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11 de noviembre de 2017

Clinton's House of Cards Falling as 100 Sealed Indictments are Found and FBI Raids are Made

Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of Nov. 11 2017

Compiled 12:01 am EDT 11 Nov. 2017 by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret, CEO, Child Abuse; Author, "Twenty Two Faces,"

A. Nov. 10 2017 8:55 pm EDT Update, Dr. Clarke: "Time to Finally Talk Straight" - Dr. Clarke Update 11-10-17 After Nov. 15 this thing Skyrockets! a good way.

B. Nov. 10 2017 12:36 pm EST GCR Intel Alert: Operation Disclosure GCR/RV Intel Alert for November 10, 2017 

1. All is calm because tomorrow Nov. 11 is Veterans Day.

2. If fund disbersement is scheduled for next week's Banking Days, then we may see more Disclosure and all 290+ indictments erupt by Mon. Nov. 13.

3. If said Event occurs Mon. Nov. 13and funds are disbursed to Paymasters on Tues. Nov. 14, then the 800#s would be released midnight Wed. Nov. 15.

4. Exchanges would then start as early as Wed. morning Nov. 15 and last until Thanksgiving, or before Christmas. Dec. 25.

5. Sit tight. Enjoy the show. Be ready.

C. Nov. 10 2017 9:52 am EST Intel, Beny: Beny: Hint Where is the Real Revaluation? + Intel

1. Last week at least 21 Saudi Arabian royals and diplomats who happened to be billionaires, were arrested because of their corruption and taking money out of the country. (They were said to be running a child sex and kidnapping ring connected to the Clinton Foundation). The Cabal started in Saudi Arabia when Nixon changed from the gold standard to petro dollars for world trade.

2. There are three Events coming:

A. Revaluation (RV) of the Iraqi Dinar where the Dinar is restored to it's original value.

B. Global Currency Reset (GCR) where world currencies reset to their real value.

C. The public exchange.

3. The Dinar will revalue to more than $3 (expected $4 to $5) because Iraq has no debt.

D. Nov. 10 2017 9:16 pm EST Intel, ZAP: "Some Global Stuff" - ZAP Update - The Office of POOFness - 11.10.17

1. The Chinese Elder family system helped create the UN, BIS, Fed, World Bank and some others. This was done to create checks and balances required to keep humanity's wealth safe until time came to release it - that is upon us now.

2. Over the last decades they tried to get the release, but attempts met with failure, mainly because of Cabal corruption for their own gain.

3. The Cabal also tried to steal the wealth held in caves and bunkers, but were met with failure as the Family System was too strong for them.

4. So the Cabal came up with innovative ways of raping and pillaging the people by compound interest. A zero maintenance system and the biggest profit center in their portfolio of bad things.

5. Over time the Cabal was punted from various inside leadership positions. The Family did their best to come up with ways to get rid of the rot.

6. Now they are finally at the point of success where the funds can be released without them being stolen.

7. This has come about because of clever mechanics to set the stage for releases, plus the inevitable arrests. That part I reported on from time to time as large chunks of bad guys were taken away or taken out.

8. These arrests will come on strong now as the final cleanup happens.

9. The bad guys are scurrying like it is the end of the world and for them, it is.

10. Trump is part of the effort to get rid of the rot. They tried to get rid of him, but failed.

11. Now the antics of ringleaders like Bush and Clinton and others are being placed front and center in the public eye.

12. Expect massive arrests to finish the cleanup very soon.

13. The timing of the releases begins with the RV that is well underway as I write.

14. The big guns are done and they have been doing the groups and certain individuals this week.

15. Payments are to begin next week. Our funds are released ahead of the RV. The arrival was delayed and will come in next week.

16. Grandfather has begun his part of the Global process and begun the major release sequence as of this week.

17. I can verify this personally by way of instructions from him to do certain things.

18. We can be certain this is taking place and will happen.

19. With the cleanup done the bad guys will not be able to steal the releases and we will all breathe.

20. There is a massive task force out there comprised of many agencies, organizations and groups that are making sure this is carried out without too many hiccups.

21. We will see bad guys behind bars. They were offered forgiveness, but they chose otherwise.

22. The reason for releases now is that we have to prepare for the changes that will come.

E. Nov. 10 2017 9:26 pm EST Intel, Yosef: "Second Death" - Intel Report from Yosef via Jeff - 11.10.17

1. The Chinese, Soviets, Indians, Brazilians and Africans (BRICS) represent truth against the lie that is the fractional reserve Central Bank System created at the Bretton Woods Conference circa 1944, implemented on Sept. 10, 1946.

2. After a fifty year loan of Asian Elder gold and five year transitionary grace period to return said gold, the Bretton Woods System was to officially and legally set to end onSept. 11, 2001. 9/11 occurred instead. No gold was returned. World War 3 began across multiple continents.

3. That secrete struggle is ending this quarter, officially and legally, 16 years later because a second grace period was ending on Dec. 24, 2017at midnight.

