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Trump’s Attacks on Fed Could Backfire

altnews eraoflight

President Donald Trump’s attacks on the Federal Reserve could backfire if the central bank moves more aggressively to prove its independence, according to former Fed Vice Chairman Stanley Fischer. Ultimately, Fischer said the central bank likely will stick to its plan of steady but gradual hikes.
President Donald Trump‘s lambasting of Federal Reserve officials for raising interest rates could backfire if the views of the central bank’s former vice chairman are correct.
Stanley Fischer, who also was a governor on the Bank of Israel, said Thursday that the Fed might be tempted to raise rates even more aggressively to show that it can’t be influenced by the White House.
“I don’t think it helps at all, even if he thinks that. The Fed is going to try to demonstrate it’s totally independent politically and it’s not going to react to that,” Fischer told CNBC’s Sara Eisen during a “Squawk on the Street” interview.
“Then the question is, what do they do to show they’re not reacting? They could go either way,” he added. “They could probably raise rates faster, which is not what he is exactly looking for.”
Ultimately, the Fed likely will proceed with what it thinks is the best course of action regardless and not try to make any philosophical statements, said Fischer, who served on the bank from 2014-17.
“I believe this is a highly professional board. The Fed’s board was chosen very well by the administration, and it’s a good group of people and they will do what they know they have to do,” he said. “They have to make a professional judgment and that should be what the interest rate should be and it should be totally independent of political pressure.”
The policymaking Federal Open Market Committee has been raising rates in a gradual but steady manner since late-2015, with the most recent increase coming in September. Fed officials have said they are seeking to normalize rates to head off inflationary pressures and to ensure financial stability.
Trump has lashed out at the central bank on multiple occasions, most recently saying that rising rates are the “biggest threat” to the economic boom during his administration.
Earlier in the day, former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan told CNBC that current Fed officials should “put earmuffs on” and ignore the political pressure. He added that he heard from presidents “all the time” about what monetary policy should be.
Fischer agreed with Greenspan’s advice and said the Fed should not back down from the current policy path.
“The big problem is there are lags in this process. You raise interest rates now because of inflation you fear down the road. So it’s very easy to say always, yeah, they’re premature,” he said. “Well, they better be premature.


Corruption, FMI, bankruptcy

May 8, 2018
To All Concerned:
We have learned this morning that the IMF has falsely presumed that our government is not in operation
and that our international claims are not in place and that the IMF is free to act as the Priority Creditor of
the United States Corporation(s).
This is not the case.
Ms. LaGarde and President Trump and all the Principals have been given full Due Process and have
cause to know that the States and People of this country are the Priority Creditors of the United States
and its Corporations---- all of them.
Any further encroachment upon our sovereignty by these incorporated entities will result in their
liquidation and the forfeiture of their assets for making unlawful false claims and serving as accomplices
to Breach of Trust, fraud, and attempted unlawful conversion of assets.
All IMF Offices recently opened in North Carolina need to be shut down and the IMF needs to retreat to
its Washington base pending our assignment of Bankruptcy Trustees.
When the United States entered international bankruptcy all three levels of the Federal Government we
established were vacated and the delegated powers reverted to the Issuer of those Powers: The United
States of America (Unincorporated).
We have been in business since 1776, so this is not presumed to be any big news to any of you.
Thank you.
James Clinton Belcher
Head of State
The United States of America (Unincorporated)
c/o Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
Christine LaGarde President Donald J. Trump
IMF Office of the Chief of Protocol
700 19th Street NW 2201 C Street NW, Room 1238
Washington, DC 20431 Washington, DC 20520


More interesting Intel… Where are Bank of America, JP Morgan, Wells Fargo and Citibank in this great American revaluation of currencies?


"Four Letter Words" - GCR/RV Intel SITREP - Saturday - September 16, 2017

Where are Bank of America, JP Morgan, Wells Fargo and Citibank in this great American revaluation of currencies? 

Who controls the 7,400 off site redemption centers in the US versus the Tier 1 mega bank we were always told ran the roost?


What is the current status of the RV in terms of military readiness and international diplomacy? 


How many nations are still left to accomplish all the GESARA treaty mandates including the United States? 

Who is the undercover military operative that was turned into a politician to one day be inserted as President and lead the restored Republic? 


