
11 de abril de 2018

Syria is critical! Netanyahu reveals that "EE. UU. Rap"

It looks very bad! Updated at 9:26 PM, Doom is on! Syria is critical! Netanyahu reveals that "EE. UU. Rap"

Many new updates are now posted further down the page ... is quite revealing that the media completely ignore this rapidly escalating situation that seems increasingly a fact. Maybe Satanists do not want anyone to attempt to spread their plans through public opposition. 

From ... ..  

Tuesday 10 April 2018 11:18

There have been significant developments in the overnight on the current situation in Syria. All my former colleagues in the intelligence community tell me that the United States, the United Kingdom and France have military units in the Middle East on alert for what most believe will be a direct attack supported between the US, UK and France Syria starting as early as tonight! This article will be live updated throughout today (Tuesday, April 10, 2018). 

The units of the British Air Force in Cyprus are being openly charged with bombs, missiles and ammunition. The Russian Baltic Fleet has declared a  combat alert  . Russian strategic bombers are in the air over the Mediterranean Sea, loaded with   air - to - ship  cruise missiles and the Russian Air Force are carrying out heavy combat air patrols across the region.

This situation is like a big pile of dynamite waiting to explode a spark in a direct war between Russia, the US / NATO and regional powers in the Middle East. 

Russia, the only nation with permission from the Syrian government to be in that country, told the US / UK and France will not allow another attack on its ally Syria.  Russia has made clear it will fight back knocking down any missile launched in Syria, shooting down any aircraft to attack Syria, and then attacking any Navy ship to launch missiles and air bases from which the attack aircraft were launched.

US / UK / France claim that chemical weapons attack was perpetrated 4 days ago against innocent civilians in a Damascus suburb called East Ghouta. The alleged attack involving chlorine gas and possibly a nerve agent.  
Reports vary, saying that between 40 and 161 civilians were killed and more than 1,000 others were injured. 

The United States, the United Kingdom and France blame for this "attack" the Syrian government, but tests show the area chlorine cylinders manufactured by MERCK, at its factory in Schudgardt, Germany. That means that chlorine was supplied by Germany, a country of NATO. Here's a picture of evidence:

So far, Merck has not answered my questions about the media citing a serial number on one of those cylinders of chlorine. I contacted with MERCK in Germany for answers about who bought this cylinder, when, to whom the cylinder was sent, where and when. MERCK in Germany did not respond.


Overnight, military units in Syria the Syrian Arab Army, Hezbollah backed by Iran and Russia were ordered to begin to disperse from several bases, in anticipation of a military attack from the United States, the United Kingdom and France. 

The Russian Air Force has ordered at least two early warning aircraft (A-50) on the east and west of Syria, each of them is protected by two fighter jets of the Russian Air Force (RuAF). 

British armed forces in Cyprus have been put on alert for military action in Syria and reported "significant" activities. 

Russian Black Sea Fleet has declared a combat alert high level for all vessels while transnational force attack US - led with the UK and France is ready to attack Syria over allegations of chemical weapons. An attack is expected in the next 24 hours. 

RuAF is very active in Syria with several aircraft in the air near its coast, an antisubmarine aircraft P-8 POSEIDON of EE. UU. Just be monitored signal and electronic intelligence gathering off the coast of Syria and now is just off Lebanon. 

Russian strategic bombers are flying over the Caspian Sea and Iran, fully loaded with Kh-55SM extend the reach cruise missiles 3000 km. These missiles are air boat and are known to be incredibly accurate murderers boat. 

Accordingreports, US warships converge in the Mediterranean, and the Pentagon now admits that the USS Donald Cook is the station near Syria. 

Surface ships of the Chinese navy in the Mediterranean in joint exercises with surface units of the Russian army have been ordered to join the Russians in the Syrian port of Tartus in case of a possible aggression against Syria. (  Source ) (This means we are now seeing EE. UU./RR./ France versus Syria / Russia / Iran and China). All this activity is taking place, however, the mass media in the United States and Europe are virtually silent about it Little or no story about the magnitude of what is happening are reported. It is almost as if the powerful wish that the public remained in the dark until the war broke out suddenly. In this way, the public is frightened by the sudden catastrophe facing and will comply with what the government says fear.

From this point, the updates will appear below as the information becomes available. Updates are INTELLIGENCE RAW and I warn you now, in war there are often highly conflicting reports. 

Then updates as available:

Steady stream of freighters Galaxy C-5 US taking off from RAF Cardiff in Wales, presumably transporting supplies to the Middle East. 

