
6 de noviembre de 2018

The Creator Writings,Self-Forgiveness

Dearest one, there will be times you makes mistakes and false assumptions.  
There will be times when a not-so-kind thing may come out of your mouth or you may become angry at silly little things.  
This is all part of being human.  
The difference between those that suffer a chronically negative attitude and ones that do not is forgiveness! 
 In the process of doing your work and clearing what you need to clear, a lot of emphasis is placed on forgiving but, how often do you include yourself in that scenario?  
Today, you are being asked for practice a little self-forgiveness.  It is okay to start small and, when the time is right for you, work your way up to the bigger things.  
You are here to learn and this is truly a huge part of it.  
The more you practice, the easier it will become…especially with The Universe right beside you, lending a loving hand. ~ Creator

transcribed by Jennifer Farley

Copyright © misteri1963 all rights reserved. You can copy and distribute this article as long as you do not modify it in any way, the content remains complete, the author will be credited and this URL https: // and the Copyright notice

MASTER WAY OF LIFE NUMBER 33 - Master Numbers 33-333 - 33:33.

I am a Master number 33 life mission. 
I have gone through every experience on the earth plane. 
And in this incarnation is the last life on this planet for now, these experiences have come through say in a short period of time. 
This is my 3rd Ascension in this universe. 
With Love <3 

MASTER WAY OF LIFE NUMBER 33 - Master Numbers 33-333 - 33:33. 


33 is a number of experiment tests, is the Christ, represents love in its purest form, besides love for the people in our environment is the one that embraces all human beings. 

They are people who have gone through every experience on the earth plane.

33 is the Master Teacher. 

This individual approach is to reach the world and raising the loving energy of humanity. They are not concerned with personal ambition and have great devotion to the cause. 

Number 33 of the life path is represented by the word altruistic. 

This number has high energy and is responsible for doing good in the world. 

Those with life path number 33 want to use your life to increase awareness of as many people as possible. His concern is the earth and all people who live here. 

It is actually a number of beautiful life path. As you might have guessed few have. 

Here are some key points to keep in mind that will help you on your way are presented ...

The path of life will call 33/6 leadership and responsibility. This may not always pleases you, but you have to make peace with him. 

The 33 individuals are achieved fame through acts of kindness, tenderness and compassion that lead to the transformation of consciousness of the world. 

Details may vary. We could be talking about the Pope, we could be talking about a wonderful first grade teacher. 

If you're like most with life trajectory 6 you will always be the best person to take care of things. The other option is to sit back and criticize, so make peace and do it. 

You have a good chance to be a great cook. You dream vision and organizational capacity to do well.

It's a great way to relax. Also, you want to eat! 
Always you come up with ideas that other people think they are a bit "out there". Follow your instincts, and others will follow. 

We end up with a kinder, gentler world. 

33 they attract to themselves cosmic vibrations that inspire true teachers and spiritual guides of humanity. 

They are full of ideas and artistic, intellectual and spiritual concerns, but the most important and strongest of motivations will be the teacher who feels the need to bring their knowledge and their own light to others. 

33 represents the ideal of love in its purest form, ie not only love the people around them , but embracing all human beings.

The love means delivery, sacrifice and compassion. 

Love that generates the highest ideals and does not hesitate to sacrifice everything material or personal to defend their dreams and offer them to their peers. 

MAESTRO NUMBER 33 - 333 - 33:33 

Teachers are responsible for open roads of higher consciousness. 

Great spiritual leaders. Christ. 

Cosmic vibrations that inspire true teachers and spiritual guides of humanity. 

It represents the ideal of love in its purest form. 

Represents much power over that which belongs to him, because very few people who can be at its height, due to its high vibrational power.

Vibration intended to leadership in all, both spiritual and professional levels of any kind. 

Few people can experience a 33. 

Since the 33 has gone through all earthly experiences. 

They are full of ideas and artistic, intellectual and spiritual concerns, but the most important and strongest of motivations, will be the teacher who feels the need to bring their knowledge and their own light to others. 

33 represents the ideal of love in its purest form, this is not just the love of people around, but covering everything around him. 

The love means delivery, sacrifice and compassion.

Love that generates the highest ideals, and do not hesitate to sacrifice everything material or personal to defend their dreams and offer them to their peers. 

33 tells us about the balance of moral and spiritual qualities and made peace emanating from his person, especially attracts people anxious or disoriented. 

