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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Spiritually. Mostrar todas las entradas


Deepest Truths Need to be Found From Within

meditation the light within eraoflightdotcomWhen such calling comes, note that you will be led and guided, as you are now ready to walk the path of Illumination. It is a path – a journey, not something which just happens and then is completed. No! As you walk this path, you will be put through severe tests at times, which will challenge you to step past the old programming, the old belief systems, that which has kept humanity prisoner and asleep for so long. You will find that the constant bombardment of the media, the outside world, with untruths and false information, will have to be overcome and the deepest truths needs to be found from WITHIN. Not OUTSIDE – WITHIN!
As the soul progresses, there will moments, when you just see so clearly, that that your experience of inner seeing and knowing, will be greater than yourself. You will have tears of awe and gratitude and oneness running down your cheeks. You will be so filled with the Fires of Illumination, from within and without. It is then that the anointing will come. You will be anointed by the Higher Ranking Masters, by the Divine and the Group your soul belongs to, in the INNER planes.
Such moments are profound. You will find immeasurably powerful energy coursing through you, and you have moments when your whole being expands, expands, expands into ALL-THAT-IS!
It is wise when those moments come, to record them and to date them in your journal. For they will become like guiding lamp posts on your journey. For when such anointing comes, it is merely the beginning of the next phase of your journey of enlightenment, and the next learning curve for your soul has been revealed. The subsequent steps will take you through the necessary purification levels, where your soul will be purified and all even further clarified in greater detail.
The tests, the purification, are a means to clean out what needs to be removed, so that space is created for even higher levels of Illumination. Note again, that it is a journey and process.
Even the Hierophant is tested far more severely than the new kid on the block! Yet, the Hierophant will not have attained that rank, if they were not capable of withstanding such trials – for each test passed, leads to higher degrees of insight and understanding, higher degrees of Universal Knowing, of experiencing the Divine, Divinity! The Anointings become more intense, yet with it, the heart centre opens up into more and unconditional Love, stretches and become the Ultimate Power of Love.
For the whole Omni Verse exists and is governed by the Power of Love.
The Fires of Illumination, now returned to those who truly seek them, will work with you, if you invite them in.
First you will be tested to see if you are serious. Meaning, what is your intent. What do you wish to attain? How do you wish to serve in a much higher degrees? Are you willing to give up your life, literally die to the old you, and allow yourself to be reborn and resurrected into the new you? The expanded you? The Illumined you?
There can be no holding onto the old life anymore. You have to let go.
Some never make it, for it is too scary to maybe lose the partner, to lose the family, the human collective tribe, the safe ground, the false programming. It is painful to open the old soul wounds and to dig deeply into the reserves. It cleaves all open, it leaves you exposed, even more vulnerable at times than a new born baby.
There is a conversation in the Gospels, where Jesus tells Nicodemus: “Unless you are willing to be reborn, you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven.”
Greater truth has never been recorded. Unless you are willing to allow yourself to die unto the old you, the falsely programmed you, all the collective unconscious, the collective fears, the collective pain, you cannot be reborn into the highest states of Illumination!
You first have to allow the old to fall away, the old to be transcended, so that you can be reborn and resurrected into the much higher, more powerful, more illumined you!
There will be times when you are so filled with luminosity that you literally tend to float through life, yet, know that there will be times when you will struggle, you will question, when you will literally sink back in the Underworld of Hades, and feel lost in the darkness and will flail. Learn to accept those times as times of intense learning. They are necessary for they are teaching you immensely powerful lessons of keeping the faith, and holding onto trust, even if you cannot see where you are going, and cannot understand what is happening to you and why.
You will look back later and find that you were carried through these times and that indeed your soul grew with leaps and bounds. You have transcended the old and have been born into a much higher and more profound version of yourself. You have become so much lighter and brighter – as lit up from within.
That is the true state of illumined Being!”


What is the Flower of Life?

