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Letter from a son of emigrants to Catalonia

I am an unknown citizen who wuiere express their opinion on the issue of the independence of Catalonia and can affect all of Europe. 

To find out why the independence of Catalunya in Spain have to go to the beginning of the conflict. 

Catalonia was protected by the monarchy autrohungara maintaining their privileges similar fund which is currently enjoying the Basque country society. 

Felipe V made a pact with his cousin Louis XIV sharing Catalonia coming to cross the Pyrenees to the Riviera. 
Felipe V did recular the fuerzascstslanas until they had to seek help from France, Louis XIV helping negotiate the counts thus losing the war the Catalan counts against the Kingdom of Castile.

In 1715 by King specific laws against Catalonia, DECREE first floor is his name, it dictaminava that NO CATALÁN CAN USE YOUR LANGUAGE TO AFFORD THE WAR DUS PRODUCTS LOSE was issued a 20% PAY 25% MORE THAN EK REST OF THE KINGDOM deleted LEVY privileges. 

YEAR 2006 
The Government of Catalonia, which has been operating since 1979 without interruption firm proposes a reform of its statute which is owned Porlamar most Catalans and immigrants who came between 1950-1960.

The PP (Popular Party, currently in government) collects signatures to prevent the reform, the reform advocate a bilateral relationship between Catalonia and Spain, going off the ' one size fits all' motif which 10 of the 17 autonomous regions are Catalonia financed without money (16.000 million euros, expoliados) could not survive alone.

Years 2014-2017 
Catalonia announces a referendum in November to decide the Catalans their future inside or outside Spain, the government of the Spanish state, remember that it is governed by the same PP that mobilized millions of people, applied a law It allows you to do what you want intervening the Generalitat and putting innocent people to prison on charges of sedition, just put the polls and to make a democratic act.

on April 4, 1977 the head of state Juan Carlos I signed the accession of Spain to the Court of Human Rights of the UN through UNESCO it recognize the right of self - determination of peoples and not pick up its constitution approved in December 6, 1978, therefore rs constitution is not legal. This law human rights  UNESCO in its Article One says that a people can enforce their self - determination provided certain conditions are met. 

- Having a different language (Catalunya fulfills it , language is Catalan) 

Have a different culture(while culture in Spain are bulls, football and oanderetas, in Catalonia there castellers, human towers, architects, famous artists, musicians, inventors) Catalonia meets that condition. 

- Have been abused (now we just watch the news, politicians fled for fear of being arrested, political prisoners, dispossession of 18,000 million euros, under Article 155 intervention of autonomy, threats to family, false accusations ...) if that is not abuse ... 


If Catalonia separates from Spain will cause a ripple effect across Europe in 40 regions in countries such as France, Germany, Belgium, Italy ...This would make these countries lose their richest regions and those who govern now perdiesen control and steal as does Spain. 

The ECB, EU, USA it was in self - interest, aneconomic one, another soldier, and another for fear of contagion. 

I do not know the people on the street is that what is at stake is not the independence of Catalonia, but democracy in Europe, the Spanish pensioners seeing what comes out on the street every Monday throughout Spain, the fall of PP government is a matter of days and return to democracy is a matter of time

I hope that Europeans take note and mobilized before it is too late.



As we have indicated in previous articles, the media in the service of this neo-Franco regime that has been kidnapping Spain for years, have no objection or limit in lying and manipulate, without shame and without any limit.

The last example of this we have seen in the last hours: it definitively confirms that the supposed "note" of the CIA that supposedly informed the Mossos about the attack of the Ramblas of 17 of August, was LIE, as already indicated Julian Assange from the first moment.
Recall that one of the means at the service of the Regime, El Periódico, a pamphlet next to the PSOE mafia, published the false news less than an hour after the abuses in Las Ramblas, when the corpses still lay on the pavement.
First they said that it was a note sent by the CIA directly to the Mossos and later, that the note came from the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC), all with the intention of discrediting the Generalitat and the Mossos d'Esquadra.
Do you remember that a great scandal took place in all the Spanish media and that suddenly the news disappeared mysteriously FROM ALL the means when it began to prove that everything was a manufacture?
This is what happens when ALL MEANS of a country serve the same AMO.
Something that only happens in the dictatorships ... like Spain.
As we see in El Nacional ...

The intelligence of the United States assures that there is no communication between the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) and the Mossos, nor with the CITCO, the Intelligence Center against Terrorism and Organized Crime.

