
21 de octubre de 2018

The Federation of Light: Higher Truths

Hello Guys. Are you ready to go on this one? Where to start!
Let us help you. You are inquiring about a message we brought through eight years ago concerning vast containers aboard our ships … containing Energy.
Yes. All thanks to a certain gentleman who asked about them, due to your recent channelling regarding a layer of Light Ray around the sun.
Correct. We indeed, as perhaps assumed, ‘engaged’ this gentleman’s thoughts in order for him to ‘recall’ and then vigilantly go in search through the many hundreds of our messages, to find this particular message that we wanted to ‘bring up’. So, firstly we give Honour and Gratitude to this gentleman for his perseverance and service.
At this point, I’ll put the channelling in from Feb 2010 … the message you speak of, for it is absolutely necessary that this is read before we continue on. Is that right?
Very much so. Thanking you.
HERE IT IS:  Good evening to you. Is it ok to have a chat? … Now is a good time for me.
Welcome to you sister of ours.
Now that’s an unusual way to address me.
And yet it is appropriate and of our choosing. We are most excited with the outcome of the *healing which took place with you just a few of your days ago. Blockages were removed on a level that will leave you astounded at the degree in which we can now work with each other. Where would you care to begin?
Oh! Um … Well, I think I prefer to leave it with you. You say you can read our energy so I’d rather leave it in your capable hands.
So be it. We graciously accept. Consider if you will, all those who have arrived at a place within their being that serves well. Consider the notion that in a very short while, and we mean this on your earthly terms … your world as it is now shall no longer be. You ask of what changes are to occur? We wish to instill into the core of your Beings that you have been preparing for this change for long enough and your Beings have adjusted to a level that much now is ready to begin. There is an attitude amongst the Higherarchy that *dispels a feeling of upliftment amongst the various ranks of ‘our community’.  There is an area aboard many ships that has those who have been waiting …. just like you … to be of utmost excitement. All is being brought out from its storage units and checked and double checked to ensure that nothing can be misused or misinterpreted .
Could you explain what is exactly in these storage units … I am imagining it is something far more important than your winter clothes!!
Within blocks of vast containers there are preservatives that enable certain treasures from planes of a Higher vibration to be kept in their perfect format. These ‘preservatives’ allow us to maintain energies from other vibrations and present them in their Truest form.  It is a delicate operation to bring these valuable assets into the openness of even one of our motherships. So precious are they in their form of glory.
I keep feeling that I am not talking to an energy that is actually on the ship right now …
This is so. We come from a level of understanding that is above those who are in a position of great importance upon these vessels that are to deliver to you The Light of the New World.
So, are you saying … those on the ship actually have the Light to give us?
Yes that is correct. Let us explain a little more for your minds to be able to accept that which we are offering in words this night. For eons of your time it has been known by many that there are indeed Light ships in your skies. It is nothing new. And yet, it is only now in this day and age … that we can reveal Higher Truths  …  due to the upliftment of the vibration of your planet. The great plan is supremely on target and all is dwelling in its rightful place, in order for everything to come together in the Divinity of that which is proposed.
There are many more now on your earth that have awoken to their own Divinity, which has brought forth this great change that is occurring at this very moment and shall continue to do so. It is so very exciting for us to KNOW that we are on the brink of revealing the secrets that have had to be kept from you … purely because your world was not ready to receive it.
This Light of which we speak …. THIS DIVINE GRACE ….  Again we stumble with the inadequacy of words …  has travelled with the ‘Keepers of the Light’ in safety beyond measure  … until such a time that it can be presented to you.
I can FEEL this pounding in my heart at the moment … and yet, it seems we are having trouble expressing that which you wish to say.
We shall persevere. It is merely the new vibration in which we are working that is settling down with both parties.
This Light … this treasure … is a gift to your world from a place that is not of substance. It is a purifying energy that when released into your atmosphere shall begin a photosynthesis of a nature as yet unknown to you. When this happens there will be noticeable changes that cannot be dismissed or denied.
May I ask in what way do you mean?
In a way that will send your senses reeling. For it will be obvious to you in a flash that all these knowings you have had regarding your New World will be happening and transpiring right in front of you. These new ‘sprinklings’ shall make headlines on your TV screens. Such new phenomena shall arise and cause much interest all over your globe.
We thought you may question our choice of words.
And your answer being??
We shall very gently be ‘sprinkling’ particles of this Divine Light energy a little at a time to your planet and allow it to do its work. It is that for a time … it is possible for only small amounts to be diffused otherwise it could cause a little mayhem due to its immense power. The integration must take place gradually. Your physical bodies too shall notice a difference with this new energy. There will be a Lighter feeling within the actual physical body.
Marvelous … will my scales have proof of this …. I can’t think of anything more magical!!!
It will begin with a FEELING from within that will contain Lightness throughout the Being. As if one is experiencing at times as if they are walking on air.
This is fab news. Because as you are bringing this information through I can FEEL a touch of this Lightness you are speaking of. And let me say … it feels good!!
Let us then say …  it is wise to keep grounded also . For one could become a little too deeply involved in the feeling … that the earthly matters get left behind …  and yet we say this is not yet the correct time for that to happen. There has to remain the balance. That is one of the reasons many of you Light Beings are here. To bring in and anchor this new Light energy that we have so very delicately been looking after.
Now you sound like you are on/from the ship.
It is a little perplexing for you is it not?
Well, yes! One minute your on it, the next you’re not … I therefore ask you with the deepest respect … who EXACTLY are you?
And we would reply … we are the Bringers of Peace. We are not of your world. We are not of form. We that are communicating with you in this present moment are only of Light. Therefore we can be on /off as we see fitting.
We have spoken to you before regarding overseers of the overseers.
We are an embodiment of Light that is most happy to be working with this great plan and making sure that all is in place. We are the ones who make decisions regarding any quick changes that may have to be put in place. And yes … we read your thoughts … we are the ones who made the most serious decision to abort the mission that was promised on the date of your Oct 14th. This as you are well aware was not something for those in ‘lesser ranks’ to decide. It came from the Highest council and we can say that we chose well to do what we did. The outcome  … had we gone ahead as planned would have been a miserable one for a vast number of those residing on your planet. When the time is appropriate we shall offer more information on that matter for we feel it is important that it is understood what actually took place. And yet we would ask you to be patient. For come the time when we choose to open up the realities of what we were confronted with, it will seem in perfect *coergence and be more fully understood.
Could you just talk a little more about this Light? I had never really thought of a new vibration, a new energy being transported in a ship. I had always imagined it would just sort of stream down from above!!
How can we assist in explaining to you what it actually is?
Perseverance I guess.
And yet, we would again stress that not all things of ‘our’ enlightenment can be expressed by us in a way that you are able to even visualize.
Keep trying …
The Keepers of the Light would be likened to what are known in your world as the Knights Templar. The Keepers of the Light are not of a regular disposition. They are of the Highest embodiment and they have been entrusted to protect this form of Light that is destined to bring in the New world into its existence.
That’s a pretty heavy duty task. How were these Keepers chosen and how many are there?
  1. For it is of the divine number. How were they chosen? They were a distinguished band that presented themselves to the Highest council. The choosing of such a band of Light was undertaken through a series of what you would term as tests, and yet again, this is only a word that is appropriate for explanation purposes. The tests as such were undergone by The Keepers before they were in a position to present themselves.   Not unlike in your world when young spirits are trained in a certain monastery to be of service when they are older. It is a very similar situation, and yet not in the same fashion, but this is the closest we can come to help you understand.
So …this Light then, travels on board under the greatest most sacred protection, until it is time to do what it is meant to do?
This is correct. You see dear one … It is not as ‘you may imagine’ a vast container in which this Light is stored. These containers harbour the … shall we say … condensed version. It is a never ending source that is contained within.
When you say The keepers protect it …. Who from??
From itself.
Which means?
This force of Light is of itself only. It knows only of itself … Nothing else. It is ‘contained’ therefore in a way that is kept under control. For as we have said , if it were to be presented in its fullness  … all at once … your planet would be close to  … the word we would use would be … disintegrating.
So how do The Keepers protect it from itself?
By keeping it safe. The containers/chambers this source of Light resides in … is of an advanced technology that allows its compressed form to remain comfortable within.
These chambers are scanned and monitored in order to keep the treasure within, in its most appropriate state at any given time.
We seem to have digressed from that which we started out by speaking of. And yet it is of our intention now to disclose such things that until now have remained out of your knowledge base.  Although we would say some are aware of this … and some will recall from their memory banks this information that is already known to them. For as we say…. Many of you are here to help anchor this Light as it sprinkles through.
