
13 de mayo de 2019

12th May by Blossom Goodchild | The Federation of Light: Recognize the Change

Hello, hello, hello! Happy to be back with you once again. The time is flying by.
We are always happy and ready to converse with you Blossom and to connect our Energy with those who find our sharing of words to be of usefulness to them.
Judging by my inbox, so many do and of late, it seems so many are on board the Happy train and FEELING the change in themselves and our very atmosphere.
That is most encouraging and yet, we say … WR (with respect) … that we knew this was to come. We … are able/were able … to recognize the changes taking place that would lead to such transformation. And we say also, it shall continue to improve as one allows their Inner-Being to continue walking down this same path.
Skippity hop, Skippity hop, as we dance down the yellow brick road. Not knowing where it leads, yet, it certainly feels good to do so. A little ‘correction’ possibly? A gentleman wrote in very apologetically, saying that in last week’s communication you used the word ‘condensed’.  In that, you said ‘Yet, as also explained in your group session … that of White Cloud and ourselves for instance … have to  … would we say … ‘condense’ our Energetic Vibration in order to converse with you. Otherwise, we would simply ‘blow you up!’  As he pointed out … ‘TO CONDENSE IT, IS TO CONCENTRATE IT … TO MAGNIFY.’ Could it be that you had one too many sherries with the vicar and were not thinking as astutely as normal?
We thank the gentleman for bringing this up. In our terms we considered the word to mean ‘to make smaller, to shrink’.
I have to say, I also had that in my mindset.
So, we simply say thank you for the correction and we are sure that even with this ‘error on words’ the sentence made sense and does not need to be elaborated upon.
We like it that this was pointed out, for it shows that what we say is not merely skipped over.
Oh, far from it! Well, maybe by some, yet, that is their choice.
So, it is that we would care to elaborate on the subject of self and magnification of Light. For it is a necessary, appropriate, current topic that seems to be ‘working very well’.
As your understanding elevates into a deeper KNOWING, there no longer is the need to question so much of what is going on that is … not of your/to your … liking. Let that which is not of your Vibration remain within its own frequency and ‘do its thing’ there. Whilst you … Dearest, Enlightened Beings are choosing now to move on up … into … the Higher, Brighter congregation.
Congregation? ‘Hallelujah’ springs to mind.
We speak of this in its correct context of ‘Gathering’.  For indeed, contextually this is so.
Are you having a little joke here regarding being ‘pulled up’ on a word?
We were not of that thinking.
Oh. Fair enough. ‘Pray’ continue … LOL
Are you now having a play on words that we are picking up on?
Well, I was trying … just testing your humour meter is intact!
We thank you. We ‘GET YOU’.
And yes … you may now carry on.
Tickety Boo! What banter! Such Fun!
And isn’t it so? There is so much fun to be had? For this interspersing of Energy allows for so much more of it. One cannot LIGHTEN UP without FEELING MORE JOY,
For now, as you have understood the ‘change over’ into REMAINING IN YOUR LIGHT and not allowing that of lesser service to ‘bother you’ … there HAS TO BE MORE JOY IN YOUR LIVES.
One cannot … move up /through … the veils into a Higher, Lighter Reality and remain ‘down in the dumps’.
For the more you KEEP UP and absorb the GREATER=NESS OF YOUR BEING … the less you find yourselves ‘withering’ into a place where your connection to Higher Vibrations does not present itself.