The NCTC is the agency that coordinates US intelligence agencies, including the CIA, which allegedly informed Catalan police about a possible terrorist attack on the Rambla during the summer.
This is clear from a letter sent by the US National Intelligence Office at the request of a user.
The letter comes following a request made in early September, following the Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA). The FOIA is a federal law that allows the total or partial disclosure of previously unpublished information and documents controlled by the United States government. Under this law, any citizen may request access to official documentation.
According to this procedure, the citizen asked the US . if there had been any communication between the NCTC and the Catalan police on 25 May and with CITCO on 21 August, the days on which those communications were supposed to have taken place. The CIA, however, says that it does not have any documents on this possible communication.
In the email sent to make the request, and to which this newspaper has access, it was explained that in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of August 17, some media had reported that the NCTC had informed the Mossos, on the 25th of May, about a possible attack on the Rambla during the summer.
The request was sent on September 1 by e-mail. On September 5 the agency asked this citizen to give them a postal address, which has finally arrived in Catalonia.
Moreover, the US intelligence services themselves disassociate the alleged warning that occurred in May of the attacks on the Ramblas.
A report by the US intelligence denies that the attack on the Rambla may be related to the alleged warning of a terrorist attack that would have been sent last May. According to a document that has published the newspaper Público, any relation between the alleged communication and the attacks is denied.
The US intelligence report clearly states that "there is no estimate that this version [the alleged May communication] was related" to the August 17 attacks on the Rambla.
But more: Public reveals that the Spanish security services continue to hide anti-terrorist information from the Mossos d'Esquadra.
This is what Public ...

US intelligence takes the trouble to start its report - very technical and more than 1,300 words - disclaiming that the Las Ramblas attack could be somehow related to the generic alert about terrorist threat to tourist sites that was transmitted in late of May.

It seems, therefore, that even American espionage has bothered him to use this warning to discredit the Mossos.
What is even more striking in the document sent by CITCO to the Mossos is that the entire upper heading (half of the first page) has been deleted so that the Catalan police did not see relevant information as the "service" of intelligence that sends it, on what date, through which way, etc.
This shows that CITCO continues to carefully measure the information on the fight against terrorism that it shares with the Mossos.
In the case of the previous generic alert of the US intelligence on Las Ramblas, not only was it not revealed to them at the Security Council they attended in Madrid that same May 25, but they were not told anything about it in the meeting of June 8 (there was another meeting on June 1 to which they were not invited).
Do they say the media in the service of the neo-Franco regime? Of course, no.
As Public says, it continues to hide anti-terrorist information from the Catalan police ...

A "communication form" was transmitted on 1 September from the Deputy Operational Directorate (DAO) of the National Police and warned that a suspected terrorist of Israeli nationality (Abuhamisa Fares) "would plan a terrorist attack in Europe, apparently in Belgium or in Spain. "

