
12 de noviembre de 2017


Data from publicació: November 12. 2017
Light blessing Amada Tribe:
Gratitud all focusing and interact with the Cosmic Stargates, the end of 2017, such as 11:11 , to combine the upper energy sequences and dissolve anomalies secondary time.

We have exceeded the secondary time delays, only to experience Ascension.

Since the eclipse and the opening of Portales, these experiences are easier because Crystalline Consciousness is stronger.

Unity Consciousness is unifying us as a source strength.

As we move forward in time, they will be presented anomalies however, allow us to clear blockages and open the way to install the primary Christic line.
This will occur with the next Gateway, 21 to 25 November, when the gateway is installed.

As always, evoke the experience of Christ Primary timeline as a palpable reality for all souls willing.

There is intense geomagnetic storms due to the solar wind and plasma inflows during the stargate.

DNA activations reflected a greater influx of light.

All this is strange and beautiful, and co-create beautifully, almost miraculously.

We focus on domestic languages, as you level up, since the effect of the process, amplifies thoughts and words ..

We have been warned for years about the consequences of the intensification of energy.

Anything we can do to release, purge, cleanse, purify and support leveling, greatly help balance the collective.

Cry, let's clean, desintoxiquemos, meditate, pray, decretemos, Conectémonos with nature and create wonderful things.

Do not allow the influence of minor vibrations, recover their Masters is their birthright.

Meditation, produces lift the veil through the column Ascension.

When we connect with the multidimensional being thus activated crystalline DNA and resonates with the vibration of the primary lines of time.

This is our task now: anchor the platform of the New Earth through our DNA and consciousness.

We win stillness to rewrite these transformations.

The more attention toast on a personal level, the more light will be infused into the collective, to turn the lens human DNA.

Remember that the solar component frequency has changed since the September equinox.

This changes the way we project these realities, strengthens the power in the pure heart centers and allows our incarnation Christ, change the realities of all souls willing.

Many are honoring 11 11 Peace intentions.

Saturday, join Unity Meditation, at 11:11 Am, Pacific Time, to help empower them .

All ascendant hearts, are welcome to join these support activities.
I am honored to share this experience with new tribes Multidimensional, another sign of the acceleration of Unity Consciousness.

This is our sacred window, which will allow us to show humanity that Ascension is possible!

In love, light and service.
Sandra Walter

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