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22 de marzo de 2019

Calls for bond swaps Zim

Call Bruce 3/21/19

The information is so strange that we have information on and off and today tell us some very specific things ... most can not say anything. 

It is because of where we are and from very strong sources we could get numbers tonight until tomorrow. 

We know things that happen are as rates change as zim up and dong and rial up within a dollar zim 

What we expect are the new rates tomorrow morning and Tuesday, bonds zim I said must be redeemed for April 12 ... the majority of the holders exchanged within 2 to 3 days after calling. 

That date of April 12 is absolute.

There are a lot of programs like CMKX movements in the West, some have been delivered, but ... Native Americans missing more complete claims Farm and major groups are on deck 

Many things will happen tonight ... if still needs a list of projects for a negotiated fee ... just need a list of what you want to do for humanity ... houses building schools ... healing centers 

food banks ... are added to schools and many job creation projects need help Bruce to be your eyes as to what areas need ...

You just have to look around in their own areas, as there is much to do ... you do not need your money but get a Bruce template to help you get started. 

There are so many places right here in the US. UU. They need both Rebild America ... put up ... this can make you start thinking ... 

Be creative ... and know that we will need legal immigrants to fill jobs and skilled labor need 

$ 450,000 to year is what an operator does Crain ... 

Thanks to the team and to all our listeners worldwide. 

Thank the team and all our listeners around the world...
Publicado por EVERTH THENANSHED,  1er Oficial de la Federación Galáctica de planetas libres.

Copyright © misteri1963 Todos los derechos reservados.Puede copiar y distribuir este artículo siempre que no lo modifique de ninguna manera, el contenido permanece completo, se le da crédito al autor y esto La URL está incluida en https://misteri1963.blogspot.comy el Aviso de Copyright

11 de marzo de 2019

"Alliance in Control of all the Banks"

 by (Anonymous) - 3.11.19

The Alliance also say they have access to everyone's personal devices. I assume that means cell phones and tablets. Are they trying to say they could open a QFS account and fill our phones with spendable digital credits anytime they feel like it? RV done in one day...
3/11/2019 01:15:00 AM Emailed, Thoughts 
Entry Submitted Anonymously at 12:34 AM EDT on March 11, 2019

With the QFS now completely integrated the Alliance now control every bank and every account including all secret accounts containing our stolen money. Many accounts are now being frozen and assets seized. Many want to see these assets redistributed back to the people but I would just as soon see this counterfeit devil fiat trash disposed of. There is more than enough unlimited God money to go around. We can't take 3D money with us into 4D anyway. We really can't take it with us. Those going to 5D won't need money at all.

Getting control of every bank has been a major undertaking but inevitable. The banks had two choices, either become Basel 3 QFS compliant or be left out.

I believe the Alliance have control of everything in this 3D hologram. They are about to transition us out of it and turn it off. As important as they want us to believe everything happening in the world is, it means nothing. Soon none of it will have ever mattered because it was never real anyway.


publishedEverth Thenansehed through Joan Ashtar Copyright © misteri1963 all rights reserved. You can copy and distribute this article as long as you do not modify it in any way, the content remains complete, the author will be credited and this URL https: // and the Copyright notice

the Alliance has control of everything in this 3D hologram.

Now fully integrated with the QFS,  There are more than enough unlimited money from God for all. 

to Alliance now controls each bank and each account, all secret accounts containing stolen our money   included 

Many accounts are being frozen and seized assets. 

Get control of each bank has been an important task, but inevitable. 

Banks had two options: to become compatible with Basel 3 QFS or left out. 

5D those who will not need money at all. 

We can not take money with us 3D 4D. 

5D those who will not need money at all. 

Thenansehed published by Everth  1st officer of the Galactic Federation of Free Worlds  by Joan Ashtar   ©  misteri 1963 All rights reserved. This publication may be freely reproduced respecting its integrity and mention the author and source thereof and include this URL and Copyright notice

10 de marzo de 2019

Operation Disclosure: GCR/RV Intel Alert for March 10, 2019


(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not be accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

According to sources, the Cabal's global crime network/syndicate has been eliminated.

Only pockets of influence remain, mostly in Europe.

Very few human trafficking rings remain as they are being discovered and raided by military and law enforcement worldwide.

