
2 de mayo de 2019

Kryon: God in a Box

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. I would like to continue and expand the subject of “connection,” which I started earlier today.
There are so many questions that Humans have about this seemingly intangible idea of a Creator, or God, or of a source that is beyond your imagination, yet that’s one that somehow you’re directly connected to. It’s also very difficult for you to truly believe that there is an entourage, if you want to call it that, or a group around each of you all of the time. This intangible spiritual group knows your name, and not the name you have now. The name is of a soul group, the name is bigger even than you can imagine, the name itself exists in light, and the name is not an identifier, but rather a descriptor of magnificence. It is patterned and speaks of your soul group in this galaxy that belongs to Earth.
God in a Human Box
If I could summarize all of this, let me again say that “God knows you,” and this, dear ones, has to be either fully realized or somehow trained into a Human Being. The reason for this is common and obvious and I will go into this yet again. Humans have the perception that everything around them that exhibits any intelligence will echo a Human’s intelligence. When you have a pet, and of course the pet cannot understand your language, you still talk to them as though they understand everything. You project your humanism and emotion on the animal to communicate, even though the animal has no idea what you’re saying or doing. However, that animal can feel the love that you have since love is universal. Human consciousness is not.
In reference to the creative source, I’ll call this issue the “God in a Box” syndrome, and the box is a Human box that you perceive God exists within. The Human projects everything that is Human nature onto the almighty. God is then portrayed simply as a super Human, but with the same dysfunctions as Humans: anger, disappointment, judgment and punishment. I’ve told you that every civilization on this planet has done the same thing yours has done. I’ve also told you that you are civilization number five. You are also the civilization that would be present during the precession of the equinoxes (2012) and would have the ability to see the shift.
Other Civilizations Before Yours
Other civilizations before yours have gone through similar things. We don’t speak much of that yet because most of humanity doesn’t believe it. You are told that civilization is only 6,000 or 7,000 years old. I have told you that you’ve been here more like 50,000 to 60,000 years. Would it shock you if I told you that some of the inventions you have, the basic ones such as electricity, were present early in your civilization (5,000 years old) but also in the civilizations before yours. The common sense reason is that electricity is easily discoverable. Nature produces it and anyone watching and looking and interested with an inquiring mind can discover how to eventually create it. So you’re not the first, and it leads to things which I’ll mention in just a moment. However, the other civilizations before yours also did the same thing with God in a box.
The Dream of Communication
Communication is interesting with humanity. It has always been paramount with you, staying in touch. Let’s talk only about your current civilization and what happened very early. It’s so interesting that you feel you’re so technical right now. Actually, your technology is very high compared to your past. However, your ancestors also had high-tech in their own way. What if I told you that long before the telegraph or the radio or the telephone, you had a system of communication at the speed of light, but only about 20 miles at a time? You may laugh, but it’s true! Your ancestors did it. All they had to do was climb a mountain and get smoke signals to the next mountain. That’s communication at the speed of light, 20 miles at a time. One mountain group would talk to another that would talk to another that would talk to another. The language was perhaps a little inelegant (not many words), but it was very fast communication. It was needed, figured out, and used for thousands of years.
The continuous dream of inventors has always been “instant communication”. In a very early time, if you wanted to send a message to a family member in a town or a village that was far away, the system was to write a note, get on an animal of some kind and ride the animal to the next town. That eventually became the mail. Today you laugh at how slow that might have been, for sometimes you would say “hello” in a letter and three weeks later you’d get a “hello” back. That was as good as it got.
In about the 1700s in your civilization, along came a system of the telegraph (based on electricity) where you could then send messages through code at long distances. One hundred years later, this led to the invention of radio and then the inventions suddenly came quickly and you could communicate to another continent in real time. Some thought that was about as good as it would get, and they said so in publications of the day.
Next you did it with pictures, then with video, and now dear ones, the world is yours through simple devices you carry in your pocket. If someone has the correct equipment on the other side of your pocket device transmission, you could talk to the planet and they could all hear you at once. The secret, of course, is “all of you having the correct equipment”.
It’s interesting, isn’t it, that communication to God was always linked to your current Human abilities and invention. In an older energy, when nobody could dream of instant communication with everyone else, you had to approach God in a limited way. Someone else with training and awareness was needed, and you talked to them, and they talked to God. In addition, it was like smoke signals in that there weren’t many words. This whole idea is centuries old, but still exists today. So, you limited the “receiving equipment” of God to exactly what you were able to do or imagine as a Human. It was slow, not very clear, and someone else had to go “ride somewhere else” to deliver your message [a metaphor]. Do you see a bias?
Even today you haven’t extrapolated your new technological improvement on your “God Box”. Did you realize that? You’re still sending letters. Now many might say, “Well, wait a minute. That’s not true. I can pray and I know God hears me,”That is so, dear ones, but you’ve always felt it was one way because you never felt that God could hear you enough to give you an answer immediately. The perception was that God never had the “equipment” because you never did. How quaint of you.
This continues even today. There’s no technology high enough to have a real-time communication with Spirit or God where you could have a back and forth message at the speed of light. it simply is not acceptable thought. Don’t you find this odd, when Humans can do it between themselves? Does that make you wonder what the real “technology of God” might be – one that has no bearing on what Humans have invented or can imagine?
Even today, most of humanity still has to go through some kind of interloper that translates your message. Sometimes it’s through an existing living Human and sometimes it’s through a prophet who is no longer alive, but it’s still “God in a Box”. Somehow God simply can’t be next to you – only the Human facsimiles can. I told you this morning that it gets even more dysfunctional than that, because this process is often accompanied with steps of achievement or funding in order for you to “receive your message”. Humanity still has no widespread perception of an immediate connection to the creative source. By the way, that’s what’s coming next, with Human evolution of consciousness.
Common to Humanity – An Old Energy Perception
Dear ones, all of this seeming dysfunction is truly understandable because this is the only model of communication you have. That model is yourself and humanity in general, so if there’s an almighty God somewhere, the logical perception is that to get to this source, you must do the same kinds of things you might have to do if you needed to get to any world leader. There might be all manner of steps, procedures and activities that you do in order to achieve that communication, and all of those would be a mirror of what you do as Humans with Humans.
The Equipment is There, Always Has Been
