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by Blossom Goodchild | The Federation of Light 30th June. Current Energies, Sole Purpose of Cleansing

30th June

by Blossom Goodchild | The Federation of Light

Hello there. Well … last week we spoke of the full-on Energies hitting our Planet at the moment. This week I would like to talk about the full-on Energies hitting out Planet at the moment! I mean … what the? So many souls going through intense clear outs and not only dealing with that … so little sleep and feeling wiped out! Everything is feeling ‘Topsy-turvy’, yet I feel the ‘Topsy-turviness’ that you speak of is far greater than this and still to come?

Welcome to Each One upon the Earth Plane. Each outstanding soul that is there to do that which you came to do and doing it so well. Indeed Blossom … you are correct … these upheavals that are stirring from within are nothing to what is to come.

Far out! Something to look forward to then!!??

Yet, they shall be upheavals of a different type. For, at the moment these Energies entering and ‘doing what they came to do’ are for the soul /sole purpose of cleansing/healing all of the soul’s ‘past’ … through all lifetimes. Can you imagine that? When you think about that alone … it is of a ‘shift’ of gigantic measure.

You can say that again! It’s difficult enough sometimes, just shifting and healing stuff from this little journey, let alone going way, way back in time.

And let us add on to that also, the fact/knowing that you are not just healing/cleansing all that is from YOUR Energy … yet, that as a WHOLE CONSCIOUSNESS.

No wonder we are all pooped!

So it is that these initial stages …


Correct Blossom. Initial. For as we said it is just beginning. These initial stages of the purging are concentrated upon the soul-self, from a human level/soul within the human level point of view and there is quite a way to go before this is complete.

Then … the Energies coming in will be concentrating on the embedded imprints upon Mother Earth that will then have to be cleared. When one considers wars, famine … you name it … there is much to be released. Much has been ‘trapped’ within the *’field force’ of your Planet and must now be set free. It is time.

Could it not have been achieved before now?

No. The Energies coming into assist you are of a much Higher established level in order to have the effect required. It was necessary to wait in order for the ‘agreed register’ to be reached allowing such intense Energies through.

When you say ‘agreed register’ do you mean ‘register’ as in ‘tone/level’ type thing?

Yes. Please keep in mind that although we have spoken of more intense clearing ahead to cleanse and heal your Planet … you will be in a more ‘sound position’ to be able to see it through … because by ridding your entire Being of all ‘the old’ … such strength shall return to you. The part of YOU … that is of the Highest Light and therefore, allowing your following ‘commitments’ to be handled with greater ease and understanding than you are presuming. You are considering it to be ‘much worse’ than that which you are confronted with now … this NEED NOT be the case … depending of course on how you choose to accept that which is taking place for you now.

One can choose to feel miserable and downcast and moan and groan … or one can recognize this time for what it is … a way forward into a MIGHTY SURGE OF CHANGE.

Would you/could you not say for yourself Blossom that the ‘purging’s’ that have arisen for you of late have brought you into a clearer place within your Being?

Without doubt, though at the time it was ‘horrible’!

And Each One shall feel the same as they recognize the choices to address.

One thing that baffles me is … certain circumstances will present themselves that may not ‘appear’ to have anything to do with that which needs cleansing/healing/forgiving and yet, the outcome can bring up something from way, way back that one may not only have forgotten, yet, maybe not even know about … from a past life perhaps? So, are you able to explain how the Energies coming in ‘MAKE’ that work? How does ‘Energy’ conduct each one of us to bring about situations/circumstances/souls that can release that which needs to be released?

We would answer by saying that we cannot answer that! From the aspect of Universal workings that are Divine and ‘playing their part’ in the healing /cleansing of this Planet and those who are involved with her … in order to Change the Game.

We could offer that the Energies are of a Higher Vibration so that lower frequency Vibrations cannot merge with these Higher ones … so they have to be ‘got rid of’. So, in that Knowing from the soul-self … the Universe will literally provide scenarios to be played out that will give opportunity to recognize and release all that is within/of these lower frequencies … so that the process of Ascending can follow its course.

A lot of souls are experiencing the ‘what’s the point of it all’ … ‘why bother’ … when they look around and see so much sadness and pain and unnecessary suffering that innocent souls have to endure. You say nothing matters. So, what’s the point of it all? (I am not in that space right now,yet, many are.)

It is part of the cleansing.



We understand that this is perhaps a little ‘alien’ to you. Yet in TRUTH there are many ‘states of Being’ that are already residing within such Energies upon/within other scenarios of ‘life’. And it is that, perhaps another aspect of yourself is enjoying that pleasure of residence in this moment.

Yet, THIS aspect of yourself is here to Enlighten your Planet Earth and the souls upon it, in order to change the Energy … for it was not always like/of this as you know.

The Energies that have befallen Planet Earth effect everything … as … everything … affects everything.

Due to this affect … one has come down here to make an effect … that will bring about change.

TO LIFT EARTH’S ENERGIES ONCE AGAIN … Therefore, making the difference to The Whole.



I thought you were going to say ‘The change … is coming’ … yet, quite strongly you sent the thought ‘almost here’. So, once we as human beings are cleared … and we then move on to the Planetary aspects … surely that is going to take a while to complete?

We would answer with both yes and no.


In that … this is when Topsy-Turvy land will be in full swing. There will be no question of the upside-down-ness and the spinning around of it all. Again we state we are not speaking of your Planet’s physical movement. We are speaking of your governments and how countries are manipulated. We are speaking of all that does not serve the human race as a whole being uncovered and brought to trial. There shall be nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, for the souls who have chosen to play these roles in THE GAME.

You have asked us in the past to send Love and forgive these souls for the atrocities they have performed … knowingly hurting and knowingly uncaring of the effect it would have on an individual … a race … a community … a country. I feel this is going to prove difficult for so many to forgive when their behavior is out in the open.

It will be indeed, one of the most difficult positions /circumstances that one has EVER had to encounter. To find in one’s heart forgiveness will have to come from the deepest Highest place of their soul.

Ok. If we are being asked to forgive them … and we do … not being funny, yet … have they not got away with their actions? If we just forgive everybody everything … then … can we not all do exactly as we please? What would it matter?

Yet, you know that to do what these souls have done … would not be as YOU please Blossom, or many please.

We have spoken before of sacrifice of a Lighted Being to ‘come down and be of service’ presenting as a ‘soul of lesser light’ … in order to teach and assist others in understanding the Light of Love that they are. It is like … when one auditions for a role in a play or a movie … they are playing the part … yet, it is not who they really /Truly are.

Yes. I get that too. Yet, they cannot just ‘get away’ with such behavior, can they?

No and they do not. Even though they may have, as we say ‘Sacrificed their Light’ in order to serve. Knowing they would have to ‘receive’ the repercussions of such a service. In that … no one can do anything to another without doing it to themselves.

In that … ALL THAT ANYONE DOES TO ANOTHER, be it of Enlightened or unenlightened behavior … they shall experience the same within themselves at some point. I.e. How they made another ‘feel’.

If it was making another feel so very Loved … then THEY shall experience feeling so very Loved.