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What is the flower of life? I’ve been asked this question many times and I try to answer it the best I can. In short: This symbol called the “Flower of Life” or “life’s flower” consists of 19 overlapping and interconnected circles. It always consists of 19 circles – no more and no less.
The Flower of Life originates in one circle and all other circles are built up around that. That means you begin by drawing one circle and then continue drawing all the other circles around it. This symbol of the Flower of Life belongs to Sacred Geometry which believes that all life is part of a divine, geometric plan. All structures known to us are following this plan. Evidently, the Flower of Life is a very important geometric symbol. I will elaborate on this thought further on.
This is how the symbol should look like:
Many see in the Flower of Life a symbol that represents or depicts the cycle of creation. This symbol shows that all life and consciousness arises from one source (this being the first circle).
The next 6 circles are identical with the cell division process. Therefore, the Flower of Life is seen as a model of God’s Creation. The name “Flower of Life” stems not from a flower imagery but from the cycle of a fruit tree.
When observing this cycle we can see that the tree grows flower buds and these eventually transform into fruit (pear, cherry and so on). The fruit carries the seed within and when the fruit falls on the ground these seeds eventually create new trees. This is the cycle which turns from tree to flower to fruit and tree again. It’s fantastic and reveals the miracle of life :-).

The cycles of the Flower of Life

Let’s take a look at the several stages of the flower of life’s creation

With the first circle our journey begins

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Flower of Life’s Symbolic and Geometric Meaning

The Flower of Life’s harmonic circular structure seems to magically attract us. As if this ornament is constantly changing, if you look closely, many
different forms and patterns become visible. This is what it felt like for me when I started to study the Flower of Life. I observed the symbol and
detected so many different things. If you then start using colors and paint the Flower of Life you will discover so much more.
Just like many other symbols and ornaments the Flower of Life carries a hidden message which you cannot simply decipher by yourself – you need a little help to read the message and this is what this website is for :-).
If you connect the several intersections you will get a new picture. This new ornament is called the Metatron’s Cube.
Metatron’s Cube contains all platonic solids such as Tetrahedron,Cube, Octahedron,Dodecahedron and Icosahedron.

Platonic solids in Metatron’s Cube

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If you look close enough you will discover these platonic solids within Metatron’s Cube. In his book “The Flower of Life” Drunvalo Melchizedek talks of a
so-called “Merkaba”, a star tetrahedron. This symbol can also be found in Metratron’s Cube. Following Drunvalo Melchizedek, the Merkaba is the energy field that surrounds us.
Drunvalo Melchizedek says that the most people’s Merkaba is not activated anymore. He explains in this book how the Merkaba can be activated again. I
practiced this sort of meditation for some time and will write about my experiences in a separate blog.
Isn’t it fascinating to see that such symbolism is hidden within the Flower of Life’s pattern? This fact awes me again and again. Harmonic symbols that evolve without any outside force are called Sacred Geometry. I’m sure that everyone knows ordinary geometry where you construct shapes and forms by means of measurements. What is Sacred Geometry then?

Sacred Geometry = Harmonic (Whole) Proportions of the Earth

Sacred Geometry reveals the harmonic energy patterns by which nature creates and designs.
Sacred Geometry is a vital element in all spiritual traditions. Every tradition used a unique symbolic language to preserve their knowledge about the Geometry of the Universe and its design.
Christians = Cross
Jews = Tree of Life (Kabbalah)
Celts = Spirals, Triskele
Hindus = Sri Yantra, Swastika
Chinese = Yin Yang
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Tree of Life – Judaism
In the Kabbalah every circle is aligned with one chakra, called Sephirot. Every chakra represents a certain space of energy in the human body. The Kabbalah symbolizes the flow of energy in human bodies. If this flow of energy is blocked the energy can’t move freely.
The Flower of Life is of importance to many other cultures that either directly or indirectly knew of its meaning. Unfortunately, this knowledge has been lost or merely exists in parts. The Flower of Life carries great spiritual potency. It cannot be denied as the symbol appeals to us, seemingly magical, on
a subconscious level.