We told you this morning that truly, you’ve got the equipment already inside you for instant communication with the creative source of the Universe – God. You had this equipment even when you were doing smoke signals and sending letters with express riders on horses. You had this stellar speed-of-thought communication at the very beginning of your civilization, but you didn’t understand this because you always applied the process of prayers to God to the process that you communicate together. What’s interesting is that you never updated your God Box! Even today for most of humanity, you are taught that it is difficult to speak directly to the Creator. One person even reported, “The Internet is just a little too high-tech for God.”
A Different Energy and Perception
My message is this: You have always had a 100 percent speed-of-consciousness connection to the creative source. The reason? The logic? It’s because the creative source knows you and your soul. The Creator made you in the image of love. You are not a stranger to God.
Here is another interesting thing about how Humans have handled their mythology. If indeed a mythological God can hear or see you, then be careful, for you will also be judged for what is “heard”. Do you see any bias in this? No matter who you were as a child, Santa Claus could hear all of the requests at the same time worldwide. However, you better be good, or you don’t get a present. See where you go with this? Here is “God in a Box” for you: Even if Humans believe they can communicate with God, there’s still the question, “What does God think about what I said or did? Is it possible that Spirit can be angry or judgmental?” Anger? The answer is no. That is a low consciousness Human emotion. Judgment? No. That is a Human nature reaction. “God in a Box” is God in YOUR box. Understand how this has worked?
Emotions and The Creator
“Kryon, you told us that Spirit has compassion. Isn’t that a Human emotion?” No, dear ones, that is a Creator attribute that you get by being a Human. Listen: Love, compassion, benevolence and the coherence of putting things together are all attributes given to you from the creative source. Humor is also from the creative source. The creativity of music, the idea of harmonies causing emotional effects and sending you into coherence, is right from the creative source. These attributes represent things given to you in light that you have free choice to use or not. They are then balanced with the things you create as a Human in the darkness. That is the definition duality. It is the Human Being’s perception of where to place their importance within their own consciousness. It’s the balance of light and dark in your world. But make no mistake: What you consider as the emotions of love and compassion are right from the Creator.
Where Do You Go From Here?
So, what’s next? Once you get to the place where you realize you don’t have to climb stairs or go through someone else to get to the original creative source of the Universe, it’s far easier than you think to proceed with great communication. First, do you really believe all this? If so, you can sit in your chair, know you are magnificent (created in the image of Love) and say, “Dear Spirit, I know you are with me. Dear Spirit, I know you are here. Dear Spirit, I expect benevolent things in my life because that is the plan you have allowed for me.”
Once you get to that stage, dear ones, you simply have thrown the switch that was always there. From now on, you begin to get real communication and results. But here is where it also gets difficult. “Kryon, you are wrong. I’ve tried this and nothing has happened. Kryon, it doesn’t work.” I wish I could take you by the hand and lead you to higher consciousness, but I can’t. It must be your own free choice, and how you do it is important. You see, the switch you throw isn’t done with your linear mind. It’s done with your aware, consciousness mind. It’s done with faith and understanding, patience and trust in God. Many just “try it” and never understand that it’s a full consciousness experience, and not a “I’ll try it” experience. However, unless you actually begin to understand and love yourself, nothing much is going to happen. More on that in a moment.
Partial Communication
You are not in a box either. Let us say, for instance, you are a healer, and for so many years you’ve had the gifts and the tools of healing. Let’s say for the past years there has been frustration because these past gifts either don’t work all the time, or they work in ways that you haven’t seen before, or you feel you cannot control them. For any of these situations, it would be because those gifts are using spectacularly advanced energy that most Humans do not have. Do you know how to work with this? Most do not, due to the God in the Box bias. It even frustrated the shamans of old that sometimes the healings occurred and sometimes they didn’t. That even got them in trouble because those around them expected linearity in healing. They expected the linearity that happens when you cook a meal or make something. They expected a paradigm that is far different from what a healer has. Good communication with Spirit creates good results in your life, but it must be a non-linear communication that creates it. What is that really? It’s a “trust me” paradigm. Can you explain love? Can you explain the compassion of God? These concepts are totally out of linear thinking, yet you can use then and trust them.
Most of you are attempting to work with non-linear energy in a linear world, and it’s tough. It’s tough because thinking in a linear way is an actual habit of reality. If you still think in a linear way about God, your efforts to really communicate will be limited. Metaphor coming: Imagine you want to call God on your cell phone. Common sense says hold it high and get a better signal. But instead you dig a hole and stand in it, since you don’t understand the technology, and people you trust have told you that you must be “grounded” to talk with God. You see? That limits the cell signal, but it’s old logic. That’s a very simply example of old thinking about a new paradigm.
You have an entourage around you and every single one of those in the entourage loves you dearly. However, they continue to watch you flounder in many of these things because in some ways you still have the bias of God in a Box. Even if you believe you can communicate instantly, you still don’t think God cares enough to work with you on the issue – honest. Free choice allows you to continue this all your life.
“Kryon, I’m fine. I know what I’m doing with Spirit. Don’t tell me that I’m still biased in linearity.” Really? How do you think about yourself? Do you feel magnificent or are there some real issues with personal things that you can’t shake? Your healing work with others and your own issues will absolutely be affected by how you feel about yourself. Period. That’s a fairly new attribute that comes with advanced energy.
Many of you might go a lifetime or decades with an entourage around you, begging you to just ask and work things out because you are in communication and the line is open. However, you can’t go any further than the true amount you can love yourself.
There is a new reality I want to tell you about. You really have only gone to first base, as they say. You just threw the switch and now you can talk. But what if God then talks in another language? Actually, you see that it’s not a language at all, but a consciousness that needs to be interpreted. What if you need to put some things together that you never thought about to make these communications better?
The Communications Kit
Imagine another metaphor. You are now being asked to help “design” your gifts – this means the healer as well as the non-healer. The gifts are the tools for good spiritual communication for every Human on the planet. God in a Box can’t work now, since that is a Human construct. Old habits of thinking about how things work cannot be in your mind. You have to think out of the box to now understand how to do things.
So, now you must design or construct something that has your stamp on it. After all, multidimensional things require the energy of consciousness, not stair climbing or bead counting. So, let’s say the pieces and parts of what you must create all land in your lap so that you can design them. Imagine the cook somehow getting all the ingredients falling out of the sky and there they are, with all those parts of the meal around them. But the frustration is that the cook does not recognize any of the new ingredients! Things don’t make sense, yet the cook is a good one. But suddenly someone says, “Are the ingredients multidimensional?”
You answer, “Yes. They must be. That’s why I don’t recognize them.”