Did all American sovereign debt instruments collapse at once back in December 2012 when the Federal Reserve Bank Act ended, which also ended the USD's run as the world reserve currency? SURE What year did the USD legally collapse due to a lack of gold backing the Federal Reserve Bank issued currency?


How did the cabal scramble after the Chinese Elders forewarned the world they would end the USA, Inc. and collapse the entire US economy to do so in the process? 


Did President Obama surrender the entire American economy, government, military and foreign policy decisions to China in a historic detente meeting during his second term? 

Are we living the transition of global power from the Western World to Eastern World over the weekend and into next week due to the start of the Solar-Lunar calendar year? 

Why are we members of the 144,000 human angel army in the Book of Revelations here to reclaim the earth in service of God's Will? 

Source: Human Angel Services


Trump controls the Federal Reserve!

End of centralbank was briliant Trump controls the Federal Reserve!

Under Scrutiny 

Trump !: Federal Reserve controls the end of the centralbank was 
Alfredo Jalife-Rahme 

Stanley Fischer resigned from deputy governor of the Federal Reserve of the United States, eight months to complete its periodoFoto Xinhua 

medium n adits , hurricanes and earthquakes has gone unnoticed no less telluric resignation of vice-governor of the Federal Reserve (Fed), the Israeli-American Stanley Fischer, eight months before the expiration of his term.

The sui generis Fed hybridity conglomerate of private banks (sic) US autónomacomo operating as public agency with its 12 governors is the supreme regional-global central bank de facto under the rule of financial globalization imposed its monetarist model centralbanquista to the entire planet under the simultaneous persuasion US nuclear bombs and its corollary of financial and economic wars.

The minimum movement in the Fed affects markets and monetarist policy of remaining global central banks in particular, of its main allies in the G-4 monetarist with Britain, the European Union and Japan dominate, by the time being the pecuniary universe, in unison with the predominance of dolarcentrismo imposed by the US military victory in two world wars and the cold war.

The expected resignation of monetarist hawk Stanley Fischer has left four vacant seven positions in the Fed that paradoxically must be completed by the decision today emasculated Trump who can alter the path of the supreme global central bank and who also incumbent upon the appointment of successor Gov. Israeli-American Janet Yellen, who concludes his term in February 2018; and that can not always be as to the wishes of trumponomics fit with colliding. 

Incredible: Trump can reconfigure the Fed with its five nominations.

Ignoring their random semantics, I do not know if you call it luck, but Trump, despite his bitter tribulations few months after his controversial mandate and changed the correlation of forces in the Supreme Court, perhaps for a generation, in favor of the team ultraconservative, having placed without much noise Neil Gorsuch ( ). 

Beyond the likes and phobias -after the iconic racist Charlottesville- break, Trump has four consecutive wins in local elections and appealed to Governor Jim Justice West Virginia that was passed as vulgar mountebank the ranks of the Democratic Party to the Republican ( ).

Never underestimate the ability of white supremacism evangelist damage Anglo - Saxon! 

Moreover, Trump and began applying his art of negotiation by agreeing as heterodox fiscal cap and assistance by Texas Hurricane Harvey with leaders of the Democratic Party in the Senate, the New Yorker Charles Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, the House of Representatives, which put the outcry of the leaders of the Republican Party in Congress: Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell who do not recover from their tax stupor orthodox ( ).

Trump attracts the Republican Party, now more favorable to the vice president Mike Pence, the white supremacism for the midterm elections of 2018 will mean a local / regional / global turning point : when he played with his destiny that goes ignominious resignation / sacking until nothing crazy reelection in 2020 ( ). 

At your own risk, the Lone Ranger Trump seeks to create its own electoral power with his ferocious white supremacist / nationalist stronghold that venerates ( ) which strips (ra) seats the two parties.

The distorted media narrative conceals that both Hillary and the Democratic and Republican parties are more unpopular than the same Trump, which is reflected (ra) in the midterm elections this year and the middle of 2018. 

Moral: do not underestimating domestic maneuverability of a US president, even corralled, except in the case of atypical Trump. 

