Christ, font que l'Individu par l'expérience initie une analyse de classification des événements: LA DUALITE

Une fois que nous comprenons la loi de cause à effet, nous pouvons comprendre le style de la programmation ou de la mécanique de l'expérience et sortir de la roue de la génération d'événements désagréables et être capable d'avancer et d'avoir le contrôle de notre voyage, le soi-disant ILLUMINATION OU Fin de la souffrance.

Aujourd'hui, avec les temps fixés par les conceptions de la Grande Intelligence Créative, nous ne pouvons que profiter de la désintégration de cet ancien programme, et rester dans l'expectative et "Super Heureux", puisque les Hiérarchies Cosmiques responsables de cette "transition inimaginable" le contrôle et le succès absolus est plus que garanti.

Le libre arbitre supérieur est déjà activé; Quand on atteint le nouvel état de conscience (cosmique et non planétaire), et on comprend comment utiliser les principes de base ou les règles de fonctionnement de la matrice 5D, on peut s'aligner sur le nouveau temps ou le temps 1 (Spiral du temps cosmique), «Nouvelle Réalité», c'est-à-dire profiter du Plan Divin, vivre libre de Karma, jouer-expérimenter dans la Nouvelle Existence.

Nous sommes bien plus que des humains, le Grand Voyage que nous allons commencer sous peu, est 10.000 fois plus élevé que cela en Essence, Présence et Pouvoir, oubliez le passé et acceptez le présent,nous n'avons jamais vécu , un moment plus merveilleux que celui-c 

Préparez-vous à ce qui est sur le point de commencer, lorsque la Nouvelle Aube commencera à apparaître, nous entrerons dans une vague de sentiments si inimaginable que notre corps biologique actuel disparaîtra pour devenir une merveilleuse -bio-machine multidimensionelle.

Bienvenue dans l'éternité et l'infini.


Commandant AA Zaphiel Elohim 12.22.34.

Commandement du Contre Inteligence 34e Dimension 

Confédération Intergalactique des Mondes Libres

17 de diciembre de 2020



REATOMIZATION (n.) -- the act of rearranging the anatomical structure to justify a state of physical and medical perfection, by curing any disease or rectifying internal distortion; the procedure to remove flaws in a human body. 

“Welcome ladies and gentlemen, 

It is my pleasure to inform you that there has been a revelation in the science of technology. We call it reatomization and this is the first official announcement the federal government has decided to release to the public. What is it, you ask? Well, allow me the privilege of explaining the process. Let’s say, for instance, there is someone who has contracted a disease such as cancer, why, it’s automatically assumed that they’ve been given a death sentence. Fear no more, we have found the cure. The cure to anything that could possibly go wrong in the human body. A machine that resets the human body on the deepest level of their creation, to bring them to a state of perfection. What do we mean by that? Imagine, a machine that sets you to your most perfect edition in your natural state, in the body that you were built in. In any life or death situation, you could be on the brink of your final farewell, but with the help of reatomization, you are renewed and restored to health. My friends, we have discovered a way for you to be born again.”

Revolutionary, isn’t it? Out of this world, you might say. There’s no way that could be true. You’re thinking the same thoughts the American public did upon hearing the news, but as the months passed and the news of the first reatomization procedures being a success, and lives were being saved in mass amounts, your skepticism began to dissipate. It has been twenty years since the initial announcement, and reatomization has become a popular method of treatment for the wealthiest members of the population. A generation has been raised in a world where complete and total anatomical reparation by the push of a button was possible; however, the government has not agreed to make the procedure available to just anyone. There were several requirements for the procedure, and not only was the application extensively difficult, but by setting the expenses at twenty million dollars — it was nearly impossible for the general public to get their chance. After series of complaints and protests from the public, the government decided to create an alternate way of gaining access to reatomization: a federally-instituted program called NEW AGE, where a person is taught to become the perfect citizen.

The New Age Program.

To enroll in the program, you must be at least of eighteen years of age or over. Only a select few are granted admission to the program, depending on how they filled out the strenuous application required for any reatomization. Once you are in, you are apprehended into a series of tasks to perform and lessons to learn. Some, who have been entered in the program as children by their parents, are guaranteed access to reatomization if an emergency was to occur. There are also special cases for hospitals to admit patients freely through the program for immediate assistance. However, generally, people will join the program if they have a legitimate reason to be reatomized, or an impending desire for the experience. The program itself takes up the duration of a month to even a year, depending on how quickly the citizen is willing to participate. Upon graduating, the ceremony includes the procedure of being reatomized, along with an agenda for the new life they have been given. What is in the fine print that most do not realise is the very fact that as a result of being reatomized under this program, you become government property. When you wake up from reatomization, you are being forced into a brand new location, a place you never knew existed. It is the year 2014, and there is no longer such thing as a past, only now and the future. You have been reatomized. You must start anew.

