
11 de marzo de 2018

WHAT IS cosmic consciousness?

Walter Gabriel Rosa 

WHAT IS cosmic consciousness? 

Cosmic Consciousness is the frequency of information, energy, love and life force. When people are tuned to this frequency, the highest frequency in the electromagnetic scale undergo fusion with the Cosmic. 

One way to understand the experience of diving with this awareness is when an artist, sculptor, dancer, or musician at the moment is creating his work is unaware of his ego or personal self , this fully living the present moment and feeling a great love, dedication and expansion of himself. 

Sometimes when we swim in the ocean we felt one with him and when we go back to feel the separation.

Another way in which we sense this union is at a moment of great happiness, or watching a beautiful landscape or meditating, or during deep relaxation. 

When one is immersed or tuned to this frequency is not aware of his self. One is part of it, not separate from creation. 

What is Cosmic Consciousness? 

It is an ocean of frequency and vibration that covers the entire universe full of life and energy and to reach this energy just have to obey it, dissolve in it. 

However it is impossible to know this experience while you feel important, special or separate.

This frequency is simply a sea of consciousness.This sea of consciousness is present everywhere. If you fine - tune the frequency you receive tremendous benefits or otherwise remain separate from it and gain in self - importance. 

Ego's trip is the fall of this experience. 

There are people who get together and feel one with the cosmic experience and then begin to express themselves as if they themselves are this energy. 

What is needed is a complete, total and continuous submission of this frequency from moment to moment. Submit to what is highest and best, submit to the cosmic will.

This Cosmic Consciousness does not judge, it is not hostile, nor ask any sacrifice, causes no harm, does not ask for obedience. It is simply an energy of love that gives everything and asks for nothing in return. If you surrender to what is your concept of the highest you can not go wrong and you'll find yourself joining such energy. 

Even when one has reached merge with this frequency it is good to know that something willalways remain intact in relation to your individuality. Like a fish in the sea, while still in the ocean, still he has a sense of individuality.

Sometimes it called that which is absolute, infinite and hereby consent to God, although many tend to have misconceptions of this term. There are many cases in which individuals pray to God to grant them such an awesome new car to impress those around you. Then they wonder why God does not answer prayers. The individual has this desire to impress, show off and enlarge their ego with their peers, to satisfy his personal ambitions. 

This is the reason why many people do not get what they ask God or the Cosmic or Divine Consciousness. God want their selfish needs and satisfy themselves remain separated from God.They want to get something that promotes your ego and think that God is going to fall into their trap.

It is important to remember that the Cosmic Consciousness is all there is , is pure consciousness, aware that knows everything and penetrates everything. 

Energies or forces that exist in the universe are such that entities can manipulate at will, according to his ability to concentrate or disperse such energies. 

Those who scatter energy, especially their own, creating an expenditure of vital energy or life.Those who do inrrumpiendo the energy of others generally known as destructive.

Those who do so in a constructive and beneficial way for the common good or universal harmony, focus on energy in this way, especially co-creating or cooperating with the efforts of others, are powerful forces that lead to great works and wonders and They are those that can leave a mark that lingers in the consciousness of universal harmony. 

The best way to visualize this Cosmic Consciousness is to visualize a giant ball of transparent light. If you want you can visualize a giant balloon with an invisible skin. Considers that this balloon represents the universe. Think of it as a living being. This awareness is consciousness within this living being.

Throughout the universe there is consciousness, and is a living being is consciousness everywhere.You can now imagine this invisible skin in tiny dots energy and call galaxies, solar systems. You can find a thorough and floating particles and call the sun, and another land. Within this minute particle on earth you can find the place where youlive, your home and yourself. Absolutely everything is made and it is within this awareness. 

What you should not do is use this awareness as a man with a beard and white hair sitting on a cloud. The image is totally false.
Many people want to personify this Awareness, making it a person, as they did with the word God.The term consciousness is not the only one that can be used is simply a term that explains a concept. 

You need to understand the concept of cosmic consciousness and without coloring it purple, restrict, give legs and arms or some other characteristic. This would limit and goes beyond reality. This awareness must exist and exists everywhere at once. Always. In the same way that air can not draw, or have a hat his head or eyes or nose. He has no impersonation. 

Is it necessary to visualize the air to feel one with him, inspire and expirarlo?

It is better inhaling and exhaling this awareness and not worry about viewing. 

To tune with the Cosmic Consciousness begins first by yourself staying healthy, then it used those one has chosen to bring into the world, those who have accepted as being part of your life and with whom these related, but in principle those they are near you. And once fulfilled these obligations you begin to serve the rest of humanity

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