An understanding of ‘WHAT THIS HAS ALL BEEN ABOUT’ so to speak. Because NOW … in these Lighter tones … you recognize the KNOWINGNESS!
There is no other way of putting it … YOU KNOW THE KNOWINGNESS BECAUSE YOU FEEL IT.
A while ago we spoke to you of CODES. And again, Blossom, we show in your ‘mind’s eye’ the rapid interchange of numbers in rows and columns.
I always see that in green. Yet, is that because of the movie ‘The Matrix’?
Indeed. For these Codes are in Energetic colours. Colours that you know not of upon your Earth Planet. They rapidly change and converge continually.
More so now … on a HIGHER … transfiguration/configuration … as CHANGES that are taking place, as we have said, are not just on YOUR Planet alone. As the ENERGIES arise streaming through into your atmospherics … they have an effect on all that is. Therefore, the configuration of CODES has also realigned.
Dare I / do I … need to inquire deeper on that matter? For the … scientists/mathematicians … amongst us?
We feel it would not be wise for YOU to do so!
Yet, we would … for satisfaction purposes add, that as one who knows of intense numerical systems that ‘log’ into fractional distortions of themselves …
Are we back on the jokes?
No. It is likened to a continual continuation that breaks down into ‘absurd’ quantities … that are not yet of discovery nodes within the “HUMAN UNDERSTANDING’
WR … I will leave that there before I get my knickers in a twist!! Can I say that to such High respectable Beings?
It is with delight once ‘probing’ into your memory system, Blossom, that we connect with YOUR humour meter and if we were able to laugh out loud … we would be.
Can you not?
We do not have voice. We use YOUR voice box and its merits to verbally offer words, yet, WE do not have this mechanism.
That makes sense of course. Interesting, in that, White Cloud can speak through me yet, he is unable to Laugh or sing.
This is because, in order to do so, one has to use different ‘features’ of the voice tubes that cannot be accessed by him or channeled entities/energies.
Well, I never knew that. White Cloud is thanking you for putting it that way to me.
We Know!
Oh! Of course you do! How Light-hearted this conversation is … such a hoot!  So, because you cannot laugh … what is your alternative?
Beams of Light. We give to you an image to continue the Laughter … Energetic waves moving up and down … and if we could we would add the sound of ‘ha ha ha’.
Enough frivolity. Back to the serious business of Lightening up! I will just have to TRUST and assume that what you said regarding the Codes, made some form of sense to those in the know.
CODES are ‘stepping up’ because they are an … integral/inaugural … part of the Plan’s system.
WR … I had to check that the word ‘inaugural’ fitted into that sentence, as not ‘really’ sure of its TRUE meaning. ‘Marking the beginning of a new venture, series’. Ok. All good.
Therefore, the Higher the CODINGS are becoming Energetically and tranfigurely (?) … then the HIGHER, obviously, the CODES within and surrounding YOU are automatically matching them. Therefore, the experience of FEELING HIGHER, LIGHTER, BRIGHTER is coming into play because IT IS OF YOU!
Oh indeed. Now and then we have had momentary ‘sparks’ of understanding all of this. Yet ‘The Game’ when one knows how to play it, can now continue in this much Lighter fashion and for much longer periods of time. Until, as you say … It simply BECOMES US … IS US … WE ARE THE GAME.
Woah! Hold on. That’s quite HUGE!
Not when you KNOW IT.
And now you are going to leave us dangling from a great height until the next enthralling episode … are you not?
You know us so well.
As you do me, my friends … As you do me. Thoroughly enjoyable. In Gratitude. In Loving Service. I AM.
The audio for this channeling will be posted below shortly.