The City of London is about to be handed over to the Earth Alliance (via Brexit) this month (March 29) which is the main source of Cabal funding.

Money and blackmail has always been the main weapons for the Cabal.

Once the City of London is handed over, the Federal Reserve is next to fall.

The Federal Reserve is connected to the City of London (via the Act of 1871).

The Act of 1871 was a silent and covert coup that handed over America to British rule.

All geopolitical events are interlinked.

Meanwhile, [DECLAS] is about to occur in the US.

Traitors will be exposed.

Trump's extension of sanctions on Zimbabwe was a move to block banks from participating in the redemption of Zimbabwe's historical bond notes.

The City of London was planning to profit from the RV as it was scheduled to begin right before Trump announced to extend sanctions on Zimbabwe.

The Cabal are desperately attempting to regain power.

Earth Alliance insiders were able to find out about this plan before the RV began.

Once the City of London is dealt with, the RV can safely begin.

Source: Operation Disclosure

9 de marzo de 2019

Banks Pushing for the Return of the Gold Standard

figure of aside

What is happening on the world gold reserves? On the gold market there is a cold war climate: for the first time in 50 years, central banks bought over 640 tons of gold bars last year, almost twice as much as in 2017 and the highest level raised since 1971, when US President Richard Nixon (pictured) closed the era of the Gold Standard.
The interesting fact is that the European central banks, together with the Asian ones, have been the most aggressive in their purchases: fear of the euro crisis and of currency wars?
In reality, and this is especially true in Europe, behind the great maneuvers on gold reserves there is not only the traditional protective shield against major risks: there is also the call of opportunity. A reminder of which few still seem to know, despite the appointment is now a matter of a few weeks: those that are missing March 29, 2019. The day of judgment for the Brexit will also be the advent for the gold market.
It is not clear whether by choice or by chance, the Bank of International Settlements of Basel, the «Central Bank of Banks» for its key role in the world financial system, has set an appointment with the story for March 29: resurrection of the Gold Standard in the banking world. For almost 60 years, the gold standard has regulated the convertibility between gold and dollar, engaging the market value: in 1971 it was the American president Richard Nixon, frightened by the bearish pressures that were likely to sink the dollar in the cold war, to cut the cordon with gold decreeing the end of the gold standard. Now something starts moving in the opposite direction.
Gold as cash
Il Sole 24 Ore has discovered that among the complex but well-known reforms of the standards for credit and finance from the “Basel 3” plan, there is an accounting alchemy that can turn gold into money in the balance sheets of the large banking groups. From 29 March, by decision of the BIS, the gold in the portfolio of commercial and business banks becomes “Cash Equivalent”, an asset equivalent to cash and therefore “risk free”. In fact, it is the first “reassuring of gold” since the time of the Bretton Woods agreement: technicians call it “Gold Remonetization”, a process that is the reverse of the “demonetization” of gold decided by Nixon.
Same status as sovereign bonds
The operation of the BIS, as reconstructed by the Sole24Ore, carries the signature of the FED, the ECB, the Bundesbank, the Bank of England and the Bank of France, the G-5 of the great global monetary powers. In 2016, when the new rules of the banking system included in the “Basel 3” package were defined, the Central Bankers Committee inserted an epoch-making norm that no one, however, has ever openly discussed in public. In practice, gold in “physical” bullion – hence not under the “synthetic” form as the certificates – returns to be considered by regulators as the equivalent of the dollar and the euro in terms of asset security, thus eliminating the obligation to weight the risk for the purpose of capital absorption, as with any other financial asset, excluding (for now) the eurozone government bonds. The turning point is not insignificant, for the gold market and for the very role of national gold reserves. The result is significant: with the new rules of Basel 3, gold is given the same status that is now recognized for sovereign bonds in banks’ balance sheets. A question therefore arises: is the promotion of gold the premise for applying a weighting of risk to the government securities held by banks? From the debt crisis, the regulators’ objective was in fact twofold: to impose on the banking system to hold an adequate equity to cover the extent of the risks. In the crosshairs there are mainly the Government Securities, that according to current rules can be held by banks without any impact on their assets. The issue mainly concerns low-rating countries such as Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece, which were seen to be special after the debt crisis in 2011.