Leonardo da Vinci and the Flower of Life

Leonardo da Vinci studied the Flower of Life and its mathematical properties. He drew the Flower of Life and various components such as the Seed of Life. In his artwork, da Vinci drew geometric figures and forms such as the platonic solids, a sphere, a torus and many more as well as the Golden Ratio of Phi. All of these forms can be derived from the Flower of Life.

How to Use the Flower of Life

The Flower of Life is put to use in many different ways nowadays, e.g. as a Flower of Life sticker (Flower of Life products) or a Flower of Life painting on the wall. Many people like to wear the symbol as a pendant on a silver necklace.
You can also find the Flower of Life as drip mat for water carafes or fruit bowls. I also saw the symbol printed on beddings and sheets :-). As you see,
there are many possible ways to use of the symbol of the Flower of Life.
I started a new blog series where I test a variety of Flower of Life products and recommend those that I like. If you know a product I should try please
send me the name of the manufacturer and I will use it in my test series “Flower of Life Products”.


The Time To Merge With The Vast And All-Knowing Oz Within

You are in a time and place of birthing yourself into a much higher light realm. Right this minute your life is similar to that of the unborn child. You feel so many imitations, as if the very walls of your life grow steeper and steeper each day. You grunt, you groan, you complain as the limitations become more and more animated demanding every drop of your life-force. You have the same capabilities as the unborn child. You are living in this dimension and yet you are also living in spirit and exist dimensionally afloat. Your body seems small, limited and defenseless, yet the spirit that inhabits that vehicle has superb untapped abilities.
Sitting in no time you will always feel limited and endless simultaneously. You try to stretch the walls of illusion, but the walls of material constraint seem to keep you restricted. When a child is in the mother’s womb, the child’s spirit has the ability to reach out past the confines of the earthly womb, Skirting about in the parent’s everyday lives, Reaching into the past, future, overcoming space and time. It is now time for the limited perception of your humanness to merge with the vast and all-knowing OZ within.
As of late you all feel like a caterpillar spinning another cocoon. You know that you are destined to become more you can feel it. You feel deep within your being that you could make magic happen. Then you take another look at yourself and see only the reflection of human limitation. The Chrysalis around you thickens and hardens keeping you confined in a prison of your own thinking and making. There seems no way out! Then one day a small light appears coming from a hole within this cocoon, and your heart races with promises. The holographic illusion of limitation begins to dissolve right in front of your eyes. The caterpillar must walk into a time of surrendering; Surrendering to the illusion of limitation, Surrendering to the divine spark within each person and situation. Surrendering is accepting the holy and divine process, it is trusting, It is internally knowing what is truth, when everything else reflects blackness. The escape hole is small only in the mind of the caterpillar, not in the mind of God. In the mind of God it is large enough to accommodate all the future butterflies of earth.
Surrender and trust your process. The butterfly that you are inside this earthly cocoon is far greater than any illusion. Let go and know that the divine plan will work through you no matter what. The caterpillar is destined to become a butterfly! Earth keeps you as a cocoon until you are ready to set yourself free.
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – PO box 217 – Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217 –




May 1, 2017           

Creation: A Cooperation of Energy and Masculine Feminine

At the beginning there Creation: time and space are created from what the One. 

Diversity is the result: life takes endless forms, there are an infinite number of fields of expertise, spheres, dimensions and worlds to explore. This raises the question 

Why did the Creation?

The unit includes everything, and that you may be aware of only part of that unit, Creation is necessary.To give you an example: the white light is the sum of all colors.

To experience individual colors, we have to break white light using a prism. This diffusion of white light in all colors of the rainbow is what I call Creation: creating diversity from the unit.

Only when we have experienced the beauty and qualities of all individual colors truly understand what is white. 

Creation - creating diversity - part of the desire of self perception. We understand all only when we have really experienced all the individual parts.

We can compare this with the experience we achieved during our lives. When I was a child, I understood what it was like to be a child, but did not know yet how to be a teenager in love, how to be a married man, or a parent. 

I need to have all these experiences to really understand who I am as a human being and to find true peace within myself.

In this great experience of discovery, which is the purpose of creation, there are two forces that play a central role: male and female. 