Welcome to Zion, population 17,805.

You are now perfect, and it is insisted that you remain amongst other perfect people as well. You are now healthy, and the government wants to set a fine line between the unhealthy and the reatomized. Somewhere in the area that is the United States of America, there is a place called Zion; a word that could be synonymous with heaven but it’s like any other part of the country, really. With your slightly above average neighbourhoods, freshly trimmed trees and shrubs decorating the atmosphere, Zion is something we like to call a sanctuary for those who have been reatomized under the New Age Program, where they can sort out their new and improved healthy state amongst others who have undergone the same experience. Your residence is permanent. Although it is a federal region, it has surprisingly little to no governmental supervision — why? Because you are believed to be the perfect citizen, after all, you are a graduate of the New Age program. If you are looking for a way out, you better stop looking. Though there is a method of temporary leave — a visa of visitation; they don’t want to tear you away from your family forever. Citizens of Zion may apply for a visa to fly out to their hometown for a limited number of days, then they are immediately to return and be reatomized once again. However, the process of gaining a visa is a rather tedious one, and the government refuses to respond in a timely manner with their stamp of approval. Needless to say, as difficult as it is to enter Zion, it’s even more so to leave, so why bother trying? Everything you need is right here. So, congratulations on your new life, now, what are you going to do with it? 

29 de agosto de 2020

Mike Quinsey Higher self: finalization

Mike Quinsey Message, August 28, 2020  

 28th August 2020. Mike Quinsey

        Things are beginning to get back to what you call “normal“ but an astonishing amount of changes are underway that look as though they will become permanent. In some respects the lockdown because of Covid has proved to be an ideal opportunity to sit back and question the ways of living that you have taken for granted for so long. Whilst it is true that many changes have been forced upon you, on reflection you are finding that they are proving preferable to the old ways. It is a monumental time when inconveniences apart, it is bringing out into the open the frailty’s of your old ways. The far reaching effects are seeing worldwide changes that all together will lift Humanity up, and prepared for the increase in vibrations that will eventually lead to a new Earth.
        The period you are in is the final one following the end of the cycle in 2012 and is a matter of finalising the preparations for the end times. Then there is the inevitable parting of the ways when those who have raised their vibrations will ascend. The journey through many periods of time will have been well worth it if you finally reach the level that you have been working towards. The thought of life without the activities of the dark Ones who have followed a different path, is exciting as at last you can choose your next life within the higher dimensions. It will be so different to what you have been used to, the joy and freedom to go where your interests are best fulfilled, and you continue your evolution.
        In spite of the utter confusion and problems upon Earth the future is bright, and will take you into a period of happiness when it will continue to grow and take you to even greater heights. You have earned this opportunity to experience in the higher vibrations, and will find it most satisfying and rewarding. You will soon forget your previous experiences in the last cycle, never again to be repeated. Now your consciousness levels are expanding and you are increasingly becoming more aware and receptive. You will be truly taking your place amongst the many souls from all parts of the Universe and will make many new friends. Keep on your path to Ascension and do not be distracted, as in real terms there is so little time left before it happens. You have done the hard bit by leaving the old cycle behind and entering the higher vibrations.
        Soon you will be able to learn of your history and your many lives, and experiences on planets other than Earth. You are in essence already a Galactic Being with so much experience and knowledge of other civilisations. Your time may have felt like the beginning of physical life with its low level vibrations, and seemingly never ending problems yet it has been the ideal playground for you to play out your life plan. You will have made many, many friends during your experiences and those close to you will be waiting anxiously to greet you once again and renew friendships. Be assured that you are revered for your courage and tenacity to take on the challenge of life in the lower dimensions.
        You are certainly not the lowly souls you have been led to believe by the dark Ones who have long held you back and kept the truth from you. However, their years of domination by subterfuge and imprisonment have passed, and you are beginning to open up your consciousness to regain your memories of the great Being you really are. You have so to say been through the mill and back again, but know the experiences are not without their value. You are great souls with much to give to upcoming souls who follow in your footsteps and look to you for guidance.
        Dear Ones the truth of your past and your destiny is coming out, and you will be surprised by your experiences and how you have dealt with them. Expect to take great strides forward and set your sights on the best outcome and keep your goal in mind. Never forget help is always around you should you need it and be assured that you are well protected. After all the dark Ones are still around and given the chance would still interfere with your evolution by trying to mislead you. The Light has won the battle with the dark souls who will not admit defeat even although it is staring them in the face. So keep your eyes on your goal and let no one distract you from it and success.
        I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey

29 de julio de 2020

The Future of the Human Race Revealed

In the ground-breaking book, Spiral Dynamics by Don Beck and Christopher Cowan, “memes” are defined as the social equivalent of genes. Memes are cultural units of information which self-replicate from mind to mind on a vast scale, appearing within society as new trends of thought.
The progression of memes reflects the development of society from its primitive beginnings up to the present. So far, eight different memes have been identified and analyzed. Their characteristics are:
Meme 1 – Basic, personal survival
The most primitive motivation of just staying alive.
Meme 2 – Clan survival
Tribal and family bonding along with superstition-filled attempts to understand the powers of nature which threaten to overpower them.
Meme 3 – Courage, survival of the fittest
Mastering the environment, fighting to break free of constraints. Sensing many gods, all of which are models of power. This is where individuals first find their personal power but, seeing reality through a worldview of separation and limited resources, compete against each other in attempts to gain advantage. As a meme which is short on thought and long on passion, societies in this stage quickly fragment into territorial, feudal-type communities surrounded by competing, enemy communities.
Meme 4 – Finding order and purpose in life
Obeying authority, regulations and externally imposed rules of behavior and morality. Sacrificing the self to a greater cause for a deferred reward. Dedicating allegiance to one supreme God. This social meme started to spread within civilization 5,000 years ago. Eventually, alliances arose between large-scale feudal structures and those who wished to develop extensive religious power.
Meme 5 – Achievement, striving to succeed
Fighting to win, beating the competition, achieving independence. This meme started to spread significantly in the 1700s. It was made possible by the collapse of feudalism and also a sense of increased personal empowerment, which was a side-effect of the Protestant Reformation. It gained particular strength with the founding of the United States, whose Constitution and Bill of Rights intentionally empowered and protected individual liberty.
Meme 6 – Community and caring
Unconditional love, accepting others as they are, seeing the value of service to others, the beginnings of spiritual understanding. Freedom of the spirit from greed, dogma, contention and other distractions from spiritual centeredness. This meme started to spread in the mid-1800s.
The momentous leap into the second tier
Professor Clare Graves, the originator of this branch of social science, saw the first set of six memes as a first tier of human development. He called the transition of the human race into meme number seven a momentous leap, an entry into an entirely new set of memes, a new tier of consciousness. With this new tier comes freedom from all of the fears of the prior memes, and, finally, the freedom for human cognition to focus upon its possibilities in the world.
As more and more people shift into the second tier of memes, the underpinnings of society become spiritual rather than materialistic. The second tier is expansive rather than self-serving or merely survival-oriented. Service to the world community, to the planet as a whole, becomes the inspiration as people activate these higher memes of consciousness.
“Love and light” is not just a greeting to wish someone well, it is the byline of the emerging New Reality. The future of the human race is a bright one. It is love and light.
Meme 7 – Responsible freedom
Flexible flow, adapting to a world full of change. Big-picture views, the discovery of self-accountable, personal freedom. This meme started to spread after the global defeat of fascism in World War II. While most people started to look forward to the renewed chance to create personal prosperity, the beat generation of the 1950s emerged with its questioning of materialistic culture. This emerging movement examined Eastern philosophy, such as Zen Buddhism, in a search for answers to the mysteries of life.
In meme number seven, people act from an inner-directed core. Values come from fundamental, natural law, meaning that human rights are perceived as fundamental due to the fact that you exist.
By nature, seventh meme thinkers are self-accountable and independent within reason. They are honest in their communications and do not spend time on the rules of formality, unless they are important to those present. Seventh meme thinkers like technology for what it can do to improve life, and they value knowledge and competency above rank or status.
They enjoy the pleasures of life, without being bound by any of them, and pursue activities that express their inner joy. External fashions and trends have no bearing upon these choices. They have emotional control, meaning that they still express emotions, but these expressions are appropriate, and not uncontrolled outbursts.
This is a powerful meme in promoting the exploration of the greater possibilities of life. It creates information networks and networks of people which easily adapt to changing needs.
Seventh meme thinkers are concerned with the endangered world environment and want to restore viability and ecological order. Their purpose of living includes being independent within reason, knowledgeable as much as possible, and caring for others within practical limits. They are accountable to themselves as responsible individuals, yet embrace their community of associates. Rather than striving to have things or to achieve things, they prefer to pursue personal development along a pathway that is natural to them.
They can interact with people of the first six memes and speak their psychological language. They respect others’ world views and unique habits, customs and cultures, even if they don’t necessarily agree with them.
This meme brings a high sense of self-esteem based upon information as much as emotion. It brings an enlightened self-acceptance which acknowledges and accepts their own shortcomings and faults as mere stages along the way to acquiring more skills.
Meme 8 – Holistic, global view
Spiritual awareness, learning through simply being as well as doing. Becoming conscious of the superconscious, trusting intuition. This meme started to spread in the cultural and spiritual awakening of the mid-1960s. Those seekers who found this pattern of thinking launched a whole new movement of spiritual awareness. This spiritual renaissance has the potential to develop the awareness to carry humanity through The Shift and into the New Reality.
This meme has a global village outlook, and seeks projects and solutions that will work well for the whole planet. It contains the vision to bring order out of chaos.
Because of the incredible power of the second tier of memes, these will accelerate the transformation of the world as they become more and more widely adopted.
Meme 9 – The mystery meme
The authors of Spiral Dynamics have identified meme number nine. They call this the Coral meme, but they have not observed it in large quantities of people, so they cannot yet summarize its characteristics.
However, using basic metaphysical principles, you can predict exactly what meme number nine will become.
Courtesy of Owen Waters,

