
7 de noviembre de 2018

Message from the Pleiadian and Arcturian Collectives

Pleiadian and Arcturian Collectives 11/5/2018

IGood morning, we are the Pleiadian Collective sending you our greetings through this one this day, this most blessed day of exceptional light codes and light streams from the central sun that are engulfing your forms at this Now moment. We see you humanity and the many gigantic leaps and strides that you have been making of late, and we are quite impressed! Truly, you were well chosen for the tasks of planetary ascension and you are growing and leading the way most ardently. And so hats off to you friends, for you are doing it.

Now we see that many of you are very weary, and so again we make our ships available to you for our services of healing and light activations, but in reality you truly do not need to make the journey, although you are welcome. When you read these words, these hold encodements of purity and purification from the surrounding dross. And so, when you read these words of comfort and hopefully enlightenment (laughter) we extend our healing hands to you in this manner as well.

All is proceeding according to schedule. And it is true from our vantage point, our perspective outside of non-linear constraints of time understandings, The Event is within this most precious Now. And you are all responding in kind, although you perhaps cannot see, because you are in the throes of it. You are within that bright light at this time and you are assimilating the new frequencies with grace, strength and beauty. And so we salute you. Your governments are changing, fading and reforming. Your planetary understandings of what is and what is not will have to be rearranged to withstand the expanding consciousness. For you are becoming expanded individuals, beings of light, within these small jars of clay and we see you expanding into the roles of leaders of this planetery realm and soon to be of the galactic realm as well. And of course we will offer our support when needed but we see you as doing this most effortlessly. For you are the avatars and you are strong, friends. So strong. And you see and feel this strength beneath the crust of the programmed “cannot.” It is time to break that crust of misperception and explode into the light being that you already are and have always been! Earth is the mightiest of the mystery schools and your mettle has been surely tested. You are ready for this. When we look fondly upon you, we see your radiant lights, we see your inner glory, we see your quest and thirst for knowledge and understandings greater than what you have previously held within your hearts and understandings to be true. We see this quest for truth expansion and this enlightens our hearts as well, for we know that you are becoming VERY ready for your new roles, which will be surely needed.

Picture clear crystal running water. Hear it. Listen for it. Water can withhold many codes. For this internal running stream or waterfall that you feel within your heart space, may we suggest that you perhaps encode it with love? With peace? With joy? And when you get still enough to listen, call this water forth and be washed by it. And in so doing you will be purifying the waters of your planetary mother, Gaia, as you are most assuredly connected, for you are anchoring this energy, our energy and your God energy into her at all times. As within so without. This is a simple easy meditative practice that we heartily suggest for your own soothing balm during these tumultuous years of ascension. We hear many of you groaning at this word choice. But is it not true that since 2012 the ball of ascension has been rolling ever faster down the hill? If you were to compare your current evolution and expansion with who you were in 2012 would you not pick this version of you to be the most ready for the wave? Yes. For ascension is forever, friends. Absolutely Gaia is on her course and absolutely as are you. And so please be encouraged that all is proceeding. We wrap you in love and light at this moment. And now we believe the Arcturians have a few words.

Greetings friends, enlightened masters. We are the Arcturian Collective. And we wish to enwrap you within our arms in a glorious balm of love at this precious Now moment. Feel the love and light pulsating all around you. Feel it under your feet as Gaia send up love waves to you. Feel it within your form as your Kundalini expands and contracts. Feel it as the sylphs tease your hair and as the wind blows away any remaining anxieties. That is a glimpse of the higher dimensional environment that you are stepping into at this Now moment, friends. Pull these energies to you may we suggest, and in so doing, your hearts and your forms will be made ever lighter, ever more glorious and ever more at peace. 

Peace we send you this day. For your world is in desperate need of it, but we see this as already happening for you are the holders of this frequency of peace. And so may we suggest that as you go through your busy 3D day you contain within your core these encodements of peace, with your internal waterfalls of love, joy and light, blessing everyone that you interact with? And in so doing you will be spreading the wave. For you are key aspects and components of this energetic change friends. We have said this numerous times but perhaps it is the time in this precious Now for you to believe it and to own these truths as your reality, and to be the avatars, the superheroes that we already seeing you as being. 

