
6 de noviembre de 2017

The Event is where everything happens at once: Mass Arrests, Disclosure, Restoration of the Republic and activation of GESARA (as agreed with the Paris Agreement).

Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of Nov. 6 2017

Compiled 1:04 am EDT 6 Nov. 2017 by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret, CEO, Child Abuse Recovery; Author, "Twenty Two Faces,"

A. Nov. 5 2017 11:07 pm EDT ZAP Report: "God's Been Good to me" - Weekly ZAP - The Office of POOFness - 11.5.17

1. The Zim is on the screen and carries a very high number.

2. Zim and all the other currency exchanges and asset redemptions have commenced and the big boys are finishing their processes right now.

3. Tomorrow Nov. 6 the other groups will begin.

4. By Nov. 9 that should be finished and payments made if everything goes well.

5. Grandfather has started in his process. The US has started as well. Europe is well advanced in the process as well.

B. Nov. 5 2017 4:39 pm EDT Intel Alert: Operation Disclosure GCR/RV Intel Alert for November 5, 2017

1. The Podesta's are feeling the heat. The Clinton's are next, then Bush and so on.

2. The Cabal are being exposed with the Paradise Papers suddenly emerging (only the beginning).

3. This will lead to arrests and eventually the Mass Arrest Event.

4. It is clear that we cannont exchange until we see the USN replace the USD because the NPTB won't allow public exchanges in USD.

5. The Event is where everything happens at once: Mass Arrests, Disclosure, Restoration of the Republic and activation of GESARA (as agreed with the Paris Agreement).

6. The day we exchange will be the day after the Event.

C. Nov. 5 2017 4:01 pm EDT Saudi Arabia, Bush & Clinton Crime Families:Sorcha Faal: "Deep State" Bloodbath Moves to Saudi Arabia What Does It Mean

A stunning Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that National Security Agency (NSA) forces loyal to President Donald Trump have moved the “rampage-bloodbath” they’ve initiated against their “Deep State”enemies to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia—and where, just hours ago, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman began a shocking purge of his government by his ordering the immediate arrest of 10 senior princes and over 38 ministers due to their terrorist money laundering associations with both the Bush Crime Family and Clinton Crime Family—and that includes one of the richest men in world, Prince al-Walid bin Talal. (Other reports link Saudi Arabia, Clintons and Bushes to International Child Kidnapping/Exploitation Rings)

D. Nov. 5 2017 9:05 pm EDT Uranium 1 Connection to Obama Iran Deal:(Video) Judge Jeanine Shows Uranium One Connection to Obama's Iran Deal

E. Nov. 4 2017 11:01 pm EDT Judge Lists Clinton Crimes: (Video) Fearless Judge Lists Crimes of Clinton's DNC Clan and the Swamp

F. Nov. 5 2017 9:23 pm EDT Hillary Clinton Sex Tape: Liz Crokin: Hillary Clinton Sex Tape will Prove Pizzagate is Real

G. Nov. 5 2017 1:15 pm EDT Warrants, Arrests for Hillary Clinton, Podestas: Tony Podesta Arrested, Warrants Issued for Hillary Clinton and John Podesta

H. Nov. 5 2017 10:02 am EDT Elite Satanic Ritual Abuse on Children, Byington: (Video) Victurus Libertas VL -- Interview w/ Judy Byington on Satanic Ritual Abuse and Multiple Personalities

I. Nov. 5 2017 Hollywood and Occult Worship: Occult Worship " Hollywood's Other Dirty Secret That Everyone Knows of But No One Talks About

J. Nov. 5 2017 Antifa Revolution on Nov. 4 a Fail: ANTIFA REVOLUTION ULTIMATE FAIL!

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