
11 de marzo de 2018

Your cosmic inheritance or lineage sun ... The light codes, your DNA or DNA ...

Your cosmic inheritance or lineage sun ... Jorge Sanatron Elyon Sirius 

Sunday, March 11, 2018 

Your cosmic inheritance or lineage ... Solar 

Light Codes, your DNA or DNA ... 

 You are the sum of many yesterdays, these here for all walked and because you is a great heritage of many cosmic families .... 

 There are now the same as when you came ... no, certainly many races have had a hand in human DNA and now are not what we were ...
 we are a hybrid ..., we have all this genetic ..., that lineage of many races .... we can be the best of them .... we are geniuses with great creativity and see us ... by giving us that lineage .... we got a heritage that they themselves have ... we have a large capacity vibration and therefore ... we can go even further than the races that gave us their DNA and was perfect time .... 

Everything is in you ... in your DNA ... a DNA mutates ...., is activated by your heart ... and put itto work with your mind ... 

 it active with a high vibration, thinking from moment to moment ... ... cleaning your aura and your mental field, and invoking, living and vibrating in unity with Gaia ... 

Armonizate ... harmonizes water, air, earth and fire in you and nature ...

 armonízate with mineral, plant, human and etheric realms .... in and around you ... 

armonízate with intra-lands, kingdoms intra-marine and unearthly ... 
And do all that ...! ?? 
Begins to meditate or sit quietly with yourself, look what's on your mind and what is in your heart ... 

 leftovers ... 

 missing ... 

 then select what you eat ... the music you listen ... .. programs once things you read ... select the news .... 

 Choose for yourself the positive, constructive, giving nobility ... 

 then go to nature .... llénate sanate your energy and ... let go ...

 loose all your yesterdays, your sufferings, your attachments .... what .... you tied that no longer serve your highest purpose .... 

 Listen to harmonious music, music you love vibrate ... 

 but passionate love ... but deep love ... 

 love of creation ... 

 love the immeasurable there at all and in you .... 

 Another thing is to learn to breathe ... you will see that things step by step ... because they are already in you ... all these are as commands that are activating those genetic codes that are off .... all that potential is your great cosmic heritage .... is there. .. and we all have ..., but must be activated ... ... and use it .... wake, no mysteries ... everything is very simple ...

 Do not believe others ... everything is tight, everything hidden, that everything is bad, that is elitist, which is forbidden .... or an economic cost ... NO .. !! 
Just look for a natural and constant way to do it 
 in this money does not exist ... only the merits and they are the heart ... 

 So every day ... in everything you do ... even the most trivial things ... go to your heart ... and call your being ... your I AM ... like you to call yourself ... like you're talking to yourself .. 
Each momentum in a reunion ... if a reunion with what you are ... 

 with what is in you ... always .... waiting ... waiting to be activated wake up ... and only you what you can do ... I repeat .. 

 just what you should do ...

 but you walk with angels on this earth or any being of light ... 

 they'll tell you ... 

 do you can .... I'm here with you .. Yes ... 

 but you do ... I'll help you . .. or we 'll help ... 

 but you walk ... you can ... Actívate ... you can ... fly ... ... is light you can ... you can ... everything is in you ... believe in you ... 
and when you start to feel you wake up vibrant and luminous energy, deep, harmonic and infinite love feelings; 

 ... positive visions 

 project them ..... 
 your family, 
 your country, 
 the world 
 and all creation .... 

Then you will see that that energy comes back to you multiplied ....

 and increasingly will show who you are and illuminate your way ... 

 way I start long ago ... in the stars ... 

 way you will live in this world with the light of them ... 

 road that takes you back to them .... 

and everything is in you .... here and now .... 


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