The banks of these countries, both to increase profitability (carry trade) and to facilitate the issue of public debt in auctions, have the highest amount of government securities in the euro area. And this phenomenon is particularly felt in Italy, where the banking system has 400 billion BTp on the 2.4 trillion of public debt. What would happen then, if it were applied to risk weighting on BTPs as the Basel Committee wants? The consequences depend on the level of risk weighting applied to the BTPs: if it were high, some banks could be forced to replace the securities with other financial assets, including gold, or to proceed with capital increases. At a time when the market is reluctant to buy bank shares, the risk of repercussions on the stability of the banking system could be high. Just look at the Credit default swaps (default risk insurance) on Italian banks: according to Bloomberg data, the 5-year CDS of some of the major Italian banks have surged since the spring of 2018, even tripling in some cases the value. It is in this context that the date of March 29 is approaching rapidly.
Countries that have repatriated gold from abroad regaining control and management are already protected from the risk of being short of physical gold after March 29 to make available to their banks in case they want to replace it with sovereign bonds . In the arsenal of the system, there is a golden mountain of 33,000 metric tons of gold worth 1,400 billion dollars at the current exchange rate. And that represents 20% of all the gold extracted in the world in almost 3 thousand years. As usual, the most forward-looking and prudent countries – or perhaps the best informed about the turnaround at the end of March, were Germany, Holland, Austria, France, Switzerland and Belgium, but also Poland, Romania and Hungary regained control of gold reserves, increasing their consistency. China, Russia, India and Turkey, on the other hand, have been the nations that have bought gold in the last two years more than anyone else, with Moscow having even liquidated its entire portfolio in US government bonds to replace them with precious metal. But the problem is not this: it is on the price of gold that the accounts do not return.
In 2018, as many as 641 tons of gold bars were bought by the monetary authorities of every continent, but above all in Europe: it is the highest level since 1971. The maneuver is unprecedented and should be seen in the phenomenon of repatriation of ingots of state entrusted in custody. Seven thousand tons of gold reserves were withdrawn from the central banks from the coffers of the New York Federal Reserve, while 400 tons were secretly released by the Bank of England. In recent years, but especially in 2018, a jump in the price of gold would have been in the order of things. On the contrary, gold closed last year with a 7% downturn and a negative financial return. How do you explain?
While the central banks raided “real” gold bars behind the scenes, they pushed and coordinated the offer of hundreds of tons of “synthetic gold” on the London and New York price lists, where 90% of the trading on metals takes place. precious: the excess supply of gold derivatives obviously served to knock down the price, forcing investors to liquidate positions to limit the large losses accumulated on futures. Thus, the more futures prices fell, the more investors sold “synthetic gold”, triggering bearish spirals exploited by central banks to buy physical gold at ever lower prices. With all due respect to those looking at gold as a safe haven. China, India, Russia and Turkey, has practically doubled the gold reserves in the last five years with this system. Moscow, to buy gold, has even sold the last 20% of American government bonds it held in currency reserves.
How compatible is such a situation with the duties of correctness and transparency of a central bank? Certainly, the system created by the Anglo-American “Goldfinger” really seems to be made for abuses. Who knows what will happen after March 29 …

