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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta PHILOSOPHY-AWARENESS. Mostrar todas las entradas

14 de octubre de 2017

Five ways to recognize divine guidance

the colectiveAngels are our guardians and guides. They are divine spiritual beings of love and light working with humanity to assist us in this life, giving us messages, guidance and help for our highest good. 
Guardian Angels are unique to each person; each of us has our own team. For some people, this may be an angel, for others it can be many; and you can always ask for more if you feel the need.
Angels abide by the spiritual laws of the universe, because these laws are for all mankind. The law of free will means that everyone can freely choose what you want to create in our lives and that angels do not interfere directly in your life (unless you ask or if your life is in danger prematurely).  

When you ask for guidance and help, your angels will be communicated through your intuitive feelings, bringing signals to support your intuitive feelings and giving you opportunities and resources to help.

When you ask your angels directly help with something, you create a strong connection of co-creation. Our angels can help us manifest virtually anything, including money. This does not mean requesting $ 1,000,000 and magically appears; That is not co-creation. 

Think of it this way, if his son asked him to help do something, like the task, for example, would not do for them. It would help with advice, resources, ideas and support. This method works because the learning experience and create is valuable and results in growth and expansion; The same is true for the manifestation process.

When we asked for help to the Angels, especially manifest something we clearly know we want and it is for our highest good, conspire in our favor to us or send us inspiration, ideas, signs, resources, opportunities, assistants and many things other fortuitous circumstances ; all it takes to make our intentions a reality. Meanwhile, he must act in what is present; If it does, it will not create anything.

Our prayers will be answered or intentions, but how not depend on us? What depends on how we respond? with action or dismissal. Take responsibility for your part in creating your life is crucial. 

It is also crucial to understand that, indeed, are we manifesting all the time. This is the Law of Attraction in action; All day, every day, without exception. 

Becoming aware of this fact, we constantly create our reality, and make conscious choices about what we are creating a huge impact it makes life changing. 

What the angels bring to the party is the chance, the guide, miracles and supremely high vibrational energy that can really accelerate and amplify the creation of your intentions and dreams.

When it comes to manifest money, angels are wonderful in giving us guidance and help; especially to show us where we sabotage.

Is our self-esteem is the foundation of our net worth? 
Angels can bring many ideas about the positive changes we can make to our energy a complement to more and more financial wealth.

Here are 4 ways your angels can help you manifest money:



When you ask the angels to help manifest money, one of the first ways is beginning to help with new ideas and divine inspiration. 

Los Angeles communicate with us through our intuition , givinga barrage of information that can help create the way to our dreams. 

Do not dismiss new ideas that occur to you after you have asked for help from your angels. 

It can be as simple as making a phone call to someone or as thoroughly as starting a business.

Whatever the bulb or aha moment; not ignore and act in some way; This is the process of co-creation.



Once you ask your angels to help manifest money, they begin to conspire on your behalf. 

Los Angeles often work with others; those who somehow can provide you with information, support or collaboration. 

Angels can put yourself in the minds of people who can help you in unexpected ways. 

If directly requested that, prepare to receive offers of help from people who could never imagine and be sure to accept.

3. BLOCKS ENERGY (consciousness)


Angels are teachers increase our awareness, especially our own negative energy or blocks. 

Since money is simply a form of energy, we need to be in a state of highest to attract and create more vibratory flow. 

Los Angeles can give you this information if you ask. 

From limiting beliefs to the negative statements, people may have a particularly destructive relationship with money. 

That angels can help you change your thinking, leading to a more prosperous perspective.

Gratitude is an excellent place to start!



T or self - esteem is the basis of your net worth. 

Self negativity in any way have a negative impact on your bank account. 

It is a direct link that many do not fully understand. 

Angels are an amazing master of self-esteem. 

Develop a practice to improve the relationship with yourself will drastically improve all areas of your life, including finances. 

Angels can help you, guide you on this journey; Archangel Chamuel call (who teaches us about unconditional love) to help.

