
15 de marzo de 2018


The center of the Earth is a place of exquisite beauty and unique charm and simply dazzles with the Light of our people, because they mirror the face of God in all the perfection of God.

 Our ways are perfect in proportion and bright, with light emanating from all our cells. We do not need artificial light as our own cells provide all the light we need. Our Light and our Inner Sun, perfectly illuminate our inner world and of course everything is free, no electricity bills to pay. We generate all our own electricity and light, because each is a power generator, and supply everything we need in terms of light and heating for our homes and workplaces. Of course, we have the help of our crystals. Crystals, along with electromagnetism, generate all the energy we need to meet our needs.

Our beds are padded with a vibrant material that conforms perfectly to our ways, and yet give our bodies the perfect support and comfort you need to leave us completely rejuvenated upon waking.Our water system is pristine purity, and is a living water, crystallized, with its completely intact atno dead water as its surface, which is devoid of life - giving energy awareness Our trees have thousands and thousands of years, and adorn our majestic landscapes in their green robes. We are in full communication with all trees, shrubs, plants and flowers and we can hear their choruses and arias floating through the air when they make their serenades in our inner homeland.

I'm walking along the beach, watching the waves splashing on the sands. Our oceans are big, no, huge compared to theirs, with bigger waves in size and most powerful force. Oceans flow quickly around our inner globe and tidal ebb and flow in the outer affected by Earth 's moon, like the tides of you. As the magnetic pull of the moon feels inside the Earth too. We spent much of our time on the beach, walking in the sand along the coast, and swimming in the clean and clear waters of the oceans. The water in our oceans and rivers is composed of living awareness, and awareness of our waters what keeps us eternally young.

You water is the elixir of life, and in its pure state can change their bodies and really return the dead to life. You can return the life force each and every cell, thus increasing the flow of consciousness throughout his body and return full consciousness to every living cell. This quickening the can move beyond earthly illness and disease, and give physical perfection and physical immortality that you all crave. So drink your water consciously, and know that soon our pure water will come to the surface to cure all diseases of its people and return them to higher states of consciousness.

There are already some bodies of water on its surface that are known for their curative effects, and people go to them for millions. Soon all these bodies of water have healing effects and more, as we prepare to emerge from underground and unite with you on the surface. Their bodies crave rid of the distortion of sickness and disease, and long to feel the illumination of the light of God from within. Our water will dissolve all negativity, blockages and bacteria, so that your cells are free to radiate the Light of God that is always flowing through you.

Flame of their inner cores is always lit with the light of God, but the actual current density of the cells off the illuminator effect of light and instead of out shining like a golden sun, the rays of light are broken and They distort and lock. Water and light are necessary for life, and their cells need to be purified to maintain the great light that is emanating from the flame of his heart, which is a true and real flame that lights up within his heart and is composed of Creator consciousness flowing through you.

Then know that to the extent that surface contamination intensifies, it has also made pollution inside their bodies. Whatever you do to the planet, you make yourself. If you as a species will stop contaminating soil, water and air, they would stop polluting their bodies. They are inextricably connected, as you can see. But all this can be reversed, as can also be seen, and will reverse all these anti-life conditions, when we go to the surface in the not too distant future.

Our coasts are filled with the purest sand, soft white with clear glass speckles forming the smoothest particles never stepped. Walking on our sandy beaches is like taking the best possible foot massage. And we walked along our beaches for this very purpose, because massage relieves our feet and our minds simultaneously. Our ocean waves fall on our shores with the purest and cleanest water you ever saw or tasted. And the temperature is always perfect for our bodies.Neither too warm nor too cold. We walked back inside our oceans where it is shallow, and swam long distances without ever getting tired or cool down.

 Nobody here ever drowns. This is unthinkable and unimaginable. We are all great swimmers, and our oceans and lakes to sustain us who are left above water.