If the overwhelming majority of multimedia US Trump is exorcised with singular joy in the Supreme Court and he left his generational mark, while in the (not popular in the prevailing nineteenth - century system EU) Electoral College is in full pomp thanks the rabid support of his white supremacist evangelist base and is now about to finalize the era of monetarism centralbanquista Fed.

The former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers says Stanley Fischer's resignation leaves the Fed weaker and the international monetary system and utters that it is the end of an era ( ). 

The monetarist history of the Israeli-American Stanley Fischer, 73 years old and born in Zambia (holds dual citizenship of Israel and EU), is shocking ( In -vicedirector Citigroup private banking and international organizations: former governor of the Central Bank of Israel (recommended by former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and his then Finance Secretary BibiNetanyahu), a member of the Bilderberg Group, Chief Economist World Bank, IMF Managing Director and member of the influential Group of 30 controlled by the Rockefeller Foundation and who are members of the Zedillo and Guillermo Ortiz (stateless ). 

In a recent interview with the Financial Times, Stanley Fischer showed his collision with Trump (, Who seeks to deregulate finance, lower interest rates and lower taxes (from employers to workers), the famous trumponomics with massive infrastructure spending that has not yet been able to start "after 10 years worldwide ( sic) you want to return to the previous status quo to the grave (sic) financial crisis. What I consider extremely dangerous and extremely short-sighted ".

Stanley Fischer said EU with its allies, particularly Britain, created a global system after World War II that worked very well, but it is now unclear to survive: the system needs a hegemon. It was Britain for a long time. And he moved to the United States quickly; Today we have a world without an anchor country, or hegemon or whatever you want to call, unless things change in EU. What illustrative of how it operates Olympus! 

White supremacist / nationalist website Breitbart assumes buried aspirations Fed Israeli-American Gary Cohn, director of the National Economic Council at the White House, who was a strong candidate to replace Gov. Janet Yellen, and can be fired fulminantemente by Trump whom he criticized for his stance in Charlottesville.

Sam Fleming, the interviewer Stanley Fischer said in advance that the departure of deputy governor of the Fed "would be another sign of fading of an old regime: Eminence griseentre makers of economic policy of the West" when the Board of Governors of the Fed it will soon be radically different. 

End of an Era ( ): Before the Fed governors Paul Volcker and Alan Greenspan Israeli-Americans, Ben Shalom Bernanke and Janet Yellen- had a huge influence. Trump seems that this is over.

Twitter: @AlfredoJalifeR_

Facebook: AlfredoJalife

Vk: id254048037


Asia and Africa are the continents where they emerge from the crisis and example will clamor for the return to the gold standard walk the planet.


We already have the script next and decisive perfectly delineated school year. The largest economy in the world in terms of imports of raw materials will start paying for oil (and gas) in its own currency,  Yuang, which in turn, is fully convertible into gold , thus exporting countries black gold ... they may be paid in yellow gold. In fact, Venezuela has just done pretty much the same, which has earned him the attempted invasion by US Zionists (CIA).

That is, the return to the gold standard has already begun.

Let 's take a count of the oil exporting countries (or gas) that are trading without dollars: Iran, Russia, Venezuela, Qatar, Syria and possibly Iraq, half of Libya and Nigeria (has requested assistance from Russia to end Boko Haram and in fact, this Zionist guerrilla sure that was sent to prevent the African country to join the bloc BRICS).

So we have, in fact, China must have begun to pay for raw materials in gold, which will be making a few producing countries begin to hoard the precious metal. But is also becoming (in fact) gold again in a reference currency, China is beginning to pay the infrastructure of the Silk Road and the Strip with the same metal, which will make throughout this course Asia and Africa (which continents are controlled by the BRICS block) reinstate officer- in a way the gold standard.

That means that during this course the petrodollar will no longer be the standard used in the monetary system and, indeed, the dollar will no longer be a haven to become a drawback: Who will want to store a currency associated with debt ( war) and the past? (in fact, to Saudi Arabia he is issuing signs of wanting to abandon the dollar. Only this country and the small Gulf emirates remain true to this pattern).

Ultimately, that next year we will experience the decline of a model (the petrodollar) and the emergence of another (or or ) . The speed at which this occurs will depend susbtitución the exact moment when the petrodollar be abandoned. In my view , when the situation reaches the point where the Fed can not keep this blatant lie produce the long - awaited bankruptcy of the USA corporation and the military seized power to proclaim NESARA and return the dollar issued by the US Treasury.