The Russian ruble is falling in value at this time, 8% today. This comes after the Russian Stock Exchange also fell 11% yesterday. 

 Boeing P-8A of EE. UU. (168439) NAS Sigonella conducting a surveillance mission off the coast of Syria near the Russian bases from Latakia (port and airbase) Radar Path below:  A fighter plane Russian made mock attacks against the French frigate 'Aquitane '(pictured below) the Mediterranean  now reports that the Army and Air Force are evacuating Syrian warplanes airbases Al-Typhur and Al-Seen towards the airbase Al-Nayrab and Damascus International Airport


It is reported that the factions of the Syrian army at the US base of At-Tanf are preparing to attack the city of Deir Ez Zor, possibly when the US - led coalition launched major attacks against Syria. The  

President Trump canceled his first trip to Latin America: the  president of the  White House    , Trump is no longer on the next trip to South America; will remain in the US. UU. "to oversee the US response to Syria." 

Unconfirmed report:  EE  .  UU. He wants to launch the ground operation in Damascus within the next 24 hours! US military. UU. They prefer a massive operation. Ammunution for US Troop. UU. And NATO allegedly deployed in Syria now. Troops from France and the UK and secretly sent to northern Syria. 

Reports from Syria deployment of missile systems around the presidential palace and the Defense Ministry in Damascus, according to a UN diplomatic source. It was reported that the aircraft were transferred to the Russian base near Lattaquieh. 

The SU-24 fighter aircraft Russians have begun to tingle US warships in low and crazy levels in the Mediterranean.  Some fly to just  50-60 feet. 

Russia will take all measures of political, diplomatic and military retaliation if necessary if the United States attacks Syria, President of the Defense Committee of the State Duma (lower house of Russian parliament) and former commander of the Russian Airborne Troops said Vladimir Shamanov on Tuesday , according to TASS 

 United States requested a vote at 3pm (7pm GMT) on a draft UN resolution to start an investigation into multiple attacks with chemical weapons in Syria  

(  Editor 's Note: I    suspect that Russia will veto the resolution and wAR then. This is really fucking bad. This is the closest I've been to the 3rd world war since the Cuban missile crisis.)

White House informed the press that will not accept delays and  They will move with or without the vote  , but rather one. 

 Syrian forces have started sending its warplanes to Khmeimim airbase, a base of the Russian Air Force in Latakia. 


Russian Ambassador Nebenzia summoned the three main imperial powers (EE. UU./R UK / France) at the meeting of the UNSC on Syria for lack of "clear strategy":  "Everything you touch, chaos slouch ... do not understand the dangerous threshold at which are you bringing the world?" Saudi Arabian FM confirms its support for attacks on #Syria, which makes #KSA the first state in the Middle East to join the transnational US - led attack. #UK and #France have pledged to attack the alleged use of chemical weapons. Attack expect in the next 24 hours  Reports that Britain, France, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and even Israel have said they want to help the United States in an attack on pro-Assad forces. The Pro-Assad forces have begun to move planes and helicopters to better defended air bases.

Russia's ambassador to the UN said they are not afraid to attack the US military assets if the US strikes Syria; so it's not just Ships - United States also has bases and troops 2k in northern Syria 

's UN ambassador of Russia, Vasili Nevenzia, it said that the draft US resolution condemning the continued use of chemical weapons in Syria "contains some unacceptable elements that can make even worse." 
additionthe USS Donald Cook,US has dispatched USN..  

Carrier Strike Group 8 to Mediterranean / # Syria  - USS Harry Truman aircraft carrier  - Carrier Air Wing VII  - USS Hue City missile cruiser  - Arleigh Burke Destroyers x6 - x1 Fragata Oliver Hazard Perry

The OPCW will send independent investigators to the Duma chemical weapons in Syria is what hailed as a diplomatic breakthrough, hoping to avoid a US - led attack on Syria. #Russia has supported the inspection. 
The international watchdog chemical weapons send a fact finding mission to Douma, Syria, to investigate reports of an attack there. The move follows calls from Moscow and Damascus to initiate an international investigation.
"Today, the Technical Secretariat of the OPCW has asked the Syrian Arab Republic to make the necessary arrangements for such a deployment.  This has coincided with a request from the Russian Federation Syrian Arab Republic and to investigate allegations of use of chemical weapons in Douma.  the team is preparing to deploy in Syria soon ",   he said in a statement Tuesday the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).

The incident allegedly occurred in the suburb of Douma in Damascus on Saturday. Several groups of activists linked to the rebels, including the controversial White Helmets, reported that Syrian troops accused of throwing munitions filled with chlorine in the area. They also claimed that affected dozens of civilians, and have been published online images of children allegedly treated for poisoning.