In this, as in all master Vibrations, the intuitive faculties are extraordinary in general, but in this case they inspire in the artistic and creative field, being able to reach the highest level renown. 

Dreamers and idealists, with remarkable insight and intuition that allow them to glimpse the hidden worlds and explore the mystical and paranormal phenomena.

Their beliefs, actions and reactions will always be inspired by high moral importance, because as other numbers Masters, is not only a teacher for others, but above all, will be the most demanding judge himself. 

The family is a key factor. 

Sometimes the attachment that these people feel for their household is so strong that reach the sacrifice of his own personal experience, if it conflicts with the responsibility they feel toward their own, but should not allow this to happen.

Everyone who takes a master number, you must not forget that such high vibrations must be used with care, respect and prudence, as the upward they have over others is very large, and if you misuse it, not only back in its own evolution, but pays with grief and anguish. 

Fanaticism also must flee, or boast of his powers of intuition and clairvoyance. 

33 they attract to themselves cosmic vibrations that inspire true teachers and spiritual guides of humanity. 

With Love <3 

Copyright © misteri1963 all rights reserved. You can copy and distribute this article as long as you do not modify it in any way, the content remains complete, the author will be credited and this URL https: // and the Copyright notice

Heavenletter: The Grace of Love

God said:
Beloved, someday life will be simpler when you speak more from the depth and height of the speech when you Godwrite without the necessity of the touchstone of surface speech. Speech, as it is known on Earth, is made of many gradations. Let's have simple uncluttered speech deeper than the way the world tosses off speech.
Speech in the world is like trying to describe a color. A color is this shade without so many of these overtones and that undertone. There is a name for this color, yet many tries at it may occur before you can locate the color's name. There is no God Dictionary wherein a word is exactly what it means to say. How am I, even God, able to describe how beautiful your eyes look like to Me?
With words, we are like sculptors. Our fingers can tell to the touch, yet comparisons are rife. How high is high? How soft is soft? How tall can ivy climb? What is meant by yay big? How tall is the sky? What does this mean and that mean? In a paint store, there may be a number that enacts an exact color and tone, yet a number isn’t the same as a name.
Names fly in and out of hearts. Prisoners may be called numbers. Names and numbers just aren’t the same. A number may be precise yet doesn't compare to “Beloved.”
In the grandest garden, there is still weeding to be done. Weeding is precision-based. You love your garden, and you wish to give your garden all the goodness it deserves, yet your knees are sore from kneeling. There is upkeep. You may have to sweep the steps.
Nature itself removes the leaves from trees for you. Eventually, even snow will melt mostly. Meanwhile, you may have to shovel or tamp the snow.
What is this idea of work? To an artist, his work is play. The same can be said for a composer. What is this dividing line between work and play and red and pink? How essential is it for man to speak and express that for which he has no words and yet go so deep.
Life wants to be expressed. Man everywhere wants to express. As man must breathe, so must man express what he is not quite sure he is trying to express until he does express it. Man wants to speak as I, God, do speak:
“I am here. Hear Me.”
Everyone wants to express and to be heard.
What is the expression of love from a young child as he plucks a dandelion to give to his mother? The child doesn’t encompass what he is expressing. He just knows it is his to express. What does holding hands express? Holding hands is such a simple gesture, yet a gesture that goes beyond words and that says more of Oneness than there are words for.
A young child, referring to love, spreads his arms wide and asks: "How big do I love you?" and answers: “Soooo big.”
Yes, even weeding in the Garden of Eden expresses more than you can say. All of life craves to be expressed and exalted before Me and everyone. It is as if you must stand up and shout. What are cheers after all? You must be heard, and so there is writing and singing and rhymes and reverence for life and no end to it.
It’s okay. Go ahead, breathe in the Grace of Love.

Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved.You can copy and distribute this article as long as you do not modify it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL is included and the Copyright Notice

Heavenletters: La Gracia del Amor

cartas del cielo
Dios dijo:
Amada, algún día la vida será más sencilla cuando hable más desde la profundidad y la altura del discurso cuando escriba por Dios sin la necesidad de la piedra de toque del habla superficial. El habla, como se la conoce en la Tierra, está hecha de muchas gradaciones. Tengamos un discurso simple y sin interrupciones más profundo que la forma en que el mundo lanza el discurso.
El habla en el mundo es como tratar de describir un color. Un color es este tono sin tantos de estos armónicos y ese matiz. Hay un nombre para este color, pero muchos intentos pueden ocurrir antes de que pueda localizar el nombre del color. No hay un Diccionario de Dios en el que una palabra sea exactamente lo que significa decir. ¿Cómo puedo, incluso Dios, describir lo hermosos que se ven tus ojos para Mí?
Con las palabras, somos como escultores. Nuestros dedos pueden decir al tacto, pero las comparaciones abundan. ¿Qué tan alto es alto? ¿Qué tan suave es suave? ¿Qué altura puede subir la hiedra? ¿Qué se entiende por yay grande? ¿Qué altura tiene el cielo?¿Qué significa esto y qué significa? En una tienda de pintura, puede haber un número que represente un color y tono exactos, pero un número no es lo mismo que un nombre.
Los nombres vuelan dentro y fuera de los corazones. Los presos pueden ser llamados números.Los nombres y los números no son los mismos. Un número puede ser preciso pero no se compara con "Amado".
En el jardín más grande, todavía hay que deshierbar. La escarda se basa en la precisión. Amas tu jardín, y deseas darle a tu jardín toda la bondad que merece, pero tus rodillas están adoloridas por arrodillarse. Hay mantenimiento.Puede que tenga que barrer los pasos.
La naturaleza misma elimina las hojas de los árboles para ti.Eventualmente, incluso la nieve se derretirá en su mayoría. Mientras tanto, puede que tenga que palear o aplastar la nieve.
¿Cuál es esta idea de trabajo?Para un artista, su obra es el juego. Lo mismo puede decirse de un compositor. ¿Cuál es esta línea divisoria entre trabajo y juego y rojo y rosa? ¿Qué tan esencial es que el hombre hable y exprese aquello para lo que no tiene palabras y, sin embargo, profundiza tanto?
La vida quiere ser expresada. El hombre en todas partes quiere expresar. Como el hombre debe respirar, el hombre debe expresar lo que no está del todo seguro de que está tratando de expresar hasta que lo exprese. El hombre quiere hablar como yo, Dios, hablo:
"Estoy aquí. Escuchame."
Todos quieren expresarse y ser escuchados.
¿Cuál es la expresión de amor de un niño pequeño cuando se arregla un diente de león para dárselo a su madre? El niño no abarca lo que está expresando. Él sólo sabe que es su expresión.¿Qué expresa la mano? Tomar de las manos es un gesto tan simple, pero un gesto que va más allá de las palabras y que dice más de Unicidad de lo que hay palabras.Un niño pequeño, refiriéndose al amor, extiende sus brazos y pregunta: "¿Qué tan grande te quiero?" Y responde: "Tan grande".Sí, incluso desherbar en el Jardín del Edén expresa más de lo que puedes decir. Toda la vida anhela ser expresada y exaltada ante Mí y todos. Es como si debieras levantarte y gritar. ¿Qué son los aplausos después de todo?Debes ser escuchado, y así hay escritura y canto, rimas y reverencia por la vida y no hay fin para ello. All Right. Adelante, respira la gracia del amor.

»  Fuente » Canal: Gloria Wendroff

© misteri 1963 esta publicación puede reproducirse libremente a condición de respetar su integridad y mencionar al autor como fuente de la misma y se incluya esta URL y el aviso del Copyright


Yo soy 33 un número Maestro de misión de vida.
He atravesado todas las experiencias en el plano terrenal.
Y en esta encarnación como es la última vida en este planeta por ahora, estas experiencias las he vuelto atravesar digamos en un corto período de tiempo.
Esta es mi 3ª Ascensión en este Universo.
Con amor <3



El 33 es un número de experimentar pruebas, es el Cristo interno, representa el AMOR en su más pura expresión, además del amor a las personas de nuestro entorno, es el que abarca a todos los seres humanos.

Son personas que han atravesado todas las experiencias en el plano terrenal.

33 es el Maestro de Maestros.

De este individuo enfoque es alcanzar el mundo y elevar la energía amorosa de la humanidad. Ellos no están preocupados con la ambición personal y tienen gran devoción a la causa.

Número 33 de la ruta de vida está representado por la palabra altruista.

Este número tiene una alta energía y se ocupa de hacer el bien en el mundo.