Meanwhile, the CIA try to press or general coups in countries that want to get out of the script by pirate-bankers. Asia and Africa are the continents where they emerge from the crisis and example will clamor for the return to the gold standard walk the planet.

Rafael Palacios


Fed: The invention dollar system and its collapse

Since the late nineteenth century, banks were under the control of the empire Rotschild launched a major campaign to seize the US economy. The Rothschilds from Europe, financed banks JP Morgan, Kuhn Loeb and John D. Rockefellers and its affiliated companies Standard Oil Co., Edward Harriman railroads and steel mills of Andrew Carnegie.

Around 1900, the Rothschilds sent to the United States to one of its agents, Paul Warburg, who was cooperating with the Kuhn Loeb & Co Bank to establish several "Federal Reserve Banks' (EDF), private institutions issuing currency. With the support of the two major financial groups Rothschilds and Rockefellers, managed to establish a private central bank with the right to issue its own currency, legal tender initially guaranteed by the state. The establishment of "FED" in 1913, allowed international bankers could consolidate their financial power in America. Paul Warburg was the first president of the Fed. 

After the founding of the Fed saw the adoption of the 6th Amendment of the US Constitution, which allowed the government to charge a tax on income. It was a consequence of the fact that the government could no longer issue its own currency. Thus, the international bankers indirectly appropriated private property of the US citizen. 

During World War II, the United States came to demand that the warring countries would pay with gold buying weapons. After the war, the gold from Germany became the spoils of war. More than 30,000 tons of world gold accumulated in the United States.

After World War II, the world's gold reserves accumulated at the private bank that was actually the Fed, so many central banks were unable to continue to maintain the gold standard and their countries were immersed into deflation, producing thus world economic crisis. 

Served that gold hedging the dollar. But as much of those dollars were playing the role of monetary reserve in the coffers of the foreign central banks, the US could continue to print more dollars in amounts that no longer correspond to their gold reserves.Other countries need dollars to buy raw materials. Thus, the dollar became a major monetary reserves of foreign central banks.

In 1971, Richard Nixon canceled the convertibility of the dollar into gold and at the same time, the State guarantee on the value of the dollar. Since then, the value of the greenback is not in correspondence with gold reserves nor guaranteed by the State. It is therefore of free private currency of the EDF . But l to monetary mass of dollars that the Fed puts into circulation (since March 2006, the Fed has not published more thanthe amount of money supply M3) has become an unsolvable problem : the global mass of goods quadrupled during the last 30 years, but the money supply multiplied by 40, that is there are ten times more dollars than assets. Already

in 1992, the obligations held by the Fed reached a value of 5 trillions of dollars, and the interest paid by the rest of the world are steadily increasing. The Fed took over that incredible heritage lending money to the US government and then charging youinterest. 

Not the US government which issues the dollars, but the Fed, which in turn is under the control of private banks and government makes available amounts of money, will charge interest and collect taxes.The owners of this country are the Rothschilds and Rockefellers empires who, incidentally have lived for a century the benefit of using the dollars. Why countries seeking to establish trade relations with other currency, such as Iran, Iraq and Venezuela who have chosen the Euro, they are branded as terrorists. 

For half a century the world will be forced to accumulate and use dollars, and today its rejection is what is flooding the market desplomándolo in a bottomless fall. 
This article was published in March 2008.  See original article


"The parallel dollar has risen 28.5% so far in April"

"The parallel dollar has  risen  28.5% so far in April"

The parallel dollar is bought on the black market.
Now we return to a similar scenario. 
Silver,  great American reservation  may decide the inflection of the collapse of markets
It is the reason why  Donald Trump  wanted out of globalization finalizing the TTIP and certain "deglobalisation" not to be swept away by the price of raw materials.
Trials of Martial Law in Boston for Obama.