If it was making another feel great pain, be it physical, mental, or both … THEY shall experience that same feeling that they cast upon another.

This is Law. As we have spoken of in days gone by. You cannot escape your actions. So, although forgiveness is the key … it serves both parties and yet … it does not release one from cause and effect.

We ask you to ask for assistance in these times. Those who were not chosen from their voluntary post as you were … are eager to assist in this ‘setup’ from elsewhere. They are so keen to offer strength and Loving Energy to help see those who did get this position … through these very turbulent time.

We feel it is time to retract our Energies … as you are tired.

Aren’t most of us? Yet, I feel we are all going through different stages at different times.

This is correct. We are aware this session has reached its usual ‘time frame capacity’ yet, we wish to impart that there is so much to remain Joyful and uplifted about. SO MUCH!

WE ARE GETTING EVER CLOSER TO ARRIVAL and we choose to let Each One decide for themselves what we mean by that … For we mean each thought one has on the matter!

You little tinkers!! Good job Guys. In Gratitude. In Loving service … I AM.

*They said ‘field force’ as opposed to ‘force field’ … so I will stick with that.

The audio for this channeling will be posted shortly. ( as long as I remember to do so!)

Source: Blossom Goodchild Light

Hello there. Well … last week we spoke of the full-on Energies hitting our Planet at the moment. This week I would like to talk about the full-on Energies hitting out Planet at the moment! I mean … what the? So many souls going through intense clear outs and not only dealing with that … so little sleep and feeling wiped out! Everything is feeling ‘Topsy-turvy’, yet I feel the ‘Topsy-turviness’ that you speak of is far greater than this and still to come?

Welcome to Each One upon the Earth Plane. Each outstanding soul that is there to do that which you came to do and doing it so well. Indeed Blossom … you are correct … these upheavals that are stirring from within are nothing to what is to come.

Far out! Something to look forward to then!!??

Yet, they shall be upheavals of a different type. For, at the moment these Energies entering and ‘doing what they came to do’ are for the soul /sole purpose of cleansing/healing all of the soul’s ‘past’ … through all lifetimes. Can you imagine that? When you think about that alone … it is of a ‘shift’ of gigantic measure.

You can say that again! It’s difficult enough sometimes, just shifting and healing stuff from this little journey, let alone going way, way back in time.

And let us add on to that also, the fact/knowing that you are not just healing/cleansing all that is from YOUR Energy … yet, that as a WHOLE CONSCIOUSNESS.

No wonder we are all pooped!

So it is that these initial stages …


Correct Blossom. Initial. For as we said it is just beginning. These initial stages of the purging are concentrated upon the soul-self, from a human level/soul within the human level point of view and there is quite a way to go before this is complete.

Then … the Energies coming in will be concentrating on the embedded imprints upon Mother Earth that will then have to be cleared. When one considers wars, famine … you name it … there is much to be released. Much has been ‘trapped’ within the *’field force’ of your Planet and must now be set free. It is time.

Could it not have been achieved before now?

No. The Energies coming into assist you are of a much Higher established level in order to have the effect required. It was necessary to wait in order for the ‘agreed register’ to be reached allowing such intense Energies through.

When you say ‘agreed register’ do you mean ‘register’ as in ‘tone/level’ type thing?

Yes. Please keep in mind that although we have spoken of more intense clearing ahead to cleanse and heal your Planet … you will be in a more ‘sound position’ to be able to see it through … because by ridding your entire Being of all ‘the old’ … such strength shall return to you. The part of YOU … that is of the Highest Light and therefore, allowing your following ‘commitments’ to be handled with greater ease and understanding than you are presuming. You are considering it to be ‘much worse’ than that which you are confronted with now … this NEED NOT be the case … depending of course on how you choose to accept that which is taking place for you now.

One can choose to feel miserable and downcast and moan and groan … or one can recognize this time for what it is … a way forward into a MIGHTY SURGE OF CHANGE.

Would you/could you not say for yourself Blossom that the ‘purging’s’ that have arisen for you of late have brought you into a clearer place within your Being?

Without doubt, though at the time it was ‘horrible’!

And Each One shall feel the same as they recognize the choices to address.

One thing that baffles me is … certain circumstances will present themselves that may not ‘appear’ to have anything to do with that which needs cleansing/healing/forgiving and yet, the outcome can bring up something from way, way back that one may not only have forgotten, yet, maybe not even know about … from a past life perhaps? So, are you able to explain how the Energies coming in ‘MAKE’ that work? How does ‘Energy’ conduct each one of us to bring about situations/circumstances/souls that can release that which needs to be released?

We would answer by saying that we cannot answer that! From the aspect of Universal workings that are Divine and ‘playing their part’ in the healing /cleansing of this Planet and those who are involved with her … in order to Change the Game.

We could offer that the Energies are of a Higher Vibration so that lower frequency Vibrations cannot merge with these Higher ones … so they have to be ‘got rid of’. So, in that Knowing from the soul-self … the Universe will literally provide scenarios to be played out that will give opportunity to recognize and release all that is within/of these lower frequencies … so that the process of Ascending can follow its course.

A lot of souls are experiencing the ‘what’s the point of it all’ … ‘why bother’ … when they look around and see so much sadness and pain and unnecessary suffering that innocent souls have to endure. You say nothing matters. So, what’s the point of it all? (I am not in that space right now,yet, many are.)

It is part of the cleansing.



We understand that this is perhaps a little ‘alien’ to you. Yet in TRUTH there are many ‘states of Being’ that are already residing within such Energies upon/within other scenarios of ‘life’. And it is that, perhaps another aspect of yourself is enjoying that pleasure of residence in this moment.

Yet, THIS aspect of yourself is here to Enlighten your Planet Earth and the souls upon it, in order to change the Energy … for it was not always like/of this as you know.

The Energies that have befallen Planet Earth effect everything … as … everything … affects everything.

Due to this affect … one has come down here to make an effect … that will bring about change.

TO LIFT EARTH’S ENERGIES ONCE AGAIN … Therefore, making the difference to The Whole.



I thought you were going to say ‘The change … is coming’ … yet, quite strongly you sent the thought ‘almost here’. So, once we as human beings are cleared … and we then move on to the Planetary aspects … surely that is going to take a while to complete?

We would answer with both yes and no.


In that … this is when Topsy-Turvy land will be in full swing. There will be no question of the upside-down-ness and the spinning around of it all. Again we state we are not speaking of your Planet’s physical movement. We are speaking of your governments and how countries are manipulated. We are speaking of all that does not serve the human race as a whole being uncovered and brought to trial. There shall be nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, for the souls who have chosen to play these roles in THE GAME.

You have asked us in the past to send Love and forgive these souls for the atrocities they have performed … knowingly hurting and knowingly uncaring of the effect it would have on an individual … a race … a community … a country. I feel this is going to prove difficult for so many to forgive when their behavior is out in the open.

It will be indeed, one of the most difficult positions /circumstances that one has EVER had to encounter. To find in one’s heart forgiveness will have to come from the deepest Highest place of their soul.

