
14 de noviembre de 2017

Prophecies, antichrist and religion, reviewing today

Minister Paul  has a great track record with precise prophecies about presidents and US elections.   

In 2011, the Holy Spirit gave him a vision of Obama and asked , "Do you see this man, Obama?  He will win and that will be the beginning of the end". 

n recent centuries, many Christian leaders recognized that 2012 would mark the beginning of the end, the beginning of the rise to power to the antichrist and the false prophet. 

Even today, the illuminati believe that anything significant started in 2012, why is hidden in the Great Seal of the United States of America, which appears on the back of each dollar bill of the US. UU. Latin phrase Novus Ordo Seclorum, which means "New Order of the Ages".

The Illuminati believe that a new world order began to increase in 2012. They  have hidden their plans in full view with layers of pyramid symbol that reveal 2012 as the start date. 

On April 26, 2016, God showed him that Hillary Clinton would be stricken with disease. Compliance is demonstrated in his public appearances, such as coughing he had while speaking at a campaign event in New York. 

"Your health will start to be hit increasingly strong because  God will not let you become President." His lies will be exposed. If there is a choice, she would not win. 

Are not we supposed to love one another? If we love each other, why do not we are paying each other? Are not we supposed to pay our debts? If we love each other, why we are at war with each other? Are not we supposed to help each other and not hurt each other? 

Trump had a solution and said:  "What the world needs is a complete overhaul, not at city or county level, even atfederal level, but globally." 

Finally they came up with the solution and the main thing was that he would take the world's confidence. So I had this ten - point plan; how to fix the world 's finances. That includes the United States. Just put in any country where you are. Finance, violence, wars, diseases would stop if we unite as one, famine. In other words, if a country has too much and another country has very little we could just share it 's supposed to have in the Bible and no one should starve. Expensive pumps should not shoot each other. We should shake hands in love. 

Trump was giving a grace period on these rules and there was a database. He said he should not worry because what he would do, would introduce new global rules, global laws and global currency. And he was so understanding. 

He was like, "I know it's a lot to absorb all at once.  We will give you a grace period and help you overcome this, and it's best, and is the only solution. The person who delivered the keynote address and presented himself as world leader was not Obama. that was not his voice or presence.  it was Donald Trump.  at that time, no one really knew anything about him, but God does.

Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj:  God gave us more time so we could put our houses in order  , which means prepare spiritually by learning to be led by the Spirit of God, but also financially, preparing for the coming financial problems by getting rid of debts. 

We are truly living in the last days, the time the antichrist is emerging. Great shakes, labor pains leading to the tribulation and the great tribulation ahead. These jolts will make many people turn to God and to awaken many sleeping Christians. The same tremors also make the world rely on atheistic solutions. Therefore, the light will become clearer and darkness will darken, causing a separation as the contrast between the two becomes much clearer.

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