We hold you within high esteem and we leave you with this mantle of peace that you may forever claim as your own, and wrap around you at any and all times so that you feel not only our love and our arms around you, but that most importantly, you will welcome these energies of pure Source love within your heart space, which will of course propel you ever further on your spiritual journey for ascension and mastery. May we gently remind you that it is not all about you and your own personal ascension at this now moment, for you have been there and done that already, friends. This is about Gaia’s ascension. And so in these quiet moments of contemplation and higher dimensional energies would you please remember to ground them into Gaia, and in so doing, you will both be lifted up and purified? There. (Deep breath). We believe our current message is now complete. We leave you in blessed peace and we love you very much. We are the Arcturian Collective.

~ galaxygirl

Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved.You can copy and distribute this article as long as you do not modify it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL is included and the Copyright Notice

The Arcturian Group a través de Marilyn Raffaele


4 de noviembre de 2018

Estimados lectores, una vez más ofrecemos amor a través de estos mensajes de esperanza e información. Usted es el modo en que se bañan y, como tal, algunos de ustedes están experimentando críticas de parte de quienes les rodean, que quieren que participen más en tres dimensiones y que interpreten que su "silencio" no hace nada.
Debido a que eres consciente de la imagen más grande, estás trayendo y sosteniendo Light para el colectivo. Puede parecer que no estás haciendo nada, pero en realidad lo estás haciendo todo.Ustedes son los mecánicos que ayudan a mantener en marcha el motor de la ascensión, creando una nueva conciencia mundial.Nunca creas que descansar en la conciencia silenciosa de la Unidad y la verdad, no está haciendo nada.
Sean pacientes queridos, porque hay mucho más por venir. Intenta no involucrarte emocionalmente en situaciones problemáticas, sino aprende a dar un paso atrás como observadores, sabiendo en silencio y en secreto que una realidad espiritual siempre subyace en la escena exterior. Permanecer centrado y alineado con la verdad en lugar de con las apariencias te abre para recibir información desde dentro sobre lo que está sucediendo.
Lleve este entendimiento a la cabina de votación, ya que le permitirá evadir intuitivamente la retórica y el engaño político hacia el candidato más estrechamente alineado con motivos desinteresados. Los dones espirituales deben ser vividos y utilizados en cada momento de la vida cotidiana, no para ser archivados y convocados solo para ocasiones especiales.
Prepárese para escuchar acerca de la exposición de focos de energía densa y oscura. Las prácticas, creencias y acciones que durante mucho tiempo estuvieron ocultas para la mayoría están comenzando a emerger. La Luz creada por cada conciencia iluminada, así como la que fluye a través de las entradas espirituales ahora abiertas, se está disolviendo hasta ahora en puertas cerradas que permiten el acceso a lugares ocultos que han servido a la energía oscura.
Muchos se sorprenderán con algunas exposiciones, especialmente con aquellos que permanecen dormidos en la vida en tercera dimensión. Negarán o dirán que el mundo ha alcanzado un nuevo nivel bajo, pero nada de lo que se está exponiendo es o será nuevo, más bien estas cosas solo se están sacando a la luz y esto continuará por algún tiempo todavía.
Los eventos actuales están obligando a muchos que han estado viviendo cómodamente en la dualidad y la separación para comenzar a examinar su sistema de creencias personales, que es un paso importante hacia el despertar. Pasar a un nuevo nivel de conciencia siempre comienza con la introspección, una reflexión sobre los aspectos de la vida que han comenzado a sentirse completos: física, emocional, mental y espiritualmente.
La ascensión no es un evento único como muchos creen, pero es infinito. A medida que alcanzas y vives desde cada nuevo nivel de comprensión espiritual, se despliega más que te mueve más allá de tu nivel presente y pasa al siguiente. La evolución es el proceso infinito de recordarse a uno mismo para ser uno mismo y todo lo que esto significa. Esto es lo que la humanidad ha estado haciendo en cada una de sus cientos de vidas.
La evolución es más lenta y más un proceso en energía tridimensional porque la densidad del cuerpo físico solo le permite integrar gradualmente las frecuencias de Luz más altas. La preparación de cada individuo está determinada por su Ser Superior.
Sepa que las condiciones de una buena condición humana no son más reales que una mala condición humana. La mayoría de las enseñanzas religiosas te dan técnicas para lograr una "buena condición humana" y todos se regocijan cuando una apariencia "mala" se convierte en una apariencia "buena". Como creadores, nunca olviden que si creen y buscan el bien humano, se alinean automáticamente con el mal humano porque son simplemente dos extremos de la misma barra de dualidad tridimensional.