“Then why don’t you just use your intuition and put them together without using the linearity of the experience of past cooking or having to understand every piece and part?”
You answer, “I can do that! Now I get it!”
So, even though the ingredients that go into the potential meal are a mystery in a linear way, it’s okay. Because now when you add the intuition and magic of an advanced consciousness that says, “I don’t have to understand things in the way I used to in order to be able to create magnificent things in my life.” The meal starts to cook itself! What guidelines did the master painter follow on the blank canvas? What sounds did the master composer hear when he wrote the symphony? See? It all came through intuition.
That metaphoric meal you cook will be more nourishing than anything you ever made before, but you never thought about cooking those odd, non-linear ingredients, did you? You never thought you were in control enough to design the pieces and parts of the gifts you have, did you? You never thought you were worthy of it, did you?
Perhaps, just perhaps, you are still entertaining the habits of God in a Box. Again, the more you love yourself and trust in your intuitive self, the clearer the communication.
Not too long ago, we gave you a message that if you are a healer or you have any kind of gifts of Spirit, they’re going to increase. We told you that in this new light/dark relationship, suddenly you’re going to find yourself with an increased potential. You may see things you never expected or never had seen before. Results in your work may double, triple or even more. Did it ever occur to you how this is going to happen? Did you think you might actually be involved in the new design of the gifts? Perhaps you just thought they would appear and work? Not a chance. Oh, they will appear alright, but they will be uncontrollable for you. They will just fly around and come out (or stop) any time they want. Frustrating? Yes. That’s what will happen unless you understood the beauty of the design that you have around you, and how you are being asked to work with the new tools in ways you never did before – with no linearity – with nothing anyone has ever told you before.
“Okay Kryon, you got my attention. I’m a healer. Give me something practical. How do I design it? How do I cook the meal?”
How It’s Done
Dear ones, you have an open communication with an entourage that knows your name and who sits there when you’re awake or asleep, looking at you. I want you to have a communication right now, like so: “Dear entourage, dear Spirit, thank you for these marvelous gifts. I now realize that it’s time for me to help design the improvement since they have my name on them. Give me the intuition and the energy I now believe in, which helps me to know what to do with them. Do this with me in order to suppress the things that need suppressing and release the things that need releasing. Let me have the patience for the timing of it. Let me do all these things in love and compassion.”
Repeat this as often as it takes for you to believe it. It actually only really takes one verbalization, dear ones; however, repeating it lets the linear part of you hear it and believe it. After a while, the process then becomes this: You start to get the intuition you need and you start expecting the results. Then things start to work. Next, you want some more! Then you start expecting more! It’s a process like exercising a muscle, so you practice and practice and soon you realize that with the help of the entourage around you, it indeed is working.
Lightworkers, listen: Spirit knows you so well, however many of you are sitting in this group or listening to these words and I want you to know that there is a custom pattern for each of you to help you drop your fear and to help you get control of your biology. All of these things have your name on them. What this means is that this process is not a generic “take a pill” experience. It’s customized for your own consciousness and energy. All this happens through communication.
It’s not too much for Spirit to listen to millions at the same time! That’s the spectacular energy of the consciousness of God. But it’s also possible for Spirit to work individually with millions at the same time for a solution, and to create synchronicity that is outside of “luck” and what you think is possible. Don’t limit what you think is possible just because you don’t believe you are in touch to a high degree. You are. That’s the invitation. The invitation is to begin to understand all this.
If you think God is too far away to hear you, there is going to be an issue. That’s God in a Human Box. However, if you think you can whisper and be heard and loved by the eternal creative source, then you’re on the right track. You see, it’s not linear, is it? It’s not the physics you have been taught, is it? It’s not the doctrine of spirituality on Earth that you have been taught, is it? What if, just what if, God is bigger than anything you were ever taught? What if, just what if, I’m correct and you are indeed magnificent in the eyes of God?
Are you getting this? Ponder this message in a way that allows for truth to appear to you individually and understand that this is personal and customized energy just for your life. This is the message of Kryon and will continue to be, from the man in the chair.
And so it is.
» Source » Channel: Lee Carrol
Now is an excellent time to put your focus and action on projects and new directions you began energizing and working on recently. As you do this, you may feel like the wind is at your back, helping you to complete things or simply move forward in positive ways. Continue reading for suggestions on how to thrive in our current chaos.
Current Energies
Current energies are supportive of taking another look at your life activities. If you are in the process of changing something you know needs updating, contemplate an additional step you can take. This could be something you already envisioned but haven’t put in place. It could be something brand new as well. I suggest inviting a dream that sheds light on what’s needed. Take time in the next few days to become still and meditate. From your quiet mind can come a needed breakthrough.
5 Tips for Success
To move forward in a more productive way now, you will need to be present and open to new ideas and untried methods. Only in the present can you discern the optimal next steps. Only by being still can you fully connect with your heart’s wisdom about how to proceed. The following 5 tips will help you most at this juncture.
FIRST is managing your response to the world’s chaos. Accept that it exists now as part of society’s mega transformation. Avoid reacting when you sense the world is out of control. Don’t take it personally. Trust that out of the chaos a new more enlightened consciousness is being born. Know that even during chaos, and perhaps because of it, you can connect with and implement changes allowing you to thrive.
SECOND is to increase your ability to be still and neutral to what’s going on. That may sound like a tall order given the escalation of divisiveness occurring online. Engage online enough to know what’s going on, but give yourself technology breaks.
THIRD involves staying optimistic and heart-centered. As a sensitive you most likely feel the division in our world and hateful rhetoric online can be disturbing. How you stay positive and productive is by taking the high road of spirit.You don’t need to like someone or their views to be respectful. Everyone is learning and evolving in their own way. Respecting the path of another is a form of love. Therefore, be one who engages online with positivity, kindness, and respect. The world needs your love and all the compassion you can muster in these difficult times. Let your voice stand for love.
FOURTH is to manage your own chaos by focusing on one task at a time. More ideas along these lines are in my “Predictions 2019” eBook – your guide to this year.
FIFTH involves looking at yourself through the eyes of love. Your creativity will go into hyper drive when you stop judging yourself for where you are, what you haven’t done,
and whether you have what it takes to succeed. Those responses are ego-based, not based in reality or the truth of your being. You are a quantum eternal being with love and boundless creativity at your core. Remind yourself of this daily.
Copyright by Selacia – a globally known writer, DNA intuitive healer, spiritual teacher, and the creator of The Divine Changemakers * All Rights Reserved * * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this entire copyright notice, with link back to website, and the full article text.