Male power is an inquisitive energy of externalization, which is adventurous and want to experience and understand all things. It is this force that lies at the base of the emergence of time and space. 

The feminine energy creates awareness of inner oneness. Through the feminine side, humanity is connected to that oneness (the One), and the masculine side, is connected to diversity (many). The female side has to do with the inner world, the male side with the outside reality shows.

The male energy ensures that what is unique and individual can be experienced at all, while the feminine energy ensures integration and unity. Without the feminine energy that integrates the unique experiences of individuals in a broader picture, these would be lost in the night.

Duality arises when a being begins to identify with one side or the other. In the present state of mankind, the male is the dominant object identification. The result is a suppression of the feminine side causes a loss of that sense of inner connectivity.

The sense of self is very strong: the ego sees himself placed in front of a universe that is no longer experienced as a protective mother. Then you feel small and frightened, and reacts wanting to amass that universe, as much power as possible.

When the female is the dominant power, too much attention on the inner world focuses, which creates a duality with the outside world. 

The inner world the spiritual world, then vito as superior and more in comparison with an external reality of diversity and plurality of forms.

Paradise: the balance between the feminine and masculine

We can see the duality in action in the history of mankind. In a prehistoric past, there was a balance between the masculine and feminine energies. At that time there were countries or borders. 

This was the time of an earthly paradise called Lemuria. They live in me impressions of a time when I with other angelic beings, we watched Earth prepare for the arrival of humans.

"It's like a beautiful dream for a long, long time. We were radiant angelic beings. Mother Earth collaborative nature were creating. 

Time for us had a very different speed, we created plants, saw them emerge before our eyes. We were busy preparing the ground for the arrival of mankind.

It was a time of hope, a time of love. 

We thought that Earth would become a beautiful field in which beings with a simple children's awareness could discover life in a delightful way, a place where people could enjoy the love of each other and nature.How wrong we were. 

What it was what went so terribly wrong? "

People who inhabited the earth at that time felt the inner connectivity of life and knew that Mother Earth was there for everyone. People lived in harmony with nature. 

Earth, like air, was for everyone, but it was not our possession. At the same time, life was as an experience of discovery, a happy adventure. In each mountain, a new view, behind every horizon, a new country with new experiences to explore.

Mankind was created as a very curious and inquisitive race. In those days, people had a conscience exuberant child something. They enjoyed life with spontaneous joy that we only see in children.

His conscience was more expansive than ours: they could communicate with animals, plants, mountains and rivers. It was natural for them to have contact with spiritual guides and ethereal creatures such as gnomes and fairies. They had a different sense of time and lived day to day.

In developing this humanity, there was a natural rhythm, with the feminine and masculine energies exerting its dominance in alternate moments. After each phase of discovery and exploration, came a phase of internalization. 

Like humans they run alternating left and right leg. But then it went wrong.

The end of Paradise: the serpent and the emergence of duality

In the Bible this phrase is described as the symbolic story of Eva, who was tempted by the serpent to taste the apple that gives humans the knowledge of good and evil.

What went wrong? 

Humanity as a whole is a male race a race focused on the discovery and adventure. For this reason, it existed in humanity itself the desire to be free of the spiritual world. 

The human race wanted to embark on an adventure and discover. Incarnated humanity gradually becoming deeper in the Earth and in the field.

Connection with their guides - the angels who accompany humanity in its evolution - and alignment to the spiritual world became less important. 

Women, who by nature are more focused on the inner world, were more adept at creating this connection than men, and some women were better than others in this.

The latter group was very important to the community and thus emerged a class of priestesses. 

When the rift between these priestesses and the spiritual realm of angels who accompanied humanity grew older, he emerged an opening for contact with other sources that were less appropriate intentions. 

Reptilian energies (the snake Bible) wanted to weaken humanity through divisions.

A priestesses they were tempted with the following ideas: the inner world is more important than the external, the most attuned to the inner world women are better than men and are entitled to lead men. 

Such thoughts encouraged their ego and they gradually began to embrace this dualistic worldview.

