
11 de marzo de 2018

"A different angle at the event" - Hope for the World

Sunday, March 11, 2018 

the World at 1:06 am EST on March 11, 2018 

Interest and speculation about what some call 'The Event' seems to be at its highest point lately, so we'll add a slightly different perspective for consideration. The information is expressed is the view of this writer, my point of vista.Porque whole truth awaits you in your heart. 

We begin with a point of contention that has been lost in all efforts to define 'The Event' we are aware of so far, and that's just (though deeply) this:

In all creation and across the vast expanse of existence, this planet and its natural indigenous deadly species have become an anomaly: there isvery little about our current status within the 'typical' developments taking place in this universe it could be considered 'normal' compared to any other field inhabited. 

The two unfortunate incidents that caused our misuse of God's plan involved the Lucifer Rebellion and the shameful failure of our Planetary Prince and the subsequent "Alien Invasion" as detailed here: (The Planet Earth is the wickedest) .As a result of this double disaster to man's nature and environment, I fell into a condition of depravity that has never been seen in any of the worlds Font Creator, described as "sin hit", "dominated by evil, "" he is having difficulties. " formulate concepts of God, "self-seeking", "confused and delayed", "isolated", "an irregular sphere," "darkened by sin", "disturbed", "backward kingdom," "torn struggle, afflicted by pain, and disease afflicts the world. "

We are told that if we could suddenly be transported to any other planet in our kingdom enjoying a normal evolutionary path operating room mortal mistakenly think that we have been translated to heaven of our traditions. That is the anomaly in which we have become the general scope of things. And this unique distinction should be the starting point for any discussion or research on any kind of 'event' related to the ascension to occur on this planet. 

The responsibility of being ANOMALY

Because this distinction is an anomaly that makes it literally impossible for any of us, much less for any of our cosmic counterparts are enjoying these normal evolutionary pathways, predict or speculate about "what happens" with us from here. How could anyone really know? Why would we want to conform with the definitions of other species of "what" believe is in store for us? So Ra is "harvested" from the "3rd dimension" to the "5th Dimension" from time to time ... What does that have to do with us? Just us, within ourselves, we embody the secret of our own ascension, and it is the responsibility of each of us gradually reveal that secret gradually as we move forward.

And this is fully maintained within the will of God for their ascendant creatures of time and space, because God does not meddle or interfere with the natural order of evolution within the universe.Never.

It has been said that 'The Event' involves a massive 'pulse' emitted from the center of the galaxy, suddenly activate the process of human collective ascension, a transformation of matter, energy, consciousness and biological life as we know . But we ask, who and what is supposedly stationed at the galactic center is starting a powerful pulse? Does this source of cosmic authority to issue a pulse to challenge the will of God for the natural order of evolution in the universe? Is this source has the authority to issue a pulse that would inevitably affect any other inhabited planet on its way to Earth?

Are you really fine with all of us that some mysterious source is assuming a position of control over our ascension process without consulting or even presented? Are not we a little more controlled by a force supposed to know what is better for us than we know ourselves? 


With regard to a possible solar flare element involved in 'The Event', we just want to remind the reader that there can be another area of greatest deception fed involving our beloved estrella.Lo you * think * you know about the sun is almost fully manufactured to distract us from the reality of how the Sun really contributes to our existence and planetary progression. Reach the slavers call to end a call "solar flash" a "deadly shot", with all its death and destruction, it seems to belie its agenda slavery of conscience. 

We want to make three points regarding our Sun in regards to the ascension process:

The soles in all star systems are used as way stations for concentrating and directing power circuits, which then direct and feed various energies needed in the power grids of "ley line" of the planet. 
Because the power grid "ley line" original land has been so badly damaged, our Sun benefits from the attention of the heavenly "engineers" who are working to restore this world in the spiritual circuits of our kingdom, where we can enjoy all the benefits of the universal cosmic connection and transmission (see " direct Dial "). 
Consider that anything that comes from NASA can be trusted as truth. 
Speak the truth

While we question the concept of "The Event" as a phenomenon that will happen "in the blink of an eye," everyone will capture universally as to what is happening, and that "not everyone will be ascending" (apparently those who do not you can make the instantaneous jump is sent to another part of the universe to finish your work), we think there's definitely an element of abruptness in our potential change in consciousness. This is not to imply that there may be a brusquedada a change in consciousness universal.Aquí again, God is not an advocate for the creation zap. If he imposed the conditions in which all citizens universal somehow suddenly and inexplicably fell in consciousness, a patient would cease to be creative by natural evolutionary means, and would become a god fictional creation. And I really do not want that. That would take all the fun out of it.

So when we refer to lorepentino a change in consciousness, we mean individual level, on a personal level. 

Now, the element of suddenness is a normal and natural phenomenon of evolution within this universo.Por example, 450,000,000 of years in the primitive past of this planet, the transition from plant life to animal life occurred suddenly .In one time to time throughout our evolutionary process, surgieronrepentinamente species of animal life radically new. They did not evolve as a result of the gradual accumulation of small variations;They appeared as new and full orders of life, and suddenly appeared.

The sudden appearance of new species and diversified bodies of living organisms is completely biological and strictly natural in this and all the evolving worlds. There is nothing supernatural connected with these genetic mutations. Here's how evolution works. So to relate this idea of the suddenness with humanity undergoing a process of ascension, man can expect a very sudden awakening when you can finally confront the truth. It is not subjective truth that is often confused with personal beliefs, but rather the truth of things as to how they are really opposed to the lie of things as to how they really are not. 

As with the sun, for example.

Conscious awakening (ascension) can not happen in our current culture of deceit. Simply can not.Darkness knows, and that's what they trust. But it will not always be so. And we can anticipate that when the truth becomes our daily bread, eyes suddenly seabrirán. This miracle will happen one person at the exact moment that each of us is ready for it. How will we know when a person is ready? We will not do this is personal unabrusquedad we can not predict or coaccionar.Cuando the truth comes to the mind of a person, and when that person has the opportunity to mentally confront the truth as offered by a miraculous ascension process will occur , personally.

And it will come as an incredible 'evento'.Pero that event come to us one by one, as we confront and respond to the truth (of which we have unfortunately been deprived), and total and eternal delight of our legions of hosts of invisible sky. This will offer as an alternative approach to the issue of 'Event (Ascension)' as currently offered. 

Meditate on what has intrigued you in this letter and hopes that your thoughts are complemented by personal divine inspiration. Your "event" of individual ascension is so personal that endless joy becomes their hard - won reward, ended with this prayer.

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