Damascus described the alleged attack as a   "fabrication".   Russian military specialists explored the area when militants Jaysh al-Islam occupied Douma began to evacuate the city as part of an agreement with Damascus brokered by Russia. Moscow said the experts found no traces of chemical weapons or victims treated by chemical poisoning.

The announcement of the OPCW took place shortly before a scheduled meeting of the Security Council of the UN on the alleged incident of Douma. It is expected that both Russia and EE. UU. Deploy draft resolutions calling for an international investigation into the alleged attack. On Monday the UN said it could not   "independently verify the allegations" with   respect to Douma.

"We are not in a position at this point to independently verify the allegations but obviously any allegations of continued use of chemical weapons is extremely, extremely worrying , " said  Stephane Dujarric, spokesman for UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres.
Defense Sec.  James Mattis had planned to travel to Nevada and San Francisco this weekend, but has since canceled his trip, according to a US official. 

 Reports that several warplanes RuAF carrying antiship missiles broke the sound barrier over Tartous and Latakia at this time.

BULLETIN ***** *****

Alert notification for Civil Aviators for FIR Eastern / #Nicosia Mediterranean. Prior notice now is relayed across Europe:

Note that EASA has issued 'Notification early warning for the area of FIR Eastern Mediterranean / Nicosia' indicating that:  
Due to the possible launch of air strikes on Syria with air- to -ground missiles and / or cruise in the next 72 hours, and the possibility of intermittent disruption of radio navigation equipment, should be duly taken into account when planning flight operations in the area of FIR Eastern / Mediterranean Nicosia. 'The 
aircraft operators are invited to verify any relevant NOTAM  
NMOC Brussels
12:03 AM EDT - Russia has just reported to the UNSC that the draft of the United States will be discussed tonight is not accepted. 

12:20 AM EDT - US amphibious transport base of the United States Navy, USS New York (MMSI: 369970522) is moving. 

24:33 EDT - Prime Minister Theresa May and President Donald Trump spoke by phone and condemned the "ruthless disregard for human life" Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad and agreed on the importance of defending the global ban on the use of chemical weapons  

 12: 50 PM EDT - RUAF T154B2 from Moscow, Russia to Baltimore, USA. UU. And return the same day: April 10. There must be someone very special on that flight. It may be a general of the Russian armed forces with some caveats opening for Donald Trump. 1:14 PM EDT -  "Doomsday Plane" (Boeing E-4B Nightwatch) in the air now ... 1:35 PM EDT -  The US ambassador  .  UU. NATO told me that President Assad is guilty of "genocide" and that military action would be "an appropriate response"  on military actions the ambassador said this:  "I think a military response, perhaps eliminating some of the places where carried out these missions -the bases from where they fly to shed químicas- weapons, I think it would be an appropriate response. " 1: 40 PM EST -  

. NATO Sec  Gen. Jens Stoltenberg said in an interview with NRK Dagsrevyen tonight, there will be a strong reaction the United States within the next 24 hours. He also said that NATO is in consultations with the United States and other NATO countries on the reaction to chemical weapons attack in Syria. 

2:00 PM EDT -   Russian jets buzzing American and French ships near the Syrian coastline war. The planes were fully armed with missiles. 

14:35 EDT -  A senior Russian lawmaker warns US against attack on Syria, says it could trigger a direct military confrontation between Russia and the United States  

. "Shamanov emphasized that a Russian retaliatory strike could attack ships and aircraft of the US Navy.  He added that the use of nuclear weapons is "unlikely ... yet" (not out)

2:40 PM EDT - 'critical juncture'. Beijing warns against military intervention in Syria  

 2:55 pm EDT -   ALERT reportedly British forces They mobilize their bases in Cyprus and Rafale fighter planes could take off from the airbase at St Dizier in France for possible attacks against Syria 

3:15 pm EDT -  The Israel Defense Force (IDF) is now on high alert in northern Israel as regional tensions soar with Syria. 

3:20 pm EDT - Starts meeting of the Security Council UN 

3:22 PM EDT - Russian Ministry of Defense (MOD) has asked Iran to provide access to Third Base Combat Tactical Air Force the Republic of Iran in Hamedan to deploy their heavy bombers (probably Tu-22 or Tu-95), tankers Il-78 and use it as a refueling point for fighters who plan to deploy in Syria. 

 3:30 pm EDT - Nikki Haley now speaking before the UN vote. He said that the proposal of the United States is the "bare minimum". He says the Russian proposal allows researchers to choose from Russia and would not be independent. He says that we can not take more. 