Beloved masters, the God Rays of Creation for the Piscean Age, which contained the specific aspects, qualities, virtues, designs and formulas for the creative process of that ERA, were beamed down upon the Earth and humanity for over 2,000 years. Those Creator Rays are now in the process of being withdrawn and shut down. That is why the masses, those who are still stuck in the illusion and the vibrational frequencies of the imbalanced Third- and lower-Fourth Dimensions, are feeling as if they have lost their way. Nothing is working the way it did in the past, and there seems to be no hope for the future. Old regulations, guidelines, as well as many well-established institutions and religious organizations are no longer dependable, and many are falling by the wayside. Fragmentation of almost all racial, cultural, social and political boundaries within the Third- / Fourth-Dimensional paradigm are crumbling or are being challenged. The consciousness of humanity is on the rise, and nothing can stop the forward momentum. HUMANITY IS COMING OF AGE, and all must follow the flow of expanded awareness or fall into the trap of inertia and chaos.
Fortunately, more and more people are awakening to the process of turning inward in order to gain a heightened sense of Self-awareness, which ultimately leads to a desire for higher Soul-consciousness via the energies of Divine discontent. Every cultural group, every race and every country on Earth are seeking direction or a higher philosophical path to follow. This phenomenon is due to the fact that the Seven Rays of God Consciousness for your Earth, which contained the Divine Blueprint for the Piscean Age, have been almost completely withdrawn, and are being replaced with the higher frequency, more-refined twelve Rays of galactic consciousness for the Aquarian Age.
In the beginning stages of awakening, before a major Soul merge takes place within a person, there can be no interference from the higher realms due to the Divine gift of free will, which ultimately became a gift with great and burdensome consequences. However, when a person attains an energetic signature which resonates with the higher frequencies of the mid-Fourth Dimension and above, he/she is ready to affirm: “Thy will be done. I ask for my greatest good and the highest outcome for all,” thereby aligning the personal will with the Will of the Higher Self and the new Divine Blueprint for the Earth. As a result, a magical path of Light is extended to that Soul via his/her personal column of Love/Light/Life. This Pathway of Light, often called the River of Life, leads to an authentic Essence Consciousness, whereby each person who reaches the required level of consciousness will begin to receive his/her special portion of encoded crystalline Seed Atoms for their new galactic or Sub-Universal Divine Blueprint / Mission. These new Seed Atoms will also contain the advanced wisdom, talents, attributes and qualities necessary to qualify as a participant in the early-stage, creative process for the new Golden Galaxy of the future.
The process of evolution is changing − the bodily structure of all humanity will gradually be refined and upgraded. There will be guidance and directions supplied to those who have attuned to their Sacred Heart / Sacred Mind and who have placed their personal will under the command of Divine Will.
Heretofore, the masses have lived in a world of veiled, illusional awareness, and it seems they are now facing a future that feels much like a ship that has been cast into a stormy sea without a rudder. That is because the Primal Life Force energy that has been available to all humanity over the past age is no longer filled with God Seeds of great potential from within the old Divine Blueprint for this Sub-Universe. The masses will still receive the vibrational patterns they need to maintain the status quo. And, we assure you that the loving energy of our Father/Mother God and the Beings of Light will always be available to humanity; however, in order to tap into the new Divine Blueprint that is awaiting each Soul, there must be an attunement to at least the mid-Fourth-Dimensional frequencies of Light. Our Father/Mother God’s greatest desire is to see all Facets of their “Beingness” return to Self-mastery so they may enjoy the love, peace, joy and abundance that is every Soul’s Divine Birthright. There will always be help available from the great Beings of Light, and the angelic realm will always answer calls or pleas for assistance. However, there are immutable Universal Laws that must be adhered to, and it must be each person’s choice as to which path they will follow: the Path of Light or the path of shadows.
You, the StarSeed, who have balanced and harmonized the vibrational patterns of your four lower bodily systems so that your Soul Song is resonating to the Fourth sub-plane of the Fourth Dimension and higher, are now beginning to access the HIGHER FREQUENCY RAYS OF THE GOLDEN AGE OF THE FUTURE. There is a new Divine Blueprint for this Sub-Universe and for each person who is ready to don a shining cloak of many colors – a refined auric field of Light – signifying a readiness to receive the virtues, qualities, talents, abilities and aspects of the New Age. These wondrous gifts are programmed within the Adamantine Particles of Creator Light, and they are now available to those of you who have attained the required level of Self-mastery.
Adamantine Particles of Creator Light are complete Facets of Creator Consciousness ready to be activated, programmed and manifested into new, unlimited creative endeavors. At the initiation of each subsequent plan for a new creative project, the Adamantine Particles are encoded with the Divine Blueprint for that plan. These Blueprint Adamantine Particles are then sent forth in great Rays of unlimited potential by the Father/Mother God who received the command from the Supreme Creator for the new project that is to be manifested in the material realms. The Seed thoughts of the Divine Father, which are then radiated forth from the Cosmic Womb of the Divine Mother, are known as ESSENCE GENES.
You have genes within your DNA structure from all the different dimensions you have ever experienced. You, the StarSeed, are now in a state of preparation which will condition your current four bodily systems to receive these Essence Genes, along with your new Divine Mission. These powerful, higher-frequency Rays contain the Creator Essence Cells for the Divine Blueprint of the New Golden Age, and they are being RAY-diated throughout this Sub-Universe via the great shining vessels of the Elohim and the Archangelic realm. These vibrational frequencies are stepped down at every sub-level of every dimension. If this were not so, all material manifestations, including humanity, would burn up from the Electromagnetic power/intensity of the Sacred Fire Energy.
The SACRED WHITE COSMIC FIRE, Adamantine Particles, that you magnetize to you as an awakened Self-master must continually circulate. Only a certain amount – that which is appropriate for each Soul to integrate at their current level of en-Lighten-ment – can be stored within the physical vessel; the balance must be RAY-diated out into the world of form.
The Supreme Creator is composed of infinite, indefinable Essence Power, which is so overwhelming that you cannot even imagine ITS magnitude. That wondrous Essence Power has been reduced within every dimensional level of Creation so that you, the Star Seed cocreators, may claim your portion of this magnificent, potential power.
Each human Being contains hundreds of potential personality traits, which have been stored within the genetic structure of his/her four bodily systems (physical, mental, emotional and etheric).  It is up to each person to determine which personality traits he/she will develop and present to the outside world. The faster you neutralize or harmonize your negative personality traits, the more quickly your godly potential or master Self will emerge. Only then will you gain access to your full potential as a cocreative master within the physical planes of existence.
Your planet is now plugged directly into the heart-core of the Great Central Sun within the Milky Way Galaxy. The new cosmic waves of Creator Light are a great gift to the awakened Souls on planet Earth. Even though these refined, higher-frequency Rays are not being beamed down directly into the lower Fourth- and Third Sub-Dimensional levels, the transforming frequencies of Light will gradually filter into and affect everyone and everything on and within the Earth.
Scientists have announced that a hydrogen wall barrier has been discovered at the edge of this solar system. These are the membranes of Light that we have spoken of in the past. Science and spirituality are validating and merging many conceptual teachings and theories of the past as more human Beings tap into the resources of the Sacred Mind.
As a result of its alignment with the Galactic Center and attunement with the Great Central Sun of the Galaxy, the Earth is in the process of raising its frequency patterns – its Soul Song – so it may return to its status as a Sacred Planet. This Sub-Universe is also being upgraded in vibrational frequencies as a result of being bombarded with the Adamantine Particles of Creator Light via our universal Father/Mother God.
The Milky Way Galaxy is also divided into twelve sectors, just as the universe is divided into Sub-Universal sectors, and each sector within the Galaxy has a governing Council of Twelve. Hopefully, you are gaining a better understanding as to the importance of the numbers 12 and 144, for these numbers apply to many Facets of Creation throughout this Sub-Universe.
Your encodings of awareness are constantly being modified by your positive or negative thoughts, intentions and actions. You are being presented with tests of tolerance, benevolence, humility and patience, and your cultural views are being challenged as well. Each and every day the Seed thoughts, which contain the negative frequency patterns of these aspects, will shrivel and disappear when you stop feeding them energy.
We have taught you to become “a living meditation” whereby you are able to function efficiently in your earthly environment while maintaining a balanced Alpha State of consciousness.  The next step is to endeavor to live in a constant state of joy and gratitude, thereby becoming a “living prayer.” As you become more proficient as cocreators on the earthly plane, you must constantly monitor your energy patterns and seek to upgrade them. You must strive for sustained harmony and refined godly expression. You must liberate the power of the Sacred Fire within, which, for most, has lain dormant for many thousands of years. You should strive to direct and focus your energy into the areas of your life you wish to change. By establishing and constantly upgrading your Creator Wheel of Life, you are planting the Seeds of focused change, and you will be supplied with the Sacred Fire of Creation needed to manifest what you have envisioned. Your major goal must be to gain Self-mastery while in the physical vessel. When your endeavors are directed toward the highest good for all humankind, a special dispensation is given, and a greater measure of Creator Light will be made available to you.
Imagine, dear ones, how it would feel to have access to an unlimited supply of Divine Creator Essence. Envision yourself as a great energy vortex, pulsating with power, sending out great Rays of luminous color, radiating waves of energy and creating any and everything your Soul Self can envision. Sense how you would feel as the energies you project swirl and solidify, as structure and form become discernible, beautiful and unique beyond measure — your creations — through the power of your thoughts, love/emotions and inspired imagination. We are endeavoring to help you understand why you and the Earth are so important during these chaotic times on your planet. In this galactic experience, the Earth is the place to be during this extraordinary period of evolution of the species and expansion of this Sub-Universe.
Build your vision, my brave and faithful Ones. Start within your own Sacred Heart center and reclaim that power and magnificence that is your Divine heritage. Then, begin to radiate that power and perfection into your physical vessel and outwardly into your world: your relationships, your work place, community, country and world. Allow all that no longer serves you to continue on its path of limitation or to join you in the realm of higher frequencies of unlimited potential via the process of transmutation. The path toward the Light and the path spiraling further into darkness, have now come to a distinct point of separation. You are being forced to face, once and for all, the residual shadows of Self — all the imbalances and restrictions that are holding you back from fully empowered Self-realization. Being a Self-master is not for the timid or weak of heart, dear ones. Accept my Sword of Light, which is encoded with the DIVINE WILL POWER of our Father God, and accept a shining CHALICE OF LOVE/LIGHT from our beloved Mother God, as we go bravely forward into the dawning of the new AGE. I am ever near to guide, direct, inspire and protect you. I AM Archangel Michael.
» Source » Channel: Ronna Hermanq