Ésos con camino de vida número 33 desean usar su vida para incrementar la conciencia de tantas personas como sea posible. Su preocupación es la tierra y toda la gente que vive aquí.

Es realmente un número de sendero de vida hermosa. Como habrá adivinado pocos tienen.

A continuación se presentan algunos puntos clave que debes tener en cuenta que te ayudarán en tu camino…

El sendero de la vida de 33/6 te llamará al liderazgo y responsabilidad. Esto puede no siempre te agrada, pero tendrás que hacer las paces con él.

Los 33 individuos suelen alcanzan fama a través de actos de bondad, ternura y compasión que conducen a la transformación de la conciencia del mundo.

Los detalles pueden variar. Podríamos estar hablando sobre el Papa, podríamos estar hablando de una maravillosa maestra de primer grado.

Si eres como la mayoría con trayectoria de vida 6, siempre serás la mejor persona para hacerse cargo de las cosas. La otra opción es sentarse y criticar, así que hacer las paces y hazlo.

Tienes una buena oportunidad de ser un gran cocinero. Usted tiene la visión de sueño y la capacidad organizativa para hacerlo bien.

Es una gran manera de relajarse. Además, quieres comer!
Siempre vienes con ideas que otras personas piensan que son un poco “allá afuera”. Siga sus instintos, y otros le seguirán.

Terminaremos con un mundo más amable y gentil.

Los 33 atraen hacia sí las Vibraciones Cósmicas que inspiran a los verdaderos maestros y guías espirituales de la humanidad.

Están llenos de ideas e inquietudes artísticas, intelectuales y espirituales, pero la más importante y la más fuerte de sus motivaciones será la del maestro que siente la necesidad de llevar sus conocimientos y su propia luz a los demás.

El 33 representa el ideal del AMOR en su más pura expresión, esto es, no sólo el amor a las personas de su entorno, sino el que abarca a todos los seres humanos.

El amor que significa entrega, sacrificio y compasión.

El amor que genera los más altos ideales y que no vacila en sacrificar todo lo material o personal para defender sus sueños y ofrecerlos a sus semejantes.

NÚMERO MAESTRO 33 - 333 - 33:33

Maestros que se encargan de abrir caminos de conciencia superior.

Grandes líderes espirituales. El Cristo.

Vibraciones Cósmicas que inspiran a los verdaderos maestros y guías espirituales de la humanidad.

Representa el ideal de Amor en su más pura expresión.

Representa mucho poder sobre aquél que le pertenezca, ya que son muy pocas las personas que puedan encontrarse a su altura, debido a su elevado poder vibracional.

Vibración destinada al liderazgo en todos los niveles, tanto espirituales o profesionales de cualquier índole.

Pocas personas pueden vivir un 33.

Ya que el 33 ha pasado por todas las experiencias terrenales.

Están llenos de ideas e inquietudes artísticas, intelectuales y espirituales, pero la más importante y la más fuerte de sus motivaciones, será la del maestro que siente la necesidad de llevar sus conocimientos y su propia luz a los demás.

El 33 representa el ideal del AMOR en su más pura expresión, esto es no sólo el amor a las personas de su entorno, sino el que abarca a todo lo que le rodea.

El amor que significa entrega, sacrificio y compasión.

El amor que genera los más altos ideales, y que no vacila en sacrificar todo lo material o personal para defender sus sueños y ofrecerlos a sus semejantes.

El 33 nos habla del equilibrio de las cualidades morales y espirituales y de hecho la paz que emana de su persona, atrae especialmente a las personas angustiadas o desorientadas.

En esta, como en todas las Vibraciones Maestras, las facultades intuitivas son extraordinarias en general, pero en este caso les inspiran en el campo artístico y creativo, pudiendo alcanzar renombre al más alto nivel.

Soñadores e idealistas, con una notable percepción e intuición que les permiten entrever y explorar los mundos ocultos, la mística y los fenómenos paranormales.

Sus creencias, acciones y reacciones estarán siempre inspiradas por su elevada envergadura moral, ya que como los demás Números Maestros, no sólo es un Maestro para los demás, sino que ante todo, será el más exigente juez de sí mismo.

La familia es un factor clave.

A veces el apego que estas personas sienten por su núcleo familiar es tan fuerte, que llegarán al sacrificio de su propia trayectoria personal, si ésta entra en conflicto con la responsabilidad que sienten hacia los suyos, pero no deben permitir que esto suceda.