Well, I am feeling as if we are coming to the end of our session for now.
Indeed this is correct. We would not wish to over indulge. For we are learning of the energy it involves upon your human form. It is not the same for us, yet we chose to be vigilant on your behalf.
Jolly Good! As long as you’ve got it all under control. I’ve really enjoyed tonight. Thank you for imparting that information. Good stuff what!!!
We bid you Adieu …
I would very much like to have an explanation soon as to why this “adieu’ thing has been happening lately. It never did before particularly … that I can recall. … and that definitely is to me a sign that my mate White Cloud is about.
All in good time dearest lady. All in good time.
Fair enough. I can handle that. Goodnight to you. Sweet dreams!!
Our realities! Until next time …  We send our blessings to all .
*I was very blessed to receive a healing from a wonderful Light worker who was visiting Noosa last weekend.Whte cloud had asked her to do so, and yet when she visited , I said I was feeling so well now and didn’t’ feel in need of a healing , so we had a cuppa and a chat  instead. However … when I began meditation that evening, straight away I heard ‘you need to have the healing’. I called her the next day and she too had got through later in the day ‘it would be wise for Blossom to have the healing’.  Who are we to argue? So I had it. And clearly it was necessary. Many thanks to a  very special soul indeed!
*Dispels … I thought this an odd word to use. The dictionary says … as if by scattering.  So I suppose it fits.
*Coergence. For the life of me I cannot find out what this word means … and yet it comes up in a few sentences when I Google it. If anyone can assist  … many thanks. And let’s hope it makes sense in the sentence!!!
(Back to the present!!!)
Ok, so where to from here?
To continue on … These containers have been of service over these last years. We would say in your terms, approximately seven. Until that point the Vibration of your Planet was not of a frequency that would have been able to ‘fuse’ and benefit from them and would have caused mayhem should the Energies have been released too early. Too soon.
We would liken that which we speak of, to a large block of ice and ‘little cubes’ being severed from it and ‘melted’ and ‘sprinkled’ into your atmospheres. These particles of Energy are strictly measured. Like a recipe that must adhere to correct levels in order to produce the perfect cake!
Too much would not serve … Too little would do the same.
I guess ‘we’ would like to know what exactly this Energy is? What it contains?
Love, Dearest Blossom. These vast containers contain Higher Vibrational Energies of LOVE. It is as pure and simple as that … and yet, we understand why you would be thinking ‘well just pour the whole lot on this Planet because it sure could do with it’.
Yep, you read my mind!
This could not be tolerated by your present Energies. We would go as far as to say, that if this was to take place, your Planet would be reduced back to its original form … an Energy of Love. Nothing left. No world to speak of. No … nothing! Just back to LOVE … and this is not what you or ALL THAT IS, is trying to accomplish.
So many questions running through my head. So, why now? Why make it happen to bring this up again? For, let’s be honest … like so many of your communications, it could have been buried in the archives of time for ever!
Because NOW … is a/the time when we are not just doubling, yet, tripling the size of the ‘cubes’! This is why you are all GOING THROUGH SO MUCH! This is why you are hitting rock bottom and yet, next minute, soaring through the roof tops. The intensity of the Energy coming in has reached a ‘place’ where it is perfectly aligned in order to coincide with all that is to take place.
All that we have spoken of recently/ever is reaching a stumbling block …
What? Did I receive that correctly?
Yes. Yet, there is no cause for concern. In any way shape or form. For, we have seen it ahead. We are aware of it and therefore, we find it necessary to ‘amp’ up the Vibes and indeed, the situation. It is for ‘us’ to take control and make sure that this ‘blockage’ is immediately dampened down/out, so that we may all carry on along a smooth course.
Well, of course, I have to ask what this blockage is? Yet, already aware with respect, I will not get a straight answer.
For that would not be suitable. We play our opponents at their own game. Secrecy is best acknowledged in this particular case.
Fair enough. I won’t press further.
Yet, we shall continue in that vein to say also, that the ‘amping’ up of sending through the Energy in larger doses is silently, behind the scenes … having a greater effect than we ever thought it would/might.
It is, yes, causing turbulence in a fashion that upturns the Energy of the Beings who are conducting affairs that are certainly not of the heart.
This ‘driving force’ of Energy/Light-Love is causing many to ‘think again’! Rather likened to in your fairy tales when the wicked witch repents and becomes virtuous. This is happening more quickly than we anticipated and is most joyful to encounter.
What this stronger Energy also accomplishes, is to ‘wipe out’ and as we say, ‘upturn ‘ plans that are underway to demolish ‘good’.
It is nothing new to many of you, that there are those in command /control of your Planet Earth that have an ideal to reduce the ‘numbers’ of those who live upon it. Their plans to bring this about are quite severe. Yet, there are certain Universal ‘Laws/Rules’ that have to be abided by and these plans that are underway are breaking all the rules.
Even though ‘they’ think they are getting away with it … intervention shall be called in to counteract such devious thoughts and plans.
No matter what any of you may have heard or read and maintained into your ‘thought system’ … it will not be ALLOWED to ‘go as far’ as the intent of the hierarchy that is in place.
We clarify, due to your thoughts Blossom, that by hierarchy, in this ‘placement’ we speak of those in a Higher ranking system that is NOT for the greatest good.
We would like to return to the Energy Containers.
Good. Should I here, neatly slip in about the ‘Pillars of Light’?  I know it was the end of 2011 when you spoke of those. I know, because I threw a tantrum and decided to ‘knock off’ our communications for a while due to a misunderstanding of time zones! So, are these containers part of the Pillars of Light?
Yes, they are. Very much so.
If you recall, in the channelling through of the message of old … we explained that the ‘Energy blocks’ were a condensed version. For want of a better way of putting it.
An easier way to ‘show’ would be that of a small piece of sponge and when immersed in water … it expands. A poor, yet, understandable analysis!
Therefore, when the timing is correct … certain ‘portions’ of this block are carefully removed, and released into your Energy fields.
You want to say something else about before they are released, don’t you?
Yes. Thank you … it was a matter of order of wording. Yet, to slip back into the position of portions being carefully removed … they are then  … …
Wow! We are both struggling here to get this across. Words, words, words. As you say … so inadequate. I can see in my mind what you mean, yet, no words to express. Let’s keep on trying.
Many thanks. These portions are then … ‘sectioned’ and … how would we say in your terms? The easiest way being … put into ‘Chambers’, where their ‘role’ is made clear. In that … within these ‘Chambers’ … information is ‘infused’ into them. When complete, they are ‘sealed’ and ‘treated’ before being released into/onto your Planet.
I fully get that this is merely a way of trying to interpret to us what happens. For we do not have your technology that you are using in our ‘thought waves’. Dear God, I sound quite intelligent!
This is exactly right, Blossom. So much more is involved and yet, inexpressible.
I may have asked before, yet, what kind of information?
Information that your Beings already know and yet, have not been ready /in a position to receive.
Information that makes total sense as to your next ‘moves’.
Information as to exactly what it is that you are to do next.
What? Each one of us? Just a few? What? How does it work?
It is of a majorly complex design. As these Pillars move through your skies (some visibly, some not) … they will ‘deposit’ information into the Beings who need to receive it. Different information for some, than others. It is a matter of coding … which takes us onto another ‘track’ altogether.
Lordy Lord! I couldn’t make this up if I wanted to!
The codes within each Living organism, each soul, are unique and individual and as we have discussed before, are ever changing. The codes within the Pillars and the Energies coming through from these containers are ‘matched’ and change correspondingly to ‘fall into place’ with its ‘Twin Energy’ as it moves through.
This is AMAZING! Although, mind boggling and very much ‘out of this world’ … it somehow is computing with my understanding … and believe me, I ‘aint no rocket scientist! So, you are saying … in a nutshell … that these Pillars of Light … and also, just in general the tripling of the cubes of Energy coming through … are informationally coded? These codes are ever changing to coincide with the ever changing codes that each and every individual upon the Planet has with every thought … and when ‘passing by’ … matches up with/drops into … that particular individual … the information that he/she/ is designed for?
In a nut shell  …YES.
If I thought it appropriate to swear in these communications, I could be dropping one that begins with F right now and in capitals! Not only that … I can’t believe I have followed all this!
You have followed it well and easily.  You underestimate your capabilities greatly.
Actually, I am well aware that my understanding is because you are assisting me in doing so. Yet, I will accept the compliment!  I feel we are done for now … and also, taking into account that all this is added on to the 2010 message; so, many souls’ brains may be frazzled by now.
Once again, we thank the gentleman for his devout search. We know you would not have had the time or inclination or patience to do so.
Correct! I know he is over the moon just by the fact that I said I would certainly be bringing it up in the next channelling. In his words ‘What an unexpected treat I received scouring about 5 years’ worth of your writings. It felt like I had stepped into some kind of “TIME MACHINE” and was soaring through a GOLD & GEM filled chamber.’    Maybe a reminder for us all when we have nothing better to do (???) to do the same!
Many thanks Guys. It just gets more and more ‘out there’. So unreal, from all that I grew up with … yet, so ‘real’ in my soul’s acceptance of Truth … In Gratitude, In Loving service, I AM.
We very much enjoy our communications and are also, in much Gratitude to be of such service.
Please revisit The Invocation ‘We are the Game Changers’ whenever the mood takes you … to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can.
The link to be able to access all my YouTubes is

Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved.You can copy and distribute this article as long as you do not modify it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL is included and the Copyright Notice

deem this post to be your last alert and final warning. The reckoning. The RV release. His grace.

Have you surrendered with all of your heart to the Lord? Do you trust Him with everything in your being? Can you let go of the cosmic wheel and allow God to drive your yellow schoool bus?

Look, I can’t convince anyone to receive Christ, only remind those who have of their commitment as it will always burn deep within their hearts until experienced and expressed as love

Christ HAS your back, so have His.

And while you might be nervous, anxious even defiant denial, remember that most to many never got to see the day of Saturday October 20, 2018.

Their divine missions here on earth were ended early, and their souls weren’t required to witness the transition. Yet many waited loyally for nearly five decades to see the great cabal fiat money lie exposed and ulitamtely replaced.

But God choose you.

Fischer was one. I’m sure you know others. But all their sacrifices must be honored, as they were selfless souls, consistant in their resistance of the worst evils ever threatening mankind.

Will you be as steady they were with all the money? We shall see. We shall see.

But you better be or else you’ll have to answer to once Human Angles who are now only Angles in spirit. And trust me, answering to Fischer in spirit will be no picnic:)

As for new intel, we understand that the public roll out process began last week at midnight Saturday for this week midnight Saturday.

Also, we fully anticipate the firing of Jeff Sessions, Rod Rosenstein and third in command Noel Franscico, jso someone pre-selected can that night come in to DOJ leadership and fire Bob Mueller—ending his Russian probe—which will do anything but.

However the act will secure the Senate for the GOP, and the House for the DNC. Odd how whose worlds schism with the same political event.

But it still is one highly significant event that will provide cover for the RV release and public introduction for the new financial system.

Ironically the same one that’s been up and running for two years without issue.

Hilarious. New to the world I guess.

The fall of 2018 was always the release date for the RV, giving banks and military security details two full weeks for exchanges and redemptions before all GESARA compliance must be implemented by midnight Sunday November 4, 2018.

That conveniently would also be a less than two full days before the US midterms (not enough time for us to do any political funding damage), which will be the first real election on American soil in its history, and why the get-out-the-vote drive has been so intense on both sides—as the NPTB are trying to re-invigorate mass attention to all modern political matters.

Seems voter apathy is at a record low especially with younger generations who know the old political system is absolutely corrupt.

On a positive note, this October’s RV and midterms will ultimately trigger the full showcase of GESARA Treaty terms for the entire world to see.

Meaning, all who were faithful to the transition of the world from darkness into light will finally have their glorious moment, their day in the sun, their reputations restored and finances blessed beyond measure.

In a word, true Human Angels can and will now be seen as such. Your moment of grace HAS arrived.

While currency exchangers will just be well paid and lose their religions in the process.

Remember, money makes you more of what you are. And if you haven’t jumped off Trump ship yet and start humbly serving the light, that money will drag you down into an abyss of darkness, but faster.

And the Zim a gauranteed anchor for your death.

Again, I’m not here to scare anyone, just trying to offer all the possibilities of your choice, acting as a poet servant harbinger describing what HAS already manifested in spirit and now rushing towards you in form.

I’m done preparing souls for the transition, and have gone to a strategy of simply alerting souls still paying close attention of how their cosmic surfboards are positioned before a second flood hits our common shoreline.

No different than a warning to hard core costal residents in Florida about the dangers of storm surge during a hurricane.

So if you’ve been abused by the system, hurt by those who intentionally rebuked your good name, were ever underpaid or professionally cheated, incarcerated by illegal charges, even physically tormented or subjected to undue illness by our shared Draconian colonizers… know that this your moment of grace should you want to live in peace and prosperity, as so many have prophesied over the years.

But you gotta leave your old life now before it’s too late. And I plead for you to do so. Pray on it until you surrender.

Please, please, please.

God is full control of all RV and GESARA mandated events, certainly not man, nor Trump or the delusional religious white western world that has been unknowingly trapped in the Trump psy-ops identifying latent hatred for humanity.

As I know all such evil is scheduled for vibrational termination in the form of mass executions via Trump’s crucifixion; which is going down right now btw and in very graphic fire and flames around the world.

This next great flood has started and publicly hitting our common shores tomorrow night.

And folks, the hydration will never end. Ever.

Thus, it is imparitive to distance yourself from anyone supporting the Trump agenda at the risk of exposing yourself as being a co-conspirator, to what will be the largest political and financial scandal in human history, making Nixon’s Watergate look like a teenager getting busted for pot in a high school parking lot.

Trump was and is still pure evil.

And if you can’t see that, believe that, deal with that… then well, you universe has deemed you an obstacle in need of removal.

Also, I’ve been informed that the Mueller Report is a full exposure hit piece for all of the cabal’s hidden networks, murderous practices and illicit money laundering schemes crossing over party lines, cultures, races and sovereign boarders.

Metaphorically, it’s the band-aid being ripped off that this community has long waited for. But it’s 100x worse than we could ever expect.

It will implicate far more than just Trump and his cabal leftovers and misfits, but more importantly, it fulfills a mandated requirement of GESARA performance, to educate the sleeping masses of their galactic enslavement by sharing all Draconian’s tricks for keeping humanity enslaved.

To some this might seem like justice, but to me it’s something less than grace even though it’s a necessity—I get that. I do. Don’t like it. But I get it.

The Trump deception was a necessary as to identify all remaining evil, and they did so with the greatest evil—i.e. Trump.


However, in the larger duality scheme of things, I see how this truth serves organically as a way to reveal Heaven and Hell simultaneously.

I simply choose to not to focus on the evil primarily, and prefer instead to put my attention on purity of Yeshua’s grace as He unflowers His financial blessing versus the train wreck that is Trump, and the raw destruction of his certain demise.

Know also that Commander Obama is controlling global operations of GESARA.

I have had this intel confirmed yet again at the highest levels. Please never again speak badly of Obama again—not since the tan suit in 2014 anyway.

Ironically, the Trump character doesn’t know what’s coming next, in part because there are now nine different Trump clones handling his every public appearance.

That’s why he always feels "fresh and full of energy.” Seriously, how else can you explain a 70 plus year old man handling that kind of national speaking schedule and intensity of multiple political drama on a daily basis?

