
19 de marzo de 2018


Know that in Telos is very bright. We proceed with our affairs with God's light radiating through us. Everything we think and do fulfill the plan of God. Everything we feel, magnifies God's plan. Everything we say in our speech, exemplifies God's plan. So you see, our lives are totally interwoven to God 's plan for Earth. That's why incarnated in Telos. We incarnate here to keep God's Plan for Earth until you on the surface, could fulfill yourselves. God's plan is waiting. All they have to do is connect to the Light, and then you, too, will radiate the brilliance of God.

All this is ready for you. The road has been paved from the streets of Telos, and now it 's your turn to walk in the light, to produce the Plan of God on the surface, where their brothers and sisters are waiting in anticipation of the Second Coming of Christ. You are all Lightworkers carrying the Christ consciousness within their souls. You are the Christ, they have returned to this incarnation to bring the Christ energies to Earth, where they can permeate all life forms. So do not underestimate. Do not look to others to change their lives. Fear not claim his divinity. Because you are, my dear brothers and sisters, those who bring the Light of Ascension to the entire Earth.

And we here in Telos are working together with you to complete the plan of God for this time. We give them strength, give them unlimited love of God, and give them light daily. Focus only on us here in Telos, and may consciously feel the camaraderie and strength that is always flowing to you. We await your conscious connection with us, and the time when he will be allowed to visit us here in Telos. When we are truly one light emanating from the Earth to see the whole Cosmos. Our love comes to you in a great display of light.

We are very glad to be here with you at this point in the cycle of the earth through the Stars. Earth's path through the starry skies is taking more and closer to God-into the Divine Presence that fills the Universes and all space beyond. Because God is really everywhere, in every conceivable place and covers everything. We in Telos, learned this many aeons ago, and it is this knowledge that allows us to delve deeper and deeper into wisdom. For all things are from God. This is quite a simple fact, and recognize it can change your life. It has changed the lives of all of us on Earth. Once we recognized, we started using their meaning and ramification in our daily lives to our advantage, which brought us joy and unknown riches.

Those of us who believe in the divinity of life can bring our divinity into play to capture the essence of life. We use our Divinity to guide us in the right direction on the path of our souls toward greater and greater heights, reaching the apex of our souls plan for this incarnation. You can also use the knowledge of His Divinity to go through the obstacles of life and maneuvered into the path of Light of your soul for this incarnation. Because this is a very special incarnation, it is the culmination of all incarnations, and its outcome will lead to the Stars of the Grace of God.

Then traveling with us in the Divine Path to God, acknowledging his divinity in every step of the way, to walk together, one step from below, another step from above, in the Divine way through life, coming together as ONE in the Stars. 

Our location is on Mount Shasta in sunny California where we live our long lives in harmony and peace. You , too, will live long lives when they move to the Photon Belt of Light, and receive its rays of life of health and longevity. There is nothing for what to prepare, as they will be aided fully, before it reaches the time of entry. They know that you are on Earth at this time to attend all humanity with its entry into the Photon Belt.

All souls who incarnate at this time will do so with the full understanding of what will happen. That's why so many people on Earth today, more than there ever was, because all souls want to be involved in these "End Times". All souls who never incarnated on Earth have returned. You are one of them. These end times can be faced with harmony and joy, or fear and chaos. The choice is yours.We recommend you see this with your eyes turned toward God, his feet walk on Earth. Because God is in full control of everything and you are all in His hands. There is nothing to fear, only joy and immense welfare will result from the transition of the Earth into the Light.

So, my brothers and sisters, be aware of their light. And they are aware of us, his brothers and sisters in Telos, and call us when they need it, because we are here for you. Because we are here for you to count on us. When you feel confused, just call me, and sweeten their hearts and their minds alivianaré. My love is with you all.

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