Published by EVERTH THENANSHED, 1st Official of the Galactic Federation of free planets.
Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved.You can copy and distribute this article as long as you do not modify it in any way, the content remains complete, the author is given credit and the URL is included in and the Copyright Notice

12 de mayo de 2019

Anna Von Reitz: The Last Men Standing

First, there is no set “number”, quotient or quorum required for us to repopulate the American States and reclaim our land and soil.  The same foresight that made each man a “sovereign in his own right” guaranteed that every son and daughter of every state of the Union has an eternal claim to the land and the soil and the resources thereof–so long as they are acting as one of the People and only as one of the People.
It doesn’t take ten men or fifty or a million, it just takes one man or woman with the proper standing to claim back a whole State for the People of that State.
Second, by gathering these birthright American State Nationals and American State Citizens together and summoning them to Assemble, we demonstrate the fact that the Americans known as Californians and Texans and Minnesotans and Virginians and so on, still exist.
We, the Lawful Progeny, are still here, and only we, those of us acting in our correct capacity as People, have the standing and the right to act as Settlors of our Estates and as Enforcers of the Constitutions.
Over the years many groups have formed and they have claimed many things. We have had RuSA and the National Assembly and the Republic for the United States and the Reign of Heaven-USA and the Nation-States Project and We, the People, and THE REPUBLIC and The Republic of the United States of America and The USA and others, too.
Each of these groups contributed to the effort to keep our country and our government “of the people, for the people, and by the people” alive. They each gave evidence of our pulse.
The problem is that none of them ever acted consistently in the correct capacity needed to maintain their lawful and legal standing. Usually they failed to meet this benchmark because they didn’t require their membership to declare their unique political status as American State Nationals and/or American State Citizens, and they let undeclared people and US Citizens act as members.
Our States of the Union are harsh masters. They demand our unique and singular devotion as citizens.
That fact and lack of awareness of the various foreign citizenships that have been conferred upon each one of us, has resulted in decades of repeated failure to successfully assemble our States and reconstruct our Federal States of States.
There is only one organization that has met the requirements to have the correct Lawful and legal standing established for itself and all its members– The American States Assembly.
There is only one organization that has posted indemnity bonds for all the States.
Only one organization has step-by-step reclaimed all the assets owed to the American States and People and recorded and registered all the Notices and Liens needed to enforce these claims.
Only one organization has made the long term and extensive effort to give Notice and Due Process to all the interested Parties.
Only one organization has retained an unbroken access to and ability to operate The United States of America (Unincorporated)— the Federation of States formed September 9, 1776.
Only one organization has educated and enabled its members to overcome the legal presumptions of Territorial and Municipal Citizenship.
Only one organization is set up to fully and properly restore the missing Federal States of States.
We are the Last Men (and Women) standing as the Lawful Government of our respective Nation-States, and as the Lawful Inheritors of the land and soil jurisdiction of these United States.
We don’t say this to put anyone else’s sincere efforts down. We don’t disrespect or devalue the efforts other groups of Americans have made.
The facts remain.
There is only one organization with the lawful and legal standing to reclaim America for Americans: The American States Assembly.
Support it like your lives depend upon it.
On April 30 the Renewal Date for The Constitution for the united States of America came and went. So far as certain Parties could see, only the Queen’s Government remained standing and stood to gain our land and soil by default.
But on May 3, on the last day of grace, we visited the United States District Court and filed suit for arbitration–not as an administrative action, but as an arbitration on the international jurisdiction of the land.
We are suing to compel performance from WILLIAM P BARR and CHARLES RETTIG to return the American assets to the actual American States and People.
If you want to help, please send what you can as donations to Anna’s PayPal: or by Snail Mail to: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652. Send your prayers, too.


Get this latest energy update from AA Michael:


Archangel Michael:

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We send you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we invite you to open your heart to our message for you...

Dear Ones, know that we surround you with Love and Support for your journey through the dimensions.

The more you are asking for our assistance and the more you are opening your heart to love, we are here for you.

There is so much Light and Love surrounding beloved Earth to assist in the transition to the New Earth. 

The New Earth is the higher dimensional Earth, which you are currently transitioning into.

Every day, you are experiencing glimpses of the New Earth when you are having loving, peaceful and joyful experiences.

The more you are paying attention to these glimpses and acknowledge them, the more you are anchoring the New Earth into your experience.

We are here to hold the vision of the New Earth with you.

What does the New Earth look and feel like to you?

Remember, you are the creator of your reality and experience...

This is why you are here, as a physical expression to create the New Earth with your focus and vision. 

Holding the vision means to visualize and more importantly feel the way your New Earth experience feels. 

Your determined focus is required, in order to add only high vibrational experiences to the New Earth reality.

Give little attention to unpleasant feelings and experiences and give a lot of attention and celebration to all pleasant experiences.