Certainly it’s not his healthy exercise or eating regime that’s for sure. So yes there are mutliple clones playing the part of Trump and being used to draw out all remaining evil worldwide.

Look, I know some of you struggle to believe such claims, but they’ve been cloning people since the 1950s, and Presidents since the 1970s using a bunker under Camp David.

And while I know there are few Human Angels left that love them some Trump, it’s time we parted ways and said goodbye.

Please leave Human Angels forever. Your energy is no longer wanted here.

Nor your future contributions as a seed planted in bad soil produces no fruit.

And Trump is bad soil. And you will therefore bear no fruit. So go in peace.

We at HAS deal in good soil, which is God's truth not Saturn's lies; as we are the future of the world and you sadly you are dedicated to the past.

That said, it’s time all Human Angels start living with their wings fully outstretched, and be prepared come Monday morning to leave your beastly and burdensome jobs, as well as the inadequate dwellings, diets, means of transportation an inactivity doldrums you currently prescribe.

As scarcity labor does not serve the greater good, neither does lingering apathy or shame about what went down in your former life.

All of that negative energy HAS gotta to be scrubbed.

It’s wise now to offer yourself, and all other souls, full amnesty before the RV as to come into the redemption of your Zim with a clean slate and open heart.

Seriously, full amnesty no exceptions.

Forgive everyone, for everything, bar none. Agape love for all living beings with no memory of past sins. It’s the only way forward.

The world must start seeing you as are, not anything less than.

No longer will your beauty allowed to be invisible, hiding in darkened corners behind shadows of doubt and insecurity.

Time to step into the full light of day as the hero that you are. Because that too is a fact.

Anything less than your full Human Angel truth is now deemed a complete and utter lie, with dangerous reprocussions.

Grace, therefore, comes at the steep price of living your truth and letting go of all illusions.

This means leaving behind very decent people with slightly flawed understandings of reality, and reflecting back to them like a mirror their own spiritually inadequacies.


Know that all illusionary beliefs limit soul ascension, as scarcity and fear HAS never served an omnipotent and divine Creator Mother/Father Source.

Just can’t.

So start walking in your Human Angel truth even if difficult at first, as those waiting for you to produce profit before they acknowledgment your rightesouness and dedication to God... are doomed.

God is asking for all to surrender before the blessing as evidence to gift the blessing.

He's insisting we completely lean into Him without reservations of any kind; and start living as greatest good;clearing a spiritual pathway for others who are too timid, asleep or simple minded to make a pathway for others to walk.

Be aware that being a Human Angel comes with massive responsibilities that go far beyond just managing huge sums of capital and disbursing it wisely; yes, being a Human Angel means leading the innocence out of their suffering, relentlessly, and being a living example of how a loving God can and will bless their lives without limitation; but this sacred duty applies for the remainder of your natural days.

It’s not an internet fad, but rather a non-negotiable spiritual contract.

And that burden comes with every soul redeeming Zim.

That is why I draw constant comparison via absolution. There is no choice here.

There’s only a surrender of self for service. That’s the whole ball game!

Self or service. Love or fear. Life or death. God or not God.

And this is why IAM pleading with you one final time.

Please, please, please surrender all illusions to the Grace that is Christ Yeshua, who was dark skinned, pure in His white light and unconditional loving.

Know the hard and fast truth of Christ is upon us all today, and only His pathway moves us forward, especially for Zim redeemers who desire to achieve their greatest good—all must pass through the heart of Christ.

John 14:6 Yeshua answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

There must be a personal sacrifice made in His name in order to safely redeem your Zim.

Historically speaking, the unjust will be met with swift and great despair, and banned from eternal life without earthy limitation, whereby His grace exists and your name will be exahualted though service of His.

"Remember Me,” was not just some clever bible phrase, it was His divine whisper that foreshadowed the events of today by a dying Messiah.

A Messiah that knowingly came into form and was crucified so your soul would be protected, honored and ascended for intense times like these.

Christ really happened, and it’s really time to really deal with the truth of Christ as the Messiah of Man.

Do it now before the earthly temptation of redeeming Zim lures you into a false promise of attaining salvation without surrender.

No one HAS ever bouhght their way out of hell or into Heaven. In fact, what drives most people insane in the first place, and why the Lord is mercifully removing the fiat construct via endless zeroed Zim redemptions.

Only an olive (black) skinned, bronze footed, hair soft as wool Christ can protect you. He was the first to die, so that all could know this day. It was His sacrifice that now allows us to make ours.

Christ HAS thus already blazed a trail for all humanity.

He HAS already cut the cabal's forrest of central banking impossibility down and slashed through all Draconian mechanisms of illusion so you could be the souls honored to finish what He started.

The Lord HAS thus blessed you to walk down this RV humanitarian corridor proudly, safely, and into the full light of Heaven as a Human Angel. But you must walk with Him and not alone.

Therefor please consider an immediate surrender to Him as mandatory if you haven’t done so already.

Please, I pray and beg of you.  Because if you don’t kneel before a Negro Christ’s truth, if you don’ fully surrender to His salvation of the world, then please just walk away from the Zim/RV before you destroy yourself and your family.

You just can’t get to the other side of this narrow bridge without such a sacrifice.

Again, if you still must resist this plea do not redeem your Zim. It will absorb your soul and ultimately destroy your legacy and cause massive destruction to all around you.

Just know also there are severe penalties for lying to God, as well as following Trump off a cliff and into the abysss as hell.

His most loyal followers are doomed as doomed can be, as all have been chalked spiritually. In opposite, His most fervent detractors have also been chalked by Heaven, with the truly vehement to be acknowledged when they redeem their Zim or so I’ve been told.

Trump is literally a litmus test of your heart’s deepest intent.

Those who awakened will benefit, while those who continue to sleep shall never be awoken.

Know they gave us all two full years of his insanity of a completely treasonous administration to pick sides, and choose a future consciousness. And all did, whether they know it or not.

Zim redemptions thus heighten all expressions of truth, consciously and unconsciously. So either you will be revealed as supporting the suffering masses or in concert with the soulless slave masters.

Again, I know this is harsh material, very absolute and quite dangerous… but never have I wavered or attempted soften my pitch as a disciple of Christ.

I’ve always come to this audience on naked spiritual terms with truth… and why my readership numbers have dwindled down to a few hundred.

Surrender or succumb, bow or bow out, live or die is not an easy choice to make nor lesson to learn. But that’s the choice. And it comes without options or replacements.

So yeah, there’s a high price to pay for redeeming the Zim… it’s called grace… and it’s merciless as well as merciful depending on your choice. But no alternative pathway exists other than through Christ.

Due to the universal laws of free will, that choice is 100% yours by the grace and mercy of a loving Creator Mother / Father.

So decide before the news breaks. And deem this post to be your last alert and final warning.

All in or all out.

God is with us

Uniendo voluntades en la Busqueda de llevar a cabo Proyectos Humanitarios

Uniendo voluntades en la
Busqueda de llevar a cabo Proyectos Humanitarios
Investiguen que hay aqui
Y a donde nos conduce

Ideas del Proyectos humanitarios:

