
19 de marzo de 2018


馃憠 program begins greeting: 

Congratulations on St. Patrick 's Day! or Saint Patrick 's Day (Irish celebration brought to the United States many years ago) Taking advantage of this celebration to them I recall that the Leprechauns or leprechauns of those who speak in this celebration are real and not just belong or live in Ireland, they belong the realm of elementary and are everywhere. 

馃憠 I will take to recommend the reading of books from our beloved Diane Robbins explaining the different realms that share with all of us daily. Elementals are part of our lives as they live in their gardens and care for their plants and flowers.

馃憠 And if their children tell them they saw a goblin or a fairy, do not think they're lying because they are real! They also are grateful as they are here and longer before you came, to help them enlightenment. 

 [NOTE: We publications on these subjects] 

馃憠 Those of you that want to see only have to connect with Mother Nature. Take time to make contact and just think of the word "elf" or "fairy" ... and atr谩iganlos with love and they will be presented.

馃憠 Similarly, if you have any questions about something or some awkward situation in their lives they can ask for solutions. Sit under a tree, with your feet flat on the floor resting his back on the tree they like or prefer. Asked a question and remain silent until they hear the response from the tree. Remember that trees keep the records or information of each being of all mankind. 

馃憠 live in harmony with Mother Nature and all beings around to have a peaceful and fluid communication with the other kingdoms and with other human beings.

馃憠 We want to remember that the kingdom of crystals is also very powerful because they also keep the records or information in the planet's history. When using one of these crystals around their necks as a pendant, you should know that these crystals are alive! Use them proudly, they are carrying a being who can communicate with you all the time. 

馃憠 Within a short time they will develop the universal language called telepathy. 

Many already are practicing with other people and even your pets. You are Gods and Goddesses and you know the powers that everyone possesses.

Use them for himself and others benefit. Once they developed they will be able to communicate with the other living beings on the planet: the surface, with the inner earth, deep and with the brothers of heaven. 

NOTE GABI Richard McKim - who used the pseudonym "One Who Know" (one who knows) that posteaba on the site "Chronicles of Dinar" had disappeared and no one knew his whereabouts. He was invited to the program where he spoke RV and breaking news. 

馃憠 few months, Richard McKim, ago he retired to Mount Shasta to meditate and raise your vibration (to prepare for the event) where he has had no contact with anyone from family and friends.

Richard was meditating on Mount when in front of him, a portal opened and left Adama. He took her hand and led him to the inner earth. 

Since his arrival he has been studying a lot and has been preparing for the mission we gave it is "Mentor". 

It has tremendously developed his telepathy to the point that has been communicating with those close to him persons in this way. Adama came to look because he realized he was ready to go and start preparing. 

馃憠 If you want to develop telepathy, when you sit quietly under the tree, mentally ask something and quietly wait for the answer .... they will achieve. You should only want to make the connection.

馃憠 Now I will discuss the event: a "wave of light energy" that is coming to the planet and once they realize what is or means, each person will feel and what will ver.Se will present the colors of a rainbow and will come from the east to the west and cover the entire planet and is going to be, it is not going to go until everyone in the whole world are in a complete state of aSCENSION. 

馃憠Las people are waiting for this to happen sometime in the month of March and it is right because people are "waking up" and are receiving information, are more connected. Many people are waking up in Singapore and the Far East for example but in other areas not yet.

馃憠 You are receiving this information as an advance of arrival (referring to the wave) When wave touch the planet there will be more hidden, governments or technologies or the truth because this wave will change the entire structure of your physical / bodies will work end processing crystalline carbon. 

They 馃憠 have a wonderful future ahead of them and expect great knowledge. Also you will enjoy gifts given to you by your brothers like meds beds (beds Healing) that are going to start building. Or for example an injection to change gender. It is applied and the next day wake up the sex of your preference. No more painful surgeries. Also to restructure lost limbs, or the birth of teeth and no more dentures.