24 de julio de 2020

it is time for Humanity to be granted a greater proportion of new technology that has already been tested and used by the secret armed forces.

Humans are very strong willed and determined to overcome their difficulties and challenges to get through what will undoubtedly be a strenuous period in their lives. Having experienced two World Wars and many minor skirmishes, they are hardened to accept the many drawbacks that they face now and in the near future. You will soon be coming out of your enforced lockdowns and other controls intended to keep you as safe as possible. The experience will cause a rethink about how you will live in the future, and how you can improve the quality of life and shake off the issues that still exist from many years ago. Already reviews are taking place to see what can be learnt from your experiences to make life easier and more enjoyable. The New Age is still in its early stages of development and you will have all to gain and nothing to lose.
There are younger generations are ready with untapped skills and eager to put them to use for the general good of everyone. You have everything you need to take a leap forward that will be your first steps into a period of rejuvenation where, the old will be dispensed with and replaced with a new way of doing things. The know-how has been available for a long time and deliberately held back but there is no reason why it should continue any longer. These are extremely important times and the right decisions must be made that ensure Mankind is given all of the advantages that would greatly lift the quality of everyone’s lives. There is no point in going back to the old paradigm as it is inadequate to cover the new era that has been entered and now commenced. A worldwide approach would see advancement take place everywhere and quickly raise the standard of living which in many countries is very poor and primitive.
The technology and know-how already exists that would immensely raise your quality of life, and it is time Humanity was given a greater share of new technology that has already been tried and tested and in use by the secret armed forces. You the people have paid for new developments and should be the beneficiaries yet they have been very slow in being given them. The New Age demands that advancements are passed on to the people and they would help overcome the legacy of Coronavirus that has created so much debt. The people have great power in their hands and once they get their act in order they will be able to impose their will upon those who decide their future.
So keep your thoughts focussed on what you desire for the future and you will be creating an energy that will eventually help bring it about. You have much more power than you realise so use it wisely and help bring the New Age into being. Humanity has been at the mercy of leaders but are very strong willed and determined to overcome their difficulties and challenges, to get through what will undoubtedly be a strenuous period in their lives. Having experienced two World Wars and many minor skirmishes, they are hardened to accept the many drawbacks that they face now and in the near future. You will soon be coming out of your enforced lockdowns and other controls intended to keep you as safe as possible. The experience will cause a rethink about how you will live in the future, and how you can improve the quality of life and shake off the issues that still exist from many years ago. Already reviews are taking place to see what can be learnt from your experiences to make life easier and more enjoyable. The New Age is still in its early stages of development and you will have all to gain and nothing to lose.
There are younger generations are ready with untapped skills and eager to put them to use for the general good of everyone. You have everything you need to take a leap forward that will be your first steps into a period of rejuvenation where, the old will be dispensed with and replaced with a new way of doing things, the know-how has been available for a long time and deliberately held back but there is no reason why it should continue any longer.
These are extremely important times and the right decisions must be made that ensure Mankind is given all of the advantages that would greatly lift the quality of everyone’s lives. There is no point in going back to the old paradigm as it is inadequate to cover the new era that has been entered and now commenced. A worldwide approach would see advancement take place everywhere and quickly raise the standard of living which in many countries is very poor and primitive.
The technology and know-how already exists that would immensely raise your quality of life, and it is time Humanity was given a greater share of new technology that has been tried and tested and already in use by the secret armed forces. You the people have paid for new developments and should be the beneficiaries yet they have been very slow in doing so. The New Age demands that advancements are passed on to the people, and they would help overcome the legacy of Coronavirus that has created so much debt.
You have come a long way to reach this point in your evolution and have gained experience and strength by touching the depths of negativity. So lift your heads up high and know that you all have a marvellous potential and are much greater than you think. When the mist has been removed from your eyes you will see clearly and know that you are great souls in the making and moving towards the higher vibrations, and if you are ready you will ascend when the Event takes place.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.