Women, and the inner world were considered superior, representing the "superior". 

Men and the outside world were considered inferior, representing the "inferior". 

This was something like Apple: duality, the above knowledge of good and evil, anchored firmly in the thoughts of humanity.

Priestesses began to see themselves increasingly important and beautiful temples and homes wanted for himself. Emerged communities remained in a locality. 

Humanity ceased to wander and discover new things, and women remained as dominant for a long time. Men were increasingly seen as inferior and even treated as slaves.

Female domination and male energy injuries

It began the time of the queen-priestess. They proclaimed a dualistic worldview that justified their power and authority and the essential superiority of women over men. 

They claimed that the truth lies only in the inner world, and that only women could access that truth. The outside world was projected as evil, dangerous and tempting, and people had to be protected from this evil world for their own good.

This concept had four far-reaching consequences that caused deep wounds in the male energy.

The first wound: the loss of beauty

Living in a place requires intensive work in agriculture and that is men's work. The natural urge of man to adventure, already seen as suspicious, was suppressed even more so. That urgency was not with the heavy and boring work such as plowing and sowing.

The image of what being a good man changed: it had to be reliable, hardworking and without much time to think. The adventurers were seen as slackers and bums, damage to the community. 

All kinds of expression in our time still refers to this: "No one dies for working hard", "man must earn his bread by the sweat of his brow", "the devil finds work for idle hands" .

But the desire for adventure in man is finally the desire to experience the beauty and wonders of the universe.By suppressing this desire, the first wound in the male energy emerged: the loss of the ability to appreciate beauty.

Man learned to enjoy the beauty of life, to venture and explore new ways of life, to feel the urge to create, to discover; These were all "bad" qualities that should be deleted. A "good" man is hard working and do not ask questions.

We still see the consequences of this thinking. Look at the modern city designed and built exclusively male workers and notice their lack of color and beauty. 

Still we see around us only one male energy in motion that can not rest and do not know what you want.

Through this development, men became almost entirely responsible for providing food, making them more important within the community.

The second wound: the loss of love

Because of this dualistic world view breed Priestess, the outside world became incrementally dangerous.Communities were kept in one place and needed protecting. 

This was also the task of man: the hunters became warriors. A warrior however, unlike a good hunter, you can not have feelings.

A soldier who kills another human being must not have feelings about his victim. l can not let it enter your mind, the fact that man he killed was a baby once had a mother who could have loved him a lot and he wanted the best for him. 

The warrior can not think, "Now, I killed a baby. How will it affect her? What does she feel when you know he died? How many tears shed? "The warrior who has empathy can not be a warrior.

A good warrior suppresses the energy of the heart and acts from a dualistic world view: the other, the enemy is evil. The opponent is not really a human being and therefore I can kill him. This attitude of course, resulted in an increase of duality in the world. 

There were more and more wars, more fighting and more borders in the world. And warriors, men, were becoming increasingly important, men who had lost their connection to their heart.

This is the second injury male energy, the wound in the heart: the loss of love. A man off his powers of empathy feels lonely and lost in a vast, empty and hostile universe.

The third wound: the loss of wisdom.

Within established communities, change and renewal were viewed with suspicion. Turned conservative power, the power goes hand in hand with fear of change and lack of flexibility. 

Natural spiritual based on love changed increasingly dualistic faith based on fear, with all kinds of rules about right and wrong.

When spirituality is an established religion, officers are required to enforce the rules, by force if necessary, and this suppresses innovation, this task became men. 

And truth is not regarded as a living and loving energy that unfolds dynamically growing and shows new facets.

The truth was pushed aside and replaced by a set of rules imposed by men. At that time, we see the emergence of authoritarian religions in which truth is established once and for all and for all, and if one dissented, was bad or sinful.

Because keeping the rules of a religion sometimes coincides with the promotion of that religion, the latter was also the task of men. 

Men were now the spiritual authorities. This strengthened the trend that men were more important and more powerful.