(The driver asks for more information on the wave ... and Father - Mother God says) 

馃憠 There are many more people "wake up" from which you think what happens is that say nothing. When the event pass will travel the planet in the day from east to west) and will remain on Earth until everyone is fully in the Fifth Dimension. 

馃憠 will feel an infusion of energy that cleans and renews and consciously going to realize who they are and "the veil" will be completely removed and that is where the whole planet will have developed telepathy. 

馃憠 Everyone will start communicating through the mind as a whole must have been forever until they reached these beings ... The Annunaki .... the world is one mind and that we will return.

馃憠 Although their bodies are transformed and become beings of high consciousness, still going to be people who want to use the beds meds (Camas Healing) for example, and they'll want to change some aspect that is not to your liking and it's okay. 

馃憠 This wave of energy will cure diseases seem incredible to the point but there are people who even so will want to have the experience of going through a bed med. 

馃憠 Healing this wave brings some in your mind will be considered miraculous or difficult to assume for programming many years, but his conscience will become a higher frequency and will better understand what this means .

馃憠 They will also learn how to use the new talent of telepathy but now I am teaching how to develop for the practice and when the event arrives and they know how to do it and not be afraid ... 

馃憠 I'm telling you how things are going to happen to know what to expect with the event and so have no fear. And you who are already informed will be in charge of telling who do not know not to be afraid and that wait with joy! 

馃憠 fear will be eliminated from the planet! We're all going to be one with the power, Prime Creator and Me and you.

馃憠 There are still chaos, unrest among humans but once this wave make a "sweep" across the globe, all negative thoughts and feelings and separation will no longer be any more fights or understandings .. .inclusive itself are now in a relationship where they feel they do not belong in your feelings or do not feel loved, all that will transform them see the other love that you have had them and they have not seen and their relationships be transformed into pure love, harmony, peace, joy and gladness among you.

馃憠 When this wave reaches the planet of love, wrapped in dark cabal book will want to escape, leaving because they can not withstand the light that will emanate from the bodies of the rest of humanity. The light will be so intense that they will not stand and will be instantly on a planet 3D (third dimension) to match your vibration. 

馃憠 Regarding the RV, this wave will accelerate the process of trade for those who have not passed it yet. Remember that they have been doing exchanges around the globe. 

馃憠 The AI or Artificial Intelligence is another thing brought by the dark agenda, it will not be allowed for bad purposes as have been using. We will restore and convert for good only.

馃憠 Obama will soon leave the planet because it has been called to return to their original planet Mushaba. 

馃憠 Trump and his government: those forming the cabinet have realized that they have no control over Trump and are in a panic. These people who are on the dark side will be re-educated on another planet. 

馃憠 There will be no place on the planet where there is darkness or evil. 

馃憠 Telepathy means something great: Imagine being able to communicate through his mind with anyone on the planet and any might want in the galaxy or wherever they are.

馃憠 are to present all the technologies that have been hidden for a long time here on the planet. You should already have vehicles (cars) flying, or machines ranging from country to country within minutes. 

馃憠 O primitive computers now that are going to be replaced by those that work with amino acids, and they are perfect! They will not be more jackeadores .... so I notice those who are listening that they will soon be out of work! 

馃憠Los changes in humans and are manifesting in their bodies, in their thoughts and in their knowledge, all prior to the wave.

馃憠 The total transformation of all will be finalized with the completion including trade event. Banks are still controlled (not for long) and will be converted into clearinghouses after the event. 

馃憠 all this information I'm giving them is to take her to the front of your brain where your mind to stay there if you need to process. Remember that the mind is just a vault to store knowledge and heart (heart-mind) is heartmind which analyzes and feels .... a person can be mindless but not heartless.

馃憠 Although some are already more "enlightened" or 5D and not others, when we receive this energy wave of love, everyone will be at the same level. It will not be any unless you have more knowledge than another or that has more development than another. 

Keep 馃憠 preparing either meditating (He mentioned that everyone should join Jared daily meditation Rand 3pm, we already know), develop mentally telepatia talking with a tree, using crystals, and living in a state of love.

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos m铆os que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ning煤...