Ok. If we are being asked to forgive them … and we do … not being funny, yet … have they not got away with their actions? If we just forgive everybody everything … then … can we not all do exactly as we please? What would it matter?

Yet, you know that to do what these souls have done … would not be as YOU please Blossom, or many please.

We have spoken before of sacrifice of a Lighted Being to ‘come down and be of service’ presenting as a ‘soul of lesser light’ … in order to teach and assist others in understanding the Light of Love that they are. It is like … when one auditions for a role in a play or a movie … they are playing the part … yet, it is not who they really /Truly are.

Yes. I get that too. Yet, they cannot just ‘get away’ with such behavior, can they?

No and they do not. Even though they may have, as we say ‘Sacrificed their Light’ in order to serve. Knowing they would have to ‘receive’ the repercussions of such a service. In that … no one can do anything to another without doing it to themselves.

In that … ALL THAT ANYONE DOES TO ANOTHER, be it of Enlightened or unenlightened behavior … they shall experience the same within themselves at some point. I.e. How they made another ‘feel’.

If it was making another feel so very Loved … then THEY shall experience feeling so very Loved.

If it was making another feel great pain, be it physical, mental, or both … THEY shall experience that same feeling that they cast upon another.

This is Law. As we have spoken of in days gone by. You cannot escape your actions. So, although forgiveness is the key … it serves both parties and yet … it does not release one from cause and effect.

We ask you to ask for assistance in these times. Those who were not chosen from their voluntary post as you were … are eager to assist in this ‘setup’ from elsewhere. They are so keen to offer strength and Loving Energy to help see those who did get this position … through these very turbulent time.

We feel it is time to retract our Energies … as you are tired.

Aren’t most of us? Yet, I feel we are all going through different stages at different times.

This is correct. We are aware this session has reached its usual ‘time frame capacity’ yet, we wish to impart that there is so much to remain Joyful and uplifted about. SO MUCH!

WE ARE GETTING EVER CLOSER TO ARRIVAL and we choose to let Each One decide for themselves what we mean by that … For we mean each thought one has on the matter!

You little tinkers!! Good job Guys. In Gratitude. In Loving service … I AM.

*They said ‘field force’ as opposed to ‘force field’ … so I will stick with that.

The audio for this channeling will be posted shortly. ( as long as I remember to do so!)

Source: Blossom Goodchild

Donald Trump Steps into North Korea to Greet Kim Jong-Un

At the DMZ, Donald Trump Steps into North Korea to Greet Kim Jong-Un

North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un walks with US President Donald Trump north of the Military Demarcation Line that divides North and South Korea, in the Joint Security Area (JSA) of Panmunjom in the Demilitarized zone (DMZ) on June 30, 2019. (Photo by Brendan Smialowski / AFP) (Photo credit should …

President Donald Trump met with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un on Sunday, stepping into North Korea as he shook hands in a moment of high-stakes diplomacy.

Trump made history, becoming the first American president to step foot into North Korea, despite decades of conflict between the two nations.
Trump initiated the meeting at the demilitarized zone (DMZ) between North Korea and South Korea, first publicly calling for the meeting on Twitter before North Korea moved quickly to make the meeting happen.
“Good to see you again”, said Kim through a translator, meeting at the DMZ. “I would never have expected to see you at this place.”
The two leaders spoke briefly as Trump shook hands and then walked into North Korea and shook hands again as North Korean media scrambled around the pair of leaders to capture the moment.
American press shouted at North Korean press and cameramen who were interrupting the shot of the historic meeting.
“Stepping across that line was a great honor,” Trump said. “We met and we liked each other from day one.”
Trump appeared immensely pleased by the event.
“I think it’s historic, it’s a great day for the world,” he said.
The two leaders then briefly met at the Freedom House to discuss their relationship.
Kim noted that the “excellent relationship” with Trump made the meeting possible.
“This is a historic moment, the fact that we’re meeting,” Trump said, thanking Kim for making them “both look good” at the event.

Conversación con Babaji: 5G, Efectivo Ban, RFID, no hay salida?