However, authoritarian religions have little in common with the wisdom and truth. Thus he was born the third wound in the masculine energy: the loss of wisdom. 

Humanity still suffers greatly because of this idea that change is bad and that the truth has been established in a rule book once and for all.

The fourth wound: the loss of a tender sexuality

Due to increased tension between the sexes, the experience of sexuality was also under pressure, he had less and less room for love and tenderness. 

When men under the ruling priestesses were seen as inferior, sex with a man was seen as a necessary evil.

And women began to suppress their sexual energy. For men sex became more and more an expression of suppressed anger. 

Where at first there was an expression of love for the woman, now he became an expression of violence.Anger and lust jumped and began to coincide: sexual fantasies of men were often violent.

Thus he was born a fourth wound: a wound in the area of sexuality. Since then, sexuality has had more to do with repressed emotions that love between man and woman.

The emergence of male domination

Because priestesses no longer proclaim a living spirituality, they finally became redundant. The rigid rules of an authoritarian dualist religion can function without the female love and intuition.

Because men gradually blamed the food supply, protection of the community and the strict application of a "dead" spirituality they took over. 

The male energy became dominant and thus continue for a long time. However this dominant masculine energy was wounded masculine energy: emerged a man who had lost the sense of beauty, your heart and your wisdom. 

Women were seen as inferior sex objects and sometimes crooked victims of sexual feelings arising from violence.Women man reminded her feelings and the feelings were dangerous and bad, so women were evil. 

Because the reality was imprisoned under rules and controls, intuitive spiritual and natural abilities of women were seen as bad and dangerous. The terrible hunting and witch burning, which in some parts of the world still exist, began in those days.

Women had fewer rights and became increasingly oppressed again. Eventually, they were only considered appropriate to have children and raise them. In the Middle Ages women were seen by many theologians as beings without a soul.

Had abandoned paradise, came times of war, cruelty, division and falsehood, a time that would inflict deep wounds on the female energy. Internally divided humanity was no longer able to protect themselves.

The snake had achieved its purpose, humans were no longer connected to the living truth and were prone to false ideas. 

Someone who embraces a dual vision of the world is frightened, and someone who is scared is easy to handle: you printed on it that if you do not listen to you, he will fall victim from what he fears.

alien influences and the emergence of Atlantis

People who despise the feminine are vulnerable. They crave the superior and seek guidance, but also reject the natural solution that offers feminine energy: trust your intuition and inner wisdom. 

And they are a false solution: the powers in the outside world who claim to be "superior". But then they become fully open to manipulation.

In the past the consequence of this vulnerability led to humanity the pitch of all kinds of galactic forces turned. 

Human having lost its connection to the internal female were allowed to be easily captivated by what appeared to be miracles and the power of technically advanced civilizations.

Soon representatives of these civilizations were seen by mankind as gods. Humans were manipulated in all possible forms, and also genetically. 

Many stories about old gods, such as the famous gods of the Greek world, with all their human errors and cruelties come from those times. 

The answer to this question: "Were the gods cosmonauts" (the title of a book by Erich von Däniken) is in my opinion: "yes".

This time of oppression ended when a group of advanced extraterrestrials souls decided to live on Earth to help the development of humanity. 

They created a kind of race of supermen, also known as the Atlanteans or star people.

They were physically much higher than people on Earth and had great intellectual abilities, his third eye was also highly developed. 

His aim was twofold: to liberate humanity and the Earth from harmful influences and put humanity into contact again with their natural spirituality. 

The latter was achieved aria restoring the balance between the feminine and masculine energies.

Atlantean era had begun: a period in history that lasted about a hundred thousand years. 

During this period there was a strong distinction between these incarnated extraterrestrials, who saw themselves as the enlightened leaders of humanity - the so-called spiritual hierarchy - and more or less unconscious members of humanity. 

The star people, the Atlanteans came face to face with the people of Earth.

However, the birth of Atlantis brought within itself the seeds of its downfall. To free humanity from alien influences, star people on Earth developed a great domination were the ruling class and saw people on Earth as his subordinates.