Reality is fluid and can change in the blink of an eye.

This is the path to your ascension to the New Earth. 
Know That All Is Well, Beloved Ones.

Welcome Home.

We are walking beside you, every step of the way.

Dear Ones, you are loved beyond measure. Always.

I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth.


Thank you, Archangel Michael

Actualización energética más reciente del arcángel Miguel

Les enviamos bendiciones de Amor y Luz,
 en este Momento del Ahora, 
y lo invitamos a que abra su corazón a nuestro mensaje para usted ... 


"Saludos, Amados. 

Queridos, sepan que los rodeamos con Amor y Apoyo para su Viaje a través de las dimensiones. 

Cuanto más solicite nuestra ayuda y más abra su corazón al amor, estamos aquí para usted.

Hay tanta Luz y Amor rodeando a la amada Tierra para ayudar en la transición a la Nueva Tierra. 

La Nueva Tierra es la Tierra de dimensión superior, a la que actualmente estás haciendo la transición. 

Cada día, estás experimentando destellos de la Nueva Tierra cuando estás teniendo experiencias amorosas, pacíficas y alegres. 

Cuanto más preste atención a estos destellos y los reconozca, más estará anclando la Nueva Tierra en su experiencia. 

Estamos aquí para sostener la visión de la Nueva Tierra con ustedes. 

¿Qué te parece y cómo se siente la Nueva Tierra?Recuerda, eres el creador de tu realidad y experiencia ... 

Por eso estás aquí, como una expresión física para crear la Nueva Tierra con tu enfoque y visión.

Mantener la visión significa visualizar y, lo que es más importante, sentir cómo se siente tu experiencia en la Nueva Tierra. 

Se requiere su enfoque determinado, a fin de agregar solo experiencias de alta vibración a la realidad de la Nueva Tierra. 

Preste poca atención a los sentimientos y experiencias desagradables y preste mucha atención y celebración a todas las experiencias agradables. 

La realidad es fluida y puede cambiar en un abrir y cerrar de ojos.

 Este es el camino a tu ascensión a la Nueva Tierra. 

Saber que todo está bien, amados. Bienvenido a casa.

 Estamos caminando a tu lado, a cada paso del camino. 

Queridos, ustedes son amados más allá de toda medida.Siempre. 

Soy el Arcángel Miguel y te traigo esta verdad. ~~~~~

 Gracias, Arcángel Miguel!

7 Signos de que su alma se está comunicando con usted

Nuestras almas son nuestra gratitud. Nuestras almas saben lo que ocurre en nuestros corazones y entienden lo que realmente buscamos en nuestras vidas. Podemos esconder muchas cosas de los demás, o incluso de nosotros mismos, pero no podemos esconderlas de nuestras almas.
Nuestras almas tratan de establecer comunicación con nosotros y guiarnos. Pero, nuestras almas hablan por diferentes medios, y tenemos que ser conscientes de esos caminos, para poder escuchar a nuestras almas.

Aquí están las siete maneras misteriosas en que nuestras almas se comunican con nosotros:

Eventos sincronizados

De hecho, habrá momentos en que nos encontremos con algunos incidentes que pueden parecer aleatorios; pero, cuando conectemos los puntos, vamos a ver que estos incidentes apuntan a algo diferente. Estos eventos aleatorios se van a sumar a un solo evento que podemos realizar más tarde. Nuestras almas nos mostrarán el panorama más amplio.

Repetición de letras o números

Los números y las letras son herramientas que podemos usar para comunicarnos unos con otros. Nuestras palabras van a revelar todo lo que realmente queremos decir a otras personas. Nuestras almas usarán números, letras e incluso palabras para comunicarse con nosotros. Nuestras almas a menudo hacen esto repetidamente. La repetición de estos elementos en nuestras vidas podría indicar algún tipo de comunicación para que tengamos que abrir los ojos si los notamos constantemente.