(Translation: To see what the "Closing the US government":
04/24/17  We all push to ensure that the US corporate criminal government closes on May 1

This newspaper story is the close of 2014 ,. Apparently, these criminals have been forcing their debt extensions of Chinese and other creditors every time this happened. no longer they have on your side to Pentágno and other forces as they had then, and that may be the difference this time).
Though the ordeal has taught me not to look at particular dates, multiple independent sources are saying that something big could happen on May 1. 
Corporate media propaganda ,  this is the day that  the US government will be closed  unless  the debt ceiling raised.
It is also the day  that  is expected to Puerto Rico,  a subsidiary wholly owned US corporate governance,  break.
CIA sources,  the  Illuminati Gnostics,  the  Japanese military intelligence and the Pentagon  say this is the day the world has a fighting chance to close out the corporate governance of  the United States  and restore the  Republic of the United States of America  popularly known as  "the old golden America."
The  White Dragon Society  is pushing the main creditors of corporate governance in the  US, Japan and China , not to grant them more extensions to corporate governance while remaining under the control of the Khazar mafia. 
It is telling that  the controlled demolition of the US corporate governance  would end  with the financing of endless wars,  with  Daesh , with  the false flag terrorism , the  spread of biological weapons , etc., etc.
The Khazar mafia  has become what can only be described  as an institutional madness  in recent days as  the deadline nears bankruptcy. 
Recent attempts to start the 3rd World War in Syria and North Korea  are being followed with repeated threats of nuclear and biological terror and such madness will certainly continue  until definitely out of business.
It is no coincidence that a new head of the Knights of Malta will be selected on  April 29 , just before the date of bankruptcy of the US Corporation. 
Grand Master of the Order,  Mathew Festing , was recently fired by Pope ostensibly in a dispute over condoms.
However, sources of Japanese military intelligence, the Italian Freemason Lodge  P2 and MI6  confirm that the  fascist faction of the Knights of Malta , led by  Festing,  was deeply involved  in the tsunami of March 11, 2011. 
The self - styled Satanist  Leo Zagami,  who sent the e - mails writer threatening to plunge Japan into the sea immediately after  Fukushima , also claimed to be a leader of the  Knights of Malta.
As a side note, a friend recently visited  Fukushim to a counter  Geiger  and was unable to detect anything other than the normal background radiation.
In any case, the  Knights of Malta , apparently a charitable organization, are the oldest military order of the  Catholic Church and the fascist faction that order  has been secretly  responsible for controlling world leaders  through a  combination of bribes, threats and murder. 
In other words, they have been one of the main arms of enforcement of the secret world government. 
They have also exerted a strong influence over the army of the  United States,  as many of the main controls of the same are the  Knights of Malta.
Therefore, an election in which 60 men involved will, in fact, a decisive influence on the future of the planet, especially in the  United States.
In (a situation) related development, the international fugitive  Henry Kissinger  contacted the  White Dragon Society  last week to say he had cut ties with D avid Rockefeller  long ago, that  Rockefeller  had publicly humiliated.
Sources in the CSIS  ( Center for Strategic and International Studies )  claiming to be messengers  of  Kissinger  said  that  Rockefeller  repeatedly had  (sent)  Kissinger  serve tea  and act as a waiter  against the dignitaries of the world.
However, these sources say that  Kissinger  was captured  by the KGB in the 1960s,  was tortured and become  an agent of KGB  bearing the codename  Bor,  before entering the cabinet of President  Richard Nixon.  Since that time  Kissinger  was not really working for  Rockefeller,  say these sources. 
The now ownerless Kissinger  says that now promotes,  along with the Rothschilds,  a campaign to release large sums of money to help the planet. 
These sources suddenly say:
" It seems that  the recommendation of the SDB  to concentrate firepower in the  CISIS,  hit a major nerve. 
We'll see if something happens on May 1,  as they promise these people. However, as a general rule, we should never trust these snakes, so do not expect that suddenly change their stripes at a certain date. 
We have to keep pushing until they depart.
To this end, it is worth noting that  George Bush  was registered in the hospital to avoid being arrested last week. 
This happened about the same time that former President  Barack Obama  was released on conditional custody in  Chicago  after he told everything he knew about drug operations  Bush / Clinton . 
Pentagon sources  are also saying that Bush Senior along with  David Rockefeller, Pope  spiteful and others below are the latest big domino pieces still standing, let's see how long endure.