This was against their spiritual intentions. Have power over the people of Earth was not on par with its intention to release those same people internally. The spirituality of the people of the stars was not yet something born of the heart. He had reasons of power within.

Atlantean people saw the Earth as only appropriate for slave labor dumb creatures. They began to see themselves as superior and abused the power of his third eye very often. 

In addition, although the Atlanteans considered their equal men and women, it was not with the people of Earth, their subordinates.

With them were men who dominated. This was conducive to the Atlanteans because men were more equipped to follow orders and build magnificent cities. 

The Atlanteans understood very well that whenever women were suppressed, they could take control of humanity and could do whatever they wanted.

Power corrupts and this was the case of the Atlanteans.Increasingly, they began to enjoy his power and invincibility of their apparent success. Increasingly they abused the powers of his third eye. This third eye is called agni, the chakra of fire, and water is needed to clear their power. It has been written about the sinking of Atlantis.
But the deeper reason was an act of self-sacrifice. The most highly developed Atlantean realized that they could help humanity only by joining it, and this could only be achieved through the destruction of Atlantis. 

Only in this way could be eliminated duality between people of the stars and the Earth.

I remember this episode of a previous life: "I'm standing in a beautiful building, a magnificent white tower. I look at the city from above. I had a discussion with a woman. 

She has been with me for a long time, but now let me forever. I'm sad about his departure. She wants to live among the people of Earth to help as a kind of social worker.

The gap between us, Mighty Atlanteans and the people of Earth is huge. We see them as a lower form of life.When I tune into this woman feel she is essentially a soul on earth who is born among the Atlanteans, and that is why his great desire to help the people of Earth. 

She is somewhat smaller and her hair is red, unusual among the Atlanteans. I go into a room and in the middle of this there is a powerful symbol drawn on the floor.

If you stand in the middle of that symbol you can leave your body easily and permanently. I understand what the woman wants to do the right thing but will not work, she is an exception. 

Atlantis as long as the people of Earth will be subordinate. It has been for thousands of years. The gap is very large, the power too addictive, too prevalent ".

Deep inside I feel how the forces turn against Atlantis. I connect with these forces and say: Yes, I go along. 

I feel that I am not alone, many others feel that it was enough, things can not continue in this way, pain between people of the Earth and the Earth itself, too.

There is in us a desire for change, a yearning for new adventure. A deepening of life. Then I stand on the symbol and let go of my body. I know that when born again and Atlantis will not be, I will not be more than one. "

So it was that the Atlanteans regents became what we now call Lightworkers. 

For centuries, they were persecuted and oppressed humanity while trying to reconnect with your inner truth, which comes to us through the feminine energy.

After the fall: the Atlantic curse.

The era of Atlantis left a definite imprint on humanity in relation to what should be a society: the idea that there is some higher class of people who are privileged and servant class people. 

For many centuries, humanity was ruled by the so-called nobility, people who believed that on the basis of their birth, they were above others and had the right to dominate.

The nobility emerged from the memory I had people on Earth how the Atlanteans behaved towards them. As soon created a nation somewhere, immediately arose a privileged aristocratic class, the unconscious memory of Atlantis was responsible.

Like the case of the Atlanteans, that women were equal to men, women were allowed to be leaders of the lower class of people on Earth. 

Many millennia later, at a later time when women were considered inferior, this Atlantean reminder, as a result, allowed women to lead countries provided they were of the nobility.

For example, in countries like the Netherlands, it was accepted as normal to have a queen in a time when women were not yet right to vote. 

a reference to the heavenly origin of the Atlanteans - - that on the basis of their origin, were above ordinary people women as leaders whenever they were "blue blood" were accepted.

After the fall of Atlantis, artificially maintained the unity achieved by Atlantis also disappeared: borders and nations emerged. Again he tried to recreate humanity Atlantis from its masculine energy. 

The great empires of ancient Babylon, Persia, Assyria, the Roman Empire, were all attempts to recreate Atlantis. And because each of these countries triedagain to be the New Atlantis, it was almost always continuous war.

