
16 de marzo de 2018


Thursday, March 15, 2018 

My dear children, It 
is with great joy that I welcome you now to your new home, Nova Gaia. 
It has been a very challenging trip to Gaia, your Mother Earth, at this point in its evolution. I created and named the great living being powerful is Gaia as your guardian, your protector, your giver of life, and as your temporary home while you are away from your real home with me.
Gaia, bless his magnificent heart, has been extending an open invitation to all souls; all races of beings from different civilizations, for eons. She welcomes everyone to live in His planetary body, without exception. Because of this, the planet Earth has been one of the most popular destinations in this galaxy, for any soul who wants to experience a physical third dimensional life. 
Before physical birth, all souls who have chosen to incarnate on Earth would have had to sign a contract / promise with Gaia. You all had promised to look after their planetary home in the best way possible, every day. Also you made a promise to treat all citizens of Gaia sharing the same space as you, with love and respect.
For eons, these contracts have been largely ignored. Once physically embodied on Earth, many souls have forgotten their promises to Gaia. 
Gaia and its living inhabitants (especially those in the vegetable, animal and mineral kingdoms) have been suffering endlessly. Mankind thought that these living beings have no voice. Nothing could be further from the truth. Everyone has a voice, humanity, however, he had lost the will to listen. 
Some people think that deforestation is normal; It's okay to cut as many trees as possible and leave many parts of the barren land. After all, humanity needs paper, furniture and houses to build. And these trees are just a means to an end.
Some people even 'backslapping' were taken for planting a tree or two, for each old and mature tree being cut. They never realized that the existence of these old trees is reason enough fresh oxygen to all who breathe. 
Do not even get me started with the suffering of those in the animal kingdom. It really makes me mourn every time I see Gaia, and its inhabitants "apparently" voiceless sometimes being abused to the point of brutality every day; numbered trillion worldwide. This madness must stop. Definitely it will end. 
In fact, he finished in the big time now where Nova Gaia exists.
What humanity does not realize is that when you look in the eyes of any animal for an extended period of time, you will begin to see me at all. I'm omnipresent in the very air you breathe; the water you drink There is no place where God is not. 
In everything you see, you 'll recognize the presence of Divine Love; The divine spark that also resides in every human being. Shortly afterwards, you will see reflected in her eyes. You'll love any animal when you've spent enough time with him as you would your own beloved pet.
Those of you who have a higher energy sensitivity level now have realized that there is no separation between you and everything that is. Everything is so interconnected. In short , scientific, energetic and spiritually, you are all ONE, with me, with every living creature on Planet Earth, and Gaia, Planet Earth itself. 
You who have the highest energy sensitivities (the group of people who are sometimes called empathic) level have had more difficulty living on Earth. They could easily feel and be affected by the immense suffering of Gaia and all its inhabitants.
Some of you reading this have even a stage where they have truly embodied the consciousness of Unity and thus have been able to communicate telepathically with Gaia, and everything in the plant and animal kingdoms. You 'know and feel' very well the degree of damage that Gaia and its inhabitants 'voiceless' suffer every day. 
And yet, because it had previously designated the earth as a planet of free choice, you all had felt they could not do anything to defend the rights of vulnerable groups of people and / or other living beings on the planet.
One could participate in meetings; one could also be a "tree hugger" or become vegetarian / vegan. But deep down , all of you who were already doing this, I still felt that these actions really did not help much to change the world. After all, respect the free will of other souls it is also part of your way of Light and Love. 
The following is my message to all those who belong to the above - mentioned souls: 
"Please stay focused on the Light, my beloved children, and not despair or feel powerless. 
the three - dimensional way of life is now coming to an end. 
soon, love is the only name of the game.
The path of violence, cruelty, abuse, intolerance, injustice or neglect soon will no longer be accepted or tolerated by most of humanity has been willing to live in the spirit of peace, love, unity and Abundance . 
Consciousness massive, intense and high vibration Christ the Light continues to flow from the heavens, every moment of every day. Not a single living thing can escape the touch of My Light. 
In the darkest places in the darkest corners of many parts of the world, there are endless amounts of powerful Spotlights shining on all current activities that are not based on Divine Love.
Imagine that there are countless headlights on a dark stage and the whole place becomes as bright as if night had turned into day. This is what is currently happening around the world. 
Those who participate in activities less vibration can no longer hide in the dark. 
They begin to question their ways and be led to change and choose the path of return to Love and Light of your true Higher Self. 
Because of its intense sensibilities, I know, my children highly empathic, who have suffered as much as the world around them , and for this reason, all are called to be leaders of the fifth dimension in their own field of expertise.
Tune in every day your own inner guidance, your own High Heart / GPS Internal, and work together to change all aspects of daily life three - dimensional Earth in the spirit that we are all ONE. 
You are destined to be wherever you are , right at this great moment in time. 
Have faith that everything is going perfectly right now, according to our Divine Plan. " 