Said warning of a terrorist threat sent by the National Communication Center of the DAO never reached the Mossos, who knew him thanks to his police contacts in Euskadi, where the Territorial Unit of Private Security of the National Police Corps was in charge of distributing the alert - including the photo of the suspect and his filiation (he is from the Gaza Strip) - to the "different services" of security that could be encountered with the individual, who "appears in our database of wanted persons", according to the DAO.
This is another example of the absence of full cooperation between the police chief of the fight against terrorism and the Mossos d'Esquadra, at a time of serious political tensions between the central government and the Government of the Generalitat, but also serious jihadist threats against Spain.
Will the means of the Regime tell you? Of course not.
At the moment, Spain is subject to an incessant avalanche of lies and manipulations without shame and without limits on the part of the mass media.
It does not matter if the media are presented as presumed left or right: all lie in unison and coordinately on anything related to the CITIZEN REBELLION in Catalonia.
Let's put a good example ...
You have already heard at least 10 thousand times, that the Catalan Referendum is a "crime" and is "illegal".
At least, that is what the means of the Regime constantly repeat, again and again, machaconamente.
Well, it turns out that is LIE.
As they read it.
In the penal code and the Spanish legal system to make a referendum can NOT be considered crime.
The first article of the preliminary title of the Spanish penal code. It says: "No action or omission will be punished that is not provided for as a crime by law prior to its perpetration."
And the call for a referendum has not only not been defined as a criminal offense in the criminal code, but has been shown both in the congress and in the Spanish Constitutional Court, which is not.
The PP changed the penal code by means of the arbitration law, in 2003, to try to indict the Basque president Ibarretxe for promoting a public consultation. According to this change in the penal code, anyone who convened popular consultations by referendum could be sentenced to 5 years' imprisonment, lacking the authority to do so (5 years imprisonment for asking people's opinion, my mother!).
But that reform of the penal code was annulled by the Constitutional Court and also by the congress.
Since then, to call a Referendum, IT IS NOT NON OFFENSE, OR ILLEGAL, because the Spanish laws say it.
Up to this point come the incessant lies and manipulations of the means of the Regime.
They have no limit on their manipulations.
It follows that all the detentions that are being carried out in Catalonia by the organization of the Referendum of 1 October, DO NOT HAVE LEGAL BASIS.
They are pure and hard repression, without further justification.
But no means of the Regime says it, because all serve the same AMO.
We are LYING without any objection or limit.
We are faced with a massive brainwashing of a whole population, a shameless indoctrination whose only objective is to keep the Spanish population in servility to the most absolute master.
Brainwashing is so exceptional, so profound, so extensive, that they have come to convince much of the Spanish population that:
The same means that throw the cry to the sky on the public expense that supposes to organize a referendum TO ASK THE OPINION TO the PEOPLE, they say NOTHING, of the expense that supposes chartering 3 cruises to house policemen destined to repress to a whole population.
And to that POLICE REPRESSION, they call it TRIUMPH OF DEMOCRACY, while to the attempt to organize a consultation to the town, they call it DICTATORSHIP.
Twisted concepts that can only take root in the minds of a totally lobotomized population, real zombies programmed to serve the interests of the master of the day.
And if you do not believe it, it's very easy: CONTRAST THE INFORMATION.
As simple as that.
Any of us, we can do it and more today.
All Spaniards (including Catalans) have access to any national television in the service of the Regime: the Sixth, Four, Telecinco, Antena 3, 13 TV, TVE ...
All Spaniards (including Catalans) can read the newspapers (in paper or digital) of the Regime: Daily OK, Spanish, Confidential, World, Country, ABC, La Razón, etc ...
All Spaniards (including Catalans), can listen to the radios of the Regime: National Radio, Onda Cero, La Cadena Ser, La COPE ...
And now, make a little effort, use the translator of your Internet browsers and visit the Catalan media in Catalan (or Castilian), dedicated to what the Regime means would qualify as "secessionist propaganda" ...
To put just 4 examples.
You know that both will "sweep into your house" and tend to manipulate information in one direction or another.
Well, make use of your reasoning ability and CONTRAST what they say.
If they have a stomach, try to watch a TV3 or 8TV chat on the Internet, or listen to the main Catalan radio stations (Catalunya Radio and RAC1) ... they do not have to swallow them whole in Catalan, not understanding half of the mass ( apart from that they are an unbearable nuisance): just look what tertulianos take and they will have "a surprise" .
It turns out that in the gatherings of these means, independentists, "federalists" are invited, and in opposition to the independentism, we look for Citizens or PP. ALWAYS. They compare with the 24 hour TVE channels of TVE or 13 TV, to see if they do the same ...

How many people who criticize the "indoctrination of TV3" have not seen a single minute of that television?

In addition, all Spaniards have access to all the means in Spanish at the service of the Regime ... and as Spanish people who are, the Catalans ALSO have access to them and ADEMÁS, to their own means of communication in Catalan.
So, ask yourself: if the Catalans access all the means of Spain (those of the "Regime") and also to theirs (the "secessionists"), I CAN CONTRAST the information of each other and the truths and lies of some and Others, while Spaniards from outside Catalonia only access the means of the Regime ... who are the ADOCTRINATES?


Whoever only accesses the propaganda media of a side, or who can access the propaganda media of both sides and CONTRAST himself?

A clarifying example: when a Catalan lights up your television, you can watch channels of "Catalan propaganda" such as TV3, 8TV, and some local TV in your town ... the rest of the 40 channels, are SPANISH, in Spanish and at the service of the Regime.

With the radios, newspapers and digital media, the same thing happens.

In Catalonia, the means of the Regime win by an overwhelming majority of, at least, 6 to 1.

In these conditions, how does TV3, alone, "indoctrinate all Catalans" as they try to sell the panachute journalists of the Neo-Franco regime, to that overwhelming majority of media?

Is there a Mosso d'Esquadra, pistol in hand, in every room in Catalonia, forcing citizens to just watch TV3?

Now, the "brains washed" by the regime will tell us that "the Catalans have been indoctrinated in schools" ... well, look at this forum of pro-independence protesters ... These senior lords educated in schools during the Franco regime have also been indoctrinated by the Catalan schools?
In these manifestations, there are people of all ages and social conditions. How can all of them be indoctrinated in the "malignant" Catalan schools?

This manipulation of the means of the regime, ends up provoking a deep rejection among the Catalan population, who can see with their own eyes that those means lie about what really happens.

Another example of manipulation ...