Our water has consciousness, and speaks to us while we are immersed in it. Yes, our water speaks. When we swim, our water becomes part of our body, and we are a body, an ocean, swimming with the currents and waves. We fully united with the consciousness of water, and our swim in itself is a journey into consciousness. It is much more than what you experience in lakes and oceans surface, where awareness of its water has become so dense and polluted that has lost its voice and vitality and life force. Loosely he called, but you do not listen. Calls asking for help. Calls for them to stop polluting it, stop bombarding her with sound waves ELF, to stop the whalers and stop underwater experiments, to stop oil spills,and submarines and cruise ships stop destroying and poisoning their life force. But unfortunately it falls on deaf ears. Because children of Earth are still deaf to the destruction they are causing the Earth. They are just greedy politicians who know what they are doing, and do it on purpose to destroy the Earth for their own personal gain, under the pretext of strengthening the economy.Everything is for the economy and nothing for the land or its people. Families no longer count, only the state of the economy account. One never hears about "family status" in the news, it is always the state of the economy what one hears. Well, when there is no longer living families, the economy will not exist either. unfortunately it falls on deaf ears.Because children of Earth are still deaf to the destruction they are causing the Earth. They are just greedy politicians who know what they are doing, and do it on purpose to destroy the Earth for their own personal gain, under the pretext of strengthening the economy. Everything is for the economy and nothing for the land or its people.Families no longer count, only the state of the economy account. One never hears about "family status" in the news, it is always the state of the economy what one hears. Well, when there is no longer living families, the economy will not exist either. unfortunately it falls on deaf ears. Because children of Earth are still deaf to the destruction they are causing the Earth. They are just greedy politicians who know what they are doing, and do it on purpose to destroy the Earth for their own personal gain, under the pretext of strengthening the economy. Everything is for the economy and nothing for the land or its people. Families no longer count, only the state of the economy account. One never hears about "family status" in the news, it is always the state of the economy what one hears. Well, when there is no longer living families, the economy will not exist either.and they do it on purpose to destroy the Earth for their own personal gain, under the pretext of strengthening the economy. Everything is for the economy and nothing for the land or its people.Families no longer count, only the state of the economy account. One never hears about "family status" in the news, it is always the state of the economy what one hears. Well, when there is no longer living families, the economy will not exist either. and they do it on purpose to destroy the Earth for their own personal gain, under the pretext of strengthening the economy. Everything is for the economy and nothing for the land or its people. Families no longer count, only the state of the economy account. One never hears about "family status" in the news, it is always the state of the economy what one hears. Well, when there is no longer living families, the economy will not exist either.

Help yourself then helping your Earth. Only returning to its oceans and land surface to its pristine state is that you return to the perfect economy where everyone lives in abundance and perfect health. The Inner Earth Oceans contain all life in the oceans above, and more. Our oceans are teeming with life, and all marine forms live in harmony with each other. We all have a vegetarian diet and others do not hunt. We all live in harmony. All marine life is very advanced compared to life in the oceans surface.  Everyone is accustomed to peace and security in our waters, and everything is accessible to us. We all communicate directly with Cetaceans and fish, and live cooperatively and in peace with oneanother.

Since we all have a vegetarian diet, do not hunt whales, we do not go fishing or shrimp grow. So Mother Nature is free to evolve in our oceans and our oceans are sanctuaries for all ocean life.Simply we call those with whom they want to talk, swim to our shores and talk with us. They seem truly magical to you, but for us it is common.Remember, all of us in the Hollow Earth we know that we are one.

There are numerous underwater caves, where we dive and explore the intricate and complex life in the oceans. There are so many different types of organisms, plants and corals hidden ocean caves are beautiful to watch. We love snorkeling and swimming, and explore and be in communion with the elementals of nature. In the oceans there is another whole civilization beneath our seas with which we live in peace and cooperative partnership. How wonderful it is to exist in this climate of peaceful exchange we have forged under the earth.

 His whales and dolphins surface sometimes swim through tunnels ocean to visit and communicate with us. They remain a short time and then return to the surface. They would like to stay longer, but they know their mission is on the ground and go, vacillating in his great voyage to swim upward. 
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