28 de febrero de 2019

The financial system of the Cabal

In the recent past, the Cabal spent billions of billions of dollars each year with the sole purpose of restarting its fiduciary financial system to give us the impression that nothing has changed and nothing will ever do.

They tell people that they can enrich themselves by using their magic; by increasing the money supply, reducing the interest rate, manipulating statistics or robbing future generations by accumulating obscene levels of debt.

The financial institutions of the rulers will then be able to claim all the loans, followed by many bankruptcies and foreclosures, for an even greater one percent enrichment.

Everything they tell us is pure lies and nonsense, of course.

"Products are bought with products," not only with money, said 19th-century French economist Jean-Baptiste Say. He described the real world, as a world in which everyone wins. If you want something, you have to give something in return. Which means you have to produce something to give, and not just a piece of paper with ink. This basic idea is that in the heart of civilization; We aspire to trade, share and cooperate, instead of stealing and committing corruption.

Everything is done deliberately to consolidate its control over humanity again and again to acquire the permanent slavery of the population in general.

 As a final goal, aim to own the planet for themselves, believing that they have the right to be, to be the Families of Bloodline (Bloodlines). They are called One Percent Ultra Rich (1% Super Rich), composed of criminal bankers and multinational entrepreneurs.

Fortunately, thanks to the efforts of President Trump and his patriots, this will not happen, as they will have the initiative of the narrative blaming the central bank for the next implosion of the economy.

published by Everth Thenansehed 1st official of the Galactic Federation of Free Worlds through Joan Ashtar

 © misteri 1963 All rights reserved. This publication may be reproduced freely provided that its integrity is respected and the author is mentioned as the source thereof and this URL is included and the Copyright notice

26 de enero de 2019

RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - January 26, 2019

(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not be accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

All of the global geopolitical turmoil is part of one massive operation to condition the sleeping public in accepting GESARA.

Zimbabwe will be introducing a 'new currency' within a month.

This may or may not shed some light on the timing of the private currency redemption event (RV).

Zimbabwe also confirmed that a monetary policy statement will be presented before the end of the month.

Truth bombs are set to go off in the US disclosing 9/11, JFK, MLK, and more.

Once these truth bombs go off, things may start to get ugly in the US.

Meanwhile, sources are currently digging for information about Trump's decision to temporarily end the government shutdown.

Source: Operation Disclosure

Release of the GCR

Bruce Intel 1/24/19

Today is a day like Tuesday until more intel came in before the call tonight...ok
Iraq has done yesterday the parliament passed all of the seating...the oil and gas percentage for Kurdistan came out to 12.46%...passed ...
Abadi was put in VP to take over if needed ...Iraqis budget is based on oil revenue which is down and the budget is listed in billions and millions of dinar not in trillions so this is baded on a revaluation of their dinar...waiting on the announcement of their rate ...tomorrow is last day of Davos so if they announced it there it will trigger the rv

There is verification if acvount information going in paymasters are liquid and ready to pay out for tier4A...and tier4B us..will be notified at the same time tier 4A gets liquidity

The schedule is set for us to go to the redemption centers and the tier 1 banks have rates up sndbthe schedules are upnforvthe nextv18 days to be at work..things are going on that might be going before the weekend and if not it would beire likely Tues is what he is getting ..things arw moving forward but slow and the GCR was released in China  yesterday ...hard to confirm but it will move from east to west...the government shutdown does not havw anything to do with the rv but more of the cleanup that needed to happen and as the bulk of it has made it safe for us...

The Chinese want this 5 days before the 5th of Feb ..the public  to go Feb 14th...

Our USTN in banks proof of that a week ago...and at the redemption centers if you want cash you czn get the new currency

You know the drill of the process and rhe intrest rates will be great and we are all set and if you dont know whay to do you can have a session with Sue for a fee...we are right where we need to be

This is an event that we were chosen to be involved in and to bless HUMANITY as well

Praying us out and stay in faith to bring this in ASAP..GOD BLESS YOU ALL THANK YOU TO EVERYONE ALL OVER THE GLOBE

We love you all and stay in faith let this blessing come in for us

10 de enero de 2019

$3.5 Trillion A Year: America’s Health Care System Has Become One Of The World’s Largest Money Making Scams