Querido, todo lo que sé es que el lanzamiento de la financiación del proyecto está cerca y se me ocurre que muchas personas que han viajado en esta montaña rusa interminable en particular ya están listas para despegar y recuperar el control de sus vidas y su futuro. Los proyectos de financiamiento se lanzarán y es justo que encontremos maneras de corregir los errores cometidos a aquellos que se han encontrado en el fondo del montón, especialmente donde hay hambre, sequía y enfermedades. He aprovechado esta oportunidad para compartir una idea de proyecto, con la que he ayudado, consulte el archivo adjunto que contiene una sinopsis de su alcance y cómo esta idea de base garantizará que las habilidades y el respaldo financiero lleguen directamente a los más necesitados. Sin capas de gerentes y intermediarios y corredores.
 Nuestro objetivo es desarrollar gaiaships como una organización esencialmente plana. Sí, habrá cierto nivel de dirección y apoyo general, pero esencialmente, cada centro está diseñado para satisfacer las necesidades y la visión de su comunidad local. Los trabajadores de la luz que tienen dificultades para equilibrar su conocimiento interno con las realidades de la vida cotidiana, finalmente tendrán el poder y la capacidad de operar de manera autónoma. para aquellos que quieran vivir en una cabaña en el desierto, serán libres de hacerlo y para aquellos que estén dispuestos a difundir el amor y sean buenos en eso, entonces serán identificados y se les entregarán recursos para invertir en las personas que tienen He estado haciendo el trabajo contra todo pronóstico. Creemos que los gaiaships deben atraer la base de financiamiento más amplia posible para garantizar que ninguna parte individual pueda influir o dirigir la evolución de la red. Esperamos que, a medida que las personas se liberen verdaderamente del yugo de la esclavitud de la deuda, los centros se expandan de manera exponencial y orgánica
 De hecho, si al leer la descripción del proyecto te inspira a hacer algo aún más increíble, eso también nos parece bien. Nuestro único objetivo es crear un cambio desde la locura de nuestra forma de vida actual a la de una sociedad equitativa en la que cada individuo es valorado y se le permite vivir una vida pacífica y próspera. Además, no dude en utilizar el archivo adjunto como prueba de su proyecto cuando negocie tasas soberanas.Si desea colaborar con financiamiento directo o incluso con la creación de su propio centro de enlace en su comunidad, esperamos recibir noticias de usted para que podamos construir este movimiento juntos. Estamos buscando nuevos miembros en todo el mundo y agradeceríamos ayuda con respecto a la transcripción de esta carta a otros idiomas. Los proyectos como gaiaships se convertirán en la vanguardia de la divulgación completa. Les informaremos a las personas sobre su historia oculta, les mostraremos formas en que pueden comenzar a vivir de manera sostenible y hacer que piensen y actúen para construir un futuro digno para nuestros hijos.
Nuestra visión es ver abrir nuevos centros casi de la noche a la mañana. estos nuevos centros serán futuristas y llenos de tecnología e ideas nuevas atendidas por la comunidad ligera. Parece que ha aterrizado una nave espacial y los ocupantes dan la bienvenida a los lugareños y comparten sus conocimientos. ¿Quién sabe si quizás creamos una manera de suavizar la llegada de nuestros amigos en las vigas? Es una iniciativa global, como las gaiaships, que asegurarán que el genio nunca pueda volver a meterse en la botella y que la humanidad se enterará de su verdadera historia, su soberanía y hacia dónde regresarán.
 Espero que esto te inspire y tal vez la razón por la que estás leyendo esto es porque reconoces este llamado a la acción y te unirás a este movimiento global, confía en ti mismo para saber qué es lo correcto y avanza con el conocimiento propio. Realmente eres tan poderoso. namaste
Business-Proposal-to-build-Gaia-Ships-23rd-Oct-2014 (1) .pdf

 Y si? ¿Qué pasaría si pudiéramos crear comunidades completamente nuevas, nuevos empleos, nuevas vidas y lugares para que las personas sin hogar puedan vivir y trabajar? ¿Qué pasaría si pudieran capacitarse para aprender el proceso, hacer el edificio y fabricar los materiales para ellos y para su comunidad? ¿Qué pasaría si esta pudiera ser la infraestructura para permitir que muchos creen sus propias comunidades con el sistema de construcción más perfecto? ¿Y si pudieran expandirse, creando infraestructuras comerciales en el camino? ¿Qué pasaría si cada comunidad pudiera ser un negocio propiedad de un empleado, en el que puedan ser propietarios, participar, crear oportunidades de trabajo infinitas y expandir sus comunidades? ¿Qué pasa si cada persona participa como lo requiere el modelo de Ubuntu, teniendo tiempo y libertad para desarrollar sus talentos, potencial, habilidades y sueños? ¿Qué pasa si juntos podríamos ser el conducto para financiar, ¿Establecer y eventualmente transferir la propiedad total de estas compañías junto con la patente, sin cargo? ¿No siempre se ha dicho que es mejor enseñar a un hombre a cuidarse a sí mismo y a su familia, en lugar de simplemente darle todo?
¿Los seres humanos necesitan autoestima, empresas satisfactorias y productivas para sostener y avanzar hacia el futuro? Podemos incorporar muchas de las maravillosas ideas que todos ustedes han publicado aquí, ayudando al máximo número de personas, creando empleos y nuevas vidas para todos. Entregaremos el derecho de patente a cada nueva comunidad que podamos establecer a través de los fondos de prosperidad, a través de la capacitación y la repetición del proceso en todo el mundo. Podemos utilizar todas sus ideas y tecnologías aplicables al unísono para sanar, potenciar y crear estas nuevas comunidades saludables.

Dios bendiga a todos y cada uno de ustedes hoy
y todos los días.



UN GIRO INTERESANTE A LA HISTORIA de WANTA QUE NECESITA LECTURA. Entonces, ¿DÓNDE ESTÁ LA VERDAD ? ...Estos Fondos Generados a los Países que Firmaron LOS PROTOCOLOS MITTERAND y decidieron Vincular el "Acuerdo de los Acuerdos Globales (Ferdinand Marcos 1980)" a los Protocolos en Virtud de lo que Reclamaron como el "ACUERDO de LIQUIDACIÓN GLOBAL", que Asciende a Más de $ 600 TRILLONES de USD.....LEO WANTA fue Responsable del ROBO DE ACTIVOS de esta Riqueza en conjunto con GEORGE HERBERT WALKER BUSH Jefe de la CIA ( Ronald Regan )

Debe ser un día lento de chismes. Es una historia que solo los directores conocen y todos los demás están viendo el desarrollo del espectáculo, por lo que quién sabe qué es la verdad o la realidad, ya que con el tiempo se aclarará.

Líderes de la Cumbre Económica del G-7 en el Palais Schaumburg en Bonn, República Federal de Alemania (izquierda a derecha) Jacques Delors, Bettino Craxi, Francois Mitterrand, Margaret Thatcher, Helmut Kohl, Presidente Reagan, Yasuhiro Nakasone, Brian Mulroney - 3 de mayo de 1985

"El Plan Wanta" y los Protocolos Mitterand por Anónimo 13 de enero de 2015 ...Al Administrador deAbundant Hope:

Señor / Señora, le escribo a usted y a otros sitios web con respecto al tema de las Cuentas de garantía y el Número Excesivo de personas Quienes hacen RECLAMOS SOBRE ESTAS CUENTAS y ACTIVOS.
Me refiero a personas como :
Leo Wanta, ....
Michael Cottrell, ...
Karen Hudes, ...
Neil Keenan, ...
Drake, ...
Casper, ...
Wilcock, ...
David Crayford .....y muchos otros.

Como oficial de inteligencia retirado tengo bastante tiempo en mis manos y he realizado una gran cantidad de investigaciones sobre este tema durante varios años, utilizando las instalaciones de amigos que aún operan en las redes de inteligencia de todo el mundo.

Cuando empecé con este tema, me desconcertó y me confundió cuando no debería haberlo hecho.

No me tomó mucho tiempo establecer el motivo de esta situación desconcertante y confusa, que era demasiadas historias conflictivas de personas que hacen declaraciones sobre LAS CUENTAS COLATERALES, o que algunas personas se refieren a ella como LA RIQUEZA DEL MUNDO.

Extrañamente, de todas mis investigaciones, la mayoría de las historias tenían los mismos problemas básicos, pero cuestionaban la propiedad de estas cuentas o la riqueza.

También fue extraño el hecho de que la mayoría de las personas que hicieron las reclamaciones estaban, de alguna manera y de alguna manera, conectadas con el gobierno estadounidense o con los funcionarios del gobierno estadounidense, el Banco Mundial, la Agencia Central de Inteligencia, las Fuerzas Armadas de los EE. UU. o Periodismo.

En mi opinión, como antiguo oficial de inteligencia hay demasiadas coincidencias para ser una coincidencia.
La única persona que se destacó como el lobo solitario fue David Crayford.

También fue muy extraño que estas reclamaciones comenzaran en una forma muy moderada en 1995 y hayan continuado de manera creciente hasta el momento con más y más personas haciendo reclamos contra esta riqueza aparente en los últimos años, sin embargo, ...

