
11 de septiembre de 2017

The BREXIT seen from the point of view of Varoufakis


You campaigned against brexit. How do you think is doing the British government in negotiating with the EU exit? It is an absolute disaster, with a prime minister at the head is the epitome of hypocrisy campaigned for the UK to remain in the EU and the next day becomes prime minister and defends a hard exit from the Union. He thought the European Union was going to give a free trade agreement in a year. That would never happen. We face an incredible combination of authoritarian incompetence in Brussels and London. The victims will be European and British citizens. Do you think the negotiations will end badly?

It is that these negotiations are not negotiations. They are a bit like the negotiations that I was carrying out with the troika. We were constantly negotiating to negotiate and never really left us. Mr Barnier [European negotiator Brexit] does not have a mandate to negotiate. It has guidelines approved by the European Council to negotiate. Let 's be honest: it has a list of concessions Theresa May to do and have to go to London to get them . As in plan: this is all we want, we give everything and then at that time we 'll talk about what you want. This I tell anyone if you do not want to reach an agreement. "I worry about we do not see them present a coherent program in the European Union"

Does this mean that the EU is deliberately boycotting the negotiations? Of course. The worst nightmare for Brussels now is a mutually beneficial agreement with London. Do you think they want to send the message that is catastrophic leave the EU? Anyone who questions the EU bureaucracy and the establishment is crushed. But the Catalans are acting against the establishment and yet, you say that they receive them with open arms. I do not understand. That's what Madrid is trying [laughs]. Madrid wants to crush them to give them a lesson. It is not the way to create stability and a sense of belonging.

I know that following closely what we do in Spain. Do not you think they were wrong when they could help form an alternative government and would not mix with the PSOE and citizens? The result was Rajoy's government. I do not see how you can make a government with citizens. They are very dogmatic in relation to the failed policies of the Eurogroup. I can not imagine them in the same bed with Podemos. It would have been based on a very fragile coalition government. The Socialists were also deeply divided between supporters of Pedro Sánchez and his opponents. It was a government that did not have much potential to do what he did Portugal. But my concern is that we do not see yet present a coherent program in the European Union, particularly in relation to the Eurozone. They have to do.

Why do you think they do not have a serious agenda to govern? I'm not sure. It is a very young party. They have focused correctly on maintaining contacts with the social fabric, neighbors, places that saw them born. From my own experience in Diem25, I know how difficult it is to organize and mobilize. I hope we can finish developing a program that is needed to break the ceiling of 20% or 25% support. In no European country you can win without a narrative of what will you do in the Eurogroup. How do you see European leaders against Trump? With incredible incompetence. We have a union and we have no common foreign policy. Put it on Google and leave a joke. It is a slow process

I'm 56 years old. I've been listening since I was 15. Henry Kissinger said in the ' 70s when Europe wants to talk to do not know who to call. The same thing keeps happening. I do not see progress. Our ability to make foreign policy is less than 15 years ago. When Bush invaded Iraq, Chirac and Schroder opposed and set a sort of European position: Saddam Hussein not support but we are not in favor of invading Iraq. It was a moment of European pride. Now Trump is elected and Theresa May we go running to him begging for a hug, Macron putting on a show in Paris, absolutely empty of content. Merkel did better, but there is a European response. Can you imagine Trump ending his term?

My question to my friends in the Democratic Party who are struggling to make a impeachmentes: Are you confident that the president Pence would be better? The problem is not people. The good thing is that Trump presidency has exposed the rot that is the American system of power. Yanis Varoufakis

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