It is no coincidence that Chinese President  Xi Jinping  tarried in  Alaska  and meet with the governor on his way back from the summit of  Trump  on April 7 after the attack  Tomahawks to Syria  and then Russian bombers buzzed about  Alaska  's 17 to 20 April and may continue to do so. 
The message seems to be that  the mainland US  It is not invulnerable  to a Russian / Chinese joint invasion  through  Alaska.
In any case, these movements will be more important, for example, that the French presidential election widely viewed. 
In this election,  Emmanuel Macron,  a banker for 39 years,  Rothschild , whom no one had heard until recently,  allegedly won the first round. 
However , CIA sources  say the French presidential elections are rigged safely. They note that  Macron  has never been elected to public office and was very unpopular.
The report on the link below states that spent a couple of years as finance minister under  François Hollande,  which proposed a labor law that bears his name against hundreds of thousands protested and had to be forced by executive decree, and a Manifesto slightly less bland that his personality.
You are already permitted or not Macron steal the election  on May 7 and become president of France,  will thus prolonging the dependence of the Euro , what happens in the US May 1  (causes) the Khazar mafia is (trying to ) put the brakes on all the stops to try to stay in control of this planet.
However, just keep the servers Khazar mafia in office in the West is not going to be enough, since Asia now controls most of the money in the world for this purpose.
The servant of the Vatican  and US Vice President  Mike Pence, was in Asia  last week to try to get funding for their heads of corporate governance. 
Japanese military intelligence sources  say that in  South Korea , failed to get his hands on any gold, so it made empty threats  North Korea  and scurried toward  Japan.
In  Japan,  according to several Japanese government sources, he requested and was denied money, so he told Japanese Prime Minister  Shinzo Abe  to resign in June and must hold a general election or be arrested. 
For now the Japanese establisment agrees with this while waiting to see how the overall battle thundering over their heads ends. Then  Pence  went to  Indonesi where he met some of the most unsavory characters in the world, said sources in Indonesia. 
Reuters headline  simply describes the visit of  Pence  as a commercial success obtained important deals worth 10.000 million.
In fact, although Pence was distributing fiat Federal Reserve dollars in an attempt to regain control of Indonesia through some very unpleasant puppets, sources of Chinese military intelligence and the CIA agree. This was seen by choice through various dirty tricks Anies Baswedan, governor of the capital Jakarta.
Who made the victory speech in the city of Baswedan was none other than Prabowo Subianto, son of former mass murderer former Indonesian dictator Suharto. Subianto is the choice of the Khazar mafia to replace the (current) owner Jokowi as president of Indonesia, according to sources agree.
Subianto was captured by the rebels in East Timor in the early 90s after he and his special forces had massacred hundreds of unarmed villagers, according to a source close to Subianto. 
The source says the rebels castrated him as punishment, so I Subianto subsequently divorced Suharto's daughter, according to this source.
Now we have appearing with seemingly unlimited funds working hand in hand with Daesh mercenaries trying to destabilize the popular government of Jokowi. 
The real goal, of course, is to establish once again a puppet regime in Indonesia Khazar so that the Khazars can get their hands on some gold to keep intact its control of global finance, sources said SDB in Indonesia.
There are also some new developments in the Middle East after the visit to the region last week by Secretary of Defense James Mattis. First Mossad sources said that Mattis went to Israel where he told the Israelis to leave the Golan Heights and stop bombing Syria.
He told them that the US military with Egypt only help eliminate Daesh mercenaries operating in the Sinai Peninsula, the sources continued. Pentagon sources say that in Saudi Arabia, Mattis asked the UN entered the war in Yemen because the US military wanted to reduce their activities there. The US military there has been struggling to help the Saudis,
but only because they need the Saudi oil for their various machines, sources say. This oil has already been promised but stop supporting the Saudi regime, according to sources of SDB.
Also King  Salman,  in a panic, sent his younger son as ambassador to the US to meet the demands of 11-S and others. Pentagon sources say the Saudi royal family as well as Japanese and British royal families know there is a vacuum at the top of the power structure of the world and that their fate depends on how you fill
On a final note, General Joseph Dunford American, 61, ran the Boston Marathon on April 17 in four hours and 50 minutes. This is a message to all patriots to regain America Patriot Day, Pentagon sources said.
Some omissions or errors may occur. The links are correct.

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