
15 de marzo de 2018


Immortality unaged We waited all day in joy, knowing that we would do our connection today, at the end of your day. We are glad to be here with you today, partnering with you to bring our message to our brothers and sisters above ground. Thank you for keeping your appointment with us. Today we 'll talk about time and how fleetingly on the surface. You have your days, your minutes, seconds and recorded their all in their bodies, thinking that avejentar means the passage of time. To the extent that avejenta people, time passes. Buildings to deteriorate, time passes.

This is the time on the surface, and it's all an illusion. Time does not really exist - can not exist - and are a prime example. Our bodies do not avejentan and our buildings do not deteriorate. So does this mean that there is no time in Inner Earth means, but time exists only on the surface?Could we think so, no? But our lives testify to the fact that through the passage of time from you, our bodies stay young, no matter how much time passes on the surface. You measure time by old age, but we do not avejentamos. Does this mean that the time "stops" for us? Or does it mean that, on the contrary, you are using an inappropriate measure?

Their bodies avejentarían if you do not count the days and years as a avejentarse. If you count the days and years as he travels around the sun, instead of 30 years (old), instead of avejentar, then 30 years mean 30 trips around the sun, instead of 30 years (old.) Travel no avejentan, but the years themselves. If you just change the words of age to travel, they would gain immortality. It's all in their beliefs and their way of speaking. His speech and his thoughts do so.

In the Hollow Earth we know that there is no such thing as avejentar, because we never see it. We know that there is no such thing as time as you experience it, because everything is in a perpetual state youth and freshness. Everything looks as new as the day it was created, including our bodies. We exist in a state of divine perfection, in an environment of "timelessness".

We never hurried, never arrived late, never kill time as you do on the surface. Have you noticed how this is a favorite saying of you? It is as if time were his enemy, and when they have a little extra time, they kill. They are rushing to spend all the time of their lives, so that the end will come soon, and not have to feel. You just stay busy, looking to spend years of their life, and hope to finish without leaving extra time on your hands.Because what would they do with the extra time?The thought scared them, because they would have time to feel themselves, feeling their lives, and feeling is what everyone wants to avoid. So without enough time left over at the end of each day, you can avoid feeling and only carry a robotic existence.

They can stop time. Just start to feel at all times and prolong this feeling, this sense of self. They can really expand your time, and prolong their youth, not trapped by time. If you start to drain, they can stop to capture back to feeling deeply at the time. It's all about being aware. If you are lost in the day, they lose a segment of their lives. If you are aware of themselves during the day, they gain immortality, because they are focusing on the "now".

I would love our lifestyles and slow and harmonious ways. We have time to think things, speak them before making our choices. We are never forced to choose because they're running out of time or because there is a "term". These are obstacles that you created on the surface and simply do not exist "down here".

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...