Ustedes, como individuos espiritualmente conscientes, están listos para dejar de buscar las buenas apariencias mientras tratan de eliminar las malas. Tu trabajo ahora es darte cuenta de que la Conciencia Divina que eres, ya está completa y completa. Cuando alcances ese estado de conciencia, se manifestará automáticamente hacia afuera como lo que aparece como "bien" humano de acuerdo con tus necesidades o preferencias individuales.
Porque solo hay UNO, la conciencia siempre está buscando alinearse con Sí misma. La conciencia de cada persona actúa como un imán que les atrae, independientemente de las energías que estén alineadas y luego las expresen automáticamente. NO HAY CONCIENCIA INDIVIDUAL. Por eso es tan importante preguntarse;“¿Qué estoy sosteniendo como verdad en mi conciencia?
Debido a que la integridad y la integridad son cualidades de la Conciencia Divina, son la realidad, mantenida infinitamente en su lugar por la ley Divina. En este punto, su objetivo principal debe ser darse cuenta de que cada cualidad de Dios ya está plenamente presente dentro de usted, aunque no lo parezca, en lugar de dillydally en torno a conceptos y creencias de tercera dimensión que solo pueden servir para que continúe experimentándolos. .
La verdad es infinita y real, pero en su mayor parte la conciencia de la humanidad ha sido bloqueada porque la energía de la tercera dimensión es incapaz de alinearse con algo superior. Las frecuencias más altas de la Luz que ahora fluyen hacia el colectivo permiten que muchos se alineen y reciban información de fuentes que anteriormente no estaban disponibles en las dimensiones superiores. Debido a esto, muchos de ustedes están comenzando a tener o están teniendo más experiencias psíquicas.
Las vidas que se viven completamente en la energía de la tercera dimensión son como ir a una película donde el telón permanece cerrado. Escuchas y ves partes y piezas, pero eres incapaz de entender realmente lo que realmente está sucediendo y así inventas lo que crees que está sucediendo. Cada persona tendrá una historia diferente basada en sus experiencias de vida y estados de conciencia. Esto es lo que cada vida vivida completamente en energía dimensional ha sido vida tras vida.
Se abre el telón, se expone al mago como nada, y la humanidad comienza a ver. Algunos intentarán y ahora están intentando volver a cerrar la cortina, porque mantenerla cerrada es cómodo y familiar. Otros están desesperadamente cerrando el telón porque no quieren que veas la verdadera historia. Sepa que tiene el poder de elegir cómo desea ver la película.
Por muy buenas que hayan sido las cosas en el pasado, todo lo que aún resuena con la vieja energía se está volviendo obsoleto rápidamente para dar lugar a una nueva conciencia universal.Siempre recuerde que nada real puede perderse, sino que simplemente vuelve una y otra vez en formas superiores y mejores.No lamentes a los seres queridos del pasado, todo lo real se mantiene para siempre en su lugar por la Ley Divina. Las relaciones pueden cambiar, pero el amor que las crea es para siempre.
Descanse cuando sienta la necesidad, coma alimentos más ligeros y más nutritivos o no coma nada si lo guían. En este momento, está experimentando cambios tremendos en muchos niveles que a menudo lo hacen sentir cansado, enfermo y deprimido. Trate de no correr inmediatamente hacia soluciones tridimensionales para su incomodidad porque las drogas alteran su campo de energía. Use remedios naturales si siente la necesidad de alivio de los "síntomas de ascensión". Es mejor simplemente echarlos en confianza, descansar a menudo y escuchar su intuición.
Algunos de ustedes continúan luchando en un esfuerzo por mantener ciertas partes de su vida trabajando de la misma manera que lo han hecho en el pasado.Para que cualquier cosa “funcione” (relaciones, amigos, comidas, entretenimientos, etc.) debe haber una alineación energética. Tu trabajo interno ha cambiado tus frecuencias a nuevos niveles, dejándote fuera de alineación con muchas cosas que hasta ahora han sido una gran parte de tu vida. Esto no significa que ninguna de estas cosas estuviera mal, simplemente significa que se graduó y ya no está en alineación energética con ellos.
Debido a que su energía se ha vuelto más refinada, ciertos alimentos que disfrutó en el pasado se han vuelto energéticamente más densos que su energía personal. Este es a menudo el punto en el que algunos se vuelven vegetarianos. Si disfrutas y quieres seguir comiendo carne, elige aquella que contenga energía limpia, sana y feliz, y no energías de miedo y sufrimiento.
Ya hemos hablado de todas estas cosas antes, pero es importante reiterar porque muchas, incluso aquellas que parecen estar muy despiertas, continúan resistiéndose a la verdad si interfiere con su estilo de vida, y eligen buscar primero las respuestas de información tridimensional comúnmente aceptadas. , en lugar de ir al interior y permitir que su intuición los guíe a lo que puede llegar a ser una solución aparentemente tridimensional.
Estás listo, más que listo para ser la verdad que sabes. Si eligen no hacerlo, se alinean con mucho de lo que se está disolviendo rápidamente. Gaia, que es un alma viviente y no una bola de tierra, está ascendiendo y puedes ir con ella si así lo deseas.
Nos guste o no, la ascensión está sucediendo.
Cesa la lucha y descansa en lo que es.
Somos el Grupo Arcturiano 11/4/18

The Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele

NOVEMBER 4, 2018
Dear readers, once again we offer love through these messages of hope and information. You are the way showers and as such, some of you are experiencing criticism from those around you who want you to be more three dimensionally involved and who interpret your “silence” as doing nothing.
Because you are aware of the bigger picture, you are bringing in and holding Light for the collective. It may seem as if you are doing nothing, but in reality you are doing everything. You are the mechanics helping to keep the engine of ascension running, creating a new world consciousness. Never believe that resting in silent awareness of Oneness and truth, is doing nothing.
Be patient dear ones, for there is much more to come. Try not to get emotionally involved in troubling situations, but rather learn to step back as observers, silently and secretly knowing that a spiritual reality always underlies the outer scene. Staying centered and aligned with truth rather than with appearances opens you to receive information from within about what is going on.
Take this understanding with you into the voting booth as it will enable you to intuitively bypass the rhetoric and political bluff towards the candidate most closely aligned with unselfish motives. Spiritual gifts are to be lived and utilized in every moment of ordinary daily living, not to be filed away and called upon only for special occasions.
Be prepared to hear about the exposure of pockets of dense, dark energy. Practices, beliefs, and actions long hidden from the majority are beginning to surface. The Light created by every enlightened consciousness as well as that flowing through now open spiritual gateways is dissolving heretofore closed doors allowing access to hidden places that have served the energetically dark.
Many will be shocked by some exposures, especially those who remain asleep in third dimensional living. They will deny or say that the world has reached a new low, but nothing being exposed is or will be new, rather these things are only now being brought to light and this will continue for some time yet.
Current events are forcing many who have been living comfortably in duality and separation to begin examining their personal belief system which is an important step toward awakening. Moving to a new level of awareness always begins with introspection, a pondering of the aspects of one’s life that have begun to feel complete–physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
Ascension is not a one time event as many believe, but is infinite. As you attain and live from each new level of spiritual understanding, more unfolds that moves you beyond your present level and into the next. Evolution is the infinite process of remembering one’s self to be SELF and all that this means. This is what mankind has been doing in each of their hundreds of lifetimes.
Evolution is slower and more of a process in three dimensional energy because the density of the physical body only allows it to integrate the higher Light frequencies gradually. Each individual’s readiness is determined by their Higher Self.
Know that conditions of good human-hood are no more real than bad human-hood. Most religious teachings give you techniques for attaining “good human-hood” and everyone rejoices when a “bad” appearance changes into a “good” appearance. As creators, never forget that if you believe in and seek human good, you are automatically in alignment with human bad for they are simply two ends of the same three dimensional duality stick.
You as spiritually aware individuals, are ready to cease seeking for good appearances while trying to eliminate the bad ones. Your work now is to realize that the Divine Consciousness you are, is already whole and complete. When you attain that state of consciousness, it will automatically manifest outwardly as what appears as human “good” in accord with your individual needs or preferences.
Because there is only ONE, consciousness is always seeking to align with Itself. Each person’s consciousness acts like a magnet drawing to them whatever energies are in alignment and then automatically expressing them. THERE IS NO UNEXPRESSED CONSCIOUSNESS. This is why it is so important to ask yourselves; “What am I holding as truth in my consciousness?
