
6 de febrero de 2018

The Spanish market is increasingly residual for trade in goods Catalan.

that statement saying that "trade of Catalan products is divided into three equal parts (33%) among the community, the rest of Spain and the world" far behind.

C-intereg  just published the numbers of the first 9 months of last year and shows that this is no longer true ...

In the first three quarters (9 months) results indicate that: 
-own Catalunya:  26,1%  (23,2%) 
-Spain:  26.2%  (28.7%) 
-World:  47.7%  ( 48.1)

(Parenthetically overall results 2016)

As you can see, the foreign market is practically the same, but not the  own and the  one with Spain . 
Clearly Catalunya sells less in Spanish territory because there is a boycott and because simply the Catalan businessman is eliminating that market. The proof is finding complicity in Catalunya itself (up nearly 3 points). In other words, it becomes evident that the Catalans buy more products from home.

Making History: 
In the periodo1995-2001 Spain accounted for 39% of Catalan trade. 
2002-2009 dropped to 36%. 
2010-2013: 32% 
2014: 30% 
2015: 29% 
2016: 28% 
9 months 2017: 26.2%

The Catalans do things , and one of them is trying to convert residual trade with Spain, a favorable market to catalanofobia ... 
and the beginning of the " How to " boycott began with the famous cava 2004. That vile campaign did change the mentality of the Catalan businessman, they realized there was a residue of hatred. Representing 27% of foreign trade in the period 1995-2001 we have passed 48% in 2016 ...

Finally, it is demonstrated that the Catalans buy our products more and more.And our businessmen looking more and more Western democratic-minded customers.


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