4. This death of the Federal Reserve Act, which was originally passed by the US Congress on Dec. 24, 1913, and after a 99 year term where millions of Americans paid a single crime family 3% interest annually in gold, and after a little known 5 year bankruptcy period via international courts, the death of the great Federal Reserve Note which is all fiat currency, or value-less money, finally ends forever... never to return.

5. No wonder the US Congress is in such a rush to pass tax reforms. If they don't the US will have no economy because the gold currently on loan to them from Chinese Elders, for a third time (the first was 1776, second 1946), will be taken out of the Republic vaults in Central Texas and returned to Asia forever, never to return.

6. China is in full control of world affairs economically, politically. Russia is in full control of world affairs militarily.

7. Both installed Trump as American President for their purposes, all be it temporarily, to make the difficult but necessary changes to American policy and correct laws through the control of our three political bodies: Executive, Judicial and Legislative (United States Senate and United States House of Representatives, led by Speaker Paul Ryan, also was also their choice to run the Republic (Oct. 2015) once the burner Trump Administration had done what it needed to do).

8. Globally, bad actors everywhere are being exposed in every country, every industry, and for every transparent reason without restraint.

F. Nov. 10 2017 Investigation launched on CERN human sacrifice:Investigation launched as human sacrifice is caught on tape at cern - Thinking An investigation has been launched at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) following footage released of an alleged human sacrifice ritual that took place in the laboratory in Geneva. The disturbing leaked video, which has since gone viral, shows hooded figures taking part in a ritualistic stabbing of a woman.

G. Nov. 10 2017 12:57 EDT Clinton & sealed documents: Video) Hillary Clinton's House of Cards Falling as 100 Sealed Indictments are Found and FBI Raids are Made The count is rising! Over 100 sealed indictments, FBI raids a cadaver clinic, Comet Ping Pong is being investigated and sex trafficking ring busted in Tennessee! It's all about Mueller and President Trump and their investigation which is draining the swamp!

H. Nov. 10 2017 9:33 pm EST Bad month for Hillary Clinton: It's Been a Spectacularly Bad Month for Hillary Clinton

I. Nov. 10 2017 9:36 pm EST $400 million seized at Clinton Foundation Warehouse: British Intelligence Seizes $400 Million in Cash at Clinton Foundation Warehouse

J. Nov. 10 2017 9:35 pm EST Gowdy finds real Comet Pizza Pedo Ring - traced to the Clintons: Trey Gowdy to Federal Judge: We Found the Real Comet Pizza Pedo Ring

16 de agosto de 2017

Processed foods, reads and avoids these foods that cause cancer

Cancer, Processed Food and Toxic Ingredients

eatlightA recently published study out of Canada showed that the total amount of cancer rates that can be linked to lifestyle and environmental factors is substantial, at almost 41 percent.
According to the researchers, “We estimated summary population attributable risk estimates for 24 risk factors (smoking [both passive and active], overweight and obesity, inadequate physical activity, diet [inadequate fruit and vegetable consumption, inadequate fiber intake, excess red and processed meat consumption, salt consumption, inadequate calcium and vitamin D intake], alcohol, hormones [oral contraceptives and hormone therapy], infections [Epstein-Barr virus, hepatitis B and C viruses, human papillomavirus, Helicobacter pylori], air pollution, natural and artificial ultraviolet radiation, radon and water disinfection by-products) by combining population attributable risk estimates for each of the 24 factors that had been previously estimated.”
The researchers found out that 40.8 percent of cancer cases can be attributed to the above-mentioned 24 factors. “Tobacco smoking was responsible for the greatest cancer burden, accounting for an estimated 15.7 percent of all incident cancer cases (2,485 cases), followed by physical inactivity and excess body weight, which were responsible for an estimated 7.2 percent and 4.3 percent of incident cancer cases, respectively.”
The other factors were responsible for less than four percent of incident cancer cases each. The researchers concluded that combined with exercise and the conscious effort to avoid the environmental factors of incurring cancer, the disease is preventable. (Related: Researchers find ‘interactions’ between cancer cells and their environment.)
Also embedded in the study is the added knowledge that a big part of what is considered as a bad diet is the inclusion of too many sugars, which is common in today’s society. Nowadays, 80 percent of all packaged products contain some form of fructose.
Too much fat intake is also not good for the body. As a matter of fact, a July 2017 study that was published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology showed that saturated fat intake is related to a risk of lung cancer in smokers and those who have quit smoking for the past 10 years. Charred and barbecued meats, on the other hand, can increase the risks of pancreatic and breast cancers.
But what takes the cake are processed foods. According to Hong Kong dietitian Sally Shi-Po Poon, “processed foods” can be said to represent any food that has been altered from its natural state in some way, for convenience’s sake.
Common processed foods include breakfast cereals, canned and frozen vegetables, bread, pasta, savory snacks such as crisps and biscuits, microwave or read-to-eat meals, bread, oils, processed meats such as luncheon meat and jerky, and drinks such as coffee, juice, and milk.
However, not all processed foods are unhealthy, Poon said. For instance, milk needs to be pasteurized, therefore altered from its natural state, in order to remove harmful bacteria from its constitution.
For his part, Health Designer founder and senior dietitian Vin Ip said some processed foods are not detrimental to your health, noting, “Minimally processed foods are almost identical to unprocessed foods and are therefore acceptable to include in our diet.”
What must be avoided at all costs are heavily-processed foods, for instance, deli meats like bacon, salami, and sausages, for they are high in salt, nitrites, and nitrates and are likely to cause cancer. “Eating 50 grams of processed meat every day increases one’s risk of colorectal cancer by 18 percent. That’s the equivalent of about four strips of bacon or one hot dog,” Poon said.
Read up on more stories such as this one at