MENSAJE de ASHTAR – LO que VIENE – Parte 2

Saludos, familia!

Yo puedo verlos dentro de diez años, ¿ustedes consiguen verse?
• Yo puedo ver que llegarán rápido hasta allí, debido a la velocidad con la que han anclado las Energías impulsoras y transformadoras, las han asimilado en sí mismos.
• Aunque la ‘picazón e incomodidad’ hayan estado presentes en todo momento, están abriendo los Campos cuánticos de succión, para alinearse más rápidamente con la vida de sus sueños, con la época de sus sueños, con el encuentro de sus sueños, sus empleos, amor y todo tipo de relaciones que soñaron.
• La alineación está ocurriendo, mientras ustedes continúan mirando el horizonte, sosteniendo el volante del coche a alta velocidad y mantiene un solo enfoque: tocar el horizonte.

- Yo llamo a esto, ‘disciplina inviolable’.

- ¡Queridos, sus próximos diez años, serán los más fantásticos en sus vidas!

- Ustedes ya habrán asimilado en sí mismos, las primeras olas de Energías transformacionales, ya habrán dominado la mayoría, si no a todas sus emociones más difíciles, ya estarán más sueltos que nunca y mucho más: ¡serán escuchados por muchos!

- Muchos estarán alrededor de ustedes, aguardando sus palabras, consejos, o simplemente para sentir su Energía.

- Queridos, ¡esta es la razón por la que están pasando por tantas cosas en este ahora!

Pero, dentro de diez años algunos de ustedes podrán decir:
• Bueno, hace un tiempo hablamos de treinta y seis meses intensos, donde torcieron la nariz y lo llamaron ‘mucho tiempo’.
• Sin embargo, están aquí, bien involucrados, e incluso algunos logran percibir todo lo que está pasando!
• Mis queridos, diez años es sólo un pequeño margen extendido hacia más adelante.

- ¿Y si en lugar de 10 años, fueran sólo 10 meses?

Les hemos dado 36 meses para un gran trabajo de impulso, que los llevará hacia adelante, a nuevos desafíos más conscientes, más amplios, de más Maestría y más apertura, para conexiones más profundas.
• 36 meses para el impulso de 10 años, que la mayoría de ustedes quiere en 10 meses, porque se preguntan si lo soportarán, sólo sostén bien el volante en este súper impulso.

- ¡Queridos, contamos 10 años para nuevas grandes transformaciones!

Ustedes nos dijeron:

- ‘Oh, ¿10 años?

- ¡Disminúyanlos! 

- ¡Pero a veces, ustedes parecen desesperarse con tan pocos movimientos!

• Entonces vuelven a decir:

- ‘¡Lo sabemos, pero ustedes no ven que la mayoría de nosotros, soltamos fácilmente el volante!

- ¿No es así?

- Nosotros sonreímos y les confirmamos: ¡SÍ, ES VERDAD!

Mis queridos, entonces, vamos a hacer una mezcla de 36 meses + 10 años, que son = a 10 meses de GRANDES MOVIMIENTOS, AUN MÁS INTENSOS y MÁS TRANSFORMADORES!
• En otras palabras, realizarán en 36 meses el equivalente a 10 años, o menos aún, como quieren algunos.

- ¡Oh, voy a amar ver eso!

- Por eso es que siempre digo cuando me preguntan, por qué creo que lo lograrán.


- ¡Esta es la mejor de las redundancias!

Para ustedes que está cabizbajos, preguntándose si conseguirá la revolución, han  trabajado duro para eso, desde hace mucho tiempo!
• Por cierto, han dedicado muchas eras en esa conexión y empoderamiento transformacional, no van a soltar el volante, ahora que están casi tocando el horizonte, ¿no es así?
• Miren en el asiento trasero, hay alguien muy especial sentado detrás, que confía que ustedes lo van a conseguir, tiene la seguridad que mantendrán las manos en el volante, y que no les ocurrirá ningún accidente!
• Aunque pueden tener algunos pocos sustos, sólo serán sustos.

- ¿Todavía estás sosteniendo el volante, no es así?

• Pero, que pasa Ashtar, ¿si quien va en el asiento trasero quiere bajarse del coche porque está cansado de la larga jornada, y quiere caminar?

• Mis queridos, nadie querrá caminar si tiene su compañía.
• Muéstrenle que puede confiar en ustedes y que tienen las manos en el volante!
• El único gran problema será, si ustedes desacreditan a su propia capacidad para sostener el volante, pero Yo sé que ninguno de ustedes lo soltará, ¿saben por qué?

- ¡Por qué la disciplina de ustedes es inviolable!

Les dimos un gran impulso hasta el final de 2018, para que entraran a 2019 con ALGO MUY DIFERENTE.
• Si están pensando que esto diferente, les digo que continúan sosteniendo el volante a pesar de la mayor velocidad a la que van, que los sacude y restriega.

- Dejen que Yo cuide de la pista, la mantengo libre de obstáculos desleales, ustedes sólo mantengan el foco en el horizonte y déjenme a mí el resto.

- Sólo recuerden una cosa, no sólo el volante es su responsabilidad, también lo es todo el coche y sobre todo, quién va sentado en el asiento trasero o a su derecha.

- Toda el área externa es mía, déjenmela a mí, no se preocupen por las tormentas en el exterior.

- Yo les doy mi palabra y les garantizo, que la pista seguirá siendo transitable, sólo necesito que mantengas las manos en el volante.

Cuando se garantizan a sí mismos, la seguridad de estar firmes en el volante, otros se inspiran, a emparejarse con ustedes y de la misma manera, se vuelven confiados.
Mis queridos, entonces:

- ¿Quién podrá detenerlos?