JJK: ¿Cuál es el siguiente? Ahora 5G (1) se está introduciendo en todo el mundo - la irradiación de masas y manipulación de las masas de seres humanos! La prohibición de caja es también ante portas - el fin de la libertad en este sentido. Entonces, ¿cómo continuar, es todo muy usado en exceso hasta el último detalle?
BABAJI: Estoy con la humanidad, estoy con todos los seres humanos - Estoy contigo, Jahn.
¡Sí! Es el paso del tiempo y la dinámica inherente a los acontecimientos antes de la agitación final.
JJK: La humanidad está conduciendo 100 km / e contra la pared y me parece, ya que ahora sólo justo en el gas?
BABAJI: Estos desarrollos son imparable, ya que esto por sí solo puede dar lugar a la nueva. La gran mayoría de la gente debe profundizar en el error.
Sólo entonces se plantea la necesidad de una salida y el poder para la realización puede ser desarrollado. Un error tiene que ser experimentado profundamente, con todas las consecuencias, antes de que ocurra el movimiento contrario - esto es cierto en el individuo, así como en el sentido global.
JJK: ¿No es demasiado tarde? Si estamos totalmente manipulado por la radiación electromagnética, si perdemos toda libertad en las transacciones de pago e incluso si el chip RFID viene - no es demasiado tarde entonces? Entonces la gente está completamente despojados de su libertad y mutados en bio-robots. 
¡Nunca es demasiado tarde!
BABAJI: Nunca es demasiado tarde para corregir un error. Es cierto que la cautividad de la humanidad es cada vez mayor. Las circunstancias se mencionan punto a la misma. Esto es parte del gran juego en esta tierra y todo el mundo tiene la opción - a seguir el juego o decir NO.
JJK: A menudo pienso que sólo la intervención divina puede realmente ayudar aquí.
¿Hasta dónde se extienden las imposiciones antes de que comience la gran limpieza?
Muchas personas ya no pueden decir NO SÍ o conscientemente, porque ya ellos no, y ya no se tienen su propia voluntad. 
La situación es cada vez peor!
BABAJI: Esta situación se pone cada vez peor, hasta el día en que los gobernantes oscuros de su triunfo son ciertas, y hasta que toda la humanidad está en gran parte bajo su influencia - y se trata de una cabeza, hasta el día de la masa crítica de personas que piden la luz es alcanzado.
De los que han conservado su propia voluntad, y una llamada clara comisión deben ir al Creador, entonces los acontecimientos sigan su curso en una nueva forma.Después de eso, el mundo ha cambiado en unos pocos días y no como lo era antes.
Para despertar es utilizar el libre albedrío de lo divino.
Hay suficientes personas que estén con la mente clara y evitar cualquier contacto con la luz divina. Cuando un cierto número de estas personas se despierta, todo da la vuelta y se convierte en luz.
JJK: ¿Qué podemos hacer al lado de nuestro propio trabajo cognitivo? Si estos transmisores 5G se despliegan en todas las esquinas, o si se tiene el dinero en efectivo de distancia y el chip RFID se convierte en “no-elección” - ¿Hay alguna manera de detener estos desarrollos para que el peor de los casos se puede evitar?
BABAJI: El camino conduce a cada ser humano a sí mismo. Hay las respuestas para el individuo.Fundamental es: para hacer el trabajo conciencia, para sentir en uno mismo y para percibir la voz de Dios - entonces cada persona encuentre sus respuestas y su propia manera.
El uno se levantará y lanzarse al combate en la tierra, el otro será levantarse y lanzarse a la batalla espiritual - y algunos actuar en ambos niveles.
Todo esto es en el sentido del Creador, ya que cada persona toma su lugar y cumple con sus tareas. 
Sigue tu camino con Dios
Eso es lo que importa en todos sus esfuerzos. Sigue tu camino único y exclusivo. Es Dios que se revela esto, y es Dios quien le acompaña en cada paso y bendice a cada uno de sus propósitos.
Escuchar con atención a ti mismo - ¿Cuáles son sus órdenes - y luego ir a su manera. No siga un falso profeta, no participan en ninguna revolución a menos que una solicitud de órdenes de usted o si una revuelta carece de la base espiritual. 
Quedarse con usted mismo!
Fortalecer sus esfuerzos para unirse a Dios, entonces todo viene de forma automática, ya que está conectado con el todo. Entonces el reino de Dios está en ti y ya no se preocupe acerca de cómo vivir su vida o lo que debe hacer.
JJK: Ahora pienso en las palabras de Jesucristo, que se narran maravillosamente en el Nuevo Testamento:
“Por eso les digo: No se preocupen por su vida, lo que debe comer o beber, ni por vuestro cuerpo, lo que debe llevar! No es la vida más que el alimento y el cuerpo más que el vestido?
26 Mirad las aves del cielo: no siembran, no cosechan y no reúnen los suministros en graneros; El Padre celestial las alimenta. ¿No valen ustedes mucho más que ella?
27 ¿Quién de vosotros, con toda su ansiedad, puede prolongar su vida por un pequeño margen?
28 Y lo qué se preocupan por la ropa? Aprenden de los lirios del campo, cómo crecen: no trabajan y no giran.
29 Y os digo que ni Salomón, no estaba vestido en todo su esplendor como uno de ellos.
30 Y si Dios viste así la hierba que está en el campo hoy en día y se echa en el horno de mañana, cuánto más, entonces, pequeños creyentes!
31 Así que no se preocupe y no preguntamos: ¿qué debemos comer? ¿Qué debemos beber? ¿Qué debemos llevar?
32 Porque después de todo, las naciones se esfuerzan. Su Padre Celestial sabe que todo necesita.
33 Más bien, busquen primeramente el reino de Dios y su justicia; entonces todo lo demás se añadirá a usted.
Así que no se preocupen por el mañana; porque el mañana se preocupará de sí mismo. Cada día tiene bastante de su propia peste. “Mateo 6: 25-34
BABAJI: Esa es la única verdad, y que debe seguir todo corazón, sin pasar por alto lo obvio o negar lo obvio. 
El futuro de la humanidad ha comenzado
Días de agitación se destinan a esta humanidad. No hay manera de evitarlo.
Hasta entonces, cada ser humano es invitado por la fuente primaria de toda la vida para hacer su elección.Esto consiste en:
1.) Continuar a permanecer en el juego o 
2.) para continuar el viaje a la luz y al salir del mismo.
no teme un momento! Incluso si se convierten en desiertos mares y océanos desiertos: Usted está bajo mi protección.
Convertido completamente dedicado a su transformación interior, entonces usted será inmune a todas las enfermedades que produce este mundo, y luego va a seguir siendo libre, incluso si toda la humanidad está esclavizado.
Continuamos esta conversación en otro lugar y en otra hora, por lo que la gente puede confiar en la guía divina y que pueden permanecer en la confianza.
Ahora, como la humanidad se tambalea de un error a la siguiente, que depende de los que son de mente clara y tener un corazón puro. Es esta gente que ha sido ordenado para detener la rueda del karma.
Debido a que el futuro de la humanidad ha comenzado Comienza hoy, aquí y ahora - en ti.
Estoy en medio de ti.