Because wholeness and completeness are qualities of Divine Consciousness, they are the reality, held infinitely in place by Divine law. At this point your primary goal must become the realization that every quality of God is already fully present within you even if it doesn’t seem that way, rather than dillydallying around in third dimensional concepts and beliefs which can only serve to keep you experiencing them.
Truth is infinite and real but for the most part mankind’s awareness of it has been blocked because third dimensional energy is unable to align with anything higher. The higher frequencies of Light now flowing to the collective are enabling many to align with and receive information from previously unavailable sources in the higher dimensions. Because of this, many of you are starting to have or are having more psychic experiences.
Lives lived completely in third dimensional energy are like going to a movie where the curtain remains closed. You hear and see bits and pieces, but are unable to actually understand what is really happening and so make up what you think is happening. Every person there will have a different story based on their life experiences and states of consciousness. This is what every life lived fully in dimensional energy has been lifetime after lifetime.
The curtain is opening, the wizard is being exposed as nothingness, and mankind is beginning to see. Some will try and are now attempting to re-close the curtain, because having it remain shut is comfortable and familiar. Others are desperately holding the curtain shut because they do not want you to see the real story. Know that you have the power to choose how you want to view the movie.
As good as things may have seemed in the past, everything still resonating with old energy is quickly becoming obsolete in order to make room for new universal awareness. Always remember that nothing real can ever be lost, but rather simply returns again and again in higher and better forms. Do not grieve the past dear ones, everything real is forever held in place by Divine Law. Relationships may change, but the love the creates them is forever.
Rest when you feel the need, eat lighter and more nutritious foods or don’t eat at all if you are guided to. You are experiencing tremendous change on many levels at this time that often leave you feeling tired, sick, and depressed. Try not to immediately run toward three dimensional solutions for your discomfort because drugs alter your energy field. Use natural remedies if you feel the need for relief from “ascension symptoms”. It is better to just ride them out in trust, resting often and listening to your intuition.
Some of you continue to struggle in an effort to keep certain parts of your life working the same way they have in the past. In order for anything to “work” (relationships, friends, foods, entertainments etc.) there must be energetic alignment. Your inner work has shifted your frequencies to new levels leaving you out of alignment with many things that up to now have been a big part of your life. This does not mean that any of these things were wrong, it simply means that you have graduated and are no longer in energetic alignment with them.
Because your energy has become more refined, certain foods that you enjoyed in the past have become energetically denser than your personal energy. This is often the point at which some become vegetarian. If you enjoy and want to continue eating meat, choose that which holds clean, healthy, happy energy and not energies of fear and suffering.
We have spoken of all these things before, but it is important to reiterate because many, even those seemingly very awake, continue to resist truth if or when it interferes with their life style, choosing to look first to commonly accepted third dimensional information for answers, rather than going within and allowing their intuition to guide them to what may actually turn out to be a seemingly three dimensional solution.
You are ready, more than ready to be the truth you know. If you choose not to, you align yourselves with much that is rapidly dissolving. Gaia, who is a living soul and not a ball of dirt, is ascending and you can go with her if you choose.
Like it or not, ascension is happening.
Cease from the struggle and rest in what is.
We are the Arcturian Group 11/4/18

Important anouncement ~ Awaken Spirit from Within ~Final chapter

Posted: 05 Nov 2018 11:54 PM PST


I come with news and I am not sure if you all are going to like what I am about to share.