VOTING BEGINS IN THE United Nations Security Council on American RESOLUTION TO SYRIA 12 in favor, 2 against, China refrains at  

3:40 pm EDT -   US project vetoed by Russia at 




359 PM EDT -  "All the goods needed 'instead to attack Syria, FROM TRUMP ORDERS EXPECTED' anytime '- US military officials. UU. A I24 NEWS. 



4:14 PM EDT -   Russian Embassy in Lebanon. "Russia will respond to the #US and its allies in the most severe way possible if they launch an attack on #Syria  . Both mobile and fixed assets will be directed"

4:18 PM EDT -  Reports of a large number of US strategic bombers arriving in the UK Cambridgeshire

**** **** NEWSLETTER

4:45 pm EDT - Top Russian officials and key government personnel ordered to order and control bunkers in places beneath the Ural Mountains, with immediate effect.

5:15 pm EDT -  A US military officer said that if Iranian missile attacks against Israel, "we moving combat forces within 72 hours." 

5:20 PM EDT - The Security Council of the UN has reprimanded behind closed doors. 

The Swedes are trying to reach an agreement between Russia and the rest of the council whereinvestigate who was responsiblethe chemical attack in Syria, and hopefully avoid an escalation of the local conflict among the larger countries with vested interests. 

5:25 PM EST - #EurEast various media have reported the alleged evacuation of Assad and all his family to Tehran because of fears of military action by Western states against Syria threatening 
 FOUR (  4) E-6B US Navy. UU. Everything in poorly coded transponders! This is not an accident. They are scrambling identities of the aircraft. The Boeing E-6 Mercury (Hermes above E-6) is a position command and a relay airborne communications on the Boeing 707-320 based. The E-6A manufactured by the original division of Boeing Defense entered service with the US Navy in July 1989, replacing the EC-130Q. 

This platform, now modified according to the E-6B standard, transmits instructions of the National Command Authority's fleet ballistic missile submarines (see communication with submarines), a mission known as TACAMO (Take Charge And Move Out). The E-6B model deployed in October 1998 also has the ability to remotely control the Minuteman ICBM using the launch control system Airborne. The E-6B EC-135Cs replaced the Air Force in the role of "Mirror", providing command and control of US nuclear forces. UU. If the ground control becomes inoperable. With production lasting until 1991,

 5:30 PM EDT -   Russian missiles Kalibr Crusie locked in US bases in Syria 

The Armed Forces of the Federation  Russian are prepared  for full combat

if the United States decides to use force in Syria in connection with an alleged chemical attack in the city Duma will receive a similar response, not only in Damascus but also Moscow. 

Warships in the Mediterranean, as well as fleets Caspian and Black Sea are ready to attack facilities and US bases in the Middle East if the Pentagon decides to use force in response to an alleged chemical attack in Douma. 

 5:45 PM EST -   the 2nd. Security Council resolution UN Failed voted 5-4 ¡¡¡  

6:09 PM EST - Russian Ambassador to the #UNSC: the strike is planning against #yria lead to catastrophic results. 

6:10 PM EDT -   Russia deployed several Su-34 and Tu-154 to Syria 
 6:12 PM EDT -   .. "Any military clash between Russia and the US will expand beyond a local conflict and confrontation will be inevitable. " -   

Lieutenant retired. Yevgeny Buzhinsky (former head of the International Department of the Russian Ministry of Defense)

definitely gives clues about the presence of NATO in Ukraine and Russia 's borders in the Baltic.

BULLETIN ***** ***** 

6:14 PM EDT - Now I can confirm positively that the "Great Military Attacks" against Syria by the United States and our allies, IS IMMINENT. This information is 100% supported by people with direct knowledge of planning.  

6:37 PM EDT -   observers have noted numerous assets of the coalition in the air near the border between Iraq and Syria. Breaking Heavy aircraft flying US - led coalition on Syria-Iraq border # (al-Jazeera)

18:44 EDT -   Al Jazeera reporting on important incoming armada coalition   
6:46 PM EDT -   Numerous US and French aircraft they are flying over Jordan. 