Arcángel Miguel: los átomos de semillas de memoria dentro de tu alma

Amados maestros, es de vital importancia para que usted entienda que estos son tiempos sin precedentes mediante el cual muchas dispensaciones especiales están en vigor. Es una gran oportunidad para usted, los buscadores de la Luz, para aprovechar su herencia divina y sus dones y talentos especiales. En raras ocasiones, y durante el período de transición de uno a otro gran edad, la Ley Cósmica permite a los seres del reino angélico y la jerarquía espiritual que pasan a través del velo y hacen contacto con selecto, despertado miembros de la raza humana. Debe expresar la voluntad y el deseo de interactuar con estos seres avanzados, maravillas, porque no va a violar su libre albedrío.Cuando usted se centra su atención en un maestro en particular, ángel o Ser de Luz, que son inmediatamente consciente de usted y responderán. Cuanto más intenso, sincero y constante de su deseo,
Sus ángeles guardianes, guías espirituales y maestros harán todo lo posible para ayudar a que usted reciba las frecuencias más altas de la sabiduría que son críticos para estos tiempos caóticos de transformación.Estos seres benévolos se esfuerzan para ganar su atención mediante la intensificación de la Luz dentro de su Centro de Energía Solar y, finalmente, dentro de su corazón sagrado. Han esperado siglos para una invitación para comunicarse conscientemente con los maestros ascendidos y los reinos angélicos, y que han esperado pacientemente este momento también. En comunión con los Seres de Luz es un gran paso evolutivo para usted, como seres humanos, ya que facilita rápidamente una nueva conciencia y una transformación de gran alcance en su interior.
Lo más probable es, primero conectar con, y aprender a interactuar y comunicarse con sus guías personales, o, a veces, su profesor principal será establecer rápidamente una relación con usted - en especial, si ha realizado un acuerdo para trabajar con ese Ser particular, antes de encarnar en esta vida. Cuando sea el momento apropiado, su gran maestro envíe un Átomo Semilla de memoria etérico, a través de su Ser Superior, en su mente sagrada. Este Átomo Semilla de memoria se encenderá otra Átomo Semilla memoria que haya sido colocado allí antes de encarnar. Si usted está dispuesto, será establecer un vínculo telepático entre los dos, lo que le permitirá acceder a las enseñanzas de la sabiduría de mayor frecuencia apropiados a través de su gran maestro.
Este es uno de los muchos milagros que esperan a aquellos de ustedes están atravesando diligentemente el camino de la luz, y que han armonizado la mayoría de las formas de pensamiento desequilibradas dentro de sus cuatro sistemas corporales: físico, mental, emocional y etérico. Vamos a hablar más de esto en el futuro; Sin embargo, le diremos que uno de los mayores regalos que esperan los que ahora están en resonancia con las frecuencias de las más altas de cuarta dimensión es el acceso a los etéreos Los átomos de semillas de memoria blanca incendio dentro del alma superior autónomos, que contienen los muchos atributos, cualidades , virtudes y talentos para esta vida.
Muchos de ustedes están en el proceso de desarrollar su sexto sentido - la mente intuitiva, por lo que tendrá una línea directa con su alma superior autónomos y ciertas facetas de sus múltiples Seres Superiores. Es la fase inicial de la creación de una línea directa a la base, la sagrada tríada dentro de la quinta dimensión. No hay que buscar a Dios en los cielos o algún lejano, inalcanzable lugar, por la Esencia del Creador, una chispa de divinidad, reside dentro de su Sagrado Corazón. Muchos de ustedes están tomando conciencia de sus orígenes divinos; sin embargo, sólo tiene una ligera idea de su enorme potencial como un portador de luz cósmica. Es de vital importancia que usted se convierte en sintonía con las cada vez mayores frecuencias de Luz del Creador,
Recuerde que sólo puede acceder a los niveles de vibración con la que usted y su canto del alma son compatibles. Es por eso que es tan importante haber pasado por un proceso / limpieza de compensación con el fin de lograr un estado más equilibrado y armonioso de estar dentro de sus cuerpos mentales y emocionales.
Hace mucho tiempo, usted, que más tarde saldré como el que muestran el camino Starseed para la ascensión de la humanidad y la Tierra, accedió a asumir un papel especial en el planeta Tierra en algún momento del futuro lejano. Este grupo de valientes sería encarnar en cada raza, color, cultura y credo, y que sería extendido por todas partes sobre el planeta en preparación para un drama cósmico condenada de antemano: la ascensión en masa de la humanidad y la Tierra, junto con todas las manifestaciones materiales dentro de este Sub-Universo.
Aquellos de ustedes que salió a la luz se les dio una dispensación especial por el cual gran parte de sus desequilibrios menores se aclararía para que su carga terrenal no sería demasiado abrumador. Todo lo que quedaba serían las principales lecciones que se necesita para resolver por lo que podría volver a un nivel equilibrado y armónico de frecuencias vibratorias, elevando así su Energética Firma / Canción del alma a la mitad de cuarta dimensión y superiores.
Una gran multitud de usted, la semilla estelar, está bien en su manera de dominio de sí; Sin embargo, muchos de este grupo Mostrador del Camino se encuentran todavía en el sueño o en la negación. Cada uno de ustedes tiene un papel importante que desempeñar en el proceso evolutivo acelerado que está ahora en curso.Las codificaciones genéticas de este grupo llevan las mejores cualidades de todas las antiguas razas raíces, junto con codificaciones especiales de células de memoria para la nueva Raza raíz de oro del futuro.
Es cierto que con el tiempo se han producido grandes desequilibrios entre este grupo de almas, y muchos no han escuchado a los codazos de su Ser Espiritual. Se han olvidado su misión en la tierra. Sin embargo, en lo profundo de su núcleo Sagrado Corazón, cada uno de ustedes fueron codificados con un átomo de Semilla de memoria codificados con luz, que, cuando se activa, le ayudaría a recordar su promesa de ser nuestros representantes en la tierra - que su misión sería la de esforzarse con todo su Existencia para convertirse en co-creadores con dominio de la belleza, la paz, la armonía y abundancia en el plano terrenal.
Deseamos revisar alguna información básica por lo que será capaz de poner lo que estamos compartiendo con ustedes en la perspectiva correcta. Es importante que no se ven a sí mismos como personas de un solo linaje, para todos ustedes han experimentado tiempos de vida en todas las principales razas raíces. Es importante que no coloca por encima de los mismos en el camino detrás de ti, para que también han sido los no solicitantes y seguidores en muchas, muchas vidas. Ha tenido la piel negro, así como el marrón, blanco, rojo y amarillo de la piel de las otras razas raíces, y también tiene en su ADN todos los distintos atributos, virtudes y cualidades de cada una de estas razas raíces. En esta vida, que eligió nacer en una determinada familia o vivir en un país determinado por una razón muy explícita.