19 de julio de 2020

We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path

The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light:

"We are here now.

We love you.

We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.
Dear One, as you are moving through this powerful transition, we invite you to shift consciously into a higher reality - a higher dimension.

You can do this by letting go of the third dimensional reality with what you are focusing on (positive and pleasant) or not focusing on (negative and unpleasant).

It is as if there are ties that are still connecting you with the third dimension. 

When you slowly begin to cut one tie after the other, you are able to make new connections to the higher dimension.

For example, you might feel inspired to make changes in your life:

The way you eat...

The way you drink...

The way you interact with others...

The way you get entertained and so forth...

Know, that your impulses to make these changes are a way of your Divine Inner Being to gently nudge you towards a higher dimensional experience.

It is a way to slowly cutting the old ties and connect to the new and higher reality.

To assist you with this, here is a short visualization for you:  

Relax and breathe deeply...

Turn your awareness inward...

As you are turning inward and focus on your heart center, feel for your inner knowing of wellbeing and love of Source. 

Sweep aside any illusion that is less than wellbeing and love...

It is not real...

Only the wellbeing and love of Source is real...

Turn further inward and intensify the feeling of wellbeing and love of Source...

Let it expand into your entire body...

Let it expand into your entire aura...

Let it expand into your entire world...

Feel free to sit this feeling for as long as you wish...
We are holding the vision of the New Earth with you and from our 
vantage point it is glorious. 

We are with you, every step of the way.

You are loved beyond measure.

We are with you... always. We love you.

We are you. Namaste."


Thank you, Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light!


16 de julio de 2020

la verdad se debe decir eraoflightdotcom


People have been reporting more and more on this EVENT recently, from all over the globe! The move to a higher frequency planet Earth reality, 5D or higher?

The so called “awakening process” has been so much LESS successful than expected, to the point where many people have actually started to move backwards in information and knowledge! Likely due to the increase in counter measures by the controllers of this Prison Planet(non human!)! Increase in frequencies from cell phones, satellites and other systems, deterioration of food quality, increase in GMOs……………….

Lots of new incoming frequencies, the increase in the Schumann’s Resonance been one, some of them coming from the Sun and others from yet unknown sources! Causing a lot of new colourful phenomena in the sky as well as brand new auroras at the poles! All changing things! As the frequencies change, less and less will be able to be hidden!

When the final energy and information burst happens, likely via our Sun, most of the Earths population will be knocked out temporary. More craft have been needed to be brought in to accommodate everyone. Then with time everyone will be needed to be brought up to speed with regards to all truth, pretty much everything will be different!

A few people will be able to tolerate it all, while still on the planet but most will be off-world! Some have come here from other worlds to assist, now incarnated as humans to actually anchor this energy, which would have not happened otherwise!

So the best you can do is became aware of all this before hand!

The split is not just a two way thing! Different people will be placed in different realities according to where they are spiritually and how far they have evolved up to now! Even within present families, members of which MAY be separated according to their levels! We are so much more than this one incarnation! Incredible new technologies and abilities will be available including access to portals that allow you to travel anywhere!

Important to note that that some will remain on his old Earth as their frequency is just so dense, to continue here! Some are universal prisoners that will need to learn further as they are so destructive!

The so called “lift-off” has a limited time period after the blast, as this old Earth will collapse even further, to the point where these craft will no longer be able to return anymore as the frequencies will just be too low!

It sounds like many of the billions of fauna and flora that have died recently in all sorts of catastrophes, will never return here but be transferred to the New Earth!

So keep a lookout for new phenomena and allow and just observe! Do not worry about the increased chaos as all this is temporary and will also actually allow THE SPLIT!



13 de julio de 2020

Tribunales military 2017

The myth of the woman



The myth of the "too much" woman...

It is vital that women begin to think about all the ways in which they collude with the often insidious and controlling messages of patriarchy that insist they stop being "too much" for the world.

