
13 de julio de 2020

The myth of the woman



The myth of the "too much" woman...

It is vital that women begin to think about all the ways in which they collude with the often insidious and controlling messages of patriarchy that insist they stop being "too much" for the world.

Are you "too much" when you need to roar from the depths of your being when you are giving birth to a baby? It is no coincidence that birth is an area where women are rigorously subjected to fear-based control over their own bodily wisdom. Giving birth consciously and with a powerful choice is possibly the most explosive blow of sacred feminine power a woman can unleash.

Can it really be acceptable to be told to be quiet, to lie comfortably and gently on your back, and to have your legs spread by a member of the medical profession who supposedly knows more about the birth of your baby than you do?

Are you "too much" when you openly demonstrate the miraculous gift of breastfeeding your baby? Have you already realized that it is the power you are showing that causes so much in those who want to repress you?

Are you "too much" because you are in touch with emotions and intuitive signals that cause previously controlled environments to sway and move?

Do you notice when your energy of "too much" affects people and they suddenly put up resistance to your presence?

Do you realize that it is because of your "too much" that this is happening, and it is your released intuitive power that is affecting the status quo?

Are you "too much" when you have creative ideas and ambitions that will expand you exponentially and show the world how transformative your abilities are?

Is it "too much" for these ideas to eclipse others, including men, and elevate you to a position of transformative influence, power and status?

Is it "too much" when you embody and express your own sexuality, making your own decisions about how you use and experience this gift?

Do you place limits on how you engage with your sexual powers for fear of intimidating others or opening yourself up to judgment about "what kind of woman" you are?

I can't help but laugh when the idea is used that men want more sex than women-that somehow women are passive recipients of men's dominant need for sexual gratification.

Please understand: women are constantly being told that it is not acceptable for them to have a predatory appetite for anything.

Female appetites are unattractive to patriarchy.

Natural appetites for food, power and sex are traits that are beaten out of women (sometimes literally) every day on this planet.

Women have huge and even greedy appetites for life and love. Women have vast reserves of creative and sexual desire. Women are former owners of enormous power and influence.

Consider how this energy could potentially overthrow the controlling patriarchal elite in less than a minute - and restore the world back to a loving and harmonious balance - if it were unleashed and employed.

I invite you now, as a commitment to your own healing and empowerment, to take a stand against being "too much. I have described some ways in which women are fed a diet consistent with how unacceptable and dangerous their "too much" is.

But there are many more subtle, and perhaps even more insidious ways in which this control and censorship occurs. Think of all the ways in which you may be holding back and even sabotaging your own expansion into the world because you are responding to the socially accepted ban on releasing women's power and appetite.

I would like to draw attention to this ban on "too much crowd" of women. I would like to remind you that when someone reacts negatively or defensively to your expression of "too much", it is their problem, not yours.

What the world is crying out for is for women to revel in their delicious nature of "too much". I can guarantee you that this would benefit everyone, including men.

The next time you find yourself holding back because you are afraid someone will be overwhelmed, intimidated or threatened by your feelings, your sexual radiance, your creative ambition or any of your innate powers, take a breath and make a decision.

Why not decide to move on and let the "too much" go? If they overflow, you will know that they are literally swept away by your divinity. If they oppose you, you will know that what you are showing causes their own fears of being powerful.

No matter what happens, you will still be safe and unharmed. The worst thing that can happen is that you will encounter jealousy, fear of transformation and resistance to change.

As I said at the beginning, I believe that consciously invoking the energy of your "too-much-of-feminine" is one of the most healing things you can do.

It takes courage, but being a woman, especially an awakened woman, in this world requires courage every day.

Why not give yourself the most loving gift you can give, and blow up the waking world with the "too much" of your Divine Self?

~ Sophie Bashford 馃挅馃憫

Art by Benjamin Eck 馃尮⚜️馃挅

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In Liefde en Licht. 馃挅

Published by RANKENLT OSARAN Interstellar Commander of the Galactic Federation of Free Planets through Joan Ashtar ***©misteri1963 this publication may be freely reproduced provided that its integrity is respected and the author is acknowledged as the source and that this URL and the copyright notice*** are included

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