Toda persona que lleva un Número Maestro, no debe olvidar que tan altas Vibraciones deben ser usadas con cuidado, respeto y prudencia, ya que el ascendente que tienen sobre los demás es muy grande, y si hace mal uso de éste, no sólo retrocede en su propia evolución, sino que lo paga con quebranto y angustia moral.

Deben huir también del fanatismo, o de presumir de sus poderes de intuición y de clarividencia.

Los 33 atraen hacia sí las Vibraciones Cósmicas que inspiran a los verdaderos maestros y guías espirituales de la humanidad.

Con amor <3

Oumuamua deja atónita a la comunidad científica.

Se valoran los elementos sigilosos

Se valoran los elementos sigilosos.
Las formas de vida plásticas están expuestas y disueltas.
Llamas de iluminación envuelven a las masas.
Los despertares comienzan para todos.

© misteri1963 

Stealth elements are valued

Stealth elements are valued.
Plastic life forms are exposed and dissolved.
Flames of Illumination envelope the masses.
Awakenings begin for all.

Energetic Synthesis Update: Adrenaline

The adrenal glands are endocrine glands that produce a variety of hormones, and they are most especially known to pump cortisol into the bloodstream when under stress that puts the human nervous system into fight or flight reactions. Adrenaline is normally produced by both the adrenal glands and certain Neurons that can also be activated through emotional responses. Every emotional response has a behavioral component, an autonomic nervous system component, and a glandular secretion or hormonal factor. The hormonal factors of emotional stress and pain include the release of adrenalin, an adrenal gland response that occurs in reaction to fear based emotions, controlled by the sympathetic nervous system. The major emotion that releases adrenaline in the blood stream is intense fear.
Additionally, the adrenal glands play an important role in the fight-or-flight response by increasing blood flow to muscles, increased pumping of the heart, pupil dilation, and controlling blood sugar. The function of adrenalin pumping into the bloodstream that occurs when a person is incited into terror or fear, combined with the NA agenda to produce as much negative emotional energy as possible for Loosh harvesting, may be the primary reasons why most of humanity is in a state of total adrenal exhaustion. When a person does not correct adrenal exhaustion from pumping adrenaline or other stress hormones into the bloodstream, the next stage is Nervous System Freeze, the state of shock and numbness that occurs from sustained states of Fight or Flight reactions. At a certain point of experiencing continual pain or terror, the body and nervous system will go numb from adrenal hormone overload, which turns off emotional responses and closes down the heart.
The adrenals are on top of each kidney so they are directly impacted by kidney depletion, which also naturally leads to adrenal exhaustion. If we are doing something in our life that is really disharmonious to our spirit and our day-to-day job is not authentic to who we are, this also drains the kidneys, adrenals and our life force. When we are being forced to cope with difficult life stressors in our job, relationships or other situations, our body may be undergoing deep unconscious emotional stress. We may feel unsupported and stressed out from having to work really hard just to meet our financial obligations or feeling forced to make things happen in order to survive. During the Ascension Cycle, for many the careers, jobs and relationships we have made in the 3D reality are no longer compatible with who we are becoming. Our body is sending us the message through adrenal exhaustion that we can no longer live in the same way, we have to make changes, and the first change we have to make is the shift of our consciousness, through the death of the ego.
Planetary Control for Human Kidney Chi
During the Bifurcation phase, the Saturn construct in the 1D grid of the earth started to dismantle and a fierce attempt to control or regain the kidney life force produced by the human body in the Collective Consciousness field, has been an issue in the field since 2015 more specifically. The kidneys are vulnerable and they need our attention to reclaim them from the slavery overlays, and to reclaim the Prana Seeds and chi energies, to reclaim what they hold as spiritual imprints for our Blood, towards rebuilding our heart center and evolving our kidneys into their higher purpose for our ascending body.
When the lower vortices dissolved, the planetary chakra reconfiguration in the lower areas of 1D-2D has revealed specific alien architecture. These overlays encrypt the human body to be a slave, at the point of birth, in the Transduction Sequence record in the core manifestation body or 12 Tree Grid.
The core manifestation template of the 12 Tree Grid has the instruction set to control the function of organs and glands at every dimensional level, as the glands are specific to secreting chemical substances and hormones that allow our human consciousness to multidimensionally travel in higher time vectors. This function was stolen by the NAA exerting an assortment of artificial controls over the 12 Tree Grid in the planet, which impacts the Albion awakening in the planetary body. There are giant Krystal Stasis Beings that are asleep in the earth body that are the keys to awaken the Albion body architecture in the United Kingdom landmass.