Are you "too much" when you need to roar from the depths of your being when you are giving birth to a baby? It is no coincidence that birth is an area where women are rigorously subjected to fear-based control over their own bodily wisdom. Giving birth consciously and with a powerful choice is possibly the most explosive blow of sacred feminine power a woman can unleash.

Can it really be acceptable to be told to be quiet, to lie comfortably and gently on your back, and to have your legs spread by a member of the medical profession who supposedly knows more about the birth of your baby than you do?

Are you "too much" when you openly demonstrate the miraculous gift of breastfeeding your baby? Have you already realized that it is the power you are showing that causes so much in those who want to repress you?

Are you "too much" because you are in touch with emotions and intuitive signals that cause previously controlled environments to sway and move?

Do you notice when your energy of "too much" affects people and they suddenly put up resistance to your presence?

Do you realize that it is because of your "too much" that this is happening, and it is your released intuitive power that is affecting the status quo?

Are you "too much" when you have creative ideas and ambitions that will expand you exponentially and show the world how transformative your abilities are?

Is it "too much" for these ideas to eclipse others, including men, and elevate you to a position of transformative influence, power and status?

Is it "too much" when you embody and express your own sexuality, making your own decisions about how you use and experience this gift?

Do you place limits on how you engage with your sexual powers for fear of intimidating others or opening yourself up to judgment about "what kind of woman" you are?

I can't help but laugh when the idea is used that men want more sex than women-that somehow women are passive recipients of men's dominant need for sexual gratification.

Please understand: women are constantly being told that it is not acceptable for them to have a predatory appetite for anything.

Female appetites are unattractive to patriarchy.

Natural appetites for food, power and sex are traits that are beaten out of women (sometimes literally) every day on this planet.

Women have huge and even greedy appetites for life and love. Women have vast reserves of creative and sexual desire. Women are former owners of enormous power and influence.

Consider how this energy could potentially overthrow the controlling patriarchal elite in less than a minute - and restore the world back to a loving and harmonious balance - if it were unleashed and employed.

I invite you now, as a commitment to your own healing and empowerment, to take a stand against being "too much. I have described some ways in which women are fed a diet consistent with how unacceptable and dangerous their "too much" is.

But there are many more subtle, and perhaps even more insidious ways in which this control and censorship occurs. Think of all the ways in which you may be holding back and even sabotaging your own expansion into the world because you are responding to the socially accepted ban on releasing women's power and appetite.

I would like to draw attention to this ban on "too much crowd" of women. I would like to remind you that when someone reacts negatively or defensively to your expression of "too much", it is their problem, not yours.

What the world is crying out for is for women to revel in their delicious nature of "too much". I can guarantee you that this would benefit everyone, including men.

The next time you find yourself holding back because you are afraid someone will be overwhelmed, intimidated or threatened by your feelings, your sexual radiance, your creative ambition or any of your innate powers, take a breath and make a decision.

Why not decide to move on and let the "too much" go? If they overflow, you will know that they are literally swept away by your divinity. If they oppose you, you will know that what you are showing causes their own fears of being powerful.

No matter what happens, you will still be safe and unharmed. The worst thing that can happen is that you will encounter jealousy, fear of transformation and resistance to change.

As I said at the beginning, I believe that consciously invoking the energy of your "too-much-of-feminine" is one of the most healing things you can do.

It takes courage, but being a woman, especially an awakened woman, in this world requires courage every day.

Why not give yourself the most loving gift you can give, and blow up the waking world with the "too much" of your Divine Self?

~ Sophie Bashford 💖👑

Art by Benjamin Eck 🌹⚜️💖

Loving the unloved...

Forgive the unforgivable

We are ALL ONE

Let us make, create and give birth to LOVE 💖🌹💖

In Liefde en Licht. 💖

Published by RANKENLT OSARAN Interstellar Commander of the Galactic Federation of Free Planets through Joan Ashtar ***©misteri1963 this publication may be freely reproduced provided that its integrity is respected and the author is acknowledged as the source and that this URL and the copyright notice*** are included

9 de julio de 2020

The Myth of the 'Too-Much' Woman


The Myth of the 'Too-Much' Woman

It's vital that women start thinking about all the ways in which they collude with the often insidious, controlling messages from the patriarchy that insist that they stop being 'too much' for the world.

Are you 'too much' when you need to roar from the deepest core of your being when you are giving birth to a baby? It's not any coincidence that birth is an area in which women are rigorously subjected to fear-based control over their own body wisdom. Giving birth consciously and with empowered choice is arguably the most explosive hit of feminine sacred power that a woman can display.