A nivel universal, después de que había exteriorizado en su individualizada conciencia de Dios, y que había experimentado eones de tiempo en la co-creación de alegría, usted y un grupo armonioso de las almas, a las que llamaremos “grupos familiares alma”, se juntó en una gran pirámide de Luz en los reinos superiores.Estas pirámides de luz más tarde serían llamados mundo de los servidores pirámides, y que se encuentran dispersas en los muchos sub-niveles de la quinta dimensión. Que se le dijo que llegaría un momento en el futuro lejano cuando una fase importante del Plan Divino llegaría a su culminación. Muchos grupos especializados se reunió a que tendrían un papel importante que jugar en el “proceso de reunificación.” Ese momento es ahora!
Aquellos de ustedes que cariñosamente llaman almas viejas se encuentran dispersos en todo el mundo. Es cierto que hay un mayor número de estas almas viejas en algunos lugares y culturas; sin embargo, este grupo de vanguardia se dispersa alrededor de la Tierra, desde las zonas rurales más primitivas a las ciudades más cosmopolitas y de gran cultura. Estas almas valientes no son las personas que dirigen el gobierno o hacen los titulares. Ellos viven en las granjas, porque ellos aman la naturaleza y los animales que cuidan. Tienen trabajos mundanos en cada campo del esfuerzo y silenciosamente van sobre el cumplimiento de sus deberes. Tienen puestos de gran responsabilidad, y que sirven a su país y su gente en una gran variedad de maneras. Ellos viven en mansiones y en chozas, y en todos los niveles sociales desde el más bajo al más alto.Son miembros de grupos religiosos organizados, y adoran a su propia manera única. Muchos están en sintonía con los susurros de su Seres Superiores y se han convertido en maestros del Ser. Muchos otros están bien en su camino espiritual, pero, por desgracia, hay una gran multitud de estos Mostradores del Camino Starseed que todavía están inconscientes de su naturaleza divina y la promesa que hicieron hace mucho tiempo.
Aquellos de ustedes que están en este grupo han codificado en su ADN las virtudes principales, habilidades y cualidades de la raza Atlante, la de los líderes / pioneros / guerreros. Hay un profundo deseo de utilizar sus capacidades mentales, junto con la voluntad divina y el poder de nuestro Padre Dios con el fin de ser co-creadores más importantes en el plano físico de la realidad. Además, se infunden con las más altas virtudes, cualidades y habilidades de nuestra Madre Dios, que se infundió en esas almas que vinieron a la Tierra durante la Edad de Oro de Lemuria, el suave, crianza, intuitiva, enfocada hacia adentro cualidades, y, además, , grandes habilidades artísticas y un deseo de paz, la tranquilidad y la contemplación.
Usted ha experimentado una herencia espiritual rica y maravillosa, y en el pasado han sido bendecidos de tener tantos magníficos Seres de Luz en medio de ti - maestros cuyas enseñanzas que han dejado con las directrices maravillosos para vivir una vida virtuosa.Sin embargo, es el momento de mezclar el pasado con el futuro, y la humanidad está experimentando una profunda necesidad de guía, inspiración y apoyo el uno del otro.
Vamos a sugerir una nueva forma, y ​​es nuestra esperanza más grande que algunos de ustedes tomar la bandera. Le estamos pidiendo a convertirse en los futuros campeones espirituales para la emergente nueva espiritualidad en la humanidad consciente de sí mismo. Nosotros pedimos que comiencen a unirse con el fin de estudiar, apoyo y inspirar a los demás. Les pedimos que compartir su conocimiento, su sabiduría, sus visiones y sus experiencias con otros.
Somos conscientes de una gran sensación de soledad entre los pueblos del mundo - una sensación de aislamiento. No es suficiente simplemente leer las enseñanzas que usted o los de los maestros dar, o para visitar una hermosa catedral o templo y rendir homenaje a Dios. Es un momento de la reunificación, y usted debe comenzar a reunirse para compartir su amor, sabiduría e inspiración; un tiempo para estudiar juntos y apoyarse mutuamente. No estamos pidiendo que construir más grandes templos, por eso no es donde los dioses del futuro habitar. Ustedes son los co-creadores del futuro - Chispas Divinas del Creador - que se les pide que tome su lugar que le corresponde en la gran marcha hacia el futuro.
Amados, es el momento de liberar toda la culpa, vergüenza y sentimientos de indignidad que muchos de ustedes han realizados como cuestiones esenciales, desde hace mucho tiempo. Debe sanar el dolor del pasado para que puedan asumir su propio papel en el maravilloso plan para el futuro que ahora se está desarrollando tan rápidamente en el planeta Tierra.
A través de nuestros mensajes, que le hemos dado las herramientas, la sabiduría e inteligencia para liberar todas las cosas en su vida que no sirven a sus mejores intereses y el mayor bien. Les imploramos que hacen caso de lo que le hemos dicho, una y otra vez, usted es digno de todo el amor, la belleza, la alegría, la paz y la abundancia de este universo, porque es su derecho divino de nacimiento. Debe aprender a amar y respetarse a sí mismo. Debe tener un profundo sentimiento de autoestima antes de que realmente puede amar y respetar a los demás, y ante los demás, volverá el amor y el respeto que tanto se merecen.
Le pedimos que revise las cualidades, virtudes y atributos de su herencia divina que está mostrando ahora. ¿Está proyectando demasiado de la energía Atlante masculino, y se centra demasiado en la adquisición y la creación? Recuerde, nosotros hemos dicho que usted está buscando un estado de Ser o una calidad de vida. Usted puede adquirir una gran riqueza y manifestar muchas cosas maravillosas materialmente, pero si su centro del corazón se cierra o se ha ignorado y no desarrollado sus virtudes y cualidades de Lemuria / Diosa, se sentirá incompleta, y experimentará un profundo sentimiento, indefinible de la insatisfacción .
Se reúnen en grupos de dos, tres, diez, cien o de mil, que no hace ninguna diferencia. Sin embargo, si se inscribe en conjunto para el beneficio de todos, le prometemos, estaremos allí con toda su fuerza a lo apoyará, para ayudarle, y para irradiar el amor de nuestro Padre / Madre Dios a usted en la mayor medida que pueda Contiene.
Su objetivo principal en este momento es volver al espectro originalmente diseñado de luces y sombras, los patrones vibratorios que componen su mundo personal en la realidad Tercero.- / cuarta dimensión. De este modo, el péndulo de la conciencia no se moverá tan radicalmente de positivo a frecuencias negativas, y sus naturalezas mentales y emocionales se convertirá estabilizado y centrado una vez más. Este es un paso importante para aprender a vivir centrados en su Sagrado Corazón y Mente Sagrada. Como usted eleva sus patrones vibratorios, las frecuencias superiores de Luz se disuelven gradualmente las muchas membranas de Luz que restringen su conciencia superior. Una vez que esto ocurre, usted está bien en su manera de vivir una vida consciente, Soul-inspirado de un auto-maestría.
Es un momento más maravilloso, queridos. Hemos estado con ustedes desde la primera vez que se exterioriza en su conciencia individual dentro de este Sub-Universo. Estaremos con usted a medida que avanzamos en el nuevo y brillante futuro, a medida que unir fuerzas con los poderosos Elohim, los grandes constructores de la forma, en preparación para el cumplimiento de la nueva era gloriosa para venir. Yo enviaré el resplandor de nuestro Padre / Madre Dios, como nosotros envolvemos en un halo de Amor Divino y Luz. En ti, estamos bien satisfechos. YO SOY el Arcángel Miguel.
Transmitido a través de Ronna Vezane / sagrado Scribe **

