
26 de marzo de 2018

Ridding the Planet Earth. we were destined to be kings and queens wherever we were, the ground beneath our feet to be sovereign land, a place where there could be detained, harassed, imprisoned, fined and tax-free too!

Source:  Age of Light

  . The purpose of this document: to unite the clans of thought awakened in a common direction with a common goal.  A government for each country truly for the people, a representation de jure, which means, "in its own right, rather than what we currently have, corporations de facto operating for maximum benefit, and which are made go through governments. " In fact, what it means, illegitimate, but in fact was not always so. Why are we not told this? Did you know that our governments, local, city, county, state and federal not always incorporated? You know what it means to be incorporated?

Means that the entity is a corporation, a fictitious entity, something done on paper, and by drawing words and the legal definition, an entity becomes legally defined as a person. If you look up, "person with legal definition", you may feel horrified, do it, Google searches, so you can go into the light of consciousness and being awakened. Why have they lied? Why would they have said, "Well, that's how it has always been"?

How can a corporation be and for the people? How can a real living individual being on the same level as a fictitious entity, a corporation is not living, is not real, it is a fiction, how it can be represented by something that is not real and alive? Were not you created in the image and likeness of the great creator?How can a false fiction represent the likeness of the Creator in all the glory of the Creator?  It was not always so! Did you know that since the Civil War have been led by a militarized corporation, think, commander in chief, Secretary of State Department post master general, surgeon general, attorney general! Did you know that was not before it? The civil War?

Did you know that the first commander was Abraham Lincoln? Did you know that was a card carrying member of the BAR? Do you know what that means? That means that Abraham Lincoln was a lawyer! Did you know that our founding fathers established clear rules against any attorney or lawyer holding the office? You know why?  You know what it means to be amember of BAR? You know what BAR mean? It means British Accredited Registry! King George was mad after the Revolutionary War, the same as the rest of the monarchs, oligarchs and the Church of Rome.

Why do you ask? Because Americans were destined to be kings and queens wherever we were, the ground beneath our feet to be sovereign land, a place where there could be detained, harassed, imprisoned, fined and tax -free too! This was the great creators intended for all men, women and children everywhere, no matter where they were. You know what it means to say, no taxes on taxes? Municipal taxes, county taxes, state taxes, federal taxes, permits, fees, fines, we continually sell the same goods over and over again!

Did you know that our taxes pay for the research, and then we pay $ 40 to read the research article! I knew that our taxes pay for the courts, but then the courts excessively Multan us again and again, again and again.

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