Cuando leen todos los diversos artículos y escuché numerosos videos, que he realizado atentamente, por aburridos y exigentes que puedan ser, hay un "Es el oro y la riqueza de Estados Unidos" muy definido y muy ponderado, y un factor de distribución gratuito para todos cuando se puede presentar todo esto. Salió y el público tomó conciencia de estas cuentas y / o riqueza.

En el otro lado hay una persona que parece respetar los principios lógicos y las legalidades basadas en un sistema organizado que rodea estas cuentas / riqueza.

Parece haber aquí una situación de "David y Goliat" bien organizada, que cuando entendemos qué tan organizadas y registradas están las cosas, y lo han sido durante décadas; No debería existir en absoluto.

Es muy extraño que exista en absoluto, lo que me lleva a afirmar que gran parte de lo que se publica en forma escrita o de video es deliberada y la desinformación total está diseñada para un propósito específico. Déjame llegar al punto real de esta carta para ti.

Este es un punto específico que he investigado intensamente, ya que estaba activo en ese momento y en cierta medida lo que implicaba estaba al margen de mi propio trabajo especializado en ese momento.

Leo Wanta El ex embajador LEO WANTA. Después de haber leído todos los artículos y escuchado los videos posibles, ya sea de Leo Wanta o de Leo Wanta, especialmente su último video y los escritos de Michael Cottrell, estoy sorprendido y disgustado por sus afirmaciones y propuestas dogmáticas y audaces.

Como dije anteriormente, esto se limitaba a mi propio trabajo especializado en ese momento, por lo que soy plenamente consciente de que tanto Leo Wanta como Michael Cottrell son FALSOS RECLAMANTES.

Lo que estoy a punto de declarar será, espero, volar la tapa de su caja particular. Leo Wanta afirma que firmó un Acuerdo con el presidente Ronald Reagan con respecto al dinero que reclama como suyo y está siendo bloqueado por los bancos y / o el gobierno de los Estados Unidos.

Lo que involucró a Leo Wanta FUE FRAUDULENTO desde el primer día, y estoy seguro de que se dio cuenta en ese momento.

A través de una investigación intensiva, he establecido que Leo Wanta fue responsable del ROBO DE ACTIVOS de esta riqueza en conjunto con GEORGE HERBERT WALKER BUSH, Jefe de la Agencia Central de Inteligencia CIA durante el tiempo de Ronald Reagan como presidente.

Esos activos se utilizaron dentro de los Programas de Negociación de la Reserva Federal, generando billones de dólares en devoluciones.

Esto fue para un propósito específico que identificaré a continuación. La pregunta en ese momento era cómo implementar lo que estaba planeado y usar todo este dinero para el propósito previsto.

UN PLAN MUY ASTUTO  fue desarrollado por la Agencia Central de Inteligencia, que finalmente se conoció como los "Protocolos Mitterand".

Sin embargo, aún quedaban barreras por superar, una de las cuales era lograr que el mundo aceptara los "Protocolos de Mitterand" que no se podían lograr sobre la base del verdadero propósito de estos protocolos.

** Deliberadamente, Astutamente y con Engaño, las personas detrás de todo esto decidieron vincular el "Acuerdo de los acuerdos globales (Ferdinand Marcos 1980)" a los protocolos que prometían pagos sustanciales a todos los gobiernos que firmaron los "Protocolos de Mitterand".

Obviamente, los países del mundo firmaron estos protocolos creyendo que iban a recibir fondos sustanciales para su país. No hace falta decir que ningún país recibió un centavo de los fondos adjuntos a los "Protocolos de Mitterand", ni recibirían ningún fondo.

EL MUNDO HABÍA SIDO ESTAFADO, en su forma más alta, y obligado a firmar estos Protocolos cuando, en todo momento, el fraude de los iniciadores de estos Protocolos era la intención absoluta y última.

Leo Wanta estuvo profundamente involucrado en todo esto. En lugar de pagar estos fondos generados a los países que firmaron los Protocolos y en virtud de lo que reclamaron como el "Acuerdo de Liquidación Global", que asciende a más de $ 600 trillones de USD, los fondos se utilizaron en última instancia para el propósito nefasto que fue, reducir el "Telón de acero" y la destrucción del comunismo en Rusia y el antiguo Bloque del Este.

Se desembolsaron billones de dólares a personas y organizaciones dentro del antiguo Bloque del Este y Rusia, para desestabilizar a todos estos países, y como todos sabemos, el "Telón de acero" cayó y el comunismo se destruyó efectivamente en 1989. Sin embargo, quedaron algunos fondos. De esta cruzada internacional contra el comunismo.

Esos fondos ascendieron a poco más de 60 billones de dólares, Puedo decir que en ese momento todos estábamos lívidos con las acciones iniciadas por Estados Unidos e implementadas en virtud de los Protocolos.

Lo que los tres Signatarios Principales (Francia ... Presidente Mitterand, EE. UU. ... El Presidente Ronald Reagan y el Reino Unido ... La Primera Ministra Margaret Thatcher, y no sorprendentemente las mismas tres partes de la Comisión Trilateral Trilinium de Oro Tripartita) establecido en 1945) destruyó el status quo que nosotros en Europa manteníamos para promover el diálogo político.

De hecho, muchos de nosotros afirmamos que estos tres líderes (Reagan, Mitterand y Thatcher) deberían haber sido juzgados por TRAICIÓN contra sus propios países y el mundo, porque eso es lo que significaba.

Engañaron a sus países y mintieron a todos los demás países del mundo por su propia agenda política, una agenda que continúa vigorosamente e intensamente hasta el día de hoy, aunque los líderes de ese momento ya han dejado el poder. No fue hasta principios de 2011 que el titular maestro, y sí, hay un titular maestro de esta riqueza de lo que estoy totalmente consciente ahora, se dio cuenta de lo que había sucedido e inmediatamente ordenó un "Bloque" en todas las cuentas restantes.

Al mismo tiempo, todos los documentos marcados como "Top Secret" o "Above Top Secret" o "Cloaked in Secrecy" relacionados con el mandato de Ronald Reagan a la Presidencia fueron desclasificados inmediatamente para permitir una investigación exhaustiva que entiendo (y que es de fuentes oficiales) todavía continúa hoy.

Aquí tengo que estar totalmente de acuerdo con los comentarios de David Crayford.

Declaró con razón que, la cotización "ya que estos fondos (Más de $ 600 billones de USD) se generaron a partir de activos robados de las Cuentas de garantía, los fondos pertenecían legalmente a las Cuentas de garantía y que los fondos que quedaban ($ 60 + billones) a cuenta se Devuelto a la cotización final de las Cuentas Colaterales.

Por lo tanto, ni Leo Wanta ni Michael Cottrell pueden reclamar ningún fondo que permanezca en cuenta en los bancos de América y Europa.

Una vez más, estoy de acuerdo con lo que David Crayford ha declarado anteriormente, según cito, "cualquier acuerdo ejecutado por estas personas, que hace referencia a los fondos restantes, es ilegal e inaplicable en la ley".

Desafortunadamente, Rusia, e incluso muchos de los países del antiguo Bloque del Este todavía sufren de estas políticas idiotas y de construcción de imperios del pasado.

También hay otro "Twist in the Tail" aquí, del cual solo me informaron, según mis fuentes oficiales, en los últimos meses.

Este "Twist" hace que todo sea risible, pero al mismo tiempo muestra cuán engañosos y criminales han sido los iniciadores de esta "Cruzada Internacional para derribar el Telón de Acero".

Se ha establecido oficialmente que los fondos líquidos (que es dinero literalmente pagado en efectivo) pagados a personas y organizaciones dentro del antiguo Bloque del Este y Rusia eran deliberadamente falsos billetes de USD impresos fuera de los Estados Unidos y no se pueden utilizar como moneda.

Cualquier otro dinero a cuenta y transferido por cualquier banco sería electrónico y, por lo tanto, se consideraría como moneda legal y un pasivo para Estados Unidos.

