
1 de noviembre de 2017

IMPORTANT MESSAGE OF THE VIRGIN MARY - in the coming weeks will manifest in your reality, LINDA LI

Resultat d'imatges virgin mary

Mother Mary says, my heart, I am Mother Mary. I come today with an important message. 

God has decreed that the planetary ascension has reached a point where the whole truth must come out. Truth concerning the planet and the truth concerning the origin of the truth about our existence on the planet and the truth about the ascension of the planet. 

to truth it is that all planetary ascensions require great effort and joint work . 

There is no exception here on earth. We have to leave the planet and humanity know we're here, and we are the Divine team. We are here so that we can lead and be a help. 

l planet needs help, help from heaven in time in this way. The planet itself knows and your children should know 
stamos here to lead the planetary ascension for humanity. 
It is the design, and now is the time to make it known. We are here to stay, not only for the time of ascension only. We are here to stay long term. What I mean by that is that we will lead the planetary ascension, bring humanity back home and stay with humanity after the ascension because it is our desire to do so. 

According to the spiritual law, we can stay if we so choose.The law says that we are one, we come from the same source and have unity consciousness. There is no separation . 

Therefore we chose to stay, at least for now How long this climb will be achieved? We do not have an accurate assessment. However, if we know, it is a life, the life of a human being, is how long that will be allowed. How long the earth will be stable? You may ask, we would say it depends. It depends on how fast the earth can shake off all that old energy, and how soon you can tailor the new normal and that's all we can share at this time.

Mother Earth works very hard at this time shaking unnecessary energy. She is in the cycle to get rid of the old. Once this cycle is termindao, she will continue the reallocation and reorganization and that's the most challenging part of humanity because it means natural disasters, and means that souls have to leave the planet if the time and souls tempted to move if its regions need to be moved . There will be a lot of relocations, I'd say. Earth will fairly quickly so you can move to the next phase.
Then my advice is to stay alert, listen to the divine messages and their sources.

Humanity will get used to the idea that Divine is in charge of the planet now, and Divine is the source of information in terms of what is happening on the planet daily. We designed this way and take you out soon. You'll see soon.

In addition to this, also we qzueremos the planet and humanity know that the Divine Mother / Father God is here. They will be announced for the planet to unite and act together on behalf of one.

Divine design that Washington DC will be the spiritual center, and Divine Mother / Father God reside there in Washington DC., The center for the planet, the spiritual center and the center of the divine presence.

In addition to the Divine presence, also we witness to our brothers and sisters of the stars who have been on the planet for eons. They have been helping our planetary affairs diligently and helping humanity grow. They are guardians of the planet and deserve the reconocimiwento and conscience of mankind. That's something we want aegurarnos it happens.

Finally, we want the planet and humanity aware of the existence of our beloved light workers. They are the ones who are here to help. One by one, they need to be known, because it is they who do the hard work on behalf of humanity. They are most have been neglected by society.Just because your vibrations are different. Those days are over Dearest light. The days when it is being abused, neglected or discriminated over. You are the leaders, the leaders of the planet, because that's the design, that's what they're here. 

Celebrate your loved ones, go to celebrate you finally reach the top, reaches the victory.

I am the Mother Mary, I love you. In the coming weeks, I've listed here will manifest in your reality. Remember my words dear. The moment has come. We are here. Things have changed. Our time has come, come celebrate with me Mother Mary, all of you, celebrate. I am the Mother Mary, I love you, That's right.

Linda Li


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