Sensación visceral

Muchas personas actúan sobre la base de sus instintos. A veces, pensamos en algo específico, y sentimos que nuestro instinto dice algo más. Nuestras almas están conectadas con nuestra verdadera naturaleza. Nuestras almas entienden nuestras necesidades, y saben lo que nos molesta o nos agrada. Por lo tanto, nuestras almas hablan cuando dudamos de algo. Podemos pensar que es un presentimiento, un instinto o una vibración, pero a menudo son nuestras almas las que tratan de comunicarse con nosotros.


Habrá momentos en que nuestros sueños van a ser lo que va a revelar lo que nuestras almas quieren decir. En cambio, nuestras visiones serán. Esto puede aparecer en forma de un pensamiento, premonición o simplemente un vistazo que podemos ignorar fácilmente. Tenemos que recordar que las visiones y los sueños son cosas diferentes, ya que las visiones pueden ocurrir durante la meditación, el pensamiento o cuando estamos agitados. Debemos ser cuidadosos y prestar atención a nuestras visiones.

La sensación de que algo raro o extraño está presente

A menudo, nos vamos a encontrar cara a cara con el sentimiento de que algo malo o extraño está presente, o sentiremos que algo falta en nuestras vidas. Ni siquiera podemos entender esas cosas al instante. Pero, este sentimiento fue creado por nuestras almas para dirigirnos hacia algo que necesitamos en nuestras vidas. Nuestras almas van a hablar cuando sientan que tienen que hacerlo. Tenemos que prestar más atención para que siempre encontremos la dirección necesaria en nuestras vidas.


La ansiedad no siempre va a ser completamente psicológica. No siempre va a aparecer como resultado del estrés y la tensión. Habrá momentos en que nuestra ansiedad va a aparecer debido a que nuestras almas nos advierten contra algo que estaba planeando hacer. Nos van a advertir a través de los sentimientos negativos presentes en nuestro interior, y vamos a cancelar nuestros planes, para actuar mejor.


Nuestras almas pueden hablarnos a través de los pájaros o de otros animales, aunque es un verdadero misterio de cómo lo hacen. Por ejemplo, puede ocurrir que veamos continuamente cuervos, lo que nos va a hacer sentir extraños sobre una situación particular. Esto puede significar que nuestras almas están tratando de decirnos que habrá problemas inminentes en nuestros caminos; sin embargo, podemos ignorar la señal, sólo bajo nuestro propio riesgo.

Publicado por EVERTH THENANSHED, 1er Oficial de la Federación Galáctica de planetas libres.

Copyright © misteri1963 Todos los derechos reservados. Puede copiar y distribuir este artículo siempre que no lo modifique de ninguna manera, el contenido permanece completo, el autor recibe crédito y la URL se incluye en https: //misteri1963.blogspot. com y el aviso de copyright

Los escritos del creador, sí, se puede!

Cuando eras pequeña, había ciertas cosas que tenía que aprender ... caminar, hablar, relacionarse con los demás. Estas no eran parte de un proceso de pensamiento consciente, que acaba de aprender.No hubo “Me dan por vencidos”, “salir” o “Estoy tan harto de esta” involucrados. Usted sabía que a nivel del alma estas cosas que había que hacer así, ellos realizan.
Tome un momento para mirar a su existencia ahora. Sí, hay un esfuerzo, tiempo y paciencia implican en la adquisición de conocimientos, sino, que  puede  convertirse en ese niño que está aprendiendo a caminar y hablar ... por lo que es algo que acaba de hacer ! Permítase el tiempo y el espacio sabe que, con la ayuda de El Universo, se puede lograr cualquier cosa! ~ Creador

The Creator Writings, Yes, You Can!