6:59 pm EDT - Israeli media report that "Israeli Prime Minister revealed during a meeting US security deal a military coup the Syrian regime"  

 .7  :  02 PM EDT - The member of the public advisory council of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, Igor Korotchenko, said: "Trump has to understand that we will talk about the possibility of nuclear escalation if we have a collision between the armies of the US and Russia" 

, he warned decision to carry out an illegal military effort, we hope, I hope you regain your senses. You are responsible for yourself. " 
  Ruptured  Security Council   : The coalition led by the United States is asking all flight companies in the Middle East to change their itinerary in Syria to another country because of possible air strikes against targets army Syria: KURDISTAN 24 

7:10 pm EDT - inquiétude *** *** Turkish media reports say they have launched missiles to Syria from ships in the Mediterranean Sea. INCONFIRMADO ** **

7:42 PM EDT -  FoxNews reports on Live TV an imminent announcement on US action Syria  OMG! BULLETIN *** ***


Russian state television tells everyone not to panic, but still provides a practical guide on "What to take to the air raid shelter."

8:30 pm EDT - The Syrian Arab army has posted a message to President Trump on his Facebook page; a photo taken from inside a control console missile defense with a note saying "Fuck U Trump". 

Launch console has the key inserted and activated trigger. 

8:28 PM EDT -   The Pentagon is preparing to make a statement about its decision regarding military strikes against Syria 

8:39 PM EDT - refueling aircraft KC-767 Italians who now entering Jordan from airspace Saudi Arabia. It provides logistics for fighter aircraft is expected to launch cruise missiles to Syria soon as part of a transnational US - led attack against Syria. 

10:01 PM EST - None. Absolutely nothing. All my contacts in the Intel Community are silent. 

Syria is 7 hours ahead of the east coast of the United States. Then from this update are 5:01 a.m.  The sunrise is at 6:10 am  So unless something happens within the next hour would "doom off" for now.  

In general, EE. UU. No launch major attacks in the light of day because the cruise missiles traveling slowly enough to be fired by ground forces that can see them, and so the EE. UU. (Normally) attack in the darker hours of the night. 

Perhaps this is a strategy; keep the target worried about what "know" is coming. Increases the stress level. Drag. Make them tired. When people are tired, they do not work well. That's an advantage. 

Anyway, I've been awake since 4:30 this morning and I'm fully occupied. At 11:00 pm, if nothing happens, I'll live updating this article. 

Please  dona  . They're ruining the costs of bandwidth (data transfer) and could use the help. 

10:11 PM EDT -  Informa President Assad leaving Damascus in a Russian convoy heads to the Lebanese border. 
Posted by  free will


My people, you have an idea of the incredible gift that has been given in my Son Yahushua? I have provided a way out. A way out of your pain, your depression, your suffering, your loneliness, the heavy cares of the world in which you live. Everyone speaks of a coming time in the land of the great tribulation. Every soul deep in their hearts knows there is something unbalanced and unstable at this time. Where do you think you've come to this? Who do you think softly speaks to your soul, invites you and takes you to a deeper relationship with me? 

Not all is lost, all is not lost. Again, I have provided a way out of the darkness that has enveloped you. My heart weeps for those who feel they are not loved by those who feel their life has no purpose or meaning, because this is the lie of the enemy! You must know that I'm your father and that no one has worried about you than me! Read my word! 

I speak again and again of my love for all men. Would any should perish! That is why now, at this time, I'm talking to many of my servants , repentance, words of warning about the condition of their souls. All things that put their dependence, their approach, these are all things of this world. My kingdom is not of this world. In my kingdom, there is no suffering, no pain, no sorrow, no despair, no fear. But I know this; this gift of My Son and My invitation to allow Him to give you access to me through His shed blood is a choice of free will. 

I never force you to believe me or believe I sent My Son to redeem him. The choice will always be yours. This should show you how much I love because you never ordain that love me too. I want your heart and I want it all, but must be on your own. Let me soothe the wounds and pains in your life. I can fill that void in your heart and turn your sorrow into joy. I can bring a peace that surpasses all understanding. I'm the only way you find relief from your soul you are so desperate. Let me show you this. 

Give me a chance to comfort and all is well with your soul. You have my word on this. I can not disappoint. You must stay away from your worldly pleasures now! They offer only empty promises that could never meet him in the way you are looking for Your soul is all that matter very soon, and your relationship with me, since all these other things will soon pass away ... "  

Your Father in Heaven

I have come to bring light to the world, but your hearts have become bored and cold. You have allowed the enemy to lull you into a deep sleep. So many things consume your time and energy. Even you ask yourself every day, 'This is the will of the parents? You do not. They go in vain, operating in their own selfish desires and ambitions, all of which has nothing to do with my kingdom. When will you learn to My stubborn people? Awake! The Lord 's Day is coming so fast now, and sadly many unfamiliar catch. Turn to me while still a moment. Repent of your sins and worship Me, the Light of the world. My love for you has not cooled. Turn around to me! I call them all by name. I sent my comforter to help, to strengthen you and guide you. Let me everything to Me. Only truly believe with all your heart, 