However, all attempts to unify humanity by the war are destined to fail. The unit can only arise when it comes from inside, not imposed from above anyone . 

This is what eventually understood the Atlanteans and thus they transformed themselves into Lightworkers.

Atlantean curse is that mankind tries to recreate Atlantis again. 

The desire to create an empire imposing its will, a desire to live in the great cities of antiquity, lack of respect for nature, the government of the upper classes, people of "blue blood" are all consequences the memory of Atlantis.

Now, it is precisely the Atlanteans those who want things to be different, they are the Lightworkers today. 

These souls remember exactly how, through abuse of power, things went wrong in the past and will do everything possible to protect humanity against disasters . Fortunately, more and more people begin to listen.

The return of light workers

When the old Atlantean incarnated as human among mankind, really they learned firsthand what it meant tobe human and only then became Lightworkers, bearers of love and inspiration. 

Sometimes they were violently persecuted for his role, but in the meantime, planted the seeds of love and hope.

Men who had a strong connection with your intuition gave mankind a beautiful art and scientific and social progress. And wherever in the world they lived brave women, sometimes witches, who remained faithful to themselves and they stood in their original spirituality. 

They have helped an incredible number of people and have planted many seeds of light in the hearts of people.But often they ended up burned in the attempt.

A man who appreciates what is original in it again begins to embrace the feminine. 

A woman who appreciates her masculine connects men around the source of love and truth in it. 

Light gradually increased.

"Love your enemies," Jeshua said. It does not mean that love transcends duality. No, love brings to light that duality is illusion. 

It's as if you were looking hand lamp in the dark, but wherever they arrived there seems no darkness, because after all, light your lamp shines there.

The darkness does not really exist, it is simply the absence of light. Duality does not really exist, it is only lack of love. Every time we open each other, we discover that this person is just like us. 

The duality initially thought was real seems to not exist at all, is an illusion. Despite all wars, mankind developed more and found both social progress as a coach. 

There are important social advances such as the abolition of slavery, emancipation of women and the elimination of child labor. As for technology, humanity has advanced so much that he built a rocket and went to the moon.

And once that humans reached the moon, the Earth looked and realized that their home was more beautiful than before. 

They saw a beautifully blue world - without limits - and realized deep in his heart that this world is a beautiful living creature of both abused. They brought back beautiful photos and stories. They shared their spiritual experiences.

The trip to the Moon, an ancient symbol of the feminine, was in a sense the culmination of masculine energy. It's like seeds that sprout from the masculine. After this happens, there are feelings of kindness and tenderness and peace, the female has been returned to its place.

Totalizándose humanity itself

During the sixties, there was a great healing process.Men began to wear her long hair, a sign of recovery of the connection with your inner feminine. 

From everywhere humanity had help to overcome duality and become aware of the interconnectedness of life. Science developed the Gaia Hypothesis by James Lovelock: the idea that the Earth is a living organism.

This was a radical break with the "male" theory of evolution posits that Earth is made up of a multitude of organizations fighting each other. 

Gaia theory is part of a much larger theory, namely, that the infinite universe is one every living: we are all one.

Total turn also means unification. And indeed humanity is discovering its unity and internal connectivity. People travel more and more, and there are friendly encounters between people from different cultures.

Thanks to the emergence of English as a unifying language and the Internet, I can now for the first time in the history of mankind, communicate with almost everyone. 

We are increasingly beginning to embrace the same values ​​on Earth: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The integration also means that we understand that we are one. 

We are not a woman and a man, we are human beings.Both male and female are in us. 

Feel and embrace it makes total us, it makes us stand tall on Earth as a bright light. 

Then there will be peace, a peace that is reflected in harmony with our neighbors, with the Earth and the universe itself.

(Gerrit Gielen)
Translation: Fara Gonzále z  

With Love <3

Thenansehed published by Everth 1st officer of the Galactic Federation of Free worlds through misteri Joan Ashtar © 1963 All rights reserved. This publication may be freely reproduced respecting its integrity and mention the author and source thereof and include this URL  and Copyright notice

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