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Sorcha Faal: US Federal Judge Orders Mueller Back to Court to Face Russians

May 6, 2018

US Federal Judge Orders Mueller Back To Court To Face Russians—While Thousands Of American Bikers Head To Washington To Shut Down His “Sham” Investigation

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

Source: What Does It Mean

In what can only be described as a stunning blow against the “Deep State” coup d'état against President Trump, a new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that a few hours ago (Saturday evening US time/5 May), US Federal Judge Dabney Friedrichrejected a plea from Special Counsel Robert Mueller to delay court proceedings against a Russian company he had filed a “joke indictment” against—with her ordering Mueller back to her courtroom this coming Wednesday to begin his case—with this, also, not being the only headache Mueller will be dealing with this coming week as thousands of pro-Trump bikers are now reported to be traveling to Washington D.C. to shut down his “sham” investigation[Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

Pro-Trump bikers head to Washington D.C. to confront “Deep State” leader Special Counsel Robert Mueller

As detailed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs yesterday, on Friday afternoon (4 May), a team of Special Counsel Mueller attorneys begged Federal Judge Friedrich to postpone their case against the Russian companyConcord Management and Consulting whom Mueller had comically charged with interfering in the 2016 US presidential election—with Mueller’s lawyers claiming as their excuse to delay this case being an outright lie that “maybe” this Russian company hadn’t been notified of the charges against it yet—but that stood in stark and laughable contrast to Mueller’s lawyers sitting right next to Concord’s attorneys from the global legal law firm of Reed Smith LLP—and who, obviously, knew that their client had been charged, otherwise they wouldn’t have been sitting in Judge Friedrich’s courtroom to begin with.

To the real reason that Special Counsel Mueller didn’t want to face this Russian company in a US federal courtroom, this report explains, is that under American law, a company, even a foreign one, has “corporate personhood” that enables them to have the same rights as an individual—and that Mueller hadn’t fully thought out before filing his “joke indictment” that he believed no Russian citizen would ever come to the United States to face.

In facing a global legal giant representing the rights of a Russian company, instead of a lowly Russian citizen, however, this report continues, Special Counsel Mueller got the shock of his life when Reed Smith LLP lawyers buried him underneath an avalanche of what are called discovery motions that would reveal the entire secret workings of Mueller’s probe into Trump-Russia collusion for all the world to see. [UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Crim. No. 18-cr-32 (DLF)—scroll down to ATTACHEMENT A]

Going from just shock in his having to contemplate handing over to Reed Smith LLP lawyers the entire secret workings and evidence of what he is actually doing, this report further notes, Special Counsel Mueller, without a doubt, became downright terrified when Reed Smith LLP lawyers filed additional discovery motions [scroll down to ATTACHEMENT B] demanding all documents and information relating to the United States’ most closely guarded secrets, to include:

From 1945 to present, each and every instance where any officer, employee and/or agent of the United States Government engaged in operations to interfere with elections and political processes in any foreign country; including but not limited to information relating to whether any such activity utilized propaganda in any format, including but not limited to the use of social media.

This disclosure should include any and all information regarding the use of computer infrastructure inside and outside of the United States, false foreign identities, goals to sow discord in a foreign political system, assistance to a foreign elected official or candidate, attacks on a foreign elected official or candidate, assassination or conspiracy to assassinate a foreign elected official or candidate, buying political advertisements, posing as foreign persons and/or failure to honestly identify to foreign voters the involvement of any officer, employee or agent of the United States Government.

Important to understand about the discovery motion demands being made on Special Counsel Mueller by Reed Smith LLP lawyers, this report details, is that it points to what is known in American law as an “affirmative defense” strategy being used to defend the Russian company Concord Management and Consulting—that, in essence, means that if it can be proven that the United States has interfered in the elections of another country (US secretly interfered in Israeli election and French election most recently) , attempted to assassinate, or assassinated a leader of another country (US has long history of assassinating leaders of foreign countries), or overthrew the government of another country (US has overthrown the governments of Iran, Guatemala, Congo, Dominican Republic, South Vietnam, Brazil, Chile), then no one could be held liable for their defending themselves against the same thing happening to them. 

Obama secretly spends $350,000 to overthrow the elected leader of Israel—private Russian company spends $46,000 on Facebook ads during 2016 US presidential election favoring both Trump and Clinton, as opposed to Trump and Clinton spending $81 million—and Putin’s the bad guy?

So obscenely distorted and dysfunctional, in fact, has America become today because of Special Counsel Mueller’s so-called “investigation”, this report continues, former Secretary of State John Kerry has now been revealed to be conducting secret negotiations with Iran—while at the same time, forces loyal to President Trump have been revealed to have hired Israeli spies to dig up dirt on Secretary Kerry and anyone else in the former Obama administration who made the original nuclear deal with Iran—while in the meantime, French President Macron is warning that the “Pandora’s Box” of this Iranian nuclear deal is leading to war—and whose dire assessment is supported by no less than UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, who has just issued a chilling message to the world that: “The risk of World War III breaking out in the Middle East is intensifying at an alarming rate”.

With the “Deep State” aligned NSA now reported to have tripled its surveillance of Americans’ phone chatter, collecting over 534 million phone call records and text messages last year, Special Counsel Mueller’s investigative tactics now being described as an “Orwellian Grotesque Violation of Civil Liberties” that will soon be turned against everyone in the US, and the Atlantic Council now explaining why the American people need to be propagandized against “for their own good”, this report concludes, what is called “The Resistance” in the United States is showing the entire world what national suicide actually looks like—but that Russia hopes President Trump can stop before this once great nation’s heartbeat ends forever—and that President Putin showed was possible to do, at least for a nation willing to stand up for its religious values, families and national heritage. 

May 6, 2018 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

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