
9 de septiembre de 2018

Infinite Expressions: The Event, Lightworker

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Greetings Lightholders! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I AM KejRaj(KayRy).
The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in

Six different insider sources have confirmed that several spy satellites and computer systems for the Deep State have been blinded… in a stunning attack.
There is widespread agreement among these insider sources that some sort
In the physical world there are limitations; on lifespan, movement through time and space or on knowledge. Humans feel hindered by what they don’t know and feel they only have so many options available to them when it comes to accessing knowledge either from the past or that still remains hidden or unknown. In the ethereal kingdom, however, the possibilities are limitless and there are no boundaries on movement through time and space; all is available, should one believe it and avail oneself of it. All it takes

Today we would like to focus your attention on what is commonly referred to as Déjà vu. Many would describe this as having the feeling that you have already seen or experienced the exact circumstance that is currently being experienced. We have been asked to speak about this topic before however we felt that it was better that we first shared our perspective on parallel realities and the nature of time before attempting to give our
Archangel Gabriel: Yes! You are the Voice for the Earth’s Soul’s Imperatives!
aa gabrielDear Ones,
We speak today of Focused Intent. It is a time of gathering in groups for ceremony as the Earth moves toward the Equinox. This season, in which there are equal amounts of light and dark, is when the Earth experiences a profound state of Balance. When there is planetary balance, it makes it easier for all to experience that state

In my book which I wrote with my father Wayne Dyer, we share our insights on family life with a spiritual bent. Using my father’s book  as a template, we describe the ways a spiritual focus can help children grow up feeling

How did the Nazis find out the paratroopers were coming?
Open your Eyes
To achieve full consciousness, trust your own intuition. Unfortunately, people still say, “What other choice do I have than to trust our leaders?” Clearly, these people have chosen not to
Renowned Doctor Slams Medical Education & Says We Have “An Epidemic of Misinformed Doctors”

The Facts: Dr. Asseem Malhotra, a well-known Doctor in Britain had some choice words to say in front of the European Parliment about modern-day medical education and overall knowledge doctors possess. He’s one of many who continues to emerge and speak out.
Reflect On: Why do doctors continue to learn nothing about

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have begun to explore the possibilities that are in front of humanity, and what we can see is that you are on your way to experience a much gentler shift in consciousness than you were five, ten, fifteen, and twenty years ago. The astounding amount

In order to have the dream you need to vibrate the dream. Embrace all that you are as Divinity in motion for a sacred spark lives within.
We ask that you consider embrace that which you desire believing it is already your reality. For a mear shift of thinking can catapult you into a state of harmony

The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:
Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you again. We see that many of you are somewhat watching

What are you holding onto?
Perhaps you are holding onto the past, an idea, doubts, fears, insecurities, regrets, should haves and would haves; perhaps you are holding far too much than you can carry.
The September New Moon falls on the 9th in the sign of Virgo and asks you to put down your heavy load and enter into the world of your imagination

“All the events that you have experienced in your lifetime, up to this moment, have been created by thoughts and beliefs you have held in the past.” A lot of what we say and think is normally quite negative. If you think about all of the things you have done wrong in the past, you are going to continue that cycle. In order to live a fulfilled life, you have to let go of resentful thoughts

Can you feel it? The Universe is letting you know that your seat-back should be in an upright position and all personal belongings securely stored. (Smiling) The shivery anticipation of something big on the horizon is starting. You have been in preparation for this part of the shift since the beginning of the year and now it is time to put those newly
Deutsche Bank’s Top Investor Selling Its Entire Stake

Deutsche Bank stock slumped, and European bank shares dropped to the lowest level since late 2016 after the WSJ reported that Deutsche Bank’s top investor, HNA Group – one of China’s largest conglomerates – intends to completely exit its stake in the German bank as it reverses a debt-fueled acquisition spree under pressure from Beijing

