
29 de agosto de 2018

The impasse in the US civil war will soon be over and the next phase of planetary liberation will begin

August 27, 2018  

The death, probably by execution, of traitor John McCain, signals a new phase in the removal of the criminal cabal that controls the USA, since 1913, agree Pentagon sources and agencies. "The traitor McCain may have been the first death penalty by military court, allowed to die with honor, like Rommel, to protect the Navy's reputation while scaring the deep state," was as a Pentagon source described the situation.

However, the real battle will begin after the US cabal branch is removed, which will place the US military-industrial complex against a false Eurasian alliance based in Switzerland.

This battle will end either in a world war or in a complete overhaul of postwar institutions such as the UN, BIS, IMF, EU, etc.The goal is to reach out to the foundation complex (along with the Vatican Bank) used by the Khazarian mafia to cover up control of privately held central banks, Fortune 500 corporations and most of the world's leaders.

Fireworks are expected to begin in September and intensify in the run-up to the November midterm elections in the United States, where the Khazarian Mafia division hopes to regain its power and drive away US President Donald Trump.

However, keep in mind that, so far, Trump has only been the lesser of two evils compared to Hillary Clinton. He has yet to prove that he is just another Rothschild agent, fighting the US-based Bush / Clinton / Rockefeller coalition. Recalling that the Trump regime still has to expose the truth about crimes such as 9/11 and Fukushima and even remotely tried something like a Jubilee.

Former CIA and Navy intelligence agent Robert David Steele says "The truth about 9/11 is on the table. The President has promised to get to the bottom of the issue and is undecided whether to do so before or after the election for fear of a crucifixion (fictitious crucifixion) of Dick Cheney and the neoconservatives who work as Zionist agents of Israel given the proximity of the elections and by the existence of a collection of presidential memoranda prepared by the top 28 scholars, spies and engineers, available for free online:

A rabbit hole that goes even deeper than September 11, obviously, is March 11, 2011 (11/3) is the nuclear event, tsunami and mass murder of Fukushima. On this front, last week's dismissal of Australia's Prime Minister (Malcolm Turnbull) could lead to revelation of the truth about 11/3, according to information from two Australian Secret Service agents involved with Fukushima.

These officers in 2010 provided evidence to Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd that a nuclear weapon stolen in 2000 from the Russian submarine Kursk had been smuggled into Japan for use in a terrorist attack on that country. The next day Rudd received this evidence and tried to act, he was dismissed by the Federal Reserve Board, the agents said.

Along with Japanese military intelligence, the agents continued to track the weapon when it was placed aboard the Japanese ship Chikyu and divided into five smaller weapons and installed in perforations at the seabed in Fukushima to be detonated and cause an earthquake and tsunami Despite this, no authority intervened to prevent this attack. In addition, after the attack, former US President Barack Obama contacted the White Dragon Society (WDS) / White Dragon Society (SDB) to justify himself that he had no knowledge or involvement in this attack against Japan.

In fact, the evidence trail and the NSA have gathered all the details that lead to the former "Black Pope" (First Jesuit) Peter Hans Kolvenbach and the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. From there, the trail leads to the Satanic Masonic Lodge P2, to Switzerland and to the BIS. That is why it is interesting to note that the Jesuit Pope Francis, now, is under unprecedented attack by the cover-up of pedophilia. Despite all his talk about reform, Francis did not publicize the Vatican's involvement in events such as Fukushima's crime against humanity.

"The resignation of Pope Francis is increasingly likely, after his failed trip to Ireland, by the Pope's denunciation by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò and a growing wave of attacks in different countries against priests considered pedophiles. Our understanding is that only one in ten priests is a pedophile, yet the culture of impunity for pedophilia and homosexuality within the Vatican is now leading to an implosion, "Steele noted. "In the Vatican there is a place where there is only room for one more image of the Pope and the legend says that the next will be the last. A Catholic leader I've spoken to is deeply concerned, "Steele added. Other sources from the CIA and the Pentagon agreed with this analysis.