How much longer you will choose to spend in bondage to the things of this world? How much longer you lose on things that do not bear fruit? I have offered a way of life that frees you of all charges and guides you through this mission that I have created for each of you individually. Are you truly happy and peaceful in your soul? You have a real break at the end of each day or you realize that you lie down to sleep frustrated, empty, lacking and inadequate feeling in what you set out to do that day? What you continue, day after day, to pursue? Money? Every time more because what you have is never enough? Material things? ¿Fill your days with so much work that could never hear my voice, even if he was yelling? Maybe you're running from the wounds and fears of the past,  thinking that if you keep yourself busy these deep wounds in your heart someday pass, filling your time with anything and everything, as long as you moving to distract you to face your pain. Do you really have obsessed with things of this earth? Technology? Media? Computers and telephones, alcohol, drugs, sex, food, the list goes on and on. I asked them just one thing to you, and that's a relationship with you. I do not want or need your money, your hard work, your accomplishments or your stuff. I want to spend time with you. It's that easy. There was a time when I walked and talked with a man in the garden, and there will come a time when we will. But you can still find close today. I'm as close as your next breath. I have never abandoned or I have left,  then, why you have separated from Me? You know that this world offers nothing that can really satisfy the longing in your soul. I'm the only Way, the Truth and the Life. I make this request again. Please come to me, and bring rest to their souls and give them a peace that will astound. 
Give me a chance! You will not regret! 

Let me fill all the gaps that need filling. 

I love you. 



La meva gent, ¿tenen una idea de l'increïble regal que se'ls ha donat a El meu Santíssim Fill Yahushua? T'he proporcionat una sortida. Una sortida al teu dolor, a la teva depressió, al teu sofriment, al teu solitud, a les pesades preocupacions del món en el que vius. Tothom parla d'un temps esdevenidor sobre la terra de la gran tribulació. Cada ànima en el profund dels seus cors sap que hi ha alguna cosa desequilibrat i inestable en aquest moment. D'on creus que ha vingut això? Qui creus que li parla suaument a la teva ànima, et convida i et porta a una relació més profunda amb mi? 

No tot està perdut, no tot està perdut. Un cop més, he proporcionat una forma de sortir de la foscor que t'ha embolicat. El meu cor plora per aquells que senten que no són estimats, per aquells que senten que la seva vida no té cap propòsit ni significat, 'perquè aquesta és la mentida de l'enemic! Has de saber que sóc el teu pare i que no hi ha ningú que s'hagi preocupat per tu més que jo! Llegeix la meva paraula! 

Parlo cop i un altre de meu amor per TOTS els homes. Tant de bo CAP es perdi! És per això que ara, en aquest moment, estic parlant a molts dels meus servents sobre el penediment, paraules d'advertència sobre la condició de les seves ànimes. Totes les coses en les que ha posat la seva dependència, el seu enfocament, aquestes són totes les coses d'aquest món. La meva reialesa no és d'aquest món. En el meu Regne, no hi ha sofriment, ni dolor, ni tristesa, ni desesperança, ni por. Però sé això; aquest regal del meu Fill i La meva invitació a permetre-li que Ell et doni accés a mi a través de la seva sang vessada és una elecció de lliure albir. 

Mai et forçaré a creure en Mi o creure que vaig enviar a El meu Fill per redimir-lo. L'elecció sempre serà teva. Això hauria mostrar quant t'estimo, ja que mai et ordenaria que també m'estimes. Vull el teu cor i ho vull tot, però ha de ser pel teu propi compte. Permeteu-me calmar les ferides i dolors en la seva vida. Puc omplir aquest buit en el teu cor i convertir la teva tristesa en alegria. Puc portar-te una pau que excedeix tot enteniment. Jo sóc l'única forma en què trobaràs l'alleujament de la teva ànima pel qual estàs tan desesperat. Déjame mostrar això. 

Dóna'm la oportunitat de consolar i tot estarà bé amb la teva ànima. Tens la meva paraula sobre això. No puc decebre't. Has allunyar-te de les teves plaers mundans ara! Només ofereixen promeses buides que mai podrien satisfer-lo en la forma en què la recerca. La teva ànima és l'única cosa que importarà molt aviat, i la teva relació amb mi, ja que totes aquestes altres coses aviat passaran ... "  