How to ask (I'm ready!)

Ask for help from your angels does not require any formal ritual or prayer. The best way to do this is from a place of surrender; asking for your help without giving instructions. A great technique is the statement "I am ready".

 These 3 words are powerful, and "I am" is a definitive statement that aligns the energy to back it up. 

Use this technique with the intention to ask for help following his angels:
I am ready to create (you fill your intention). 
Please bring me the resources, ideas, inspiration and opportunities that can help make this a reality.
 Please put me in mind of people who can also help. 
Thank you.

Using a vision board with your application I am ready to process also adds positive energy.
 It includes some images of angels as a reminder that are with you, guiding and helping you create your dreams. 

I AM READY statement makes your intention is very clear.

When we asked for help to the Angels, especially manifest something we clearly know we want and we are ready to be conspire to our advantage to make it happen.

 Happy money appears!

5 de octubre de 2017

"DNA revised threads 24 Demonstration" by Blueriver

Posted by Blueriver entrance at 11:32 AM EDT on October 5, 2017 On 24 strands of DNA in 12 days. 24 threads manifestation of DNA will be 12 X 12 = 144 times readings. Every 12 readings read aloud with emotion, raises the frequency of the body, emotions, mind and spirit for 2 strands of DNA, greater overall vibration velocity. Visualize what is happening in your body as youread. 12 readings per day x 12 days = 24 activated DNA strands. You are now ready to enter the fifth dimension. A reading or more per month for maintenance. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- 

I invoke Mother Earth, the Ruler of the elements of the earth; and Archangel Uriel The fire of God,  the Light of God, Archangel of Divine Wisdom in the North. Project gratitude, light and love, my being, my energy and my loving thoughts, deep into Mother Earth, asking for help to bring the energy of the creative magma yellow, purple and orange through my feet, in my root chakra or coccígeo, and in my second sexual and sacral plexus plexus chakra creation. Creative invoke the Divine Source and Archangel Jophiel, Beauty of God, the Archangel 

The Creative Power and Lighting, and the Guardian of the Tree of Knowledge, and Archangel Uriel. Came and project gratitude, love and light, high in the heavens, calling the golden white light Source Energy through my brain chakras, down through my heart chakra, adding love from my heart and to my sacral plexus, or creative center, just above the pelvic bone, and mingling with the creative magma of Mother Earth.

Call to Archangel Zafkiel, Keeper of the Flame of Creation, the Angel of Ecstasy and Compassion, to expand the creative energy of orange flame in my sacral plexus, mingling with the creative magma of Mother Earth, the golden white light power source and the love of my heart chakra, with the intention of creating 24 strands of DNA perfected for the celebration of our existence. I call Star Children, Guardians of the 24 sophisticated strands of human DNA, to place the 24 strands of DNA in my sacral plexus, and every cell of my body.

Modification 24 strands of DNA in each cell of my body in 12 double helixes, connecting two strands each, in a rotatable DNA, connected, refined, spiral, double stranded, with improved telomeres at the ends act as small antennasreceiving perfection quantum field and energy source, and the transmission of perfection in every cell of my body, bone, blood, lymphatic system, nerves, organs, hormones, glands, proteins, telomeres, organelles, carbohydrates, arteries, veins , immune system, adipose tissue, cell membranes and mitochondria at a quantum level, to rejuvenate and revitalize my body in perfect eternal health and fitness .

My 12 double helices connected me now to quantum energies of all heavenly realms. I braid these 12 double helices in a DNA strand 24 threads woven into every cell of my body, manifesting the perfection of my original plan of the original human DNA. making me strong, invincible, indestructible, impenetrable to all toxins, petrochemicals, nanobots and radiation. Now I am connected and integrated, transmitting and receiving to and from my soul group, and to and from all my loved Inter-dimensional Divine in the Multiverse, calling everyone to join in this body now and remain forever. 

YO SOY now an enlightened being of Light and Love! So be it! 

So is! 


 I AM! 

AMEN! Blueriver

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