27 de junio de 2017



It seems that it is hunting season for the cabal - they are being chased under the bushes, and under a rock - logs are falling like flies. The Rothschild, and even that slag pedophilia .. Swissindo pranks. We have had a couple of comments on our latest message from the Swissindo participants who are regretting our calling the Swissindo fraud. Karin EJ Kolland has incorporated most of the issues of support to Swissindo, so they have moved to their comment on the fold to address it. We received a comment by Ms. Kolland who commented with the following: "Dear Mr. Neil Keenan, You in this article [are] complete [on the] wrong path - we confuse fatally well with completely different people. We are like Mr. Keenan freedom fighter [s] and we want to transform the old [money system] based on debt and compound interest! "Everything we do, we do open [mind] and transparent [mind]. We want the old Bush NWO to transform [or] peaceful [mind] and replace [d] by a new real universal order that is consistent with universal laws. These large gold covered financial resources of mankind are made available. Through the human bond of each person on the planet gets a monthly basic income and resources for a home. All countries of the world receive through the financial resources of the master plan to build a health infrastructure and the promotion of such projects [that] serve the good of humanity: Venus Project, New Earth Project, free energy , Environment, healthy agriculture, permaculture, medicine and alternative medicine and much more. "Come, I invite you! I'm not Austria [n]. . . And may make [it] known directly to [[]] Chinese lord. Do not write nonsense, but let us together serve the greatest good of humanity. "Sincerely Karin EJ Kolland" About twenty minutes after this post, Ms. Kolland identifies herself as "the woman in the red suit" in the photo above Which we had previously published. Unfortunately, Mrs. Kolland, Swissindo is a wolf in sheepskin. This fraud would not change the current financial system, but would give the cabal another openness to use, abuse and misappropriation of gold the peoples of Asia. Stop this misuse, and depriving the globalist / NOM / Cabal / Illuminati of this financial oxygen, while supporting the enlightened Asian world's mission to use its treasure to benefit humanity, is the mission of Neil Keenan, and plays A key role. Cabal Swissindo fraud is by no means difficult to unmask. The alleged list of signatories in the "Swissindo Military Settlement Office" reads like a who's who of the 300 cabal commission: HE Ban Ki Moon (Secretary-General of the United Nations); His Majesty Queen Elizabeth II HE Hisashi Owada (President of the International Court of Justice), HE Pres Sang Song Sang-Hyun (President of the International Criminal Court) He, man. Dominique S. Kahn (managing director of the International Monetary Fund), HE Vice Pres. Lars Thunel (International Finance Corp., executive vice president and general manager) HE Ch. Ben Bernanke (chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank The United States), HE Robert Robert Zoellick (President of the World Bank), SS Pope Benedict XVI, HE Sec. HE Sec. Timothy Geithner (Secretary of the Treasury of the United States) HE Sec. General Peter Dittus Bank for International Settlements). Does anyone think of the planet the cabal will voluntarily sign the financial bases of its global hegemony? In any case, these players are not obscure stakeholders in the gold reserves of the dragon family. It's like the Obama State Department to sign over Nazi Zionists over Ukraine - it's not yours. And, of course, there had been no signed treaty by these parties. This "treaty" is a blatant fraud. There was a signed treaty, thieves do not turn their booty into signing documents. Swissindo has always been a fraud. They are Stalinists to the core. His vision is that of a dictatorship of a world in which property is confiscated, and distributed "to each according to his need," as long as the line with his dictates, his world is being adhered to. Here we were, in June 2013, the track to their offices SEE THE VIDEO HERE:

Show translation

The financial bases of its global hegemony? In any case, these players are not obscure stakeholders in the gold reserves of the dragon family. It's like the Obama State Department to sign over Nazi Zionists over Ukraine - it's not yours. And, of course, there had been no signed treaty by these parties. This "treaty" is a blatant fraud. There was a signed treaty, thieves do not turn their booty into signing documents.
  Swissindo has always been a fraud. They are Stalinists to the core. His vision is that of a dictatorship of a world in which property is confiscated, and distributed "to each according to his need," as long as the line with his dictates, his world is being adhered to. Here we were, in June 2013, the track to their offices


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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...