No tengo conocimiento de cuánto está realmente involucrado con los $ 600 billones de dólares originalmente generados.

La pregunta que se está haciendo ahora es "¿Se fue la moneda original y en qué cuentas se acreditó?".
Esa es una razón aparentemente por la que las investigaciones continúan.

Así que, señor Wanta y señor Cottrell, tu juego ha terminado. Es posible que pueda desplegar información errónea a las masas que algunos creerán, pero no puede desplegar sus mentiras contra los registros oficiales y la información oficial.

No tengo la menor duda de que lo mismo se aplicará a las personas como Karen Hudes, Neil Keenan, ya que mi investigación continúa con resultados notables y no coincidentes, como los anteriores.

He escrito esto para revelar algo de la verdad a las personas que tienen la necesidad de creer en algo por lo que creen en lo que parece ser lo mejor para ellos.

La verdad oficial cuenta una historia completamente diferente de lo que te cuentan personas como Wanta y Cottrell.

Por favor, no cite mi nombre, ya que lo que se menciona más arriba puede rayar en la violación de los secretos oficiales, aunque he tenido mucho cuidado de evitar tales asuntos. ..<>

Copyright © misteri1963 Todos los derechos reservados. Puede copiar y distribuir este artículo siempre que no lo modifique de ninguna manera, el contenido permanece completo, se otorga crédito al autor y se incluye esta URL https: //misteri1963.blogspot. com y el aviso de copyright


on October 21. 2018 

MESSAGE OF GOD FATHER MOTHER - BLOOM HEART am your Father - Mother God: I come with love to turn all souls disconnected from Love, for Love to shine like a beautiful flower in all, and because we simply have not paid enough attention: 

- Perhaps because they have given them too. 

- Perhaps because they received very little love, and forgot to take care of their own flower. 

- Maybe they went thorns because they are sad, because it does not care about anyone. 

- They may have closed their leaves that were conjured by the harsh treatment of the environment

Its flower heart is sensitive, but strong when you get a bit of care and love, then grows and flows quickly, with full bloom. 

• Are my beloved children and need to be in love with themselves and others, because when the flower is broken spread Love  

• The secret lies in giving love, is greater to obtain, because they deliver, return immediately your. 

• Earth Dear Children, Fall in love, my love embraces them again and again, but do not always have the ability to receive it , because they have forgotten to water your own flower.

Dear Children of the Earth, seek help to find again the power of his love, remember that I am here for you and have many Guardian Angels radiate His love them and whisper comforting words in his ears. 

• My arms are always open to anyone who wants and wishes to be dragged and locked up in my love.  

• Blow their cores, so they can re-open to new sensations, and the thorns are transformed with a new form of greater strength. 

• are beloved and in every part of their bodies, even in the smallest, live my love. 

• My love always lives in you, no matter what paths they have followed on earth, as I send my Rays of Love to awaken their desire to return home again, the Home of Love that lives in their hearts. Dear Children of the Earth, all you need is within themselves, theyalready have all they require and more. 

• Stay true to themselves, listen to the voice of his heart, entréguenle all the love they have and allow him to grow and outsourced outside their bodies, and irradiated in the Universe. 

• There are many bright bodies that now glisten in the universe, is a beautiful view, many who have come to see the energy of Love that now radiate into space.

• The Power of Love radiates frequencies and many beautiful facets of my breath, and now can turn a little here and there in many different places on Earth. 

• Dear children, love is here to stay, so it's better now, watered and give extra to your flower nutrition.

 - It's time to make it look with a full bloom.  

I love them, I am Father - Mother God through Ann Dahlberg. 

Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved. You can copy and distribute this article provided you do not modify in any way the content remains complete, full credit is given to author and included this URL https: //misteri1963.blogspot. com and copyright notice


21 oct. 2018

Soy su Dios Padre Madre:

Vengo con Amor a encender a todas las Almas desconectadas del Amor, para que el Amor brille como una hermosa flor dentro de todos, y porque simplemente, no le han prestado la suficiente atención:

- Tal vez, porque les han dado demasiado.

- Tal vez, porque recibieron muy poco Amor, y se olvidaron de cuidar su propia flor. 

- Tal vez les salieron espinas, porque están tristes, ya que no le importan a nadie.

- Tal vez hayan cerrado sus hojas, porque fueron conjurados por el duro tratamiento del medio ambiente. 

Su flor del corazón es sensible, pero la fortalecen cuando le dan un poco de cuidado y Amor, entonces crece y brota rápidamente, con una plena floración.

• Son mis Amados Niños, y necesitan estar enamorados de sí mismos y de los demás, porque cuando la flor se rompe, esparcen Amor, 

• El secreto radica en dar Amor, es mayor a obtener, porque lo que entregan, regresa de inmediato a ustedes.

• Queridos Hijos de la Tierra, enamórense, mi Amor los abraza una y otra vez, pero no siempre tienen la capacidad de recibirlo, porque se han olvidado de regar su propia flor.

Queridos Hijos de la Tierra, soliciten ayuda para encontrar nuevamente el Poder de su Amor, recuerden que estoy aquí para ustedes y que tienen a muchos Ángeles Guardianes que irradian su Amor y les susurran palabras reconfortantes en sus oídos. 

• Mis brazos siempre están abiertos, para cualquiera que quiera y desee ser arrastrado, y encerrado en mi Amor. 

• Soplo sus Núcleos, para que puedan re-abrirse a nuevas sensaciones, así las espinas se transformen con una nueva forma de mayor fortaleza.

• Son muy amados y en cada parte de sus cuerpos, incluso en las más pequeñas, vive mi Amor. 

• Mi Amor siempre vive en ustedes, no importa qué caminos hayan seguido en la Tierra, igual les envío mis Rayos de Amor para despertar su deseo de volver a Casa otra vez, al Hogar del Amor que vive en sus corazones.

Queridos Hijos de la Tierra, todo lo que necesitan está dentro de sí mismos, ya tienen a Todo Lo Que requieren y más. 

• Manténganse fieles a sí mismos, escuchen la voz de su corazón, entréguenle todo el Amor que tienen, así le permitan crecer y externalizarse por fuera de sus cuerpos, e irradiarse en el Universo. 

• Hay muchos cuerpos brillantes que ahora refulgen en el Universo, es una vista hermosa, son muchos los que han venido a ver la Energía del Amor que ahora irradian en el espacio. 

• La Energía del Amor irradia a hermosas frecuencias y a muchas facetas de mi Aliento, y en este momento, pueden encender un poco aquí y allá, en muchos lugares diferentes de la Tierra.

• Queridos Hijos, el Amor ha llegado para quedarse, por eso es mejor que ahora, rieguen y le den nutrición extra a su flor.

- Ha llegado el momento de hacerlo lucir con una plena floración.

 Los quiero mucho, Soy Dios Padre Madre, a través de Ann Dahlberg.

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Una de las creencias más populares de la reencarnación es que la mayoría de nosotros hemos vivido otras vidas anteriores y que a veces podemos recordar estas vidas pasadas.

Eres parte de un grupo especial de personas que reencarnaron aquí a propósito. Quizá hayas venido aquí a ayudar a otros a evolucionar, a equilibrar karma, o a desarrollarte como alma. Cualquiera que sea la razón, he aquí 3 señales de que has reencarnado en esta vida:

Tu vida está llena de lecciones
Desde una temprana edad, tu vida ha estado llena de lecciones. Ya sea que hayas pasado muchas cosas emocionalmente, o eres muy reflexivo por naturaleza y sacas lecciones de todo lo que puedes. Desde joven, has tenido experiencias que hacen que reflexiones y evoluciones. Otras personas parecen pasar por la vida en piloto automático, pero tu has experimentado algunas cosas. Y por eso, tienes mucha sabiduría que puedes ofrecer a los demás.

De hecho, puedes haber incluso empezado a ver las dificultades como oportunidades para evolucionar y empezarás a darles la bienvenida en tu realidad. Esto es porque reencarnaste aquí a propósito para evolucionar como alma. Tienes tendencia a encontrarte retos en la vida que te obligan a crecer y evolucionar y esto es parte del plan. Tu vida está más llena de reflexión y crecimiento espiritual que las de las personas promedio, porque viniste con el objetivo de tratar esta vida como una escuela para tu alma. No solo viniste a construir un nido cómodo para vivir y luego morir. Viniste con la misión de evolucionar.