El teu Pare en el Cel

He vingut per portar llum al món, però els teus cors s'han tornat avorrits i freds. Has permès que l'enemic et arrulle en un somni profund. Tantes coses consumeixen el teu temps i la teva energia. ¿Fins i tot et preguntes a tu mateix cada dia, 'Això està en la Voluntat dels Pares? El teu no. Van en va, operant en els seus propis desitjos i ambicions egoistes, la qual cosa no té res a veure amb El meu Regne. Quan aprendràs a La meva gent obstinada? Desperta! El Dia del Senyor s'acosta tan ràpid ara, i tristament atraparà a molts desconeixedors. Torna cap a mi mentre encara queda un moment. Converteix-te dels teus pecats, i adórame a mi, la Llum del món. El meu amor per tu no s'ha refredat. Dóna la volta cap a mi! Els crido a tots pel seu nom. He enviat el meu edredó per ajudar-te, per enfortir-i guiar-te. Déjame tot a mi. Només creu de veritat, amb tot el cor, 
Quant més temps triaràs gastar en esclavitud a les coses d'aquest món? Quant de temps més perdràs en coses que no donen fruit? T'he ofert una forma de vida que t'allibera de tota càrrega i et guia a través d'aquesta missió que he creat per a cada un de vosaltres individualment. Ets veritablement alegre i pacífic en la teva ànima? Tens un veritable descans al final de cada dia o t'adones que et fiques al llit per dormir sentint-te frustrat, buit, mancat i inadequat en el que t'has proposat fer aquest dia? Què continues, dia rere dia, per perseguir? ¿Diners? Cada vegada més perquè el que tens mai és suficient? ¿Coses materials? ¿Plena seus dies amb tanta feina que mai podria escoltar la meva veu, fins i tot si estigués cridant-li? Potser estàs fugint de les ferides i pors del passat,  pensant que si et mantens ocupat aquestes ferides profundes en el teu cor s'esvairan algun dia, omplint el teu temps amb qualsevol cosa i tot, mentre segueixis movent per distreure't d'enfrontar teu dolor. Realment t'has obsessionat amb coses d'aquesta terra? ¿Tecnologia? ¿Mitjans de comunicació? Ordinadors i telèfons, alcohol, drogues, sexe, menjar, la llista segueix i segueix. Només els he preguntat una cosa a vostès, i aquesta és una relació amb vostès. No vull ni necessito els teus diners, la teva feina dura, els teus èxits o les teves coses. Vull passar temps amb tu. És així de simple. Hi va haver un moment en què vaig caminar i vaig parlar amb un home al Jardí, i arribarà un moment en què ho farem. Però encara pots trobar-me a prop avui. Estic tan a prop com el teu proper alè. Mai no he abandonat o t'he abandonat,  Llavors, per què t'has separat de Mi? Ja saps que aquest món no ofereix res que pugui satisfer realment l'anhel en les teves ànimes. Jo sóc l'únic Camí, la Veritat i la Vida. Faig aquesta sol·licitud un cop més. Si us plau, vinguin a mi, i portaré descans a les seves ànimes i els donaré una pau que els sorprendrà. 
Dóna'm una oportunitat! No et penediràs! 

Déjame omplir tots els espais buits que necessitis omplir. 




Mi gente, ¿tienen una idea del increíble regalo que se les ha dado en Mi Santísimo Hijo Yahushua? Te he proporcionado una salida. Una salida a tu dolor, a tu depresión, a tu sufrimiento, a tu soledad, a las pesadas preocupaciones del mundo en el que vives. Todo el mundo habla de un tiempo venidero sobre la tierra de la gran tribulación. Cada alma en lo profundo de sus corazones sabe que hay algo desequilibrado e inestable en este momento. ¿De dónde crees que ha venido esto? ¿Quién crees que le habla suavemente a tu alma, te invita y te lleva a una relación más profunda conmigo?

No todo está perdido, no todo está perdido. Una vez más, he proporcionado una forma de salir de la oscuridad que te ha envuelto. Mi corazón llora por aquellos que sienten que no son amados, por aquellos que sienten que su vida no tiene ningún propósito ni significado, ¡porque esta es la mentira del enemigo! ¡Debes saber que soy tu padre y que no hay nadie que se haya preocupado por ti más que yo! Lee mi palabra!

Hablo una y otra vez de Mi amor por TODOS los hombres. ¡Ojalá NINGUNO se pierda! Es por esto que ahora, en este momento, estoy hablando a muchos de mis siervos acerca del arrepentimiento, palabras de advertencia sobre la condición de sus almas. Todas las cosas en las que ha puesto su dependencia, su enfoque, estas son todas las cosas de este mundo. Mi Reino no es de este mundo. En mi Reino, no hay sufrimiento, ni dolor, ni tristeza, ni desesperanza, ni miedo. Pero sé esto; este regalo de Mi Hijo y Mi invitación a permitirle que Él te dé acceso a Mí a través de Su sangre derramada es una elección de libre albedrío.