If the U.S. health care system was a country, it would have the fifth largest GDP on the entire planet.  At this point only the United States, China, Japan and Germany have a GDP that is larger than the 3.5 trillion dollar U.S. health care market.  If that sounds obscene to you, that is because it is obscene.  We should want people to be attracted to the health care industry because they truly want to help people that are suffering, but instead the primary reason why people are drawn to the health care industry these days is because of the giant mountains of money that are being made.  Like so many other things in our society, the health care industry is all about the pursuit of the almighty dollar, and that is just wrong.
In order to keep this giant money machine rolling, the health care industry has to do an enormous amount of marketing.  If you can believe it, a study that was just published found that at least 30 billion dollars a year is spent on such marketing.
Hoping to earn its share of the $3.5 trillion health care market, the medical industry is pouring more money than ever into advertising its products — from high-priced prescriptions to do-it-yourself genetic tests and unapproved stem cell treatments.
Spending on health care marketing nearly doubled from 1997 to 2016, soaring to at least $30 billion a year, according to a study published Tuesday in JAMA.
This marketing takes many different forms, but perhaps the most obnoxious are the television ads that are endlessly hawking various pharmaceutical drugs.  If you watch much television, you certainly can’t miss them.  They always show vibrant, smiling, healthy people participating in various outdoor activities on bright, sunny days, and the inference is that if you want to be like those people you should take their drugs.  And the phrase “ask your doctor” is usually near the end of every ad…
The biggest increase in medical marketing over the past 20 years was in “direct-to-consumer” advertising, including the TV commercials that exhort viewers to “ask your doctor” about a particular drug. Spending on such ads jumped from $2.1 billion in 1997 to nearly $10 billion in 2016, according to the study.
As a result of all those ads, millions of Americans rush out to their doctors to ask about drugs that they do not need for diseases that they do not have.
And on January 1st, dozens of pharmaceutical manufacturers hit Americans with another annual round of massive price increases.
But everyone will just keep taking those drugs, because that is what the doctors are telling them to do.  But what most people never find out is that the pharmaceutical industry goes to great lengths to get those doctors to do what they want.  According to NBC News, the big drug companies are constantly “showering them with free food, drinks and speaking fees, as well as paying for them to travel to conferences”.
It is a legal form of bribery, and it works.
When you go to most doctors, they will only have two solutions to whatever problem you have – drugs or surgery.
And since nobody really likes to get cut open, and since drugs are usually the far less expensive choice, they are usually the preferred option.
Of course if doctors get off the path and start trying to get cute by proposing alternative solutions, they can get in big trouble really fast
Today’s medical doctors are not allowed to give nutritional advice, or the American Medical Association will come shut them down, and even if they were, they don’t know the right things to say, because they weren’t educated that way in medical college. So instead, M.D.s just sling experimental, addictive drugs at symptoms of deeper rooted sicknesses, along with immune-system-destroying antibiotics and carcinogenic vaccines.
That’s why any medicine that wrecks your health is easy to come by, just like junk food in vending machines. The money isn’t made off the “vending” products, the money is made off the sick fools who are repeat offenders and keep going back to the well for more poison – it’s called chronic sick care or symptom management. Fact: Prescription drugs are the fourth leading cause of death in America, even when “taken as directed.”
Switching gears, let’s talk about hospitals for a moment.
When you go to the hospital, it is often during a great time of need.  If you are gravely ill or if an accident has happened and you think you might die, you aren’t thinking about how much your medical care is going to cost.  At that moment you just want help, and that is a perfect opportunity for predators to take advantage of you.
Just consider the example of 24-year-old Nina Dang.  She broke her arm while riding her bicycle in San Francisco, and so she went to the emergency room.
The hospital that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg donated so much money to definitely fixed her arm, but later they broke her bank account when they hit her with a $24,000 bill
A bystander saw her fall and called an ambulance. She was semi-lucid for that ride, awake but unable to answer basic questions about where she lived. Paramedics took her to the emergency room at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, where doctors X-rayed her arm and took a CT scan of her brain and spine. She left with her arm in a splint, on pain medication, and with a recommendation to follow up with an orthopedist.
A few months later, Dang got a bill for $24,074.50. Premera Blue Cross, her health insurer, would only cover $3,830.79 of that — an amount that it thought was fair for the services provided. That left Dang with $20,243.71 to pay, which the hospital threatened to send to collections in mid-December.
Most Americans assume that if they have “good health insurance” that they are covered if something major happens.
But as Dang found out, you can still be hit with crippling hospital bills even if you have insurance.
Today, medical debt is the number one reason why Americans declare bankruptcy.  Because of the way our system is set up, most families are just one major illness away from financial ruin.
And this kind of thing is not just happening in California.  The median charge for a visit to the emergency room nationally is well over a thousand dollars, and you can be billed up to 30 dollars for a single pill of aspirin during a hospital stay.
Our health care system is deeply broken, and it has been designed to squeeze as much money out of all of us as it possibly can.
Unfortunately, we are stuck with this system for now.  The health care industry is certainly not going to reform itself, and the gridlock in Washington is going to make a political solution impossible for the foreseeable future

6 de enero de 2019

Federal Reserve Bank Colludes with Deep State to Crash Stock Market

Posted on December 24, 2018

The FED Is the Real Enemy of the American People

It’s either We the People or the Federal Reserve;
there’s no room for both in a free nation.