Archangel Michael: The Memory Seed Atoms Within Your Soul

Beloved masters, it is vitally important for you to understand that these are unprecedented times whereby many special dispensations are in force. It is a grand opportunity for you, the seekers of the Light, to tap into your Divine heritage and your special gifts and talents. At rare intervals, and during the transitional period from one great Age to another, Cosmic Law allows the Beings of the angelic realm and the spiritual hierarchy to pass through the veil and make contact with select, awakened members of the human race. You must express willingness and a desire to interact with these wondrous, advanced Beings, for they will not infringe upon your free will. When you focus your attention on a particular master, angel or Being of Light, they are immediately aware of you and will respond. The more intense, sincere and constant your desire, the more of their radiance they will bestow upon you.
Your guardian angels, spiritual guides and teachers will make every effort to assist you to receive the higher frequencies of wisdom which are critical for these chaotic times of transformation. These benevolent Beings endeavor to gain your attention by intensifying the Light within your Solar Power Center and eventually within your Sacred Heart. You have waited centuries for an invitation to consciously communicate with the ascended masters and the angelic realms, and they have patiently awaited this time as well. Communing with the Beings of Light is a great evolutionary step for you, as human Beings, for it quickly facilitates a new conscious awareness and a powerful transformation within you.
Most likely, you will first connect with, and learn to interact and communicate with your personal guides, or sometimes, your master teacher will quickly establish a relationship with you – especially, if you made an agreement to work with that particular Being before incarnating in this lifetime. When the time is appropriate, your master teacher will send forth an etheric Memory Seed Atom, via your Higher-Self, into your Sacred Mind. This Memory Seed Atom will ignite another Memory Seed Atom that was placed there before you incarnated. If you are willing, it will establish a telepathic link between the two of you, which will enable you to gain access to the appropriate higher frequency wisdom teachings via your master teacher.
This is one of the many miracles that await those of you are diligently traversing the Path of Light, and who have harmonized most of the imbalanced thought forms within your four bodily systems: physical, mental, emotional and etheric. We will speak more of this in the future; however, we will tell you that one of the greatest gifts awaiting those who are now resonating with the frequencies of the higher Fourth-Dimension is access to the etheric White Fire Memory Seed Atoms within the OverSoul-Self, which contain the many attributes, qualities, virtues and talents for this lifetime.
Many of you are in the process of developing your sixth sense – the intuitive mind, whereby you will have a direct line to your OverSoul-Self and certain Facets of your multiple Higher-Selves. It is the beginning phase of creating a direct line to home base, your Sacred Triad within the Fifth Dimension. Do not seek God in the heavens or some far away, unattainable place, for the Essence of the Creator, a Spark of Divinity, resides within your Sacred Heart. Many of you are becoming aware of your Divine origins; however, you have only a slight inkling of your vast potential as a bearer of Cosmic Light. It is vitally important that you become attuned to the ever-increasing frequencies of Creator Light, for it will accelerate the ascension process and assist you in attaining the status of a Self-master so that you may fulfill your pledge to be a Light upon the Path and a Wayshower.
Remember, you can only access vibrational levels with which you and your Soul Song are compatible. That is why it is so important to have gone through a clearing /cleansing process in order to achieve a more balanced and harmonious State of Being within your mental and emotional bodies.
Long, long ago, you, who would later come forth as the StarSeed Wayshowers for the ascension of humanity and the Earth, agreed to take on a special role on the planet Earth sometime in the far distant future. This group of brave Souls would incarnate into every race, color, culture and creed, and they would be spread far and wide upon the planet in preparation for a preordained cosmic drama: the mass ascension of humanity and the Earth, along with all material manifestations within this Sub-Universe.
Those of you who stepped to the fore were given a special dispensation whereby much of your minor imbalances would be cleared so that your earthly burden would not be too overwhelming. All that remained would be the major lessons that you needed to resolve so that you could return to a balanced and harmonious level of vibrational frequencies, thereby lifting your Energetic Signature / Soul Song to the Mid-Fourth Dimension and higher.
A vast multitude of you, the StarSeed, are well on your way to Self-mastery; however, too many of this Wayshower group are still at slumber or in denial. Each of you has a major role to play in the accelerated evolutionary process that is now in progress. The genetic encodings of this group carry the best qualities of all the former root races, along with special memory cell encodings for the new Golden Root Race of the future.
It is true that over time there have been great imbalances amongst this group of Souls, and many have not listened to the nudgings of their Spirit Self. They have forgotten their earthly mission. However, deep within your Sacred Heart core, each of you were encoded with a Light-encoded Memory Seed Atom which, when activated, would help you remember your promise to be our earthly representatives – that your mission would be to strive with all your Beingness to become proficient cocreators of beauty, peace, harmony and abundance on the Earthly plane.
We wish to review some basic information so you will be able to put what we are sharing with you in proper perspective. It is important that you not see yourselves as people of only one lineage, for all of you have experienced lifetimes in all the major root races. It is important that you do not place yourselves above those on the path behind you, for you have also been non-seekers and followers in many, many lifetimes. You have had black skin as well as the brown, white, red and yellow skin of the other root races, and you also have within your DNA all the distinct attributes, virtues and qualities of each of these root races. In this lifetime, you chose to be born into a particular family or to live in a specific country for a very explicit reason.
At a Universal level, after you had externalized into your individualized God-consciousness, and you had experienced eons of time in joyous cocreation, you and a harmonious group of Souls, which we will call “Soul family groups,” were called together in a great pyramid of Light in the higher realms. These Pyramids of Light would later be called WORLD SERVER PYRAMIDS, and they are scattered throughout the many sub-levels of the Fifth Dimension. You were told that there would come a time in the far distant future when a major phase of the Divine Plan would come to a culmination. Many specialized groups would be brought together who would have important roles to play in the “reunification process.”  THAT TIME IS NOW!
Those of you we fondly call Old Souls are scattered throughout the world. True, there are greater numbers of these old Souls in some locations and cultures; however, this vanguard group is scattered around the Earth, from the most primitive rural areas to the most cosmopolitan and highly cultured cities. These brave Souls are not the people who run the government or make the headlines.  They live on farms, for they love nature and the animals they care for. They have mundane jobs in every field of endeavor and quietly go about fulfilling their duties. They have positions of great responsibility, and they serve their country and its people in a great variety of ways. They live in mansions and in hovels, and in every social level from the lowest to the highest. They are members of organized religious groups, and they worship in their own unique way. Many are attuned to the whisperings of their Higher-Selves and have become masters of Self. Many others are well on their spiritual path, but unfortunately, there is a great multitude of these StarSeed Wayshowers who are still unconscious of their Divine nature and the promise they made so long ago.
Those of you who are in this group have encoded within your DNA the major virtues, abilities and qualities of the Atlantean race, that of leaders/pioneers/warriors. There is a deep-seated desire to use your mental abilities along with the Divine Will and Power of our Father God in order to be major cocreators on the physical plane of reality. In addition, you are infused with the highest virtues, qualities and abilities of our Mother God, which were instilled in those Souls who came to Earth during the Golden Age of Lemuria, the gentle, nurturing, intuitive, inward focused qualities, and in addition, great artistic abilities and a desire for peace, tranquility and contemplation.
You have experienced a rich and wondrous spiritual heritage, and in the past you have been blessed to have so many magnificent Beings of Light in your midst – masters whose teachings have left you with wondrous guidelines for living a virtuous life. However, it is time to blend the past with the future, and humanity is experiencing a deep-seated need for guidance, inspiration and support from one another.
We are going to suggest a new way, and it is our greatest hope that some of you will take up the banner. We are asking you to become the future spiritual champions for the emerging new spirituality among Self-aware humankind. We ask you to begin to come together in order to study, support and inspire each other. We ask you to share your knowledge, your wisdom, your visions and your experiences with one another.
We are aware of a great sense of loneliness amongst the peoples of the world – a sense of isolation. It is not enough to just read the teachings we give you or those of the masters, or to visit a beautiful cathedral or temple and pay homage to God. It is a time of reunification, and you must begin to come together to share your love, wisdom and inspiration; a time to study together and to support one another. We are not asking you to build more great temples, for that is not where the gods of the future will dwell. You are the cocreators of the future – Divine Sparks of the Creator – who are being asked to take your rightful place in the grand march into the future.
Beloved ones, it is time to release all the guilt, shame and feelings of unworthiness that so many of you have carried as core issues from a very long time ago. You must heal the pain of the past so that you may assume your proper role in the wondrous plan for the future that is now unfolding so rapidly on planet Earth.
Through our messages, we have given you the tools, wisdom and insight to release all things in your life that do not serve your best interests and the greatest good. We implore you to take to heart what we have told you, over and over again, You are worthy of all the love, beauty, joy, peace and abundance of this universe, for it is your DIVINE BIRTHRIGHT. You must learn to love and respect yourself. You must have a deep sense of self-worth before you can truly love and respect others, and before others will return the love and respect that you so richly deserve.
We ask you to review the qualities, virtues and attributes of your Divine Heritage that you are now displaying. Are you projecting too much of the masculine Atlantean energy, and focusing too much on acquiring and creating? Remember, we have told you that you are looking for a state of Being or a quality of life. You can acquire great wealth and manifest many wondrous things materially, but if your heart center is closed or you have ignored and not developed your Lemurian /Goddess virtues and qualities, you will feel incomplete, and you will experience a deep, indefinable sense of dissatisfaction.
Come together in groups of two, three, ten, one-hundred or one-thousand, it makes no difference. However, if you join together for the benefit of all, we promise you, we will be there in full force to empower you, to assist you, and to radiate the love of our Father/Mother God to you in the greatest measure you can contain.
Your major goal at this time is to return to the originally designed spectrum of Light and shadows, the vibrational patterns that make up your personal world in the Third- / Fourth-Dimensional reality. In doing so, your pendulum of consciousness will not swing so radically from positive to negative frequencies, and your mental and emotional natures will become stabilized and centered once more. This is an important step in learning to live centered within your Sacred Heart and Sacred Mind. As you elevate your vibrational patterns, the higher frequencies of Light will gradually dissolve the many membranes of Light that restrict your higher consciousness. Once this occurs, you are well on your way to living a conscious, Soul-inspired life of a Self-master.
It is a most wondrous time, beloveds. We have been with you from the time you first externalized into your individual consciousness within this Sub-Universe. We will be with you as we go forward into the bright new future, as we join forces with the mighty Elohim, the great builders of form, in preparation for the fulfillment of the glorious new Age to come. I send forth the radiance of our Father/Mother God as we enfold you in an aura of Divine Love and Light. In you, we are well pleased. I AM Archangel Michael.
Transmitted through Ronna Vezane / Sacred Scribe **