Workers from the TVE territorial center in Catalonia have reported to the Information Council the manipulation of information about the 1-O.

The workers of Sant Cugat consider that the treatment of the pieces on this subject in the Television newscast has been "skewed and hidden part of what is happening".
Specifically, they refer to the informative programs from 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 20, when the mass concentration at the gates of the Department of Economy of the Government took place.

"The images were chosen avoiding offering the general plans that reflected a massive concentration before the Department of Economy of the Generalitat, and early plans were recovered in the morning - almost without people - with the intention of minimizing the importance of the protest ", they would have indicated to the workers of the TVE in Catalonia.

The TVE News Council has not yet commented on these allegations and is considering the complaints received.

The reality is that the demonstration was multitudinous, reaching 40,000 people at its height, and it was extended for more than 12 hours.
There were four exalted geeks. There were thousands of people of all ages and conditions, protesting about what they considered a violation of their rights.
Lies and manipulations like these, are constantly denounced in Catalonia and increasingly cause indignation and rejection among a growing number of Catalans.
All this leads to the key reasoning, that any brain with more than four connected neurons can come to realize (except the dysfunctional brain of a facet): the Catalans have been able to go CONTRASTING the information that they offer them for years, see for themselves who tell them the truth and who lies ... and the result of it has been that the Independentist sentiment has skyrocketed in recent times ...


We reiterate: this will not be independent or not.

Actually, Catalan independence IMPORT A RABBON.

This will take advantage of a popular REBELION to overthrow a Criminal Regime, based on lying, corruption, scornfulness and almost medieval servility to the master, who has been hijacking SPAIN for centuries.

 The demonstration that what happens in Catalonia is, to a large extent, a POPULAR REBELION that does not interest the elites (although some political elites in Catalonia unable to stop it, now try to take advantage of it), is that the European Union, the corrupt organ of New World Order par excellence, is supporting the Spanish regime and tolerating its upsets with its complicit silence.

And the media at the service of the elites, such as El País, Bilderberg's newspaper in Spain, is hitting the most absolute hysteria against Catalan independence.

So, where is this supposed support for the Catalan independence of those presumed "masónico-sionistas-iluminatis" elites that four devious facts try to sell us?

Perhaps now it turns out that the evil Zionist elites are Assange and Snowden, the former employee of the CIA and the NSA who exposed before the world the state of mass vigilance that we are subjected to and that has publicly denounced through Twitter the siege of the State for the referendum They see, Assange and Snowden, both curiously repressed and persecuted for "not obeying the master", in this case, to American imperialism.
So forget their hesitation or their hatred towards the Catalans, fed by the regime to maintain their "inviolable unity" at the service of the corrupt elites of the country.


After that, the Catalans will already marry them with their corrupt Convergence, their neoliberals and all that gentleness that tries to manipulate them.

It will be YOUR PROBLEM.

And in any case, by then it will no longer be for the rest of the Spaniards and we will all be winning ...


We want to emphasize that, despite the media noise of the last hours, we keep up the warnings we made in the previous article ATTENTION: SECOND ATTENTION OF FAULT FLAG IN CATALONIA MAY BE IMMINENTIAL

If the regime does not stop paralyzing the referendum on October 1 and does not manage to control the Catalan population, it is possible that they resort to "extra actions".

And for now, the referendum call is still standing, despite what the Spanish government says.

Pugidemont stated that "it stands firm in the referendum summon and that it has contingency plans to carry out the call."

And according to the spokesman of the Generalitat, Jordi Turull, he had already studied a priori the possible maneuvers if the state acted as he acted to stop the referendum: "No one is concerned about the logistics (referendum), we have plan B, C, D and E ".
That means that to stop the referendum, the central government will have to apply even greater repression ... or resort to the "dark" maneuvers we have noticed in previous articles in our games of conjectures and hypotheses.
Also mention, not even by way of anecdote, that as we indicated in The Microlector, the name of the Operation Police against the referendum, called Operation Anubis, Egyptian god of death is called attention. Curious. And dark.
We should also ask ourselves how we are supposed to expect the Catalans to continue being Spanish, when a means of the Regime as Intereconomía, asks between laughs and in tone of humor to Kim Kong-Un, that throw a nuclear bomb on Barcelona, ​​to end with the "Catalan problem" .
Apparently, the Spanish extreme right would not "mind killing" the Catalans who feel Spanish, because their only real desire is to KILL ALL THE CATALANES, for the simple fact that they exist and are what they are. Very significant.
In this regard, the response of one of North Korea's spokesmen in the West, Alejandro Cao de Benós, is the following:
How long will it take to link North Korea with the Catalan Independence?

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...