State of the Nation

How many times has it been said … … …

That Deep State is the enemy of the people.

That the Mainstream Media is the enemy of the people.

That the C.I.A. is the enemy of the people.

That the FBI is the enemy of the people.

The NSA is the enemy of the people.

That the DOJ is the enemy of the people.

That the Democrats and RINOs are the enemy of the people.

That most of the U.S. Congress is the enemy of the people.

That the whole SES (Senior Executive Service) is the enemy of the people.

Virtually the entire Legal Class (i.e. BAR attorneys) is the enemy of the people.
Who can argue with any of these self-evident statements?

Each one is entirely true as the election of Donald Trump has revealed.

In fact, Trump tweets alone have exposed the whole bloody system for what it truly is:

However …

And it’s a HUGE however, mind you!

It’s the FED, and especially the Central Banks worldwide, that are the REAL enemy of the people.

In fact, the whole world is now witnessing just how dangerous and deadly, reckless and feckless the Federal Reserve Bank (FED) can be.

Only the initiated really understand that the FED has always been this dangerous throughout its entire existence … … … as we all watch FED Chairman Jerome Powell intentionally trigger a stock market crash in real-time.

As a matter of historical fact, every stock market crash and economic depression has been caused directly by the actions (and inactions) of the central banks … and before central banks by the large private banks that constituted the International Banking Cartel.

The many bankster institutions that make up the current Rothschild Crime Syndicateare only the latest incarnation of a draconian system of currency control and manipulation that goes back over 5000 years. Before the Rothschild clan there was the Black Nobilityof Northern Italy in the late 1200s. And way before them there was the Babylonian Brotherhood of the ancient Middle East with many other bankster entities in between.

2018: The Year the FED Exposed Itself

True to form, President Trump has once again taken to Twitter to expose the single biggest scam in world history—the utterly fake Federal Reserve System.

Truly, it doesn’t get any bigger than the Central Banking Racket. It also doesn’t get any more perilous since it is these international banksters who have purposefully engineered every single war in modern history.

That’s just what these perennial perps do: they look for new ways of wealth creation and it just so happens that war is a really great business. The globalists also thrive on the disaster capitalism that results after the wars. They also take advantage of war opportunities to put into practice their primary MO — Ordo ab chao — with which to fabricate new nations and societies.

This is why there is such a chorus of disagreement with Trump’s troop pull-out from Syria and Afghanistan. The banksters need and want war to fuel their artificially propped up perpetual war economy the world over.

This is also why Powell has no reservations about triggering a full-blown stock market crash — IN BROAD DAYLIGHT — this Christmas. Nowadays the banksters don’t even care that the American people see their premeditated collapse of the entire Global Economic & Financial System.

That’s right: Powell is completely unconcerned that everyone knows he is carrying out the devastation of the various markets and national economies worldwide. The FED has always exercised this much power and influence but surreptitiously implemented their secret agendas of monetary destruction under the radar…way under.

Not so anymore as people everywhere watch Powell insidiously raise the interest rate at a time of extreme instability and increasing insecurity, great risks and growing uncertainty, as well as general fear, apprehension and anxiety permeating the global investment community. What a ‘perfect time’ to jack up the FED interest rate!

Why, pray tell, would the FED Chair make such a stupid move? Actually a series of stupid moves throughout 2018.

Because he’s been told to by his Deep State handlers who have been coerced by their International Banking Cartel masters, that’s why.

Powell is Deep State’s inside man to execute the nuclear option—aka an engineered stock market crash!

As FED Chairman, Powell, himself, has no real power… it’s all perceived power. In fact the POTUS can fire him in a heartbeat if he feels the necessity to do so. See:“Legally the President can fire the Chairman of the Federal Reserve under a specified cause” but Deep State would have us believe otherwise.

Back to the list above

However, it’s the extensive list posted above, each culprit of which is clearly an “enemy of the people”, which must be reconsidered in light of this critical analysis.

You see, each and every one of those exceedingly dangerous institutions runs on money. With regular funding, they can carry out their nefarious deeds with impunity and then cover them up for decades. And so they have… at the request of the banksters.