- ¿Qué podría quitarles la atención del foco principal?

- Sólo una cosa podría quitarles, rápidamente, la atención: alguien que les pida una protección o seguridad, que le garantice que aprenderá a manejar bien el volante.

- De nuevo, no se preocupen, no detengan el coche, porque como dije, todo lo externo es mío.

- Dejen que Yo mismo colocaré la protección en el coche, ustedes sólo cuiden del volante, y presten atención al horizonte.

Mis queridos, Yo los amo infinitamente y estoy eternamente agradecido por poder contar con todos ustedes en estos tiempos.
• Estoy agradecido en todos los Consejos, de poder ayudarlos en lo que ustedes están haciendo en la Tierra, para presentar a algo épico!

- ¡Que orgullo!

- ¡No podría estar más confiado!


Bendiciones, Soy su hermano Ashtar, a través de Gabriel R.L.

Divulgación de la operación: # GCR / # RV ALERTA INTEL para: 1 DE MAYO DE 2019

Según las reuniones informativas de la Alianza de la Tierra, una instalación subterránea del complejo industrial militar en Co Deongal, Irlanda, fue destruida recientemente.

La destrucción de la instalación causó un pequeño terremoto en el área.

Los estadounidenses informan sobre avistamientos de los principales movimientos y despliegues militares de Estados Unidos en todo el país.

Según las fuentes, POTUS se está preparando para posibles disturbios civiles y violencia de individuos y grupos que se inclinan hacia la izquierda.

El informe de IG sobre Comey pronto será publicado.

DECLAS sobre el abuso de la corte FISA y la mala conducta seguirán poco después.

Mientras tanto, también se espera que el RV ocurra en algún momento de este mes.

Las fuentes creen que se espera que el RV comience el día después del Día de la Madre con la redención de las monedas que se completará el Día del Padre.

Se espera que los principales eventos ocurran este mes.

(Descargo de responsabilidad: el ANTERIOR es una descripción general de la situación actual basada en fugas de inteligencia recibidas de varias fuentes que pueden ser o no precisas. Otras fuentes confirmadas también pueden incluirse en esta descripción general)



" Se cree que el número 666 es diabólico, que este número tan particular es el número del diablo o un código de su nombre real. Según la Biblia, el significado del 666 está unido al nombre o número de la “bestia salvaje” que proviene del mar y tiene siete cabezas y diez cuernos. ¡Descubra ahora el número angelical 666 "

Este número siempre ha estado incorrectamente relacionado con el diablo, la oscuridad, las ciencias ocultas, el pesimismo, la negatividad o los malos augurios. No es nada sorprendente saber que las personas tienen mucho miedo a este número.

" No obstante, este número no debería asustarle en absoluto "

ya que es la manera mediante la cual su ángel de la guarda se comunica con usted y le advierte de que sus pensamientos no son coherentes o están desalineados y, por lo tanto, es el momento de ORGANIZAR sus pensamientos. Se puede considerar una llamada de atención de los arcángeles, así que no se concentre demasiado en obtener dinero y fortuna por miedo a no quedarse sin él o a perderlo.

Este número le permitirá encontrar el equilibrio entre su mundo espiritual y su mundo material. Podría ser también una llamada para que confíe en su sexto sentido y en lo que sus voces interiores le están diciendo.

Sus ángeles de la guarda le acompañarán siempre por el buen camino. Debería estar agradecido por poder ver los números angelicales 666 porque le ayudan a saber que hay algunos pensamientos nocivos que está escondiendo y que debería dejar salir a la luz.

" No es diabólico ni negativo "

El significado del 666 no es diabólico ni negativo en absoluto. Significa simplemente que necesita eliminar cualquier duda o preocupación que tenga en su mente para poder atraer la energía correcta, es decir, la energía positiva.

Influencia del significado del número angelical 666
No se trata de algo inquietante, terrible ni amenazante. Se trata solo de un mensaje de sus ángeles cuando sienten que se ha perdido en el camino de su viaje espiritual e intentan orientarle por el camino correcto.

La transmisión del número angelical 666 es su forma de hacerle ver que tiene que luchar y trabajar duro para desarrollar su progreso espiritual.

Le aseguramos que el significado de este número no trae mala suerte, así que no tiene que tener miedo a arruinarse o estar en peligro. Todo lo que tiene que hacer es eliminar la corrupción, los deseos materialistas y simplemente relajarse y hacer las cosas fáciles.

El significado del 666 indica un momento de abundancia, esperanza, opulencia y suerte. También determina sus cualidades altruistas y generosas y su objetivo de tener una vida perfecta y positiva.

Todo lo que tiene que hacer es pedir
Se pueden apreciar unos objetivos superiores en la vida a través del significado del 666 en aquellas personas ansiosas por ver y rememorar esta secuencia de números en lugar de alejarse de ella.

Como se ha mencionado anteriormente, la gente malinterpreta el poder y cree que este número tiene un objetivo horrible, pero la verdad es que puede llevarnos y guiarnos hasta un final positivo y optimista.

El significado número angelical 666 es positivismo, autoconfianza, creatividad, confianza, inspiración, optimismo y originalidad !

Curiosidades referentes al día 1 de mayo



"El 1 de mayo de 1776 nacen los illuminati. El 1 de mayo de 1945, la élite anuncia la muerte de Adolf Hitler. El 1 de mayo de 2011 la élite anuncia la muerte de Osama Bin Laden. El 1 de mayo de 1886 (los illuminati cumplen 100 años) los obreros en Chicago "organizan" una huelga y muchos mueren de forma cruel. Así nacía "el día del trabajador". La orden de matar fue dada por los mismos que organizaron la huelga.

Observando la base de la pirámide nos encontramos un número romano, el MDCCLXXVI, que en notación decimal es el 1776, coincidiendo con el año de la independencia de los Estados Unidos, pero también con el año en el que Adam Weishaupt fundó la orden de Los Illuminati… y el 1 de mayo le dan el dia libre a los esclavos...quien tenga ojos...
comparte con consciencia

Marco Herguz

Publicado por EVERTH THENANSHED, 1er Oficial de la Federación Galáctica de planetas libres.

Copyright © misteri1963 Todos los derechos reservados. Puede copiar y distribuir este artículo siempre que no lo modifique de ninguna manera, el contenido permanece completo, el autor recibe crédito y la URL se incluye en https: //misteri1963.blogspot. com y el aviso de copyright

Curiosities concerning the May 1



"The Illuminati were born on May 1, 1776. On May 1, 1945, the elite announced the death of Adolf Hitler On May 1, 2011, the elite announced the death of Osama Bin Laden on May 1, 1886 ( the Illuminati are 100 years old), the workers in Chicago "organize" a strike and many die in a cruel manner, which is how "the day of the worker" was born, and the order to kill was given by those who organized the strike.

Looking at the base of the pyramid we find a Roman numeral, the MDCCLXXVI, which in 1776 is in decimal notation, coinciding with the year of the independence of the United States, but also with the year in which Adam Weishaupt founded the order of Los Illuminati ... and on May 1 they give the free day to the slaves ... who has eyes ...

share with awareness

Marco Herguz

Published by EVERTH THENANSHED, 1st Official of the Galactic Federation of free planets.

Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved. You can copy and distribute this article as long as you do not modify it in any way, the content remains complete, the author receives credit and the URL is included in https: //misteri1963.blogspot. com and the copyright notice

Q & A with Kejraj: Galactics, Ascension, GCR and more

Regards! As always heart - to - heart talk right now, I'm Kejraj! Here I chose to answer some questions I have received from readers. The answers expressed here are, of course, from my perspective, my view. For all the answers await you inside. Tune the light within you.
Q  : What% of humanity needs to wake up to the ascension happen?
R  : No "measures" in this process. Mother Earth has the last word on when the final layer of the veil will dissolve and humanity willrise. No matter what the "number" at the time.
P  : Ra is a being or group of beings?
A  : Ra is a group of beings.
P  : If the Galacticos love us so much, why have not spoken directly yet?
R  : Well, on the one hand, honor the universal laws. I'm sure there are many other reasons. Perhaps the fact that at this time appear to cause more chaos than good because the masses are not yet ready. And if to do more harm than good, it is useless and this would create a negative galactic karma, so that absorbed back into the karmic cycle.
Q  : Have you seen the commercial for Gillette?
A  : Yes, I have. It is rubbish, like everything else that comes from the Cabal. Another tactic of divide and conquer through the media.
The behavior of humans among them was "taught" them by Cabal programs, and now they did Cabal owned by companies like Gillette pretend to care?
What is more disturbing is that many in the spiritual community that are considered more conscious compared to the average human being, applaud and recommend that video too. Very unfortunate. They do not see it for what it really is.
Q  : I found an interesting question, I thought I would share. Why is there something rather than nothing?
A  : There is something. It 's all a "mirror" of your consciousness. The universe is a mirror of all, the eternal. And besides all nothing.
Q  : What is the best way for a person to achieve happiness?
R  : Do not think about being happy, just be happy. Take no action of any kind unless it gives you joy.
Q  : What group of beings we will find first once an open contact occurs?
A  : The Pleiadians.
Q  : Why sometimes fear posting messages in
R  : The light workers often forget quickly what you have been taught, or what they know deep. Fear is an illusion, right? So why do you fear a few simple words? I must also mention the fact that certain truths can be so frightening for some, this does not mean that what is said is false. You're just not ready to accept that truth and move on.
Q  : When did you think open contact occur?
A  : we would say days after the event.
Q  : How true is that some of the intellects say we will get a rate of 1 to 100 or more in zim and the Iraqi dinar?
R  : I do not want to respond in this way, but I must. Greed in the so - called community of light workers in the community of GCR is amazing.
Be humble and grateful for the rate you get, that's all I'll say.
P  : Thank you for everything you do ... EraofLight Kejraj is my goto page every day. Just a quick question here, what can I do to concentrate while meditating or try to meditate again, should Isay? Because lately I have not felt like doing nothing at all. Thank you.
A  : You're welcome and thanks! So basically you've been meditating without knowing it When you're relaxed, whether at home or in nature, without engaging in any activity that requires a lot of energy or can steal your energy, you are meditating. No focus or a certain position is required, only it needs to be free from any external influence. You can always take a nature walk for about thirty minutes twice a day; will begin to notice the positive impact this will have.
P  : Meat consumption has a positive or negative impact on our body and in this process?
A  : How do you feel about eating meat? Have you tried a vegetarian diet? See how you feel about it I think that only with your question says your body is ready to make the switch to something lighter.
Q  : Hello, I want to ask if you know anything about payments swissindo 11.01. I printed the bond m1, but what is going on with all this? Nobody knows anything. We are not getting any news or updates strengthening what will happen. I live in Ireland and we do not know what will happen to this world Gold Trust on the website of swissindo. Best regards.
A  : All this is connected. The GCR / RV, GESARA, and so on. However, it not activate anything, no changes will be made until it is 100% safe to do so. Until all threats have been neutralized.
Q  : Are hot flashes / night sweats another symptom of ascension? I take nothing seems to help relieve them .
R  : Yes, this can also be a symptom of Ascension. Night sweats, in particular, are an indication that his body is moving toward a higher vibration. This can also be a sign of the breakdown of Kundalini blocks throughout the body.
More to share in the coming days.

Published by EVERTH THENANSHED, 1st Official of the Galactic Federation of free planets.

Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved.You can copy and distribute this article as long as you do not modify it in any way, the content remains complete, the author is given credit and the URL is included in and the Copyright Notice