brain eraoflight

To maintain control over the human body as it comes into the manifest form in the 3rd dimensional timelines, coding is inserted into the reptilian tail in the 1D area, this is an ownership implant that tags all humans as property of NAA groups. These tags are used to route people on earth in future dimensions of time to work in slave colony’s, or assorted galactic trafficking schemes that are supervised by these off planet corporation conglomerates and Draconian groups.
This alien tag in the Reptilian Tail is the energy signature of NAA ownership coding, it takes life force and vital forces from out of the kidneys, and the kidney life force in most human’s drains out the perineum, and is run back into the earth grid to be collected in dark matter and taken to Saturn, for Archontic control.
The Orion Black Sun Groups placed copyright and legal controls on human body parts, genetic material and the human tree of life. This is because it gave them easier access to monitor and control the information relating to the structure of the soul, multidimensional anatomy and they believe that the human race is owned by the Draconian races or Orion Groups of NAA. It is the Draconians who are behind this effort of ownership of humans, and their spiritual body parts, as well as harvesting their organs and glands.
Human kidneys have direct connection to the KA Battery Body in our etheric body, and by compromising our kidneys they get access to the KA electromagnetic battery body of the human Soul. They also harvest the planetary body equivalent, draining a massive quantum of energy from the earth.
All main internal organs are being drained from the kidney chi drain and blockage of Kundalini activation achieved from alien machinery and implantation. The kidney is the starting point of the drain that impacts the Liver, Lung, Spleen, and Heart. All Organs have a spiritual intelligence that has a higher purpose, which they have not been able to embody previously. As the Grounding Mechanism is reconfigured in the earth and the human body, these organs are starting to be reconnected into their higher purpose and function in the body during the Ascension. Some human bodies are ill prepared for this as the internal circuitry has been disconnected from pharmaceuticals or other harmful neurological exposures, which make it harder for the body to adapt to new functions.
Draconian groups are involved in a galactic human trafficking operation in the Solar System, which includes organ harvesting in a variety of methods that includes growing humans in labs for this purpose, and taking genetic sampling where they grow organs and glands from cloned bodies. If we have cloned bodies where our tissues have been sampled in other dimensions, this may interfere with our organs functioning well in this body. The Return to Rightful Owner command can be useful for reclaiming body parts.
Some human groups that we know from previous lifetimes made a deal with the Draconians, and sold the rest of us out. The deal was they would be allowed to have access to esoteric knowledge, AscensionLaw of One, and how to free themselves from the earth phantom realms. But it would be totally overseen by Draconian control, and the numbers with access to this information would be extremely limited and controlled, as they still exerted rights of harvesting energy and life force that they want to run off planet. The harvesting of life force and human organs from earth allows them to live thousands of years, while we die early deaths, making it very easy for them to be much more advanced technologically and otherwise.
Many of the people who made a deal with the NAA have undergone severe SRA torture methods in other realms to make sure they maintain compliance on the earth. This includes the groups fighting over disclosure right now, on and off planet, and the fact they want immunity from being held accountable for what they have done, as it becomes revealed in the future and this whole sordid tale unravels. They do not want full disclosure for this reason they want to be believed dead or gone to another planet, when this information comes out to the public.
At this time it may be helpful to connect all communication and spiritual links between the Kidneys and all the main organs, as you are guided, to help stabilize physical issues if you are having them. Focus is upon the kidneys but all organs are being effected, as we undergo the change of energetic structure in the field. It is suggested to use the Quickstep PDD for reclaiming your kidneys, sexual organs and main organs, as well as glands and the energies they generate, as you feel guided.
This is consciously participating with reclaiming the spirit and vital essence of internal organs, as well as reclaiming their proper circulation and higher expression to come online, to help strengthen the physical body’s ability to circulate all three main life force energies into the organ and gland etheric nadis and meridians; life force, physical vitality and spiritual energies. For those on the ascending path this is becoming more possible, while those on the descending path may be having more kidney related disease labels.
(Source: ES News - Grounding Mechanism)

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...