Awaken Spirit from Within is in its last stretch and breath.  From on January first, this website and my service work will no longer be available.

It is with deep pain, tons of grief and sadness that I am forced to take this decision.  My service work and website no longer provides me of the needed financial income to be able and pay the bills. In fact has it brought me into a difficult position, which has been building up to the point where I am with my back against the wall.

The only way out is to end that which has cost me so much of money.  6 years ago I chose the spiritual path to be reflecting through every way of my Being  and living. I ended my relationship, my job and just followed the guidance to start channeling and healing for a living.  "Go, trust and use your gifts"... "Abundance will come your way when you do your soul task"...  I experienced beautiful and Magical moments,I got to know wonderful and amazing people and I could witness awakenings and people starting to channel during my self created course...  What a beautiful gift to receive in return.

But unfortunately, this did not pay my bills.  I only do this service work as a living as I was guided to commit myself to this.  Now, the financial situation is a disaster.  It never provided me of what I needed every month, even after giving myself 100% to the spiritual realm.  The flow of give and receive isn't there,nor the abundance.  This work has cost me much.

To be honest,I feel unsupported by my guides and the Universe. I am disappointed.  To give up what I have build.. I have tried everything,gave everything and worked on myself constantly.  I am tired and I am having a hard time now to have to put away my talents and do nothing with them.

It is what it is.

BUT, my sweet friends, untill January first you are still able to purchase and book in Readings,healings and sessions.  So if you want your final channeled reading, energy healing or private session: make use this opportunity as it will be your last chance.  My website and webshop will be taken offline December 31 st.  All free tools, activations, E-books, articles and courses will no longer be available from on January 2019.

Clients who have booked and purchased something from my webshop  will of course still receive the service they have paid for, even the courses that are purchased now will still be given and followed up after January and on.  You only will not be able to book and purchase things from my website any longer after new year.

If you don't have all my tools yet, make sure you have them before they dissapear.  Gift your precious family and friends with it. Download the free tools as well and share.

Courses: you still can start your Road to Mastery course.  You have 2 months to purchase it.  We will complete this together even after january 2019..Last calling and chance to learn and channel!!!

Thank you for the years of support,friendship and kindness.  I am grateful for you all and for the opportunity to have been in service.  I will be looking to work fulltime in the 3D world.  Back to reality and both feet on the ground.  I know much now, I am learning much from this situation.  Insights coming in. 

* It is hard to say goodbye ***  



Anuncio importante ~ Awaken Spirit From Within ~ Capítulo final

Publicado: 5 de noviembre de 2018 23:54 PST


Vengo con noticias y no estoy seguro de si a todos les va a gustar lo que voy a compartir.

Awaken Spirit From Within está en su último estiramiento y aliento. Desde el primero de enero, este sitio web y mi trabajo de servicio ya no estarán disponibles.

Es con dolor profundo, toneladas de dolor y tristeza que me veo obligado a tomar esta decisión. Mi trabajo de servicio y mi sitio web ya no me proporcionan los ingresos financieros necesarios para poder pagar las facturas. De hecho, me ha llevado a una posición difícil, que se ha ido acumulando hasta el punto en que estoy con la espalda contra la pared.

La única salida es acabar con lo que me ha costado tanto dinero. Hace 6 años, elegí el camino espiritual para reflexionar a través de todos los aspectos de mi Ser y de mi vida. Terminé mi relación, mi trabajo y simplemente seguí la guía para comenzar a canalizar y sanar para ganarme la vida. "Ve, confía y usa tus dones" ... "Te llegará la abundancia cuando hagas tu tarea del alma" ... Experimenté momentos hermosos y mágicos, conocí a personas maravillosas y asombrosas y pude presenciar despertares y personas Comencé a canalizar durante mi propio curso creado ... Qué hermoso regalo recibir a cambio.

Pero lamentablemente, esto no pagó mis cuentas. Solo hago este trabajo de servicio como una vida, ya que me guiaron para comprometerme con esto. Ahora, la situación financiera es un desastre. Nunca me proporcionó lo que necesitaba cada mes, incluso después de entregarme 100% al reino espiritual. El flujo de dar y recibir no está allí, ni la abundancia. Este trabajo me ha costado mucho.