The last few decades saw the scientific community examining various compounds in search of additional diabetes treatments. One such compound is the trace element vanadium. According to health experts, the trace element can be found in many food sources, and can be beneficial for bone health when taken
Carrying forth divine blessings to you, I, Master El Morya, greet you. I am the guardian of the divine will and divine power of the Creator, it is my purpose to activate these sacred frequencies within your being to support your experience as an expression of the Creator upon the Earth. The divine will and divine power of the Creator holds the greater plan of the Creator for all and the power to bring creation into manifestation. Divine will and power are in constant action within

Upgrades are flooding Gaia and her passengers at this time. Maximise lightbody activation with moderation, meditation and mantras. Mindfulness teaches us manifestation. Be aware of our surroundings by interacting consciously. Climb out of our heads and into our hearts to secure our vibration in 5d. We integrate upgrades

Startup accelerator company Y Combinator—which was instrumental to the success of startups AirBnb and Dropbox—is shifting its focus to help clean-meat startups disrupt the animal agriculture industry. Y Combinator (which incubates companies in their early stages and provides funding, business tools, and networking opportunities

Greetings Friends, it is I KejRaj! This is just a quick reminder of a few things on our blog!
You Share: We have mentioned it in the past, if there is something that you wish to share with everyone, please email us at

My beloved children,
It has been a few months ever since Adele channeled her last message from me and rapid personal growth have transpired for a lot of people during this short time. As a group, especially all of you who have been closely following our higher dimensional discourses here, you are now ready to move forward in greater
Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self: The Akash

I believe our curiosity about our past is now being covered by some recent messages, as it seems that now we have passed the marker of 2012 we are considered ready and more evolved to accept and understand more about our past. As we are now on the path to Ascension we certainly expect to become more enlightened. We have been held back for many
mira pleiadianGreetings, I am Mira. We come to you today to share from the Earth Council of which I am a member.
There are many comings and goings with the Galactic’s and earth beings. The Ascension plan is in full activation. Every moment is being used to fulfill the mission. We take it seriously. Just like you, the Lightworkers, we are dedicated to having this be the most successful Ascension ever
The New Moon on Sunday September 9th, 2018 at 3:01pm ADT ~ is an AUSPICIOUS Portal for your expansion of consciousness and ALIGNMENT for you with you and YOUR Eternal Self. This eternal self…BEING in its Original State, is ALL Levels of abundance NOW. AS ~ you as your expanded GOD Self is not separate from anything

Savannah, GA
— A rather shocking, but not surprising report this week out of Georgia reveals the unsettling state of America’s election and voting system. Voters in Georgia are now reporting that after they confirm their votes, they watch on the screen as their ballots mysteriously switch to the opposite candidate

Dear Friends,
 on September 9th we will be collectively experiencing a New Moon at 16 degrees and 59 minutes in the zodiac sign of the Virgo. This New Moon event is bringing a particularly grounding and earth orientated energy field into our world, helping us anchor all the I AM light and intense insights we have generated

Mother nature truly holds the cure to all ‘imbalances’ that we may be facing.
Castor oil is often overlooked for its benefits for the skin and hair because of its extremely thick and sticky consistency. However, if you’re looking for a cheap, natural remedy for several

God Said:
Beloved, there is something special and essential in Our One-on-One conversations, whether you hear Me firsthand in your own Godwriting or as a posted Heavenletter shared around the world over the years again and again. Regardless, We spend time together. We are in each other’s Presence

Fluoride was originally added to water supplies back around the time of the end of World War II, but this well-intended practice to improve dental health is still around today, and more and more people are recognizing the possible dangers. Certainly, a lot of people out there will tell you there’s no problem with fluoridated water, but these people are

In a historic decision, India’s Supreme Court has ruled that gay sex is no longer a criminal offence.
The ruling overturns a 2013 judgement that upheld a colonial-era law, known as section 377, under which gay sex is categorised as an “unnatural offence”.
The court has now ruled

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...