When you were small, there were certain things you needed to learn…walking, talking, interacting with others.  These were not part of a conscious thought process, you just learned.  There was no “I give up”, “I quit” or “I’m so over this” involved.  You knew on a soul level these things needed to be done so, you accomplished them.
Take a moment to look at your existence now.  Yes, there is effort, time and patience involve in acquiring knowledge but, you can become that child learning to walk and talk…making it something you just do!  Allow yourself the time and space know that, with help from The Universe, you can accomplish anything! ~ Creator

Arcángel Miguel :SEPARACIÓN

Miguel:A medida que explore vías de formas de pensamiento superiores, comprenderá que hay muchos niveles en el proceso de pensamiento.El proceso de pensamiento, centrado en la fisicalidad del cerebro, es normal para la gran mayoría de aquellos que están encarnados en su mundo. Ellos son incapaces de moverse fuera de esa dinámica física. A medida que comiences a explorar más de este material, a enseñarlo ya experimentarlo por ti mismo, comenzarás a comprender las complejidades de las formas de pensamiento. Las "formas de pensamiento" son diferentes del pensamiento que proviene de lo físico. Las formas de pensamiento tienen muchas más complejidades y niveles. De esto hemos estado hablando geométrica y matemáticamente en sesiones anteriores.Existen limitaciones para llevar ciertas realidades y formas de pensamiento a la realidad tridimensional.
Hay una separación que se creó en el momento de la Caída de la Conciencia y permanece hoy.Un buen ejemplo está ocurriendo en su planeta hoy. Hay mucha confusión; las cosas estan cambiando. Incluso aquellos seres que no están en el camino de la reforma espiritual están conscientes de los grandes cambios y cambios que están ocurriendo. Y aquellos que están interesados ​​en perfeccionar todas las partes de sí mismos tienen nuevos entendimientos. Los recordarás diciéndote: "Sé que lo sé, pero no puedo verbalizarlo. No te lo puedo explicar ”.Este es el espacio donde han salido de la densidad tridimensional y están en el corredor transitorio donde acceden a otras formas de pensamiento que no pueden traducirse y no se pueden utilizar en la densidad de la tercera dimensión. Cuando están en ese espacio, no pueden verbalizar grandes porciones de lo que acceden, piensan o experimentan. Encontrarás que esto se hará aún más presente y muchos se sentirán muy confundidos por ello. Las personas que normalmente son muy articuladas en sus habilidades de lenguaje se encontrarán sin palabras. No hay palabras físicas o densas que representen lo que están accediendo en esas formas de pensamiento porque han salido de la realidad de la tercera dimensión y han pasado a un estado de ser y de pensamiento de la cuarta, quinta o sexta dimensión. Hasta que esos estados de conciencia estén más estabilizados y disponibles, será confuso y frustrante. Las personas que normalmente son muy articuladas en sus habilidades de lenguaje se encontrarán sin palabras. No hay palabras físicas o densas que representen lo que están accediendo en esas formas de pensamiento porque han salido de la realidad de la tercera dimensión y han pasado a un estado de ser y de pensamiento de la cuarta, quinta o sexta dimensión. Hasta que esos estados de conciencia estén más estabilizados y disponibles, será confuso y frustrante. Las personas que normalmente son muy articuladas en sus habilidades de lenguaje se encontrarán sin palabras. No hay palabras físicas o densas que representen lo que están accediendo en esas formas de pensamiento porque han salido de la realidad de la tercera dimensión y han pasado a un estado de ser y de pensamiento de la cuarta, quinta o sexta dimensión. Hasta que esos estados de conciencia estén más estabilizados y disponibles, será confuso y frustrante.
Usted, como maestro, está comenzando a eliminar parte de esa frustración al ofrecer conceptos y herramientas que permiten que se produzca una comprensión sin apego ni frustración. La tercera dimensión debe desaparecer para que se pueda poner más estabilidad para que la quinta dimensión esté en juego. Durante ese proceso transitorio, a veces es difícil y frustrante debido a la interacción que se produce. Una vez que la densidad comienza a disminuir, te acostumbras a las nuevas vibraciones que están en juego.
El estado normal de esa realidad tridimensional se está desmoronando y existe un temor subyacente que no se reconoce. El miedo causa lo que has llamado, el "empujar en contra", la resistencia, la frustración, la preocupación. Esos tipos de componentes negativos dificultarán el proceso. La respuesta emocional negativa mantendrá la tercera dimensión más estable en lugar de permitir el desmoronamiento y la caída.Pero el desmoronamiento se producirá. No hay duda. Sin embargo, puede ocurrir de una manera más fácil. No hay necesidad de comprensión física en estos reinos. Es inexistente; Es un vestigio de la tercera dimensión. El entendimiento en la forma "normal" no puede ser utilizado o alcanzado.Hay una plataforma que puede construir que permite que este proceso transitorio permita que el proceso comience a desarrollarse.Permitir.
Me retiraré ahora. Bendiciones
Lunes siguiente: tiempo recalibrado
Esta es una conversación entre Jim Self y el Arcángel Miguel mientras se preparan para enseñar una clase juntos.