Para ser honesto, no me siento apoyado por mis guías y el Universo. Estoy decepcionado. Para renunciar a lo que he construido ... Lo he intentado todo, lo he dado todo y he trabajado constantemente en mí mismo. Estoy cansado y ahora me cuesta mucho tener que dejar de lado mis talentos y no hacer nada con ellos.

Es lo que es.

PERO, mis dulces amigos, hasta el primero de enero, todavía puede comprar y reservar en Lecturas, curaciones y sesiones. Entonces, si quieres tu última lectura canalizada, sanación energética o sesión privada: aprovecha esta oportunidad, ya que será tu última oportunidad. Mi sitio web y mi tienda virtual se desconectarán el 31 de diciembre. Todas las herramientas, activaciones, libros electrónicos, artículos y cursos gratuitos ya no estarán disponibles a partir de enero de 2019.

Los clientes que han reservado y comprado algo de mi tienda web, por supuesto, seguirán recibiendo el servicio por el que han pagado, incluso los cursos que se compran ahora se seguirán dando a conocer después de enero y en adelante. Solo no podrás reservar y comprar cosas de mi sitio web por más tiempo después del nuevo año.

Si aún no tienes todas mis herramientas, asegúrate de tenerlas antes de que desaparezcan. Regale a su preciosa familia y amigos con ella. Descarga las herramientas gratuitas también y compártelas.

Cursos: todavía puedes comenzar tu curso Camino a la Maestría. Tienes 2 meses para comprarlo. Lo completaremos juntos incluso después de enero de 2019 ... ¡¡¡Últimas llamadas y oportunidad de aprender y canalizar !!!

Gracias por los años de apoyo, amistad y amabilidad. Estoy agradecido por todos ustedes y por la oportunidad de haber estado en servicio. Estaré buscando trabajar a tiempo completo en el mundo 3D. De vuelta a la realidad y con ambos pies en el suelo. Ahora sé mucho, estoy aprendiendo mucho de esta situación. Entran las ideas.

* Es difícil decir adiós ***



Galactic Federation Of Light Shelby Leon Ray .
Galactic Federation Of Light7 de nov., 2:21

#6DTimelines dins del marc de la dimensió tridimensional de la matriu d'ànimes de múltiples densitats és on comença a fer-se la màgia "visible". Es tracta d'una àrea completament desconeguda de la nostra experiència de temps lineal i, al mateix temps, aquests "dominis màgics de l'ascensió" sempre han existit, és on el nostre acte etern multifuncional sempre ha estat. És així només llavors el vel ha estat eliminat del nostre vaixell físic des de la nostra amnèsia temporal, de manera que el nostre oblit es pot eliminar gradualment, de manera que aquest desplegament de l'ascensió pot ser divertit més enllà de les capacitats integrals humanes. #StarlightCouncil #Starseeds #Lightworkers #Indigos #Crystals #Rainbows Benvinguts al coneixement de la consciència Aqua Plasma. Namaste 🌟 🌟 🌟

A mesura que  més dins de la estructura de la graella 5D del nostre pla de soul original, això permetrà accedir a línies de temps de 6th dimensionals abans inaccessibles! Perquè de fet són els moments encarnats per l'experiència. Ara, pel que fa a les línies de temps de 7D en essència, sempre #Heaven 7th Dimensionals que, de fet, no hi ha temps més enllà d'aquest punt, és així que "TimelessLines", que ressonem eternament, és el que es coneix com #Heaven

Message from Anna, Grandmother of Jesus

Anna, Grandmother of Jesus 11/5/2018

Yes dear, it is I, Anna, grandmother of Jesus. At least that is who you now call him to be. To me he was and will forever be Yeshua ben Joseph. Ah, those were the days of my memory where I walked among you. For I had indeed many adventures that thrilled me and stretched me. Incarnation in general is a difficult task friends, and you have chosen a most arduous time to enter the Earth field. But you did so with a higher purpose, a higher calling, to lend your light to the human collective and in full force together as one rise above the tyrants who would suppress you and have, it would seem, for too long. I say “it would seem” friends, because not all is as it seems. For when you are within the human form part of the agreement is to forget who you truly are, but now is the time of remembering, or re-remembering, as the Arcturians like to say. It is true. 