The Pope and the Vatican are key to a real change in how we manage this planet, as most of the world's leaders are controlled by the Vatican through a combination of bribery (through Vatican billionaire bank accounts) and threats of murder or removal of power.

The trail of the Fukushima attack also leads to a twilight zone where high-level P2 Masons such as the Teutonic Knights Cavalier (and Vatican assassin) Vincenzo Mazzara claim they are ordered by an entity called "Black Sun "which is" communicated via electromagnetic waves located in the gamma ray spectrum. "This may be just a smoke screen and mirrors placed to distract us from the real (human) culprits. extraterrestrial planet involved in the battle for planet Earth and say that on this front, "with more earthquakes, the last strongholds (underground and underwater bases) are being systematically destroyed."

Meanwhile, here on Earth's surface, the best way to find out what's really going on would be to take military action against and physically occupy the fortresses of Khazarian Kabbalah, such as the BIS and the Rothschild family complex in Zug, Switzerland.

It is unlikely to happen under the Trump government, since when he was a businessman, every time he went bankrupt, he was rescued by the Rothschilds (and this can be easily confirmed through media reports of his business days ).

A clear sign that Trump is an opposition, controlled by central bankers, came when he told Fox TV that if he were ousted, the stock market would fall. As the charts on the link below show, global stock markets are only rising because of the printing of money by privately held central banks. In other words, it seems that central banks are using Trump to issue threats that they will overturn the markets should their controlled opposition president be removed from power.

Many people think that rising stock prices are a good thing. But what's really happening is that central banks are printing money for free and handing out to their friends who use money for stock repurchases and thereby consolidate control of big corporations and get richer. A true leader would confiscate all the assets bought around the world with money from central banks and return them to the people of the planet by means of a Jubilee type measure.

However, further evidence comes from representatives of former Japanese Finance Minister Heizo Takenaka who say they have handed over control of Japanese corporations to the Khazarian mafia because Japan has been threatened with earthquake weapons. In any case, Japan was attacked because, after Takenaka resigned, the Emperor tried to reassert Japanese control over the Bank of Japan, according to Japanese Royal Family sources.

The news that a Russian nuclear super-drug is missing is probably a veiled Khazarian threat of using it to create another Fukushima-type mass murder incident if its power is threatened. It may be for this reason that people (or should I say Kabbalah icons) like Hillary Clinton remain free.

However, while many of the main Khazarian criminals remain free, attacks on Kabbalah at lower levels are having a snowball impact. On this front, the latest information from Pentagon sources is that "German chemical giant Bayer was allowed to buy Monsanto, as massive lawsuits and investigations into glyphosate, GMOs, etc., will topple this cabal corporation" . The sources add that "Big Farma, too, is not only the target of public outrage over high drug prices, but also for the production of killer vaccines by Merck."

In addition, in the US, "the private army of the Jewish [Khazarian] mafia, the corrupt New York Police Department (NYPD), can be investigated for imposing unlawful quotas on prisons, subpoenas and fines of Muslims and minorities, while protecting Jewish neighborhoods. " Most of these people are being arrested on false charges (for example, 48.6% of federal prisoners are detained for drug offenses) as a way to provide slave labor for private prisons. On this front, it is interesting to note that the slaves in prison went on strike.

Elsewhere, Trump escalated his cultural war against the Jewish mafia by attacking not only NFL members, but Jewish TV networks such as ESPN, CBS, Fox and NBC, who recently refused to display the American National Anthem.

In addition, quoting Steele again, "Trump may be giving Jeff Sessions one last chance to conduct meaningful public investigations of the Clintons (for treason, pedophilia, fraud, and charity fraud) as well as John Brennan. As Hillary Clinton prepares to head three Democratic fundraising events, in a significant public reminder that her high crimes and crimes as Secretary of State - including the sale of Lebanon to France, Syria and Yemen to Saudi Arabia and of Uranium One to Russia - may be the nail in the Democratic coffin in the November elections. "

Guys, get ready for a busy autumn.


Translation:  Seeds of the Stars  / Candido Pedro Jorge

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