
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta nuclear attack. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta nuclear attack. Mostrar todas las entradas

1 de junio de 2016

¿Imminent nuclear attack in the UK?

¿Imminent nuclear attack in the UK? Distribute anti-radiation pills study

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¿Imminent nuclear attack in the UK?  Distribute anti-radiation pills study

British Nuclear experts warn of an impending nuclear attack on the territory of the United Kingdom and asked to begin to take steps to address it .

A new report released Tuesday by the local NGO Authorities Free of Nuclear Weapons (NFLA, for its acronym in English), quoted by the British newspaper  Express , warns that British nuclear power plants near France run the risk of being attacked. in particular, the report refers to the nuclear power plant in Faslane (north), where the UK stores its nuclear missiles Trident as one of the points too, despite not being close to France, is at risk of being attacked.

 An intercontinental ballistic missile Trident II-D5 UK.

An intercontinental ballistic missile Trident II-D5 UK.

The nuclear experts who drafted the text mentioned have also complained that the British authorities underestimate the threat and have not done anything so far that would prevent a possible catastrophe of magnitude not seen since the Chernobyl in Ukraine (1986). in addition, have urged the British Government to send pills anti - radiation, containing potassium iodide, a chemical that protects so limited consumers against effects shown in some attacks and nuclear accidents. in recent months and after the attacks of the terrorist group EIIL (Daesh, in Arabic) on the European continent has been an increase in warnings of agencies European security on possible nuclear threats. it is believed that after the attacks of Brussels (capital of Belgium) Daesh has infiltrated even more through its members in European countries, who are waiting for the EIIL develop nuclear or chemical weapons and then use them.

The destroyed Chernobyl nuclear plant in Ukraine.

The destroyed Chernobyl nuclear plant in Ukraine. 


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