You are remembering who you really are. And I can attest to this for I know you beyond the realm of where the memories are lost or stripped away. I am from beyond time, I am just as you are, friends. We are of the same energy of Source, reliving memories and creating new ones in this most beautiful Now moment. I see many of you afraid to pursue your truth as has been the topic of conversation amongst many of you of late. How does one do this, in a world, a realm where truth is not appreciated and has been twisted to the advantages of the few to succumb the many? How does one shine their radiant truth, their light unencumbered and free, in the beautiful beginnings of the Now moments that dot your lives? You speak with love. You see with love. You live through love. And this love gives you the strength to do the hard tasks that perhaps you would rather run away from. As for the other’s responses? It matters not, does it? It is true they reflect what their own inner demons show them. They reflect with their responses what is a window for you to see through into their own understandings, and it is a teaching tool for you. 

Love them where they are, not where they are not. Do not be frustrated that they are not perhaps at your level or a level of comprehension you think they should be. That is judgement at its truest form and it is best to not sit in that throne. Instead, see them through the eyes of love and love them where they are. You will have many opportunities to do this, of course, as you are the main wayshowers in this precious, tender time of awakening. Babies fuss and cry when they are disturbed, do they not? It is the conditioning of fear in this realm that must be changed. I Anna, see this and send my light and life stream into you, should you receive it, as a comforting balm of soothing honey and I send herbal blends of comfort and healing to your tired physical forms. It is true there are many mysteries of the physical form ascending, and many of you have done this act of self revelation and of ascension in the physical numerous times and these words are familiar to you and cause a thrill within your heart space. Yes. You remember. Many of you were Essenes or within other such communities of enlightened individuals scattered across the globe who practiced the healing sacred arts, copied texts and ate cleanly, living simple, free lives, unencumbered from the many “should and shouldn’ts” of society. And so, my words cause you comfort. It is good that they should do so, for I am particularly gifted in the healing arts and have had many lifetimes of practice, as have you, my friends. As have you! 

I am in hopes that these words stirs up memories like a soothing bubbling pot of delicious soup whose aroma wafts down the hill from the warm kitchen and entices you inside for nourishment. The nourishment that you seek is within you my sweet ones, my friends. You are masters at alchemy. And now you have the majestic opportunity to do the main heavy lifting of these once-toxic energies on Gaia that are now being cleansed and cleared by many and so I encourage you to lend a hand. Lend your heart. Lend your love to this barren world that so desperately needs it. And so, you do see, that nothing can be barren, truly barren, when there is love? For love heals all woundings past and present. So my loving advice to you today friends in form, is to simply love the others were they are, as they are, how they are. And their responses are none of your concern. If your are operating within the true embodiment of love in form, in action, then you can do no wrong. 

Love. Be the love, the the light and be the laughter and infuse your mark your light signature and shine ever more brightly today. The world is waiting for your healing touch and we are watching from above with baited breath, confident in your many many successes that you have already achieved and that we see you achieving in the very near future. Allow my energy encodements within this text to your physical form now and be transformed into light, into pure light and pure love essence of the divine mother, of the divine all that wraps and encodes you, every delicious little bit of you, and ensconces you in radiant light and love. Any time you would wish for me to assist you with your own personal physical alchemy that is happening to many - most of you - at this time, I am out happy to assist. It is my pleasure to serve, especially you ascending ones who are near and dear to my heart space, for we have worked together many times in the past and will continue to do so in many probable future timelines. I am your Anna, grandmother of Jesus. I bestow upon your crown chakra a heavenly kiss, a boost of light energy at this time.

Be at peace. Be at peace! All is well! Sit within my energetic embrace, my balm of healing and be one with me, with yourselves. Be that which you wish to seek and of course you shall find it. For it is within you. You are divine. That is all for now precious friends of light within the dense form, that is not to be dense much longer! ! I am your precious Anna and you are my friends. We will meet again I assure you. Be at peace. 

~ galaxygirl

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