Nunca te forzaré a creer en Mí o creer que envié a Mi Hijo para redimirlo. La elección siempre será tuya. Esto debería mostrarte cuánto te amo, ya que nunca te ordenaría que también me amas. Quiero tu corazón y lo quiero todo, pero debe ser por tu propia cuenta. Permítame calmar las heridas y dolores en su vida. Puedo llenar ese vacío en tu corazón y convertir tu tristeza en alegría. Puedo traerte una paz que excede todo entendimiento. Yo soy la única forma en que encontrarás el alivio de tu alma por el que estás tan desesperado. Déjame mostrarte esto.

Dame la oportunidad de consolarte y todo estará bien con tu alma. Tienes mi palabra sobre esto. No puedo decepcionarte. ¡Debes alejarte de tus placeres mundanos ahora! Solo ofrecen promesas vacías que nunca podrían satisfacerlo en la forma en que busca. Tu alma es lo único que importará muy pronto, y tu relación conmigo, ya que todas estas otras cosas pronto pasarán ... " 

Tu Padre en el Cielo

He venido para traer luz al mundo, pero tus corazones se han vuelto aburridos y fríos. Has permitido que el enemigo te arrulle en un sueño profundo. Tantas cosas consumen tu tiempo y tu energía. ¿Incluso te preguntas a ti mismo cada día, '¿Esto está en la Voluntad de los Padres? Tu no. Van en vano, operando en sus propios deseos y ambiciones egoístas, todo lo cual no tiene nada que ver con Mi Reino. ¿Cuándo aprenderás a Mi gente obstinada? ¡Despierta! El Día del Señor se acerca tan rápido ahora, y tristemente atrapará a muchos desconocedores. Vuélvete hacia mí mientras aún queda un momento. Arrepiéntete de tus pecados, y adórame a Mí, la Luz del mundo. Mi amor por ti no se ha enfriado. ¡Da la vuelta hacia mí! Los llamo a todos por su nombre. He enviado mi edredón para ayudarte, para fortalecerte y guiarte. Déjame todo a Mí. Solo cree de verdad, con todo tu corazón,

¿Cuánto más tiempo elegirás gastar en esclavitud a las cosas de este mundo? ¿Cuánto tiempo más perderás en cosas que no dan fruto? Te he ofrecido una forma de vida que te libera de toda carga y te guía a través de esta misión que he creado para cada uno de ustedes individualmente. ¿Eres verdaderamente alegre y pacífico en tu alma? ¿Tienes un verdadero descanso al final de cada día o te das cuenta que te acuestas para dormir sintiéndote frustrado, vacío, falto e inadecuado en lo que te has propuesto hacer ese día? ¿Qué continúas, día tras día, para perseguir? ¿Dinero? ¿Cada vez más porque lo que tienes nunca es suficiente? ¿Cosas materiales? ¿Llena sus días con tanto trabajo que nunca podría escuchar mi voz, incluso si estuviera gritándole? Tal vez estás huyendo de las heridas y miedos del pasado, pensando que si te mantienes ocupado esas heridas profundas en tu corazón se desvanecerán algún día, llenando tu tiempo con cualquier cosa y todo, mientras sigas moviéndote para distraerte de enfrentar tu dolor. ¿Realmente te has obsesionado con cosas de esta tierra? ¿Tecnología? ¿Medios de comunicación? Computadoras y teléfonos, alcohol, drogas, sexo, comida, la lista sigue y sigue. Solo les he preguntado una cosa a ustedes, y esa es una relación con ustedes. No quiero ni necesito tu dinero, tu trabajo duro, tus logros o tus cosas. Quiero pasar tiempo contigo. Es así de simple. Hubo un momento en que caminé y hablé con un hombre en el Jardín, y llegará un momento en el que lo haremos. Pero aún puedes encontrarme cerca hoy. Estoy tan cerca como tu próximo aliento. Nunca te he abandonado o te he abandonado, Entonces, ¿por qué te has separado de Mí? Ya sabes que este mundo no ofrece nada que pueda satisfacer realmente el anhelo en tus almas. Yo soy el único Camino, la Verdad y la Vida. Hago esta solicitud una vez más. Por favor, vengan a Mí, y traeré descanso a sus almas y les daré una paz que los asombrará.
¡Dame una oportunidad! ¡No te arrepentirás! 

Déjame llenar todos los espacios vacíos que necesites llenar. 

te quiero. 


Entrada destacada


SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...