In the next part of this message, I would like to share with you what life in Nova Gaia. 
Once humanity has reached height of the life of the fifth dimension, life is truly beyond their current imagination.
You've really forgotten your past / future larger lives, and why I am here sharing this today to help strengthen your motivation and help you stay rooted in your own Great Path of Light, no matter the daily challenges constantly facing. 
After all the dust has settled, and the inhabitants of Earth are beginning to embody the unity and love for all, the Earth will enter a period of peace. 
The main focus of all will be spiritual growth and become masters of Creation and demonstrations. 
There will be 'Mystery Schools' to be opened in many parts of the world to teach their students the path of unity, mastery and enlightenment.
Everyone will work together with your Galactic Brothers and Sisters, to achieve planetary healing and the establishment of a paradigm fifth dimension in all aspects of human existence. 
Here are some examples of what it is to live in Nova Gaia; in a society of fifth dimension: 
* The money (of all kinds: paper, coins, gold, etc.) someday become obsolete. If you need / want something in your life, you can use spiritual powers, your huge and powerful divine powers of creation, to create it from scratch. The concept of tax, banking and conducting business for profit will also become obsolete when money no longer exists. The existence of money (and how much one has) no longer be a cause of division and separation within Humanity.
* All will be called to live to serve the greater good of everyone on the planet, the way that best suits their talents, gifts and vocation suits. You'll be completely focused on spiritual advancement and serving love in everything you do. Work 9 hours on 5 days a week in a job that 'just pays the bills' will be a thing of the past. All they will live an abundant life and, therefore, will be 'financially' free to follow their own passion; their own path of joy and satisfaction.
* Humanity is a race of beings who predominantly communicates telepathically. You are able to feel / know the thoughts of others and you can send messages across long distances, through the powers of your mind fifth dimension. You will learn how to be the master of your thoughts in the early years of life in Nova Gaia.
* The trip to anywhere in the world will occur immediately after they visualize and you focus on that location within your mind. Your physical bodies will have become crystalline, based on the Body of Divine Light of your Higher Self. This will allow instant travel all over the world. Light your physical bodies no longer need to sleep, eat or drink to stay. You can exist purely on Light. You have the freedom to continue eating or drinking, but will be based solely on enjoyment and not in need.
* There will be no need for boundaries around nations of this world. All places on this planet completely become your home. There will be no need for passports; without military / border security. All weapons that could potentially damage the planet and / or all of its inhabitants will be disintegrated / destroyed. There will be a deep sense of interconnectedness and love for all and, therefore, no longer be afraid of strangers. There is nothing else you need to do / have to protect your nation, your lifestyle, after everything on earth becomes the physical incarnations of Divine Love.
* There will be no need for a government for each nation / country on Earth. In all spiritually advanced along this Universe societies, only one Government / Planetary Leadership consisting of representatives of all nations / all the different cultures of the world. Think about your 'United Nations', but in a larger and more unified scale. Its newly elected United Nations; the central government of your planet will be responsible for taking decisions and provide guidance on anything that might affect human race as a whole. Their elected leaders consist of highly evolved humans who have the purest intention of serving the Divine Light and the Highest Good.
* You all Gaian (soon to be called, not earthlings * laughs *) will be warmly received with great joy and love in the group of civilizations higher dimensions, and be active participants in the galactic community. And this means: the whole universe will open to you all. Other planets, galaxies and star systems will serve as your playground. Space will no longer be an "unknown territory" for future Gaian. I'm sure many of you already knew that the races of beings spiritually and technologically advanced, as the Pleiadians, Arcturians, the Venusians and many more, have acted as Guardians of the Galaxy for eons; for a long time. They have guided and protected humanity in the service of Light and Divinity. One day,
Finally, I know each of you who are reading these messages. You read on because, basically, your inner being resonates with the content of these messages. Although Nova Gaia (the utopian Earth) just described above sounds too good to be true, somehow know how it is in your future. 
In this current incarnation for those who have chosen Ascender. In fact, in the eternal great moment of NOW, Nova Gaia exists, and all of you are now playing their role in manifest in your physical reality, right here, right now. 
I have decreed that it is now time for Gaia, and all its living inhabitants, return to the great path of love.
Many beings of light (on both sides of the kingdom: physical and non - physical) are working tirelessly to make this happen. Failure is impossible. 
The promised Kingdom of Heaven on Earth is here now, and it depends on each of you claim it and make it yours. 
As always with anything else, you have the freedom to be part of it or not be part of it. 
We respect the judgment of each soul and assist them all in their own spiritual evolution. 
I am the great I AM You are all infinite expressions of My Divine Being. 
You are, at all times, constantly supported and completely loved without measure. 
Sending all My Light and Love, 
God the Father.


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