Conversation With Babaji: 5G, Cash Ban, RFID, No Way Out?

JJK: What’s next? Now 5G (1) is being introduced worldwide – the mass irradiation and mass manipulation of humans! The cash ban is also ante portas – an end to freedom in this regard. So how does it continue, is everything really overused to the last detail?
BABAJI: I’m with humanity, I’m with every human being – I’m with you, Jahn.
Yes! It is the passage of time and the dynamics inherent in the events before the final upheaval.
JJK: Humanity is driving at 100 km / h against the wall and it seems to me, as it now only right on the gas?
BABAJI: These developments are unstoppable, because this alone can bring about the new. The vast majority of people must go deeply into error.
Only then does the need arise for an exit and the power for the realization can be developed. An error has to be experienced deeply, with all the consequences, before the counter-movement occurs – this is true in the individual as well as in the global sense.
JJK: Is not it too late? If we are totally manipulated by electromagnetic radiation, if we lose all freedom in payment transactions and even if the RFID chip comes – is not it too late then? Then people are completely robbed of their freedom and mutated into bio-robots.
It is never too late!
BABAJI: It’s never too late to correct a mistake. It is true that the captivity of humanity is increasing. The circumstances you mentioned point to it. This is part of the big game on this earth and everyone has the choice – to play along or say NO.
JJK: I often think that only divine intervention can really help here.
How far are the impositions extended before the big cleansing begins?
Many people can no longer say NO or consciously YES because they are no longer themselves and no longer have their own will.
Situation is getting worse!
BABAJI: This situation keeps getting worse, until the day when the dark rulers of their triumph are certain, and until all humanity is largely under their influence – and it comes to a head, until the day the critical mass of people calling for the light is reached.
Of those who have retained their own will, a clear call and commission must go to the Creator, then events take their course in a new way. After that, the world is changed in a few days and not as it once was.
To awaken is to use one’s free will for the divine.
There are enough people who are clear minded and avoid any contact with the divine light. When a certain number of these people wake up, everything turns around and it becomes LIGHT.
JJK: What can we do next to our own cognitive work? If these 5G transmitters are deployed in all corners, or if we take the cash away and the RFID chip becomes “no-choice” – is there any way to stop these developments so that the worst can be avoided?
BABAJI: The path leads every human to himself. There are the answers for the individual. Fundamental is: to do consciousness work, to feel in oneself and to perceive the voice of God – then each person finds his answers and his own way.
The one will rise and throw himself into the earthly battle, the other will get up and throw himself into the spiritual battle – and some will act on both levels.
All this is in the sense of the Creator, since every person takes his place and fulfills his tasks.
Go your way with God
That is what matters on all your efforts. Go your unique and unique way. It is God who reveals this to you, and it is God who accompanies you at every step and blesses every one of your purposes.
Listen attentively to yourself – what are your orders – and then go your way. Do not follow a false prophet, do not participate in any revolution unless your orders demand of you or if a revolt lacks the spiritual basis.
Stay with yourself!
Strengthen your efforts to bind yourself to God, then everything comes automatically, because you are connected to the whole. Then the kingdom of God is in you and you no longer worry about how to live your life or what you should do.
JJK: Now I think of the words of Jesus Christ, which are wonderfully narrated in the New Testament:
“That’s why I tell you: do not worry about your life, what you should eat or drink, nor about your body, what you should wear! Is not life more than food and body more than clothing?
26 Look at the birds of the heavens: they do not sow, they do not harvest and do not gather supplies in barns; Your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you worth much more than her?
27 Which of you, with all your anxiety, can prolong your life by a small margin?
28 And what do you worry about your clothes? Learn from the lilies of the field how they grow: they do not work and do not spin.
29 But I say unto you, even Solomon was not clothed in all his splendor like one of them.
30 But if God so clothes the grass that is in the field today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, how much more then you, you little believers!
31 So do not worry and do not ask: what should we eat? What should we drink? What should we wear?
32 For after all, the Gentiles strive. Your Heavenly Father knows you need it all.
33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness; then everything else will be added to you.
So do not worry about tomorrow; because tomorrow will take care of itself. Every day has enough of its own plague. “Matthew 6: 25-34
BABAJI: That’s the only truth, and you should follow it wholeheartedly, without overlooking the obvious or denying the obvious.
The future of humanity has begun
Days of upheaval are intended for this humanity. There’s no way around it.
Until then, every human being is invited by the primary source of all life to make his choice. This consists of:
1.) Continue to stay in the game or
2.) to continue the journey in the light and to leave this level.
Fear not a moment! Even if deserts become seas and oceans deserts: You are under my protection.
Become completely devoted to your inner transformation, then you will be immune to all the diseases that this world produces, and then you will remain free, even if all humanity is enslaved.
We continue this conversation elsewhere and at another hour, so that people can trust in divine guidance and that they can remain in confidence.
Now, as humanity staggers from one error to the next, it depends on those who are clear minded and have a pure heart. It is these people who are commanded to stop the wheel of karma.
Because the future of humanity has begun It begins today, here and now – in you.
I am in the middle of you.



Cuando un político incumpla las leyes...

Una buena idea de Isabel Argüello Calvo

Cuando un político haga mal su trabajo y la Unión Europea imponga multas que las paga el Estado, osea tod@s ,por esa mala gestión ...
Propongo que el político en cuestión
Deberia irse a su casa sin empleo ni sueldo, y con su trabajo fuera de la política o con bienes personales pague esa multa para devolverla al Estado, osea a tod@s nosotros .
Ya veriamos si de esta manera se incumplen las leyes comunitarias como hasta ahora.

Publicado por Everth THENANSHED, 1er Oficial de la Federación Galáctica de planetas libres.

Copyright © misteri1963 Todos los derechos reservados.Puede copiar y distribuir este artículo siempre que no lo modifique de ninguna manera, el contenido permanece completo, el autor recibe crédito y la URL se incluye en y el Aviso de copyright

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