Can it really be acceptable that you are told to 'be quiet', lay conveniently and nicely on your back and have your legs spread open by a member of the medical profession who supposedly knows more about birthing your baby than you do?

Are you 'too much' when you openly demonstrate the miraculous gift of breastfeeding your baby? Have you realised yet that it is the power that you are displaying that provokes so much in those who want to repress you?

Are you 'too much' because you are in touch with emotions and intuitive signals that cause previously controlled environments to be rocked and swayed?

Do you notice when your energy of 'too much' affects people and they suddenly put up resistance to your presence?

Do you realise that it's because of your 'too much-ness' that this is happening, and it is your liberated, intuitive power that is affecting the status quo?

Are you 'too much' when you have creative ideas and ambitions that will expand you exponentially and display to the world just how transformative your abilities really are?

Is it 'too much' for these ideas to eclipse others, including men, and raise you up to a position of influence, power and transformative status?

Are you 'too much' when you embody and express your own sexuality, making your own choices about how you use and experience this gift?

Do you put limits on how you engage with your sexual powers for fear of intimidating others or opening yourself up to judgement about 'the kind of woman' that you are?

I can't prevent myself from roaring with laughter when the idea that men want more sex than women is used: that somehow women are the passive recipients of a man's dominating need for sexual gratification.

Please understand: women are constantly told that it's not acceptable for them to have an rapacious appetite for anything.

Feminine appetites are unappealing to the patriarchy.

Natural appetites for food, power and sex are traits that are beaten out of women (sometimes literally) every day on this planet.

Women have huge, even avaricious appetites for Life and Love. Women possess vast reservoirs of creative and sexual desire. Women are ancient masters of commanding enormous power and influence.

Consider how this energy could potentially overthrow the controlling patriarchal elite in less than a minute - and restore the world back to loving, harmonious balance - if it was unleashed and employed.

I invite you now, as a commitment to your own healing and empowerment, to take a stand against being 'too much'. I've described a few ways in which women are fed a consistent diet of how unacceptable and dangerous their 'too much-ness' is.

But there are so many subtler, and perhaps even more insidious ways in which this control and censorship occurs. Think about all the ways that you may be holding back and even sabotaging your own expansion into the world because you are responding to the socially-accepted prohibition on liberated feminine power and appetite.

I would like to call time on this prohibition of feminine 'too-muchness'. I would like to remind you, that when someone reacts negatively or defensively to your expression of 'too-muchness', that it's their problem, not yours.

What the world is crying out for is for women to revel in their delicious 'too-much' natures. I can guarantee you that this would benefit everyone, men included.

The next time you catch yourself holding back because you fear that someone will be overwhelmed, intimidated or threatened by your feelings, your sexual radiance, your creative ambition or any of your innate powers - take a breath and make a decision.

Why not decide to go ahead and let the 'too-muchness' overflow? If they run, you'll know that they are literally blown away by your divinity. If they oppose you, you'll know that what you are displaying provokes their own fears about being powerful.

Whatever happens, you'll still be safe and unharmed. The worst that can happen is that you meet with jealousy, fear of transformation and resistance to change.

As I said at the beginning, I believe that consciously invoking the energy of your feminine 'too-muchness' is one of the most healing things you can do.

It does take courage - but just being a woman - especially an awakened one - in this world takes courage every day.

Why not give yourself the most loving gift you could possibly give, and blast the world awake with the 'too-muchness' of your Divine Self?

~ Sophie Bashford

Art by Benjamin Eck


Love the unlovable
Forgive the unforgivable
We are ALL ONE

Let's make, create and give birth to LOVE 💖🌹💖

In Liefde en Licht.

6 de julio de 2020

Trumps envía la última advertencia a [DS] / MSM, confirma Flynn, Silencio No más - Episodio 2216

Trumps envía la última advertencia a [DS] / MSM, confirma Flynn, mayoría silenciosa, silenciosa, no más
Haga clic en la imagen para ver una imagen más grande
Los patriotas están en control, los msm sabían qué esperar con la economía, ya no están informados, es por eso que continuamente se equivocan, Trump tiene la varita mágica. El PPP ahora se ha ampliado para ayudar a la persona común a capear la tormenta. JPMorgan retrocede en lo que mantendrá viva la ilusión, los patriotas están impulsando el sistema [CB] a la tierra mientras construyen la economía popular. Powell y Legarde ahora han enviado mensajes para que todos sepan que todo está a punto de cambiar. Los [DS] / MSM están empujando los eventos lo más fuerte posible, están empujando el ángulo del virus, están empujando el ángulo del ismo, pero la mayoría silenciosa ya no está en silencio. Trump le da al [DS] / MSM una advertencia final, mira lo que sucede después. La familia Flynn prestó juramento, Flynn usa la frase WWG1WGA, confirmada.
Echa un vistazo a The X22 Report Spotlight Canal de YouTube X22Report Spotlight

