
27 de septiembre de 2018

It is a shift in humanity

 Is a shift in humanity, s owever, most of you are not aware of this change, and how theycontribute to it. This change is so wide, that can not yet understand the magnitude thereof.

Dimensional rigid frames companies are being redesigned. It encompasses not only their consciences but everyone around them It affects the structure of the planet: political, social, economic, environmental, climate, institutions, war, relationships, work, thoughts, feelings, etc.It is altering the time, memory, DNA, physical and emotional body, beliefs, perceptions, and, above all, consciousness. 

These comments are disturbing and annoying. But see it or not, behind it, is changing. How choosepass this change? Even ifdo not recognize this change, new systems perceived experience and understanding. Imperceptibly, they are becoming more harmonious communities.

Many districts are losing rigidity, but extremism, division, separation and fear also exacerbated.And this offers greater opportunities, connection, although at first glance, does not seem so .Like any transition is difficult and uncomfortable. If you look by segments, religion, politics, education or relationships, they may notice that the separation and division prevail. Things seem worse, they are stronger and less friendly to reach heaven on earth, all that is of a lower vibration, it must be brought to the surface, and released.

All you get, it will be more of the same. It serves observe, quietly and deliberately, events, creating a balance, and releasing the imbalance within you. 

Racial tensions, human rights, war, fear and intimidation have dominated the news and attention of many people. This is why the degree of conflict. This discomfort is a good sign that imbalances will be replaced and relieved. Worrying about them, not make them disappear. 

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