As the notorious and prototypical “enemy of the people” Mayer Amshel Rothschild once said:

December 2018: The Month of HUGE Happenings

Who can deny that this December has seen a blitz of major events and radioactive revelations? The George H.W. Bush funeral alone has got people talking like never before. See Something quite HUGE is about to go down: Martial Law, Military Tribunals or Both?

Of course, before that unparalleled psyop, the American people were provided with indisputable evidence of a statewide black operation conducted in California. It’s all spelled out at SMOKING GUN: Hard Evidence Shows Camp Fire Was Manmade, Genocide and Mass Destruction of Paradise Carefully Planned.

Then the nation was treated to a rapid series of Trump tweets and Deep State-busting initiatives that the Right has correctly perceived as a Christmas present. Each of these unprecedented moves and maneuvers was designed for the upcoming BIG EVENT. See: Trump’s been on a very serious mission preparing for the real battlefield after January 1, 2019

Even the well-timed government shutdown will have many unintended benefits for We the People. Not only is this brilliant political move revealing the Democrats and RINOs as stone-cold traitors to the American Republic, it’s giving the Trump administration the legitimate pretext to jumpstart the military tribunals for mass treason. The FED chairman and his fellow governors ought to be the first on the docket.

GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN: Good! Keep it shut down so that We the People …
… can see how worthless, wasteful and woeful it is.

KEY POINT: The Federal Reserve Bank is not federal, it’s supranational. There’s no reserve; it’s actually in deep debt. The FED is really not even a bank; it’s a printing press that makes Federal Reserve Notes, which are debt instruments not assets with real value, out of thin air.


Market Crash, Dollar Collapse & World War 3

Now the reader understands why the FED is truly the enemy of the people.

We are all watching it wreck and ruin the U.S. economy in real time and with purposeful design.

Therefore, Trump’s only alternative is to:Fire Powell Now … BEFORE HE CRASHES THE MARKETS! And, to do so before a market crash sets up a cataclysmic domino effect that has been pre-planned by the New World Order globalist cabal for decades.

Bottom Line: Deep State and the FED Are Conspiring to Crash the Markets and Collapse the Economy

In light of these stark realities, there is one immediate response that must be taken to prevent the “THEIR FINAL SOLUTION” from manifesting.

Special Note: It’s true that the stock market is nothing but a rich man’s casino. It’s actually a global gambling casino where the house always wins and the bettor always loses…even when they think they won. In this way the New York Stock Exchange, as well as all the other exchanges, serve to transfer massive amounts of wealth from the small investors to the moneyed class. The degree of insider trading alone that’s done by the power elite is staggering as it translates into trillions of dollars of profits every year. Truly, the world will be a much better place when the markets collapse, once and for all. At the end of the day, it will be the 4 “Ds” that take down the system for good as explained in this prescient piece: The ‘FOUR HORSEMEN’ Herald the Death Knell of Global Economic & Financial System
Presidential Action Plan

The POTUS really has only one option at this critical point of U.S. history. MILITARY TRIBUNALS: Why They Are Absolutely Necessary

State of the Nation
December 24, 2018


Excerpt from “Economic Armageddon and Financial Apocalypse Are Upon Us

DISCLAIMER: “… It is the Federal Reserve System, and its fatally flawed practice of debt-driven, fractional reserve banking that is the object of our scorn and derision. Likewise, it is the Federal Reserve Bank (FED) that deserves our condemnation and searing criticism. Why? Because the FED is not legitimate. It is not a properly constituted or correctly legislated organ of government, and it’s actually a privately owned consortium of banking agents whose ownership is more foreign than domestic. The FED is legally unfit to conduct business on behalf of the American people since, as a private entity, it lacks the congressional oversight necessary when appropriated funds have been allocated by the legislative branch of government. The printing presses of the FED produce notes – as in promissory notes – which are nothing but instruments of indebtedness for all who possess them. Not too unlike credit cards, actually. Therefore, the money that it prints is counterfeit. Is it surprising that an international, privately owned crime syndicate, which issues fake money, would be the biggest player in the worldwide funny money monopoly game that is bringing the entire world of commerce, finance and business to a virtual standstill? We are talking about the greatest ongoing financial crisis in recorded history. And the FED is institutional PUBLIC ENEMY #1 responsible for this multi-decade crime spree.“

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...