28 de junio de 2020

Mike Quinsey Message Higher Self

, June 26, 2020 
Remember that nothing happens by chance and whilst your experiences may seem that way they often involve many other souls, some because of karma and others who will simply join them. The Pandemic has given many people ample time to reflect on their life so far and decide where they are going from this point in time. It is a chance to reflect on your life so far and whether it satisfies your ambitions, because in many ways time is running out and a new era will come into being. The old ways have served their purpose very well, but a new way forward is beckoning for those who have set their sights on Ascension.
Everything that is presently happening is calculated to ensure that progress is maintained that will avoid any interference from the dark Ones that could cause undue delay to your progress. Do not despair regardless of what happens in the present circumstances, as it is a time of clearing away all that has no place in the future. At the same time we are encouraging those souls who have set their eyes on Ascension to try as far as possible to ignore the chaos that may be happening around them. It is in part caused by the negative groups who still believe they can obtain power by killing off their rivals. They fail to understand that the future has already been written and no mortal will have the power to change the outcome.
The fact that major changes are taking place can hardly be ignored, particularly when worldwide weather changes are occurring that have brought out some extreme circumstances. The sea levels are rising and a number of inland areas will disappear, but there is usually ample warning to allow people time to relocate to safe places. Everything is on the move in readiness for the final change that will see the promises of a new Earth fulfilled. Perhaps the most significant changes for you will be the many that will result in you having more freedom from your present everyday tasks. It may be a long way off but eventually you will have everything you need at your fingertips and much more time to fulfil your personal ambitions.
Think big and know that what we have often asked you to do, and focus on what you envision for yourself because your desires will be met, but as always you can get advice and help from your Guides who are there to help. They do much more for you than you could possibly imagine, and are always close to you and on hand when needed. For example they do their best to ensure you stick to your life plan as it covers experiences that you need to advance further. The whole object of your incarnations is to help you experience in a way that advances your evolution. Be assured you are not alone when you tackle the challenges that confront you and so to say – point you in the right direction.
We know it is hard for you to understand your make believe world because you have thought it into being, and having served its purpose it will soon “disappear” as Humanity moves on and prepares for new experiences. You have earned the success that will ensure you leave the third dimension behind as it has served its purpose. Mother Earth will be pleased to lift up into the higher vibrations and create a beautiful Earth for you, one free from all of the present negativity that exists.
Outside of your Solar System are so many advanced civilizations very much like your species with minor differences, and some that might well pass for humans having very similar features to yourselves. Indeed, there are so many that bear a resemblance to you we feel sure you would enjoy meeting them. They have much to offer you, and a very exciting time awaits you all.  There is nothing to fear and the negative Reptilians will not be allowed to interfere with your progress as they have done in the past.
As usual your Governments keep the real news to themselves while they leave you still living in a bygone Age. Some secrets are becoming too big to conceal much longer, and it is likely there will be some revelations in the near future, but at a time when it is safe to do so. You see strange craft in your skies, yet not so strange as they are part of your Space Fleet. They have been long developed mainly by back engineering crashed craft that go back quite a long time. With it came a great leap in your technology, although in real terms you are way behind those civilisations that have existed for thousands of years and have inter-stellar craft.
There is also the question about Man’s intentions as so far there is no suggestion that their Space travels are to create peaceful relationships, although you trade with many civilisations. Some advances have crept into your field of knowledge which is why you have advanced so quickly in a relatively short time. However, you have not been given the benefit of them all otherwise you would for example already have been using free energy. It will come but not until the dark Ones have been removed and no longer represent a threat to you.
You live in unprecedented times when little seems straightforward, and there seems to be no real direction or purpose where world events are concerned. You face years of sacrifice as governments struggle to come to terms with the problems they see before them. Nothing could have prepared them for what has happened and it shows the weakness of your monetary systems that have struggled to cope with the demands upon them. There is always a way out of trouble, but the result of the pandemic has severely disrupted your monetary system. We recognise your plight and will do our best to help you, but the onus is upon you to take the first steps to start restoring your society. We cannot say more as there are many factors involved that even we cannot yet see which way you are going.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.
In Love and Light. 
Mike Quinsey .         

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