No eres engañado fácilmente
No eres ingenuo. Has estado aquí, así que tienes la habilidad natural de descifrar los estados psicológicos de otros individuos. No eres tan susceptible de que te laven el cerebro como otras personas, por lo que tienes dificultad en tomar las “noticias” seriamente. Reconoces lo inconsistente cuando lo ves, e identificas inmediatamente los mensajes subliminales.

Puedes ver a través de las personas e identificar sus verdaderas intenciones, por lo que la gente tiene dificultad engañándote. No todos tienen ese don, y no es solo porque tienes un código genético diferente a los demás, sino porque conoces los diferentes juegos psicológicos que a la gente le gusta jugar.

Añoras regresar a casa
Quizá no sepas donde es “el hogar” en este momento, pero sabes que no es aquí. Sabes, en lo profundo de tu alma, que el planeta Tierra no es tu destino final. Porque sabes que la Tierra realmente no es tu hogar, sientes una profunda inquietud a veces y empiezas a extrañar el lugar en el que existías antes de venir aquí. Podemos llamarlo Cielo o el Mundo Espiritual, pero sin importar cómo lo llamemos, sabes dentro de tu alma que tu verdadero hogar se localiza en un reino más allá de lo físico.

No todo el mundo siente esta añoranza. Algunas personas pueden pensar “¿De qué estas hablando?, ¡Por supuesto que este lugar es mi hogar!”. Pero para ti, has venido a la Tierra y regresado al Mundo Espiritual suficientes veces como para saber a dónde perteneces realmente. Puede que no puedas señalar exactamente por qué te sientes así, y tu mente puede que no lo entienda, pero tu alma añora la comodidad del hogar. Esta nostalgia puede también ser causada por el hecho de que puedes tener miembros de tu familia espiritual que te están esperando a que regreses una vez que completes tu misión en esta vida.

Comparto con amor
Marco Herguz

estamos en camino al gran portal 11:11:11

" estamos en camino al gran portal 11:11:11

Estás sintiendo un cansancio extremo, noches dormidas, o pesadillas, zumbido en los oídos, dolores de cabeza, cambios de humor, ganas de comer dulces, comida calórica.
Nuestro canal multidimensional duplica su tamaño, aumenta su geometría y tenemos acceso inconscientemente a varias dimensiones de la conciencia.

Estamos en camino al gran portal maestro, viene las mejoras :) 11/11/2018
Los códigos de luz del alma serán activados por segunda vez. Los mismos que han sido desactivados hace miles de años.
Aumento de la energía, sueños lúcidos, actividad astral, aumento de la telepatía, percepción, clarividencia natural, aumento de la empatía, aumento de la conciencia corporal, aumento de la conciencia nutricional, pérdida de densidad corporal, armonización ego, aumento de la confianza Estima, aumento de las sincronicidades.
Recuperaremos lo que nos pertenece por derecho propio: la memoria de quienes somos y por qué vinimos.

Acéptalo, respira profundo, arraiga, practica meditación para tener paz interior escucha tu corazón.

Conscientemente recibe luz del sol con la intención de absorber su energía curativa y elevar frecuencias. Bebe agua.
Practica el desapego de viejos estándares limitadores.

© misteri1963 esta publicación puede reproducirse libremente siempre que respete su integridad y mencione al autor, al traductor y al misteri1963 como su fuente.

Emerging economies stockpiling gold in expectation of US dollar banking system collapse – analysts

Emerging economies stockpiling gold in expectation of US dollar banking system collapse – analysts
Countries around the world are turning to gold as uncertainty about the global economy rises. Trade wars and the aggressive policies of the United States are making emerging economies withdraw from dollar assets, analysts told RT.
“In the near future we can witness a big change in the rules of the game. At the beginning of the year, developing countries were the first to feel investor panic. If a crisis in Latin America and South Asia doesn’t surprise anybody, now is the time to worry about the largest economies of the world,” Mikhail Mashchenko, an analyst at the social network for investors eToro in Russia and CIS told RT.
“The aggressive US policy in recent years has forced some countries to look for an alternative to the dollar and replenish their gold reserves. Worries about the future growth of global economy are an additional incentive for purchases. Many question Donald Trump’s protectionism,” the analyst added.
There are signs that the global financial system dominated by the US dollar could collapse, says financial institute FinIst analyst Denis Lisitsyn. These signs include the uncontrolled emission of money from different countries, an increase in US interest rates, trade wars, the rapid rise in energy prices, geopolitical tensions in Syria, Iraq, the war in Yemen, he says.
“Many countries are buying gold in advance. They understand that paper money is constantly eaten up by inflation, equities will sharply fall in price in case of a crisis, and foreign deposits can be arrested, confiscated or frozen,” he said.
Hungary, Poland, Russia, China, India, Turkey, Saudi Arabia are all hoarding gold, notes Vladimir Rozhankovsky, LIFA, expert at the International Financial Center.
“There are few alternatives to the US Treasury bonds in terms of volumes and market liquidity, but more prudent countries want to boost their reserves. Gold is, in fact, the only alternative. Even for those who do not believe in it,” he said.
Under such conditions, many central banks view gold as a traditional safe haven that allows them to ensure against possible turbulence in the markets, says Mark Goihman, leading analyst at TeleTrade. “After all, gold usually grows in price during periods of crises, and it can serve as additional support for the national currency. Many countries, in particular, China and Russia, turn to gold in opposition to dependence from the domination of the dollar. They are reducing dollar assets in their reserves,” he said.
Not only China and Russia are into gold, notes FinIst’s Lisitsyn. Germany has repatriated more than 300 tons of gold, and the Netherlands returned about 100 tons of bullion. Turkey bought 187 tons of gold last year, and has repatriated gold from the US Federal Reserve.
Iran also used gold to stabilize their economy. “Iran was forced to switch to gold payments. Weak economy and soaring inflation forced Tehran to throw gold money into the domestic market. After that, the economy stabilized, and the currency strengthened,” Lisitsyn said.
“Many neighboring countries, such as Turkey, also benefited from gold settlements with Iran. Turkey got a positive trade balance and saw the lira stabilize,” he concluded.
For more stories on economy & finance visit RT's business section

© misteri1963 this publication can be freely reproduced provided it respects its integrity and mentions the author, the translator and the misteri1963 as the source thereof

Orden de arresto de Hillary Clinton

¡Orden de arresto de Hillary emitida a las milicias estatales! Heneghan

Sábado 20 de octubre de 2018 13:45.

En la rápida actualización de hoy, Tom Heneghan informa que las milicias estatales han emitido órdenes de arresto rojas para Hillary Clinton y otros. ¡Será mejor que alguien ponga las esposas en esta mujer antes de que se presente de nuevo a la presidencia! La Interpol europea está ahora iniciando una investigación de Jamal Khashoggi, que sabía demasiado sobre Bush Scherff, el 11 de septiembre y el robo de petróleo de la nube blanca somalí del sindicato criminal Bush Scherff Clinton. Khashoggi tenía documentos de cuentas secretas de la CIA vinculados a Marc Rich también. ¡El príncipe saudí Mohammed Bin Salman es el mismo que tiene todos los documentos el 9/11! ¡Esto fue recientemente presentado por MSNBC que a veces saca nuggets de verdad cada luna azul por cualquier razón! Hillary ha estado vinculada a equipos de asesinatos en todo Estados Unidos y debe ser arrestada de inmediato. Las milicias estatales ahora autorizadas para arrestar a Hillary Clinton y otras personas a la vista. ¡Oremos para que esto suceda y Donald Trump publica pronto todos los documentos de FISA!

Rompiendo: ¡Hillary va a ir a la cárcel! ¡El juez acaba de pronunciarse en contra de Hillary Clinton con respecto a los correos electrónicos del Departamento de Estado! ¡El juez dijo que el Departamento de Estado LEÍÓ! ¡AUGE!

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...