Agradecemos a Joan Walker por traer a Michael para hablar a través de ella. Con su colaboración, se desarrolló el curso Mastering Alchemy Level 3.


Michael: As you explore avenues of higher thought forms, you will understand there are many levels to the thinking process. The thinking process, centered in the physicality of the brain, is normal for the vast majority of those who are embodied in your world. They are unable to move outside of that physical dynamic. As you begin to explore more of this material and teach it and experience it for yourself, you will begin to realize the complexities of thought forms. “Thought forms” are different from the thought that comes from the physicality. Thought forms have many more complexities and levels. It is this that we have been talking about geometrically and mathematically in previous sessions. There are limitations in bringing certain realities and thought forms into the third dimensional reality. Certain aspects of this material are impossible to bring into that realm because of the denseness.
There is a separation that was created at the time of the Fall of Consciousness and remains today. A prime example is occurring on your planet today. There is much confusion; things are changing. Even those beings who are not on a path of spiritual reformation are aware of great changes and shifts that are occurring. And those who are interested in perfecting all parts of themselves are having new understandings. You will remember them saying to you “I know that I know this but I can’t verbalize it. I can not explain it to you”. This is the space where they have stepped out of the third dimensional density and are in the transitory corridor where they are accessing other thought forms that can not be translated and are not usable in the density of third dimension. When they are in that space, they cannot verbalize great portions of what they are accessing or thinking or experiencing. You will find this will become even more present and many will be very confused by it. People who normally are very articulate in their languaging skills will find themselves at a loss for words. There are no physical, dense words that represent what they are accessing in those thought forms because they have stepped out of the third dimensional reality and into a fourth, fifth or sixth dimensional state of being and thinking. Until those states of consciousness are more stabilized and available, it will be confusing and frustrating.
You, as a teacher, are beginning to remove some of that frustration by offering concepts and tools that allow an understanding to occur without attachment or frustration. The third dimension must fall away so that more of the stability can be put in place for the fifth dimension to be in play. During that transitory process, it is sometimes difficult and frustrating because of the interplay that occurs. Once the denseness begins to fall away, you become accustomed to the new vibrations that are in play.
The normal state of that third dimensional reality is crumbling and there is an underlying fear that is not recognized. The fear causes what you have called, the “pushing against”, the resistance, the frustration, the worry. Those types of negative components will hinder the process. The negative emotional response will keep the third dimension more stable instead of allowing the crumbling and the falling away. But the crumbling will occur. There is no doubt. It can occur in an easier way, however. There is no need for physical understanding in these realms. It is nonexistent; it is a vestige of the third dimension. The understanding in the “normal” way cannot be utilized or arrived at. There is a platform that you can construct that allows this transitory process to allow the process to begin to unfold. Allow.
I will withdraw now. Blessings.
Next Monday: Time Recalibrated
This is a conversation between Jim Self and Archangel Michael as they prepare to teach a class together.

We thank Joan Walker for bringing forth Michael to speak through her. With her collaboration, the Mastering Alchemy Level 3 course unfolded.

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...