Preguntas y respuestas con Kejraj: Galactics, Ascension, GCR y más

¡Saludos! Como siempre de corazón a corazón, en este momento hablamos, ¡soy Kejraj! Aquí he elegido responder algunas preguntas que he recibido de los lectores. Las respuestas expresadas aquí son, por supuesto, desde mi perspectiva, mi punto de vista. Para todas las respuestas te esperan dentro. Sintoniza la luz dentro de ti.
P : ¿Qué% de la humanidad necesita despertarse para que ocurra la ascensión?
R : No hay "medidas" en este proceso. La Madre Tierra tiene la última palabra sobre cuándo se disolverá la capa final del velo y la humanidad ascenderá. No importa cuál sea el "número" en ese momento.
P : ¿Ra es un ser o un grupo de seres?
A : Ra es un Colectivo de seres.
P : Si los Galácticos nos aman tanto, ¿por qué no han intervenido directamente todavía?
R : Bueno, por una parte, honran las leyes universales. Estoy seguro de que hay muchas otras razones. Tal vez el hecho de que aparezcan en este momento pueda causar más caos que bien porque las masas aún no están listas. Y si fuera a hacer más daño que bien, no sirve para nada y esto crearía un karma negativo para los galácticos, por lo que los absorbería de nuevo en el ciclo kármico.
P : ¿Has visto el comercial de gillette?
A : si, tengo. Es basura, como todo lo demás que viene de la Cabal. Otra táctica de dividir y conquistar a través de los medios.
El comportamiento de los humanos entre ellos fue "enseñado" a ellos por los programas de Cabal, y ahora ellos, ¿las compañías propiedad de Cabal como Gillette pretenden preocuparse?
Lo que es más perturbador es que muchos en la comunidad espiritual que se consideran más conscientes en comparación con su ser humano promedio, aplauden ese video y lo recomiendan también. Muy desafortunado. No lo ven por lo que realmente es.
P : Me encontré con una pregunta interesante, pensé que iba a compartir. por qué hay algo en vez de nada?
A : No hay algo. Es todo un "espejo" de tu conciencia. El universo es un espejo de todo, lo eterno. Y además de todo no hay nada.
P : ¿Cuál es la mejor manera para que una persona alcance la felicidad?
R : No PIENSES en ser feliz, solo sé feliz. No realice ninguna acción de ningún tipo a menos que le brinde alegría.
P : ¿Qué grupo de seres nos encontraremos primero una vez que ocurra un contacto abierto?
A : Los pleyadianos.
P : ¿Por qué a veces publicas mensajes de miedo en
R : Los trabajadores de la luz a menudo olvidan rápidamente lo que se les ha enseñado, o lo que saben en lo profundo. El miedo es una ilusión, ¿sí? Entonces, ¿por qué temes unas pocas palabras simples? También debo mencionar el hecho de que ciertas verdades pueden resultar tan aterradoras para algunos, esto no significa que lo que se dice sea falso. Simplemente no estás listo para aceptar esa verdad y seguir adelante.
P : ¿Cuándo crees que ocurrirá el contacto abierto?
A : diríamos días después del evento.
P : ¿Qué tan cierto es que algunos de los intelectos afirman que obtendremos una tasa de 1 a 100 o más en el zim y el dinar iraquí?
R : No deseo responder de esta manera, pero debo hacerlo. La codicia en la llamada comunidad de trabajadores de la luz, en la comunidad de gcr es increíble.
Sé humilde y agradecido por la tarifa que obtengas, eso es todo lo que diré.
P : Gracias por todo lo que haces Kejraj ... EraofLight es mi página de goto todos los días. Solo una pregunta rápida aquí, ¿Qué puedo hacer para volver a concentrarme mientras medito o trato de meditar, debería decir? Porque últimamente no he tenido ganas de hacer nada en absoluto. Gracias.
A : de nada y gracias! Así que básicamente has estado meditando y sin saberlo. Cuando uno está relajado, ya sea en el hogar o en la naturaleza, sin participar en ninguna actividad que requiera mucha energía o que pueda robar su energía, está meditando. No se requiere enfoque o una cierta posición, solo se necesita estar libre de cualquier influencia externa. Siempre puede dar un paseo por la naturaleza durante aproximadamente treinta minutos dos veces al día; comenzará a notar el impacto positivo que esto tendrá.
P : ¿El consumo de carne tiene un impacto positivo o negativo en nuestro cuerpo y en este proceso?
A : ¿Cómo te sientes al comer carne? ¿Has probado una dieta vegetariana? Mira cómo te sientes al respecto. Pienso que solo con tu pregunta dice que tu cuerpo está listo para hacer el cambio a algo más ligero.
P : Hola, quiero preguntarle si sabe algo acerca de los pagos swissindo 1-11. Tengo impresa la fianza m1, pero ¿qué está pasando con todo esto? Nadie sabe nada. No estamos recibiendo ninguna noticia de fortalecimiento o actualización sobre lo que va a suceder. Vivo en Irlanda y no sabemos qué sucederá con esta confianza mundial del oro en el sitio web de swissindo. . Saludos cordiales.
A : Todo esto está conectado. El GCR / RV, GESARA, y así sucesivamente. Sin embargo, no se activará nada, no se realizará ningún cambio hasta que sea 100% seguro hacerlo. Hasta que todas las amenazas hayan sido neutralizadas.
P : ¿Son los sofocos / sudores nocturnos otro síntoma de la Ascensión? Nada de lo que tomo parece ayudar a aliviarlos.
R : Sí, esto también puede ser un síntoma de Ascensión. Los sudores nocturnos, en particular, son una señal de que su cuerpo se está moviendo hacia una vibración más alta. Esto también puede ser un signo de la ruptura de los bloques de Kundalini en todo el cuerpo.
Más para compartir en los próximos días.

Q & A With Kejraj: Galactics, Ascension, GCR and More

Greetings! As always from heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj! Here I have chosen to answer some questions I’ve received from readers. The answers expressed here are of course from my perspective my point of view. For all answers await you within. Tune in to the light within you.
Q: What % of humanity needs to awaken in order for ascension to occur?
A: There are no “measurements” in this process. Mother Earth has the final say as to when the final layer of the veil will be dissolved, and humanity ascends. It does not matter what the “number” may be at that time.
Q: Is Ra one being or a group of beings?
A: Ra is a Collective of beings.
Q: If the Galactics love us so much why have they not intervened directly yet?
A: Well, for one they honor the Universal laws. I’m certain there are many other reasons. Perhaps them just appearing at this time may cause more chaos than good because the masses aren’t yet ready. And if it were to do more harm than good, it serves no purpose and this would create negative karma for the Galactics, thus sucking them back into the karmic cycle.
Q: Have you seen the gillette commercial?
A: Yes, I have. It is garbage, like everything else that comes from the Cabal. Another divide and conquer tactic via the media.
The behaviors of humans towards each other was “taught” to them by Cabal programs, and now they, the Cabal owned companies like gillette pretend to care?
What is more disturbing is that quite a few in the spiritual community who think of themselves as being more aware compared to your average human, are applauding that video, and recommend it as well. Very unfortunate. They fail to see it for what it truly is.
Q: I came across an interesting question, thought I’d share. Why is there something rather than nothing?
A: There is no something. It is all a “mirror” of your consciousness. The universe is a mirror of The Whole, The Eternal. And besides The Whole there is nothing.
Q: What is the best way for a person to attain happiness?
A: Do not THINK about being happy, just BE happy. Take no action of any kind unless it brings you joy.
Q: Which group of beings will we meet first once open contact happens?
A: The Pleiadians.
Q: Why do you sometimes post fearful messages on ???
A: Lightworkers often quickly forget what they have been taught, or what they know deep within. Fear is an illusion, yes? So why would you fear a few simple words? Also I must mention the fact that certain truths might come off as scary to some, this does not mean what is being said is false. Simply you are not ready to accept that truth and move forward.
Q: When do you think open contact will occur?
A: We would say days after the Event.
Q: How true is some of the intel claiming that we will get 1 to 100 rate or higher on the zim and iraqi dinar??
A: I do not wish to answer in this way but I must. The greed in the so called lightworker community, in the gcr community is unbelievable.
Be humble and grateful for whatever rate you get, that is all I will say.
Q: Thank you for all that you do Kejraj.. EraofLight is my goto page every day. Just a quick question here,, What can I do to bring back my focus while meditating or trying to meditate I should say? Because lately i just havent been feeling like doing anything at all. Thanks.
A: You’re welcome and thank you! So basically you have been meditating and not knowing it. When one is relaxed, whether at home or in nature, not engaged in any activity that requires much energy or that may steal your energy, you are meditating. No focus or a certain position is required, one only needs to be free of any outside influence. You can always go for a walk in nature for about thirty minutes twice a day, you will begin to notice the positive impact this will have.
Q: Does the consumption of meat have a positive or negative impact on our bodies and this process?
A: How do you feel when eating meat? Have you tried a vegetarian diet? See how you feel about it. I would think that your question alone says your body is ready to make the change to something lighter.
Q: Hi there I want to ask you do you know anything about the swissindo payments 1-11 I have the m1 bond printed out but what is happing with all of this. Nobody knows anything we are not getting any strength up news or any update on what is going to happen I live in Ireland and we don’t know what will happen these world gold trust on the swissindo web site has listed Ireland on its web foursome gold. Kind regards.
A: This is all connected. The GCR/RV, GESARA, and so on. However, nothing will be activated, no change will be made until it is 100% safe to do so. Until all threats have been neutralized.
Q: Are hot flashes/night sweats another Ascension symptom? Nothing I take seems to help in alleviating them.
A: Yes this too in fact can be an Ascension symptom. Night sweats in particular is a sign your body is moving to a higher vibration. This can also be a sign of your kundalini breaking blocks throughout your body.
More to share in the coming days.

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...